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Gaoiran, Analyn

Activity #1

Explain the importance of Humanities and Art’s in one’s life

The humanities are useful in real-world situations and even in one's life. The
humanities offer a foundation for imagining the effects of new ideas on our society,
governance, and everyday lives, both constructive and harmful. People gain from
them by having them prepare for life's shocks and challenges in advance and by
providing support when they do. We can make better judgments with the aid of the
humanities. Art is a visual language that creates and unifies the world, not merely
something that is aesthetically pleasing. You can comprehend the language of art no
matter what language you speak. Visual language has the power to communicate
complicated thoughts and ideas in ways that words just cannot.
Our lives become more logical, attractive, and practical as a result of the
humanities and arts. Almost everything we purchase or use from the food we
consume to the items in our immediate environment to our favorite locations to the
clothes we wear, our favorite books and films, and the games we play has been
influenced by Art. It enables us to sharpen our analytical skills, see how others live,
and comprehend how individuals from various cultures value themselves. Our ability
to perceive, feel, learn, connect and live is improved through the humanities and
arts. I firmly think that creativity is fundamental to the health of the human soul and
that it may be channeled into productive work with countless opportunities. A
person's life depends on the humanities and the arts.
An acknowledgment that the arts and humanities provide us with viewpoints that
are not our own would be helpful to many in a society so full of hate and ignorance.
They enable us to study the past and identify mistakes we shouldn't do again,
comprehend religion and the purpose of our existence, and take pleasure in
comprehending works of art that portray the good and bad in our society. The
humanities and arts enlighten, in essence.

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