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[20:50:59] ------- Init Cemu 1.26.

2f -------
[20:50:59] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x000001a067030000)
[20:50:59] mlc01 path: F:/Download/ROMS/WII U
[20:50:59] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
[20:50:59] RAM: 16307MB
[20:50:59] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX2, AES-NI
[20:50:59] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[20:50:59] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[20:53:35] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB)
[20:53:35] ------- Loaded title -------
[20:53:35] TitleId: 00050000-10101e00
[20:53:35] TitleVersion: v0
[20:53:35] Update path: F:/Download/ROMS/WII U/usr/title/0005000e/10101e00/ (not
[20:53:35] DLC path: F:/Download/ROMS/WII U/usr/title/0005000c/10101e00/ (not
[20:53:35] Save path: F:/Download/ROMS/WII U/usr/save/00050000/10101E00/user/
[20:53:35] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/0005000010101e00.bin
[20:53:35] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/default/0005000010101e00.ini
[20:53:35] RPX hash (updated): 7ecb8e8b
[20:53:35] RPX hash (base): 7ecb8e8b
[20:53:35] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend -------
[20:53:35] Vulkan instance version: 1.3
[20:53:35] Using GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[20:53:35] Driver version: 531.41
[20:53:35] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 256 nonCoherentAtomSize 64
[20:53:35] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT()
[20:53:35] Vulkan device memory info:
[20:53:35] Heap 0 - Size 4017MB Flags 0x00000001
[20:53:35] Heap 1 - Size 8153MB Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Heap 2 - Size 214MB Flags 0x00000001
[20:53:35] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 5 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 6 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000000
[20:53:35] Memory 7 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[20:53:35] Memory 8 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006
[20:53:35] Memory 9 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e
[20:53:35] Memory 10 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007
[20:53:35] Loaded module 'red-pro2' with checksum 0xc7b938ad
[20:53:35] RPL link time: 78ms
[20:53:35] HLE scan time: 47ms
[20:53:35] ------- Active settings -------
[20:53:35] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler
[20:53:35] Load shared libraries: true
[20:53:35] Use precompiled shaders: auto
[20:53:35] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true
[20:53:35] Async compile: false
[20:53:35] Console language: French
[20:53:35] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local
[20:53:35] ------- Activate graphic packs -------
[20:53:35] ------- Init Audio backend -------
[20:53:35] DirectSound: available
[20:53:35] XAudio 2.8: available
[20:53:35] ------- Run title -------
[20:53:35] Shader cache loaded with 85 shaders. Commited mem 6MB. Took 70ms
[20:53:35] Disable multi-threaded pipeline loading due to an issue with Nvidia
[20:53:36] Recompiler initialized. CPU extensions: LZCNT MOVBE AVX
[20:53:36] IOSU_ACT: using account AC3 in first slot
[20:53:37] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local
[20:53:38] Vulkan-Info: Allocated additional memory for textures from device-local

Crashlog for Cemu 1.26.2f

Date: 29-03-2023 20:53:53

Stack trace
0x00007ff78b1f0c0a +0x00250c0a Cemu.exe wxMainWindowCreated
0x00007ff78b1f10ff +0x002510ff Cemu.exe wxMainWindowCreated
0x00007ff78b1f24ad +0x002524ad Cemu.exe wxMainWindowCreated
0x00007ffc2ee802e7 +0x001102e7 KERNELBASE.dll UnhandledExceptionFilter
0x00007ffc2ee0b0a8 +0x0009b0a8 KERNELBASE.dll TlsGetValue
0x00007ffc316bc876 +0x0008c876 ntdll.dll _C_specific_handler
0x00007ffc316d241f +0x000a241f ntdll.dll _chkstk
0x00007ffc316814a4 +0x000514a4 ntdll.dll RtlRaiseException
0x00007ffc316d0f4e +0x000a0f4e ntdll.dll KiUserExceptionDispatcher
0x00007ff78b313b6b +0x00373b6b Cemu.exe GraphicPack2_CreateExpressionParser
0x00007ff78b12c638 +0x0018c638 Cemu.exe coreinitAPI_OSYieldThread
0x00007ffc2ede2ef1 +0x00072ef1 KERNELBASE.dll PackageIdFromFullName
0x00007ffc316b001a +0x0008001a ntdll.dll RtlUserFiberStart
Exception 0xc0000005 at 0x7ff78b313b6b(+0x373b6b) in module Cemu.exe
cemu.exe at 0x7ff78afa0000

RAX=0000000000000018 RBX=000001a008769560 RCX=0000000000000003 RDX=000000000292c048

RSP=00000078fb8ff940 RBP=00007ff78afa0000 RDI=0000000000000000 RSI=000001a05498654c
R8 =0000000000000018 R9 =00000000807f0018 R10=000001a067030000 R11=00000000807f0018
R12=800000028000000d R13=00000000fffffffb R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000024

