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Postal Worker Extinction

Author: Melissa Guaranga

Technology has advanced at a dizzying pace in recent
years and has revolutionized many areas of our lives. One
of the fields that has undergone a radical change has been
communication. Postal mail, which used to be the main
way to send and receive messages, is being replaced by
electronic communication.
With the popularity of email, social networking, and instant messaging, many people have
stopped using snail mail. This has had a direct impact on the postman profession as fewer
and fewer letters and packages are being sent through the post. It is sad to think that the
postman profession is in danger of extinction. Mail carriers used to be an important part of
our communities, delivering mail and packages on a daily basis and creating bonds with
neighbors. Now, with less mail to deliver, many letter carriers have lost their jobs or had their
hours reduced. It is important to recognize the importance of traditional communication.
Postal mail may be slower than electronic communication, but it has sentimental value that
cannot be replaced. Handwritten letters can be saved and treasured, while emails tend to be
deleted once read.
In short, let's hope that the profession of the postman does not disappear completely.
Although postal mail is not as necessary as it once was, it is still an important part of our
culture and we should make an effort to keep it alive and not become extinct.

Gallegos, S. (14 de Noviembre de 2021). El Diario MX. Obtenido de El Diario MX:
Incidencia. (s.f.). Obtenido de Incidencia:
SE12. (7 de Marzo de 2023). Obtenido de SE12:

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