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I. Standards, Competencies and Objectives

GRADE LEVEL The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
STANDARD understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine
Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine
Culture and those of other countries.
MOST Make connections between texts to particular social issues, concerns of
ESSENTIAL disposition in real life.
LEARNING Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in the
COMPETENCY VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world.
OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
a) define what an allegory is;
b) identify the symbolisms used in a literary piece;
c) value the lessons learned from the literary piece.

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Allegory: Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare”
Reference :
Skills : creative and critical thinking skills
Instructional Aids : Power Point presentation
Value Focus : Valuing life lessons presented by literary pieces.

III. Procedures

Teacher Student
Preliminary Activities
 Good morning class!  Good morning, ma’am.
 Before anything else, let’s have a prayer first for us to be
guided by the holy spirit of God. Who wants to lead the  Me maam!
 Okay, Bagundol please lead the prayer.

 Yes ma’am.

For those who are

catholic, please make a
sign of the cross. In the
name of the father and
of the son and of the
holy spirit, Amen. Our
most precious and
heavenly Father, thank
you oh Lord for all the
things that you have
given us. Thank you
for the gift of life that
we treasure every day
and thank you for your
faithfulness Lord.
Today Father, as we
are going to continue
to learn, grant us
peace, strength and
wisdom so we may do
our part with the best
that we can and would
learn new things
through our teachers of
whom you have chosen
to be our guidance here
on earth. All these
things we pray in the
name of Jesus Christ
 Alright. Once again good morning class? your Holy Son our
Lord, AMEN.

 Are you ready to learn more today?

 Good morning maam!
 Great!

 Anyway, who is absent today?  Yes, we are!

 Okay miss Christel please jot down the absentees and  There are 3 of us who
give it to me later. are not present today
 Alright, class before we will officially start exploring
our new topic for today, let us have first our classroom  Okay maam.

 Seven Golden House Rules

1) Raise your right hand if you want to answer for
you to be recognized
2) Follow your teacher’s instruction.

3) Listen to your classmate during their


4) Stay in your group before, during and after the


5) Be on time (submitting and presenting your


6) Maintain cleanliness in your area

7) Leave your seats well arranged

 Are these rules okay to you class?


 By the way, who can still remember our past lesson?  Me maam

 Our lesson last meeting

was all about a poem
“Footprints in the
 What can you recall about that topic?
 The poem is about a

 Very good!
 Do you have any questions and clarifications about that
previous lesson class?  None maam
 Since there is none, let us now proceed to our new topic.
 Are you ready?
 Yes, we are!


 The teacher presents artistic paintings to the class and

ask them about their observation on the paintings.
What do you observe in these paintings class?  The students are
sharing their answers.

 All right, very good you have presented wonderful ideas.  I think our topic for
So, what do you think is our lesson for today? today is all about…..

 Thank you, Ana.

 Our topic for today is all about Allegory
 But before we go deeper with our topic, let us have first
our learning objectives. Please read everyone.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;

a.) define what an allegory is;
b.) identify the symbolisms used in a literary piece;
c.) value the lessons learned from the literary piece.  Yes maam!

 So, what do you think?

Can we attain these objectives class?
 That’s great!

 This time let us learn what is an allegory through

exploring Aesop’s Fable entitled “The Tortoise and the
 But before that, let me group you first.
The students are head counting 1 -3.
 Before you proceed to your respective groups, please
allow me to present to you first our incentive chart so
that you will know how are you going to be rated as a
 I have here 3 bottles of milk tea, 1 is for group 1, the
other 1 is for group 2 and the last one is for group 3. All
you have to do is to do the task I will be giving you so
you can receive pearls for your milk tea bottle.
 Yes maam
 At the end of this lesson, the group who will get most
number of pearls will win.

 Is the instructions clear to you class?

 You may now proceed to your respective groups.


