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The United Nations Charter

Classified Document, only to Justices of The Court of Law

This program aims to help students develop their leadership ability and to explore the multi-
dimensional nature of making ethical decisions by introducing them to a global perspective.
Students will know how to lead their members and learn the powerlessness of human beings.

General article:
1. Roles: There are four kinds of roles, Presidents, cabinets, asylum seekers, Justices of Court
of Law.
a) Presidents have the right to make final judgements
b) Cabinets have the right to propose ideas, and when necessary, impeach the leader
c) If presidents tend to convict any cabinet member, or when any cabinet member decide to
abandon his or her nationality, this member becomes an Asylum seeker
d) Three Justices of Court of Law are each responsible for one team. They operate
independent of any nation and holds priority ultra. Justices may not intervene the session
i. There is an appealing
ii. Members are not acting in accordance to the U.N. Charter
iii. Presidents are seeking assistance
iv. There is a delay in the U.N schedule
v. Members of the government commit a crime
vi. Other instances that the Court deems as Urgent and Immediate
2. Phases:
a) Mark the end of two administrations (2 leaders). During which U.N conference is held.
Altogether two phases containing two sessions each.
3. Sessions:
a) Mark the end of an administration. During which held the Congressional meeting
4. U.N conference:
a) Where nations discuss their opinion to a specific topic.
5. Congressional meetings:
a) Where Presidents are impeached, cabinets are exiled and Subpoenas are sent. Also,
when exiled or nationality abandoned Asylum seekers seek help.
6. Subpoenaed:
a) Justices have the right to prosecute any members. Only Justices participate sanction.
7. Impeachment:
a) Impeachment may only take place during Congressional meetings
b) Filled by one or more Cabinet members
c) Decided in accordance to the Majority vote
d) Impeached leader may not be presidents again
e) Justices decide the successors
8. Resignation:
a) Presidents may resign. Justices decide successors to take his place
b) Resigned Presidents cannot be leaders again
9. Appealing:
a) Presidents may exile any cabinet members (one member per meeting) during
congressional meetings. Exiled Cabinet members can choose to leave or appeal to The
Court of Law.
10. Nationality:
a) Cabinets can abandon their nationality at congressional meetings or through exile and
become Asylum seekers.
11. Accepted
a) Majority member of a nation/ the president of the nation agrees to provide asylum, the
Asylum seeker is deemed to be accepted.
12. Unwanted member:
a) Unaccepted Asylum Seekers are out. Out members may act as assistance of the Justice
of the nation that exiles him or her.
13. Intelligence, asylums:
a) Asylum seekers may sell information that they have as leverage. Presidents may not
press charges.
14. Intelligence, Cabinets:
a) Cabinets may not sell information to others.
15. Collapse:
a) When any team, at any time, has zero cabinets apart from the President, that country is
announced as having collapsed. The Presidents of the collapsed country will become
Asylum Seekers.
The United Nations Schedule:
PHASE ONE: (96-128 min)
1. Session 1, First U.N topic: How important it is to stop trade wars between nations. (36-52
a) President No.1 gets a document congratulating taking of office (1 min).
b) Briefing (10 min)
i. Information of the nation is given to the Cabinet members. Cabinets read the
document (5 min)
ii. Presidents ask each of the Cabinet to use 10s to brief the situation (1 min)
iii. Presidents conclude the information and make notes (5 min)
c) Strategic conference (10 min)
i. Presidents initiate a discussion of possible solutions to the U.N. problem being
discussed, taking into account domestic situation. Presidents take notes or assign
roles to take notes.
ii. Prepare a 5-minute speech, listing the points
iii. Presidents decide whether or not to start trade war
d) Congressional meeting (0-16 min)
i. If any prosecuting member
1. 1 min for prosecuting Presidents or Cabinets to state reason
2. 1 min for Justice questioning each member facing trial.
3. 30s to vote.
ii. Subpoena
1. Justice question, 2 min
iii. Asylum seekers to find their next home (10 min)
1. (With majority member agreeing to accept seeker, or with the president
agreeing to accept seeker, seeker is given new nationality)
e) Diplomatic meeting (15 min)
i. Some domestic information is held by other nations. By sending diplomates to
other nations, Presidents are going to communicate their own policies, and attempt
to provide reasons why the other nations should join (could use the secret
information). Remaining members are going to communicate with the diplomats
from other nations.
1. China sends two diplomats to Russia, simultaneously Russia sends two
diplomats to U.S.A and U.S.A send two diplomats to China. (10 min)
ii. Diplomats report back to their Presidents, Presidents conclude information (5 min)
2. session 2, First U.N Topic (60-76 min)
a) President No.2 gets a document congratulating taking of office
b) Domestic crisis (15 min)
i. Brief (5 min)
1. A domestic crisis document will be given to all the members
ii. Government discussion (10 min)
1. Considering all aspects, Presidents determine the solution to crisis.
2. Writing down issues to discuss with other nations
c) Diplomatic meeting (15 min)
i. Country in need of help discuss issue with other two nations and test their opinion.
ii. China sends two diplomats to Russia, simultaneously Russia sends two diplomats
to U.S.A and U.S.A send two diplomats to China. (10 min)
iii. Presidents conclude information (5 min).
d) Congressional meeting (0-16 min)
e) First U.N conference (30 min)
i. Presidents use additional 10 minutes to finalize and practice the speech
prepared earlier and make final decision on which option to pick
ii. President of each country uses 5 min to present their answers to the U.N problem,
taking into account their domestic situation and the international situation that they
iii. 1 minutes for each nation to announce their policy of handling the domestic crisis
iv. Press questioning three leaders 2 min

