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Maria Diana Faye B.

8SSC Watson

The pictures of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, his ideas, and his book throughout the 18th century, Jean-
Jacques Rousseau was a prominent philosopher, author, and composer. He passed away in France in
1778 after being born in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1712. His 1762 article "The Social Contract" is
among his most well-known compositions. He said(believed)that “everything is good as it comes
from the author of nature but everything degenerates in the hands of man” Rousseau”

According to him, Human Society is thoroughly corrupt. Therefore, man should be freed from the
bondage of society and should live in nature. Rousseau argues in "The Social Contract" that the
credibility of government power comes from the consent of the governed. He believes that people
are naturally good, but that society corrupts them. He believes that the only way to build a just and
stable society is for people to band together and agree to live under a social contract in which they
give up some of their individual rights in exchange for state protection and support. In Addition, his
book “Social Contract “had a significant impact on the development of political theory, particularly
on democratic and republican thought. His work inspired created a big impact on people’s lives
because a lot of people are influenced by this social contract theory, Modern social contracts can
increase economic opportunities and mobility for all, as well as secure the social and cultural
agreement required for a definite response to the climate crisis.

Furthermore, he also write a book, his famous book “ Emile Ences” about his school life as teachers
used to give punishment to children and he was afraid of teachers. As the school environment was
not amicable to the growth of children, he considered school education of no use. He suggests that
the child/learner must have freedom, and must not experience punishment. However, only a child
can experience punishment if that can teach the students to do the good/right things.

Overall, Rousseau's works continue to be studied and debated by scholars and students of
philosophy, politics, and literature around the world.

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