 I have prepared a short film for you. Let us watch

together this short film and please watch and listen
attentively and silently for you to understand it clearly. The students are watching the
 The teacher is playing the Aesop’s Fable “The Tortoise Fable.
and the Hare”


Direction: With your group, answer the following questions

Here are the questions:
1. Who are the characters of the fable?  The students are
2. What were they doing? presenting their output.
3.Who is the winner of their race?
4.What do you think is the reason why the winner won the race
despite of his disadvantage?

 Now, let us know what an allegory is.

An allegory is a story, picture, or other piece of art that uses

symbols to convey a hidden or deep meaning, typically a moral
or political one. Authors have used allegory throughout history
in all forms of art to illustrate or convey complex ideas and
concepts in ways that are comprehensible or striking to its
viewers, readers, or listeners.
Writers and speaker typically use allegories to convey(semi)
hidden or complex meanings through symbolic figures, actions,
imagery, or events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or
political meaning the author wishes to convey.
Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” is an allegory since
it teaches moral lessons through the representation of the
characters which are animals. In Aesop’s fable, the Tortoise
represents perseverance which teaches us that even how
difficult the situation is or how little others would see us, if we
persevere, we will really win and reach the finished line. On the
other hand, the Hare represents arrogance which portrays a
person’s bucket of pride and boastfulness, it teaches us that life
has many to offer so we should not settle for less but we must
always bear responsibility of our actions and should not forget
to work hard even if we think we already have everything. We
should not possess to much confidence and pride.


This time, we will see how far you have understood about the
topic. Let’s have an activity.
ACTIVITY 2: Let’s Identify!

Direction: List down all the symbols or symbolisms you see in


For example, the Finish line represents Success.

 I will give you 5 minutes to finished the activity.

 Are you ready?
 Your timer starts now.

 Time’s up!

The students are presenting

 Well done! Congratulations everyone you all did a very

good job.

 So, now let us check your scores and we will see how
 Yes maam!
many pearls you’ve got for your Bottle.

The teacher is giving feedback and scores

 None maam!
 Thank you so much for your hard work and active
participation for this activity class, you did a great job!
For that let us give ourselves a loud Congratulations
 This time, we will have another activity to be done

Direction: In a ½ sheet of paper, write down the lessons you

learned from Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare”

 Is the instructions clear to you class?

 You are only given 5 minutes to do the activity.
After the students answer the question, the teacher
collects the papers.
 Great job everyone!
 Now, before we proceed do you have any questions

 Since there is none, and I think I can say that you really
understood what an allegory is all about, so let us have
an activity to be done individually. I will only give you 5
minutes to finished the activity. All you have to do is to
write the letter of your chosen answer in your paper.

IV. Evaluation
Test 1: Multiple choice
Directions: Write the letter of your answer on a ¼ sheet of

1. What is an allegory?
a. A piece of paper that contains information but not a
b. An art of expressing one’s emotion and feelings
c. A literary art that does NOT give moral lessons
d. Is a story, picture, or other piece of art that uses
symbols to convey a hidden or deep meaning,
typically a moral or political one.
2. What is the best lesson that the story is teaching us?
a. Live, Laugh, Travel
b. The race is not always won by the fastest so we
should not look down on others.
c. I must always be the best
d. I should rest for the day is still long
3. In the story, the Tortoise bravely accepted the challenge
to race with the Hare even if he knows he run 10 folds
slower than the Hare. What trait that the Tortoise
possessed during their race?
a. Greed
b. Workmanship
c. Perseverance
d. Humility
4. As the race started, the Hare run fast, but when he is
almost about to hit the finish line, he noticed that the
Tortoise is still far from him, so he decided to sleep
since he got tired from running. In this case, what human
character that the Hare represents?
a. It represents arrogance
b. It represents humbleness
c. It represents greed
d. It represents honor
5. The following are the symbolisms used in an Aesop’s
allegory “The Tortoise and the Hare” except;
a. Tortoise
b. Man
c. Hare
d. Race


Direction: Create a two stanza with four lines poem

that communicates life lesson.

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