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Topic/Subject Matter
Huling Pasyente by Atom Araullo

b. Summary
Following one of the only two jail doctors of the Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology in the entire National Capital Region, Atom Araullo divulges
into Dr. Henry Fabro’s medical service among Persons Deprived of Liberty
inside 3 city jails.

Inside the Quezon City Jail, Atom met one of the PDL who was working as
a health aid named Arnold Tabelisma. Arnold discussed the difficulties of
those with different medical conditions while living in confined spaces.

Inside the Caloocan City Jail, Atom met one of the PDL who was suffering
from diabetes named Benny Macabangon. Benny described the pain of
enduring his disease while not being able to see his family often which is
what most of the PDL with illnesses suffers from.

Inside the Manila City Jail, Atom witnesses the reunion of Dr. Fabro and a
recovering PDL patient named Tatay Bartolome as well as a pregnant PDL
which showed the hope that exists even among those who are confined

Beside showing his job and explaining the system inside the city jails, Dr.
Fabro shared his insights about the suffering that Persons Deprived of
Liberty experience and his determination to serve every last patient he gets.

c. Issue and implication to its viewers

This documentary shares a glimpse of the health condition that Persons

Deprived of Liberty have inside the city jails. It gives the viewers an insight
of what it is like for people who have been considered as the lowest of our

The three main issues tackled within the documentary are as follows:
1. BJMP doesn’t have enough resources – manpower, medicines,
machines, and facilities.
2. BJMP’s lack of funding because of the low priority given to PDL.
3. City Jails doesn’t have enough spaces to accommodate every PDL which
led to spread of diseases and decrease in their physical wellness.
These issues present to the viewers the question “Do Persons Deprived of
Liberty deserve this treatment?” considering that these people are humans
as well.

d. Critique (Content)
The content of the documentary itself depicted the health conditions of the
Persons Deprived of Liberty not only those who were suffering from
illnesses but those who are physically active as well.

However, there is a lack of coverage in terms of the PDL’s mental health

and how the prison guards handle PDL with health conditions and situations
where PDL would suddenly not feel well similar to the video: Australia: End
Solitary Confinement of Prisoners with Disabilities (Human Rights Watch,

This documentary employs the participatory type of documentary properly

thanks to Atom Araullo’s frequent interaction not only with Dr. Fabro but his
patients as well. This gives the viewers a better detail of what the people
inside actually experience rather than an exaggerated narration of their
conditions like the video: No Way Out: Undercover in Solitary Confinement
(ABC News, 2014).
e. Critique (Production and Technical Production)
The documentary was easy to follow because it was separated into 3 parts
but never drifting from exploring the PDL’s health conditions. Using the 3
different locations as a way of introducing each problem faced by PDL was
a better way of simplifying content that the viewers can easily digest.

The cuts were clean but there are instances where I feel like it would’ve
been better if they did not include unnecessary insert shots of PDL’s arms
(except the ones that actually showed skin diseases) and some closeup
shots of objects like the bell during the basketball game.

f. Recommendation
This documentary’s simple story structure would be a great reference for
amateur documentary filmmakers. Follow the host’s engagement with his
interviewee when producing participatory documentaries and make sure to
avoid including shots that wouldn’t add any substance to the story.

The documentary’s content is a good reference when covering topics about

Persons Deprived of Liberty but always make sure that all sides would be
covered within the story.


ABC News (2014, June 20). No Way Out: Undercover in Solitary Confinement
[Video file]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBOVXZLm_A8

Human Rights Watch (2018, February 7). Australia: End Solitary Confinement of
Prisoners with Disabilities [Video file]. YouTube.
a. Topic/Subject Matter
Manila, Manila by Jacque Manabat

b. Summary
By accompanying 3 Manila-born residents, Jacque Manabat tackles on the
new change that their city is undergoing under Manila Mayor Francisco
"Isko" Moreno Domagoso's cleanup operations campaign.

Inside his horse carriage or Kalesa, Alfredo Dimaapi tours with Jacque
around Tondo, Intramuros, and Binondo to relive its history as he had
learned and witnessed it through his job as a Kutsero.