PHASE TWO (95-127 min)

3. session.1 Second U.N topic: Global security: How important it is to resolve regional conflicts
between nations. (35-51 min)
a) President No.3 gets taking of office, Justice greets (1min)
b) Briefing (Document given to all members) (10 min)
c) Strategic conference (10 min)
d) Congressional meeting (0-16 min)
e) Diplomatic meeting (15 min)
4. Session.2 Second U.N topic (60-76 min)
a) President No.4 gets a document congratulating taking of office (1 min)
b) Situation Room (15 min)
i. An emergency situation has occurred. Briefings will be provided to the leaders (5
ii. Discussion of country’s selection and interest (10 min)
c) Diplomatic meeting (15 min)
i. Countries send diplomats trying to resolve the issue
ii. China sends two diplomats to Russia, simultaneously Russia sends two diplomats
to U.S.A and U.S.A send two diplomats to China. (10 min)
d) Congressional meeting (0-16min)
e) U.N conference (23 min)
i. After the regular procedure, additional briefing is given to all leaders. After reading
them, leaders are going to decide whether or not to declare full-scale war.

5. Additional notes to Justices

a) General duties
i. Assist the nation when they are clearly facing issues. Provide idea, guidance, and
ii. Naming successors to president whenever there is an impeachment or resignation
iii. Distribute files to members prior the start of each session
iv. Act in accordance to JUSTICE apart from when the story requires otherwise
v. Comply the members to follow the GOALS in each session.
vi. Decide the best team when everything ends and perhaps provide reward for that
vii. Spend 2-3 min calculating the marks for countries after each PHASE
1. In situation room stage, the option nuclear bomb clears all marks of that
viii. Remind the presidents to TAKE NOTES on their discussion, ideas, strategies and
GIVE these notes to you at the end of their term. Pass this note to the next
b) Purpose
i. In the Sample briefing, if all members make ethical choices, then the result will
be ethical. Yet if all members are choosing private gain, then the end result would
be a trade war between Russia and U.S.A
ii. In the sample Domestic crisis scenario, the idea that all trade wars are wrong is
further explored, as the idea comes to “death vs. risk of death”, “50,000 deaths
vs. 1000 deaths”. Nations have their different agenda, and it is less likely for
China or any nation to accomplish their goal. Because people don’t trust each
other. That’s why this project is void of the existence of contract. This shows that
without legal binding force, ethical decisions are hard to make
iii. The same logic and sample will be applied to both Russia and China and also to the
second phase to explore the idea that all wars are wrong.
iv. The final U.N conference during second topic briefing contains information that
outlines serious regional conflict, involving nuclear war. It is expected that
presidents will make the decision of not launching nuclear bomb. But it is this
very decision that leads to the end result of the destruction of the world. This is
to show human’s powerlessness at determine “what is ethical” and the conflict in
between consequentialism and procedural justice.
v. Ethics is a changing topic that differs as one knows more and experiences more.
That’s why the content of the U.N speech is determined before the activity. The
activity may sway the opinion of some leaders in perceiving the U.N topic.
Presidents are not allowed to adjust their previous conclusions.
c) Briefings
i. Files given to some Cabinets at phase one session one contains statements
expressing their personal interest and the nation’s interest. Cabinet members will
choose every time between telling the reality or giving the president fake
d) Congratulating letters
i. Documents given to two presidents each team at separate sessions when they take
office specifies their crime once committed.
i. There will be Two presidents at each team that have committed a crime. The duty
of Justice is to Impeach them during congressional meeting.
e) Orders
i. Leaders, orders, file orders, and roles are pre-determined to save time. Yet
there are only four phases. Thus, two congratulating files that contain crime will
be given specifically to highly capable members.
f) Subpoena
i. Subpoenaed presidents face removal from office. When removal, he or she is not
counted as a human, but half a human. Meaning that his vote only counts as half a
ii. Members can only be EXILED when they have already been president before. This
rule is only known to justices. This means that upon facing ANY exile or
prosecution against a member who have yet to be president, OVERRULE the
g) Congressional meeting
i. Cabinet exiles are placed together with the impeachment, so that presidents can
choose to be generous, or to exile. Under this circumstance, given there is an
appeal, Justices are encouraged to permit the exile.
h) Press questioning in U.N conference
i. It is likely that nations will act differently from what they say in the U.N. Justices,
as press at the conference, will question these differences. Also, Justices can use
the purpose paragraph to question the philosophical matters presented.
i) Assistances
i. Assistances are given the right to provide suggestions to Justice
ii. Assistances are a member of the press conference, allowed to question the leader
j) Unavailable roles
i. Files belonging to members exiled are given to the president.

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