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COMPLETE TEST (Computer) LISTENING Cperererereser ret rt nr aegecar a a Tes) The Listening section of the test measures the abilty to understand conversations and talks in English. While you are listening, pictures of the speakers or other information will be presented on your computer screen. There are two parts to the Listening section, with special directions for each part. Dismiss Directions Click on Dismiss Directions to continue. COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 539 CARI ke eRe Question Directions — Part A aed In Part A ofthe Listening section, you will heer short conversations between two people. In some of the conversations, each person speaks only once. In other corversations, one or both people speak more than once. Each conversation is followed by one question about it Each question in this part has four answer choices. You should click on the best answer to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers, ‘After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be presented. Click on Dismiss Directions to continue. 540 COMPLETE TEST (Computer) std Cs & Maes What does the woman mean? ‘© She could not comprehend the chemistry lecture. © ‘She has not had time to look at the assignment. ‘© twas possible for her to complete the problem. © She could not understand the problem. ‘What does the woman mean? © She will lend it to the man, © She never lent the book to Jim. © Jim wants to borrow the book, © Jim has the book. Who is Dr. Barton most likely to be? © Aphysician © Anastronomer © Aphilosopher © Anengineer ‘What does the woman suggest? © Starting on their exam preparation © Leaving for the exam © Going home to study © Going to her job What does the woman say about the performance? © It met her expectations. © It was what she had hoped to see. © It was rather mediocre. © Itwas the last performance. COMPLETE TEST (Computer) S41 542 COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 10. What does the man mean? © He's already talked to the professor about the assignment. © There is no assignment for tomorrow. © He’ not sure what the professor will talk about. © The professor discussed the assignment only briefly. What does the man mean? © He doesn’t know how far away the exhibit is. © He’ uncertain about the fee. © The exhibit is not very far away. He's sure the exhibit is free What does the man mean? © He thinks the lecture was really interesting. © He’ not sure if the ideas are workable. © He understood nothing about the lecture. © He’ not sure what the woman would like to know. ‘What does the woman say to the man? © He missed an opportunity. © He was late for his trip. © He should take the next boat. © Heshould send in his application. What had the woman expected? © That John would pick them up for the concert © That the concert would start earlier © That John would not be going to the concert © That they would be late to the concert 11, What does the man mean? © He enjoyed the trip immensely. © The boat trip was really rough. © He couldn't have enjoyed the trip more. © The water was not very rough. 4 Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL® Test wood eT ey ran oe ce Question Directions -- Part 8 In Part B of the Listening section, you will hear several longer conversations and talks. Each conversation or talk is followed by several questions. The Dismiss conversations, talks, and questions will not be repeated Directions The conversations and talks are about a variety of topics. You do not need special knowledge of the topics to answer the questions. Rather, you should answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers in the conversations or talks. For most of the questions, you will need to click on the best of four possible answers. Some questions will have special directions. The special directions ‘will appear in a box on the computer screen After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be presented. Click on Dismiss Directions to continue. COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 543 544 Questions 12-14 Questions 15-17 COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 12, 13. 17. What does the man want to do? © Cook dinner © Visit his friend © Surprise the woman © Goouttoeat What does the woman not like about Clark's? © The quality of the food © The location of the restaurant © The type of service © The size of the portions What do they finally decide to do? © Share a meal © Complain to the manager © Go somewhere else © Stay home for dinner Why does the woman need her transcript? © Fora job interview © Fora meeting with the registrar SO Forascholarship © Froraschool club What does the woman need to do? © Phone the registrar's office O Complete a form OS Copy the transcript herself O Request five different forms When can the woman get the transcript? © Immediately © The next day O Inafew days © Infive weeks Questions 18-21 Listen to a lecture in a government class. The professor is talking about Washington, D.C. Government Washington, D.C. COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 545, 546 18. Which name has NOT been used for the 20. city discussed in the lecture? © Columbia © Washington © District of Columbia © Washington, D.C. 19. The city of Washington, D.C. belongs to which state? © Virginia © Maryland © Washington © none of the above 21 COMPLETE TEST (Computer) Identify the part of the map that used to belong to Washington, D.C. but no longer does. Click on the correct letter. What is stated in the lecture about the government of Washington, D.C.? Click on 2 answers. C1 Inthe beginning, it did not elect its own government. CO tm the beginning, it did elect its own government. Today it does not elect its own government. CO Today it elects its own government. Questions 22-25 Listen to a discussion about a geography lecture. The discussion is on weather fronts. Teen Geography Weather Fronts ° wk I V3 COMPLETE TEST (Computer) S47 548 22, What is a weather front? © An entire mass of air © Akind of tropical storm © The leading edge of an air mass © Aspecific type of cloudy weather 23. Where do fronts originate? lick on 2 answers. CO Cold fronts originate near the poles. O wamm fronts originate near the poles. C Cold fronts originate near the equator. C Warm fronts originate near the equator, COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 24. 