Detailed Lesson Plan Musical Instrument

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City


Topic/Title Musical Instrument

Grade Level Grade 7
Time Allotment 1 Hour
Time & Date 07:40 am -08:40 am, March 14, 2023 (Tuesday)

A. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of sound
B. Performance Standard

C. Learning Competencies
describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts of wavelength, velocity, and amplitude; S7LT-IIId7
explain sound production in the human voice box, and how pitch, loudness, and quality of sound vary from one
person to another; S7LT-IIIe
describe how organisms produce, transmit, and receive sound of various frequencies (infrasonic, audible, and
ultrasonic sound). S7LT-IIIe9
D. Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the Grade 7 students should be able to do the following with at least 80%
1. understand how musical instrument produce music;
2. describe the musical instrument;
3. identify the classification of musical instrument.
Musical instrument
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
5. Other Learning Resources Handouts:

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

(5 minutes) Everyone, please stand up.

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Sir Reynald!

You may take your seats.
May I know if there are students who
are absent today?
There’s none, Sir.
If that’s the case, then let’s proceed to
today's topic.
Again, I am Sir Reynald and our topic
for today is about Musical Instruments.

1. Elicit (5 minutes)
Last meeting, we discuss about the
properties of sound.
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new lesson
What is the properties of sound again?
Frequency, Pitch, Loudness,
Amplitude and Intensity sir!

Okay then what is the frequency? Frequency in a sound wave refers

to the rate of the vibration of the
sound travelling through the air

The amplitude of a sound wave

Then what about the amplitude? is the measure of the height of the
wave. The amplitude of a sound
wave can be defined as the
loudness or the amount of
maximum displacement of
vibrating particles of the medium
from their mean position when the
sound is produced.

Sound intensity is the power per

unit area carried by a sound
wave. The more intense the sound
is, the larger the amplitude
That is correct, then how about the oscillations will be
Very good!
2. Engage (10 minutes)
Okay now I’m going to ask you, who
among you can play a different type of
(The student may answer vary)
B. Establishing a purpose for
Very good! Who else?
the lesson

Okay then, I will divide you into 4

groups. Each group will research on a
family of musical instruments that are
present in a symphony orchestra.

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson Group 1 – Strings instrument
Group 2 – percussion
Group 3 – woodwind
Group 4 – brass wind

You will search how the instruments

that assign into your group make /
produce sound and you will give an
example of that kind of instrument.

You have 10 minutes to finish your

3. Explore (10 minutes)
Times up! Okay Group 1 please present (Group 1 will present their
your presentation. presentation)

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #1 Everyone, give a round of applause on
group 1.

Next, group 2, please proceed in the

E. Discussing new concepts (Group 2 will present their
and practicing new skills #2 presentation)

Very good! Let’s clap our hand for

group 2

Next group! Group 3

(Group 3 will present their
Okay everyone, let’s clap our hands on
group 3
And the last group, group 4!

(Group 4 will present their


4. Explain (10 minutes)

Now, we can easily distinguish the
music from the noise, although both of
them are caused by vibrations. Music is
F. Developing mastery (leads to created using specific frequencies
Formative Assessment 3) sound quality by following a regular
pattern while noise has no definite
pitch and pattern.

There are three basics groups of

musical instruments.

- Stringed instruments
They are? Everyone please read the
presentation. - Wind instruments
- Percussion instruments

Can you give me an example of

stringed instruments?
- Guitar sir!
Very good, another!
- Violin sir
That is correct!
Then how it is played?
- by -plucking the strings sir while
the violin is played by rubbing the
strings with a bow.

That right! And they are usually made

by wooden sound boxes to amplify the
sound of vibrating strings.

Now, which strings in guitar and violin

makes a low pitch sound?
- the long and thick strings sir!

Very good! Then what kind of pitch

does the short and thin strings
- high pitch sound sir!

But how can we tune the strings on the

guitar and violin?

- by tightening or loosening the

strings sir. The tighter the strings,
the higher the pitch will be
produced, while the loose strings
produce a low sound.
Very good! Now let’s proceed in wind

Can you give me an example of wind

Trumpets sir
Okay that is correct! Wind instruments
including brass, their sounds are
produced when a musician’s lips
vibrate against the mouthpiece causing
the air column to vibrate.
Now what will happen if you blow to
hard into the wind instrument? What
will happened to the sound?

Very good! Another thing is woodwind - if you blow harder into the
instrument contains a thin flexible strip instrument, the volume of the sound
of material called a reed. And these increases.
instrument produce sound when the
reed vibrates causing the air column in
the instrument to vibrate.
Varying the length of the vibrating air
column changes the pitch.

The long vibrating air column produces

what kind of sound?

Yes, it produces a low note while the

short vibrating air column produces a?

Very good! Low sound sir!

Last is percussion instruments

High note sir!

Again, can you give me an example of

percussions instruments?

That is correct! And how it will

produce sound?

Drums sir
And how can we adjust the pitch of the
percussion’s instruments? Cymbals
That right! Also, the pitch of the drum
depends on its size, the material it
By striking the instrument to
made of, and the tension in the
produces vibration.

By tightening or loosening their

Question, which do you think that
covering sir!
produced low pitch sound? It is the big
drum or small drum?

Very good! Now do you have any

questions regarding on our topic?

Then let’s proceed into our last activity.

The bigger drum produces a low
pitch while the small drum
produces a high pitch sound sir!

None sir!
5. Elaborate This activity is called Make your sound
(10 minutes)
In this activity the students will be
group into 3 and they will create their
own sound out of the materials inside
G. Finding practical the classroom and they can use the
applications of concepts and instrument they already have in their
skills in daily living room (Clapping’s and the use of voice
is allowed). They will be given 10
minutes to do the task. They will be
rated through a rubric.

H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson

Y (The kind
of materials
used) – 5 %
clarity of
sound) -
K - 5%
Total -
15 %
Creativity – 5%
Organization – 5%
Teamwork – 5%

Total = 15%

6. Evaluate (7 minutes)
In ½ crosswise sheet of paper, classify
the following instrument as stringed,
wind or percussion.

I. Evaluating learning 1. Guitar

2. Tuba
3. Clarinet
4. Piano 1. String
5. Trumpet
6.Harp 2. wind
8.Violin 3.wind
9. Bell 4.string

7. Extend (3 minutes) Assignment:

Browse on the internet to find about the

nature of light and its characteristics.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation Write it in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

A. No. of learners who learned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use to discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Certified True and Correct:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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