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Nama : suci mutiara cahyani

Absen : 01
Npm : 2202622010131
Kelas : 22 PE
1. Name the characters in the dialogue . where are they? What are they doing ?
Answer :
- The conversation look place at home at night
- Geoge intoduced his friend to mrs carr named albert douglas
- The are three figure : Mrs carr,George ,Albert douglas

2. There are two introduction here.find the first one.who is presented to whom?
Answer :
The first predecessor of georgio was sent to mrs. carr

3. Where is the secound introduction? What words does mrs.carr use ?

Answer :
The secound introduction in the house using the world “darling ,i’d like you to meet
some one a friend of george’s

4. How are the two introduction different ?

Answer :
The first prodecessor he was as a guest while the second predecessor he was as the

5. What do the different people call each other?

Opposite sex

6. What kind of realitionships dot he various people have

Answer :
like a close relationship

7. What do they use handshakes?

Answer :
when introducing each other

8. What is the signifance of “but call me rich” in line 17 ?

Answer :
Happy in live

9. How would you describe the level of formality in the situation ?

Which character seems least interested in being formal ?
Answer :
In the way they talk to each other,white those who are not interested in being formal
ar mrs carr and those are intorsested in being formal of mrs.carr and albert

Hal 14
1. Where are mark and edward ? what are they doing ?
Answer :
on campus

2. How old are they?

Answer :
nineteen years old

3. How do they introduce themselves?

Answer :
what your name ?

4. What do they call their professor

Answer :
james kerry

5. What is the level of formality?

Answer : big jim

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