25. ‘What is stated about a warm front? Glick’6n Zanswers. ( Awarm front moves north in the northern hemisphere. © Ata warm front, warm air moves under cold air. ( There is slow and steady rain or snow ata warm front. CO) There is violent weather at a warm front. What is stated about a cold front? © Acold front moves north in the northern hemisphere. © Atacold front, warm air moves under cold air. © There is slow and steady rain or snow at a cold front. © There is violent weather at a cold front. Questions 26-30 Listen to a lecture in a gemology class. The professor is talking about the history of gem-cutting. Gemology The History of Gem-Cuting COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 549 550 26. What are the characteristics of each of these gemstones? Click on a word, Then click on the ‘empty box in the correct column. Use each word only once. brilliant rose cabochon Faceted on Unfaceted | |Faceted only} | “the top con the top | | and bottom 27. Which styles of stones were polished and not cut? ‘Click on 2 answers. The cabochon style CO The rose style G2 The table style CO The brilliant style COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 28. 29. 30. The professor explains the order that each of these styles of gems appeared in history. Put the styles of gems in their historical order. Click on a word. Then click on the space where it belongs. Use each word one time only. Rose Table Brilliant Cabochon, 2 Which style of gem is no longer used because it does not reflect light well? © Cabochon © ble cut OD Rose cut © Brilliant cut ‘What is the assignment for the next class? © Tocut some gems © To identify the style of some gems © Toread about some gems © To polish some gems STRUCTURE (Computer) 4 Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL® Test ark Prati click on the 20 questions This section measures the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section. In the first type of question, there are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, there ate four words or phrases. You will choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. The second type of question has four underlined words or phrases. You will choose the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be presented. Click on Dismiss Directions to continue, COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 551 Orchids come in a wide variety of colorful, 9. shapes, and scents. Before European settlers arrived and began to exterminate grizzlies, 50,000 to 100,000 of the bears may have exist south of Canada. 10. , the author of Little Women, began writing stories before she was 10 years old. © Louisa May Alcott © For Louisa May Alcott © When Louisa May Alcott 1 © Louisa May Alcott was the Rabies is a serious disease carried in the saliva of an infected animals. 12. ‘The caliber of a gun is the diameter of his bore, usually expressed in hundredths of an inch. ‘The Mayflower was bound for Virginia, but 13. a hurricane off course. © blewit © toblowit © itblew 14. © blowing it Following volcanic actiyy in Martinique in 1902, a huge number of six-foot fer-de- 15. lance snake left the mountains and slithered into the city of Pierre. 8. To make a lithograph, an artist used a flat stone of a kind that will soak up oil and. water. COMPLETE TEST (Computer) William Henry Harrison, of pneumonia shortly after being inaugurated, served only 31 days as president of the United States. O died © hedies © who died © the death Acidic lava flows ready and tends to cover much larger areas, while basic lava is more viscous. . Sounds can travel through water, wood, glass, and others materials Seismic reflection profiling has ___ the ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of nearly transparent sediments. © reveal that © revealed that © the revelation of © revealed about All of an anteater’s long tongue are covered with a sticky salivary secretion. Each kernel of popcorn contains a small amount of water, which turned to steam when the kernel is heated. All fossil fuels, whether ____, liquid, or gas, are the result of organic material being covered by successive layers of sediment over the course of millions of years. O solid © are solid © they are solidly © solids are 16. Acoustical engineer is concerned with the technical control of sound. 17, , the faster its molecules move. © Alliquid gets hotter O Togeta liquid hotter © Fora liquid to get hotter © The hotter a liquid gets 18. Navigational position is frequently ‘expressed on latitude and longitude. 19. 20. In the 1450s, German craftsman Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printed press into Europe. People who were born at very high altitudes often have larger chests and lungs who live at sea level. O those do © than do © do those © than do those COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 553 WRITING COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 5 Deere eee uae Br) RG Reco ord Cid td ey reste Cr essay icon below In this section, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to Directions write in English ‘An essay topic will be given to you. You will have 30 minutes to waite your essay on that topic. Before the topic is presented, you must choose whether to type your essay on the computer or to handwrite your essay. You can click on Next and Confirm Answer to end the Writing Section at any time. At the end of 30 minutes the computer will automatically end the section. Click on Dismiss Directions to continue. What change from the twentieth century will have the most effect on life in the twenty-first century? Give reasons and details to support your answer. COMPLETE TEST (Computer) 563

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