Game info
TitleId: 5000010101e00
RPXHash: 7ecb8e8b

Active PPC instance
IP 0x0292c048 LR 0x024bdeec Thread 0x0e034fd4

r0 =024bdeec r1 =0e2357f0 r2 =10008000 r3 =00000000 r4 =0e235868 r5 =3ae7c990 r6

=101c967c r7 =00000000
r8 =43300000 r9 =10180000 r10=10180000 r11=10180000 r12=10180df0 r13=00000000
r14=00000000 r15=00000000
r16=00000000 r17=00000000 r18=00000000 r19=00000000 r20=00000000 r21=00000000
r22=00000000 r23=00000000
r24=00000000 r25=3ae7aedc r26=3ae7c96c r27=3ae7c980 r28=00000000 r29=0e235860
r30=3ae7c99c r31=00000000
r24=00000000 r25=3ae7aedc r26=3ae7c96c r27=3ae7c980 r28=00000000 r29=0e235860
r30=3ae7c99c r31=00000000
PPC stack trace
[20:53:53] Trace starting at SP/r1 0e2357f0
[20:53:53] SP 0e235858 ReturnAddr 024bdeec
[20:53:53] SP 0e2358b8 ReturnAddr 024be210
[20:53:53] SP 0e2358c8 ReturnAddr 029e5670
[20:53:53] SP 0e2358e0 ReturnAddr 029e371c
[20:53:53] SP 0e235ac8 ReturnAddr 02a0d49c
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b00 ReturnAddr 02a0d2fc
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b20 ReturnAddr 029e4bd0
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b28 ReturnAddr 024c7bec
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b38 ReturnAddr 02978c44
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b50 ReturnAddr 029b046c
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b68 ReturnAddr 029b01e8
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b78 ReturnAddr 029b0170
[20:53:53] SP 0e235b88 ReturnAddr 029ac408
[20:53:53] SP 0e235bc8 ReturnAddr 02978834
[20:53:53] SP 0e235be0 ReturnAddr 0200024c
[20:53:53] SP 0e235cd8 ReturnAddr 02aa322c
[20:53:53] SP 0e235cf0 ReturnAddr 00e00000

PPC stack dump
[0x0e2357f0] 0e235858 0000006b 3f800000 00000000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e235810] 00000000 c029999a 00000000 00000000 - 3f800000 00000000 3f800000
[0x0e235830] 00000000 00000000 00000000 3f800000 - 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e235850] 3ae7c99c 0e235868 0e2358b8 024bdeec - 0e2358b8 3ca9fd04 3df5c290
[0x0e235870] 00000000 00000000 00000000 3dc89ed4 - 00000000 c029999a 00000000
[0x0e235890] 3df5c290 00000000 7442746e 00000000 - 00000000 00000001 168673d0
[0x0e2358b0] 1686780c 3ae7aedc 0e2358c8 024be210 - 0e2358e0 1686781c 0e2358e0
[0x0e2358d0] 44a00000 16867800 16867800 16867c14 - 0e235ac8 029e371c 00000000
[0x0e2358f0] 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 100cf02c 3ff00000
[0x0e235910] 3f800000 02a65500 3ff00000 00000000 - 3f800000 02647f88 80000000
[0x0e235930] 80000000 19431140 00000000 00000000 - 00000000 0e235a04 00000000
[0x0e235950] 00000000 15063888 0e235a78 02a660f8 - 00000000 00000000 00000000
[0x0e235970] 0e235a98 00000000 00000000 16865b1c - 00000000 168673d0 1020cb98
[0x0e235990] 168673fc 16863b38 01000000 3f800000 - 0e235a70 02a0ff58 3f800000
[0x0e2359b0] 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000 - 3f800000 3f800000 3f800000
[0x0e2359d0] 1020b4ec 00000000 00000001 00000000 - 0e2359f0 3cd6743c 0e235a90
PPC threads
0e335d10 Ent 00e00008 IP 00e00008 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 32 Name {SYS
Thread Terminator Core 0}
0e33a410 Ent 00e00008 IP 00e00008 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 32 Name {SYS
Thread Terminator Core 1}
0e33eb10 Ent 00e00008 IP 00e00008 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 001 Pri 32 Name {SYS
Thread Terminator Core 2}
0e012880 Ent 00e0000c IP 00e0000c LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name Alarm
0e002008 Ent 00e00010 IP 00e00010 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 111 Pri 32 Name
Callback Thread
0e034fd4 Ent 00e06c7c IP 029c81d4 LR 029c81d4 RUNNING Aff 010 Pri 80 Name Default
Core 1
0e37ee58 Ent 00e06ca0 IP 00e06ca0 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 010 Pri 48 Name GX2
event callback
10d7efe8 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 010 Pri 84 Name Prepare
168903a0 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 010 Pri 81 Name
16892db0 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 100 Pri 81 Name
168957c0 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name
1020e5c0 Ent 02aaa1fc IP 00e065f0 LR 02aaa3bc WAITING Aff 100 Pri 68 Name
0e3550b8 Ent 00e06cb8 IP 00e06cb8 LR 00e00000 WAITING Aff 100 Pri 14 Name NULL
102179a0 Ent 02aaa1fc IP 00e065f0 LR 02aaa3bc WAITING Aff 100 Pri 67 Name
37c15620 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e06720 LR 022a66b8 READY Aff 010 Pri 81 Name
37c17ff8 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 001 Pri 81 Name
3b2cab40 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 010 Pri 83 Name
3c69f308 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 010 Pri 89 Name
3c6a9df8 Ent 029c4000 IP 00e065f0 LR 029c390c WAITING Aff 010 Pri 86 Name

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