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Tree of life

My name is Sarisa Wangthumboon, or you can call me Pear. Currently, I’m a grade 10-
student at Mater Dei school majoring in science and math. Additionally, I just turned 16
in January. I live with my warm family consists of my mom, dad, younger sister, aunt,
and grandparents. My hobby is playing games and watching movies.

I’m the person who loves freedom. My mom always let me to live my life freely, but
within an appropriate boundary, resulting in a decisive person. Moreover, my mom
always put me in new society, such as camps or workshops that get to meet a lot of
people, encouraging me to make new friends and be friendly. Importantly, I quite
sensitive person, especially about the interpersonal relationship that includes family
relationships, friendship, or even romantic relationships. My mom is the one who made
me realize the value of association and connection between people I love. Furthermore,
I’m really adventurous. Since I was young, my dad has always brought me to
adventurous trip. For an illustration, camping or mountain climbing. That was extremely
fascinating. Besides, I’m playful because I am fond of playing challenging games and
sports, which my dad taught me since I was little. Lastly, as for I like to play many types
of sports, but my favorite one is running. I practice running with my dad every evening
during the COVID-19 lockdown, leading to be a fast person. These qualifications that I
got from mom and dad make me to be all-rounded person, having many different skills.
My mom taught me to have soft skills and my dad sharpen them by adding some sports
skills, which is considerably beneficial in everyday life. I’m of the opinion that this is my
impressive tree of life because this is my life consists of many skills that I gain since I was
young. The seed of this tree is myself and who sows this seed is my mom and dad, and
who perfectly takes care of this tree, such as watering, to grow effectively is my mom
and dad. Sunlight is another factor that make this tree grows, comparing to outsiders or
society. This tree is just growing tree which is ready to be cultivated more to be a
beautifully grown tree in the future.

I have a real desire to make this tree is a strong beautifully grown tree by letting wide
range of people water this tree. For an illustration, I would always accept all the
opportunities, such as joining the competitions or camps. Whether what the
opportunity is or what the results are, it is either win or learn, and my tree would get
stronger and higher. Not only that, but I would also water my tree too. I tend to improve
myself all the time to be a better person and stronger tree every day.

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