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Question 1


A character can be defined as one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an
individual (Definition of CHARACTER, n.d.). Usually, have following traits make up
someone’s character;

 Moral Traits (Integrity, Honesty, etc.)

 Values & Beliefs (Courageous, hardworking, etc.)
 Physical & Emotional Traits (Tall, Poor, Pretty, etc.)
 Personality Traits (Creative, intelligent, etc.)

As per the above character traits, I do try and intend to hold, develop & improvise high moral
traits of integrity (i.e. required in Lawyer’s Profession), beliefs of hardworking (i.e. necessary to
compete in my professional life), gentle & strong physical & emotional traits (i.e. public
expectations from my profession) and creative & helpful personality traits (i.e. helpful to succeed
in professional & social life). I do observe these traits as a representation of good character
individuals in society & profession. However, I can demonstrate this ongoing character building
by considering my social & professional responsibilities, public expectations & commitment to
my ambitions of becoming a successful lawyer.

Definition of CHARACTER. (n.d.). Merriam-Webster.Com. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from


As per the Oxford Dictionary competence can be described as someone’s ability to do something
successfully & efficiently.

Competence generally consists of 3 components;

 Skill
 Knowledge
 Attribute

As per the above components, I intend to maintain a maximum level of skills (through
experience to make my legal service competitive and effective), acquire relevant updating
knowledge (to maintain the quality and effectiveness of my services), and build & polish
attributes of honesty, integrity & proficiency as required by the profession. I do consider my
intentions and work towards maintaining & enhancing necessary competencies as positive.

Professional legal competencies can be demonstrated by considering an individual ability to

maintain necessary standards of integrity, confidentiality, proficiency, and civility of an
individual plus considering his intentions towards continuing professional development

Dictionary. (n.d.). Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.Com. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from

Confidence Building:

Confidence building can be summarized as an event/activity that raises individual confidence in

something (either himself or someone or in a certain process or a thing).

Characteristics of confidence-building are;

 Planning
 Positive Intention/Ambition
 Experience through learning & Knowledge
 Constructive approach

I do understand the need for confidence and ability to build/boost it over time and trying doing
so through keeping a positive attitude & avoiding reluctance towards learning new experiences
necessary for boosting self-confidence. I do consider my attitude towards confidence building as
positive and constructive. Confidence building mind set can be demonstrated by considering the
above stated characteristics of confidence-building and by examining current and prospective
challenges & planning to cope with them maintaining an attitude towards confidence-building
with a positive attitude.


As per the oxford dictionary, Caring can be described as “showing kindness and concern for

Some of the traits/characteristics of caring people are;

 Polite
 Considerate
 Generous
 Loving & Forgiving

I consider caring as part of my personal and moral responsibility toward my society &
community. While being honest I try and suggest others too to maintain a caring personality,
further my profession has high regard for caring and civility while dealing with clients. Caring
can be demonstrated through intentional listening, willingness to help others, appreciating the
deserving ones & exhibiting trust.

Dictionary. (n.d.). Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.Com. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from


As per Cambridge Dictionary, Consistency can be described as “the state or condition of always
happening or behaving in the same way”

Consistency should be fair, should be constructive/beneficial. Consistency requires some

valuable traits of character like ambitions & hardworking.
As a lawyer/consultant I need to be consistent in my practices, in my ethical responsibilities (like
confidentiality, integrity) & professional policies & principles. Therefore, I have always regarded
consistency as an important part of the personality that one should have in order to succeed.
Consistency can be demonstrated by setting realistic targets with ambitions to achieve them and
comparing actual performances with previously set targets to identify room for improvements.

Consistency. (n.d.). Cambridge.Org. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from

Question 2

Goals: (Additional)

 Gain diverse experience in legal consultancy

 To achieve excellence in professional practice
 To achieve financial freedom through this profession
 To be recognized as a credible attorney in public image.


1. Waiting till the end dates of compliances doesn’t exhibit professionalism and sometimes
creates difficulties and time pressures that can affect the service quality.
2. Should throw away the habit of unstructured routines as it’ll have an impact on health
and ultimately on services being offered/provided.
3. Stop using the same template of Power of attorney from time to time, instead try to make
a new one every time to prevent any legal issues in the future.
4. Stop interrupting & lower personal spending as both will have negative impacts in the
longer run
5. Stop being reluctant to new experiences as its necessary to boost self-confidence and
brings greater and more diverse experience that’ll help in future

1. Building relations in the lawyers’ community to earn goodwill in the profession

2. Reading case laws, precedent, and previous judgments as it is necessary will help in
strengthening the case.
3. Start building targets as it is necessary to be consistent
4. Start consulting practicing in Taxation & related corporate services to widen the service
portfolio and gain maximum financial advantage.
5. Write everything up on daily basis (like a checklist) to avoid missing or delaying work
due to workload.
6. Start assigning some of my responsibilities to juniors and interns to help them gain
experience and lessen their workload to focus on relatively big cases.
7. Must find a mentor to gain from his experience and to seek advice in time of need.


1. Continue Reading as it helps in growing mental maturity and has a positive influence on
decision making plus confidence building.
2. Keep reading & interpreting laws (Acts, Ordinances & Amendments) as it will strengthen
the grip of relevant laws that’ll help in time-saving and prospective assignments.
3. Keep working with the teams’, conducting team discussions, training and keep
motivating them as a service-oriented business can’t grow or sustain itself unless all
members of the organization/team are motivated and well trained.
4. Continue to follow professional ethics and standards of confidentiality, integrity, and
CPD to ensure service reliability, and efficiency and maintain goodwill in the market.
5. Keep on gaining knowledge and experience on arbitration as it relatively offers bigger
financial rewards as compared to others.
Question 3

Reason for Making the following Collage & related details;

 Some persons in the collage are well known personalities worldwide who once were
facing adversities and had a tragic life but they struggled and kept of struggling and
finally fulfil their relevant goals, some photos in collage represent people (students,
women) that are facing adversities in their lives.
 Some of the pictures in the collage shows that irrespective of gender we can fulfill our
goals. Like the woman selling the fruits shows that we can do any work at any place to
reach the point where we’ll become financial independent.
 This is a motivator factor for anyone including me who is stepping or about to step into
professional life from scratch and aiming for success, it also reminds us and strengthens
our motivation that once they have started with many difficulties and consistency and
hard work led them here where they are. It also presents how people are dealing with
unavoidable adversities but are consistent in achieving success/goals,
 Some quotes in the collage are their famous sayings after they have achieved success,
 Some pictures represent their previous state and others their current (successful) state,
 Considering the hardships and adversity being faced by many people schools in Africa
are below standards but students are consistent to go there, this creates a sense of
motivation and acceptance that my adversities are negligible as compared to theirs.

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