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AL AIN AMERICAN PRIVATE SCHOOL ‫روضــة ومـدرسـة الـعـيـن األمـريـكـيـة‬

Name Subject : English

Grade 5 Section
Richelle Costa
Date Teacher

Reading Comprehension

Rabbit Raises the Earthquake Alarm

There was once a rabbit who was always worrying. “Oh dear,” he
muttered all day long, “oh deary, deary me.”

His greatest worry was that there might be an earthquake. “For if

there was,” he said to himself, “whatever would become of me?”

He was feeling particularly anxious about this one morning, when suddenly an enormous fruit fell down
from a nearby tree—CRASH!—making the whole earth shake.

The rabbit leaped up.

“Earthquake!” he cried.

And with that he raced across the fields to warn his cousins.

“Earthquake! Run for your lives!”

All the rabbits left the fields and rushed after him. They raced across the plains, through forests and
rivers and into the hills warning more cousins as they went.

“Earthquake! Run for your lives!”

All the rabbits left the rivers and plains, the hills and forests and rushed

By the time they reached the mountains, ten thousand rabbits pounded like
thunder up the slopes.

Soon they reached the highest peak. The first rabbit gazed back to see if the
earthquake was coming any closer, but all he could see was a great swarm
of speeding rabbits

AL AIN AMERICAN PRIVATE SCHOOL ‫روضــة ومـدرسـة الـعـيـن األمـريـكـيـة‬

Soon they reached the highest peak. The first rabbit gazed back to see if the earthquake was coming
any closer, but all he could see was a great swarm of speeding rabbits. Then he looked in front but all
he could see was more mountains and valleys and, far in the distance, the shining blue sea.

As he stood there panting, a lion appeared.

“What’s happening?” he asked.

“Earthquake, earthquake!” babbled all the rabbits.

“An earthquake?” asked the lion. “Who has seen it? Who has heard it?”

“Ask him, ask him!” cried all the rabbits, pointing to the first one.

The lion turned to the rabbit.

“Please Sir,” said the rabbit shyly, “I was sitting quietly at home when there was a terrible crash and
the ground shook and I knew it must be a quake, Sir, so I ran as fast as I could to warn all the others
to save their lives.”

The lion looked at the rabbit from his deep, wise eyes.

“My brother, would you be brave enough to show me where this dreadful disaster happened?”
So, rather timidly, he led the lion back down the mountains and the hills, across the rivers, plains,
The rabbit didn’t really feel brave enough at all, but he felt he could trust the lion.
forests and fields, until at last they were back at his home.

“This is where I heard it, Sir.”

The lion gazed around—and very soon he spotted the enormous fruit which had fallen so noisily
from its tree. He picked it up in his mouth, climbed onto a rock and dropped it back to the ground.


The rabbit jumped. “Earthquake! Quickly—run away—it’s just happened again!”

But suddenly he realized that the lion was laughing. And then he saw the fruit
rocking gently by his feet.

“Oh,” he whispered, “it wasn’t really an earthquake after all, was it?”

AL AIN AMERICAN PRIVATE SCHOOL ‫روضــة ومـدرسـة الـعـيـن األمـريـكـيـة‬

“No,” said the lion, “it was not and you had no need to be afraid.” “What a silly rabbit I’ve been!”

The lion smiled kindly. “Never mind, little brother. All of us—even I—sometimes fear things we
cannot understand.”

And with that he padded back to the ten thousand rabbits that were still waiting on top of the
mountain, to tell them that it was now quite safe to go home


1. What made the whole earth shake?

A. an earthquake B. an enormous fruit

C. the fleeing hares D. a falling tree

2. Do you think the lion liked the hare? What happened in the story that shows this?


3. How did the hare's feelings change during the story?


4. Write two ways in which the lion tried to make the hare feel better at the end of the


5. You learn what the lion and the hare are like from the things they do in the story.
Describe how the lion and the hare are different from each other and what each does
that shows this.


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