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Submitted by: Almira Mirasol I. De Guzman
Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature – Foreign Studies
“A substantive, thorough, sophisticated literature review is a precondition for doing
substantive, thorough, sophisticated research.” – Boote and Baile, 2005
This component of the research paper is usually downgraded by some because it is
time-consuming, but it is an integral part of the paper and therefore, must not be done
The purpose of RRL is to aid the researchers in obtaining an overview or foundation
of the current knowledge on the topic as well as in providing a framework for the hypothesis.

Two Major Parts of Review of Related Literature

 Conceptual Literature – contains literature coming from books, journalism and other
forms of material, concerning or relevant to the study, but are data-free or non-
empirical material, coming from both foreign and local sources. (referred to as
Related Literature)
 Research Literature – these are empirically-based, like scientific paper, thesis and
dissertations, both published and unpublished, coming from local and foreign sources
(referred to as Related Studies)
o Related Studies are inquiries investigations, researches already conducted to
which your proposed study is related or has some bearing. They are usually
unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses and dissertations. These are
further classified into:
 Foreign Studies
 Local Studies

Definition of Foreign Studies

Foreign Studies are those researches that are made from the foreign background or with
compliance with their own environment as another type of society. It is also made by foreign
researchers that uses new form or methods to have the best results of their own study in their
own country. This is usually the fourth part of the Chapter Two of research paper, after Local
Literature but before Local Studies.

Qualities of a Good Review of Related Foreign Studies

 It must be relevant to the study

 It must be recent as possible (less than five years old)
 Materials and its results are objective or unbiased

What We Are Looking for In Related Foreign Studies

The related foreign studies will help the researchers in making a critical evaluation of the
studies and examining the appropriateness of their research designs to the present study, as
well as showing how the methodology of the previous study is replicated, modified or
improved in the present study. Moreover, it should show how the present study will
contribute to the existing literature and studies. With that, researchers should look for the

 Reports on the results of studies closely related problems that have been investigated
 The research design used in the study including procedures used and the data-
gathering instruments employed
 Population where the sample has been drawn
 The sampling methods utilized
 Variables defined, including extraneous variables that may affect the findings
 Recommendations for further research

Sources of Information
 Unpublished materials that include, but not limited to, theses, dissertations,
researches, and works of foreign authors.

Phases of Surveying Related Foreign Studies (and Other Related Literature and Studies)
(1) The first phase involves identifying all the relevant materials in the problem area and
regarding that part of it with which we are not familiar
(2) The second phase involves writing these foundations of ideas into the sections of
research paper. The search for related materials is a time-consuming but fruitful phase
of any research program. Thus, the researcher must be thoroughly familiar with both
previous theory and research.

Use of Citation
Citation is a way of strengthening or concretizing one’s idea by citing the similar or
relevant ideas or findings of other researchers and authorities. Documentation was done
through footnoting or parenthetical reference citation. Modern writers are now using
American Psychological Association Style or APA Style.

Use of Reference List

References cited in the text of a research paper must appear in a Reference List or
Bibliography. This list provides the information necessary to identify and retrieve each

The Three Cs of Chapter Two:

(1) Clear. Focusing on the recipient’s needs, having a reason or point and a logical flow
of ideas.
(2) Concise. Brevity brings clarity to the message; too many words may cause confusion
or misunderstanding.
(3) Coherent. Balancing the complete quality and conciseness. Short but complete enough
to be understood.

Submitted by:


MPA 200, 1Y1-2


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