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1.- Complete the sentences using Who/which/When/Where/Whose

a) The village ……… my grandparents live is really peaceful.

b) Here’s the DVD ……….. Alain watched last night with his friends. It’s really interesting.

c) That’s the American man ……….... wife is a millionaire. She is very attractive.

d) Where’s the book ……. you borrowed from the library yesterday?

e) Is this the room ……… we are supposed to have the English exam?

f) Mr Bean is the comedian …….. films are always very funny.

g) The computer ………. my sister uses to search the net is out of order.

h) I hate the uniform ………. I have to wear to go to school.

i) They celebrated the wedding in the same hotel ……… my husband and me celebrated ours.

j) What’s the name of the teacher ………. gives you a lot of homework?

k) The flat, …………. my boyfriend is living, needs a good clean.

l) Harry is the student in my class …….... was born in Australia.

m) The research, ……… is very important, shows that boys learn in a different way from girls.

n) We have visited my grandmother ………. had an operation last Monday. She’s fine now.

o) The theatre, …….……. is in worse condition, is going to be rebuilt soon.

p) I think that people ……….. have received better marks should get promotion.

q) Did you finish the project ………. you showed me last week?

r)The new neighbour, ………. planted some trees, is very friendly and talkative.

s)I don’t remember the day …………. my boss invited me to have dinner at his house.

P the book shop …………… Emma’s mom always buys all the books?
t)Is this
1.-a nice/ whose/pub/owner/ Scottish/is/ I/often/go /to


2.-Lucy/lots /watches/of has got/ which/expensive/very/are


3.- I /failed/ the exam/ the day/when/was very depressed/I


4.-really boring/ the teacher/ whose/lessons/ that/is


5.-Sonia/my brother’s girlfriend/is/speaks/ Chinese and German /fluently.


6.-The mobile phone/I’m using/at the moment/ which/ very old/is


7.-He/has worked/ at a restaurant/ where/ many famous people had dinner.


8.-a boy/met/ last summer/I/who/could speak five languages.


9.-My dad/ received/ an email/from an old friend/is living is Australia/who


10.-Your uncle /who/ spent five years in France, / met/his wife/where


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