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Pouring: when a lot of rain comes down quickly.

Drizzling: Lloviznando

Humid: humedo

Freezing: Congelado

Hailing: Granizo

Overcast: Nublado

Get soaked: Empaparse

Get sunburned: Quemarse al sol

Get damaged: Estropearse

Get stuck: Atascarse

B: Which word means "much warmer"?

B: Which word means "afraid"? Be sure to use the correct form of get.

A: Which word means "less young"? Be sure to use the correct form of get.

A: Which word means "stuck"?

A: Which word means "not as warm"? Be sure to use the correct form of get.

A: Which word means "prepared to do something"? Be sure to use the correct form of get.

B: Which word means "almost hot"?

An elephant

A lion

A snake

A bat

A hipoppopotamus/ a hippo

A blue whale

A tarantula

Enormous: Very large

Tiny: Very small

Adorable: Very attractive and cute

Gorgeous: Very beautiful

Fierce: Ready and able to attack

Aggressive: Behaving in a way that shows it wants to fight

Playful: Active and wanting to have fun

An endangered species: A type of animal or plant that soon might not exist anymore

Soil: The substance in which plants grow; dirt

A crop: A plant such as corn, wheat, or vegetables that farmers grow.

A deer: A large wild animal that lives in forests and eats plants.

A field: An area of land where crops are grown

A collar: A narrow band put around the neck of an animal

A hook: A curved piece of metal used for catching fish

A shelter: A place to protect people or animals from bad weather or danger

Changing careers can be exciting, but it can also be frightening because you are trying something
new. Don't worry! Before filling out applications, ask yourself these important questions to find
your path to a new, fulfilling career.

First, ask yourself: Why do I want to change my career? This is very important question to answer
in order to find a job that you will be happy in. For example, are you now in an offce all day but
ypu love to be outside? Do you work in a small company but would prefer to be in a big one so
that you have more opportunities for promotions? The answers to this question will give you
important information for taking your next steps and help you focus your search in the right area.

Now that you have figured out the why, you have to think about the what. Ask yourself what
careers could give you what you need. There are many ways to find information on possible
careers. Of course, the internet is full of information. Just do a search with key words from your
why questions. For example, "outdoors, environment, careers" will give you lots of ideas about
environmental jobs where you can spend time outside.

Another way to get ideas is to ask your friends and family what careers they think would be best
for you. Since they know you the best, they have a good understanding of your strenghts,
weaknesses, and what makes you happy. Keep an open mind, and you might hear some
interesting suggestions that you hadn't thought of! Look for my next post, where I'll talk about the
how and the when of finding your perfect career.

Cambiar de profesión puede ser emocionante, pero también puede dar miedo porque estás
probando algo nuevo. No te preocupes. Antes de rellenar las solicitudes, hazte estas importantes
preguntas para encontrar tu camino hacia una nueva y satisfactoria carrera.

En primer lugar, pregúntate: ¿Por qué quiero cambiar de carrera? Esta pregunta es muy
importante para encontrar un trabajo en el que seas feliz. Por ejemplo, ¿estás ahora en una oficina
todo el día pero te encanta estar fuera? ¿Trabajas en una empresa pequeña pero preferirías estar
en una grande para tener más oportunidades de ascenso? Las respuestas a esta pregunta le darán
información importante para dar sus próximos pasos y le ayudarán a centrar su búsqueda en el
área adecuada.

Ahora que ya has averiguado el por qué, tienes que pensar en el qué. Pregúntate qué carreras
podrían darte lo que necesitas. Hay muchas formas de encontrar información sobre posibles
carreras. Por supuesto, Internet está lleno de información. Sólo tienes que hacer una búsqueda
con las palabras clave de tus preguntas de por qué. Por ejemplo, "al aire libre, medio ambiente,
carreras" te dará muchas ideas sobre trabajos relacionados con el medio ambiente en los que
puedes pasar tiempo al aire libre.

Otra forma de obtener ideas es preguntar a tus amigos y familiares qué carreras creen que serían
las mejores para ti. Como son los que mejor te conocen, saben muy bien cuáles son tus puntos
fuertes y débiles y qué te hace feliz. Mantén la mente abierta y puede que escuches algunas
sugerencias interesantes en las que no habías pensado. Espera mi próximo post, en el que hablaré
del cómo y el cuándo de la búsqueda de tu carrera perfecta.

A concert:

A magic show

A puppet show

A food fair

An art exhibit


A baking contest

A carnaval

A parade

A race

An episode: a TV show that is one in a series

A season: A series of TV episodes shown during a certain time period

A season finale: The last episode in a season

A cast: All of the actors in a TV show

A trailer: A short advertisement for a movie or TV show.

A plot: The events that form the main story of a TV show, movie, or book.
A main character: One of the most important people in a story.

A minor character: A person with a small role in a story

A spoiler: Information about a TV show that can ruin a surprise for the first-time viewer.

An endangered species: a type of animal or plant that soon might not exist anymore

Soil: the substance in which plants grow; dirt

A crop: A plant such as corn, wheat, or vegetables that farmers grow.

A deer: A large wild animal that lives in forests and eats plants.

A field: An area of land where crops are grown.

A collar: A narrow band put around the neck of an animal.

A hook: A curved piece of metal used for catching fish.

A shelter: A place to protect people or animals from bad weather or danger.

Satisfied: Feeling that something is good.

Miss out on: to not have a chance to do something

An app (application): A piece of computer software that does a particular job

Random: Happening or chosen without any plan or pattern.

A destination: The place you are traveling to

A networking event: a meeting for people who do the same kind of work, for information and

A rally: A large public meeting held in support of something.


A shopping cart: carrito de compra

A wish list: lista de desos

A store card: tarjeta de tienda

Shipping: envio

A coupon code: codigo de cupon

Returns: devolución

Tax: impuesto

On sale: a la venta

Brands: marca








Store credit

Change their mind

Is defective



Lesson 3

Market research: the act of collecting information about what people like or need.

Particular: Choosing what you like very carefully

Confirm: To say or show that something is definitely true.

A survey: A set of questions you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their
opinions or behavior.

A scan: a medical test in which a machine produces a picture of something inside your body

Specific: exact

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