The story continues with Alfredo’s nephew, Joseph, who gave his insights
about Mayor Isko’s campaign. As someone who drives around Manila for a
living, Joseph shared how he saw the transformation of Manila’s streets and
how it affected drivers like him.

In Quiapo, Jacque met Juanita Salvador who has been a street vendor
within the area for almost all her life. She shared how the campaign affected
their livelihoods but looked forward as well on how Mayor Isko would be
able to accomplish this goal.

Mayor Isko also expressed his sympathy for those who were gravely
affected by his campaign but also shared his optimism on how much this
would change Manila.
c. Issue and implication to its viewers
During his term as Manila Mayor back in 2019, Francisco "Isko" Moreno
Domagoso launched his campaign to give the streets of Manila a major
makeover. This campaign included the clean-up operations of Manila’s
busy streets, the relocation of its street vendors, and the restoration of
Manila landmarks like the Andres Bonifacio Shrine and the Lagusnilad
Underpass. (Madarang, 2012)

The documentary gives the viewers, mainly Filipino citizens, a view about
the makeover of the Philippines’ capital city, Manila, through the lenses of
its long-term residents.

d. Critique (Content)
The documentary uses the participatory type of documentary which is
evident with Jacque and Alfredo’s interaction in the first half. However, it
barely touched the residents’ opinion on the campaign on the latter half
since the documentary took up too much time focusing on some historical
landmarks of Manila that wasn’t even included among the 10 streets that
were part of the clean-up operations namely: Luna St., Soler St., Recto
Avenue, Ilaya, Tabora, Asuncion, Sto Cristo, Carmen Planas, Dagupan St.,
Plaza Miranda, Carriedo St., Evangelista, Quezon Boulevard, Blumentritt,
Rizal Avenue, and the Lagusnilad Underpass. (Tomacruz, 2019)

If the documentary focused on the residents and vendors that occupy these
areas like Juanita Salvador, it would’ve given the viewers a better point-of-
view about Mayor Isko’s campaign.
e. Critique (Production and Technical Production)
I commend the use of upbeat and nostalgic music to accompany the stories
that were told in the documentary. However, there are several instances of
abrupt cuts that made the dialogue inaudible and the improper use of video
transitions where there would be instances of double fade ins and fade outs
in a single sequence.

I also noticed that the documentary felt short and wondered if this is the
actual aired episode, but I settled on the uploaded Youtube video since it
was the only one available for free online.

f. Recommendation
This documentary is a good reference for short-length documentaries so
that filmmakers can discern how much content they could only fit within 10
minutes. It is worth to note that its video and audio transitions are not to be
followed. It is better to use simple but not repetitive video transitions and to
properly cut the sequences to make sure that the audiences would easily
follow the documentary. Its content is a good reference for documenting
political campaigns but avoid focusing on topics that would deviate the
audience from the main story.


Madarang, C. (2019, July 25). Mayor Isko Moreno’s reasons for a major Manila
makeover. Interaksyon. https://interaksyon.philstar.com/politics-

Tomacruz, S. (2019, July 9). Isko Moreno’s clearing operations: Which Manila
areas have been covered? Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/234975-list-
a. Topic/Subject Matter
Ang Pangamba ni Marissa by PTV Public Eye

b. Summary
This documentary centers around Marissa Elosindo and her breast cancer
that kept on becoming a burden in her life. Surrounded by her husband,
Roel Castin, and their kids, Marissa talks about how her disease first started
and how it gravely affected their lives.

With the help of the Municipality of Rodriquez’s Local Government Unit,

Marissa also expressed how she looks forward to the future when she could
finally live a happy life with her family.

c. Issue and implication to its viewers

The documentary briefly touches topics like poverty and the inaccessibility
of healthcare to impoverished areas in the Philippines through Marissa’s
lenses. It gives the viewers a glimpse of the hardships and poor conditions
that people like Marissa undergo every day.

d. Critique (Content)
The documentary mainly uses the observational type of documentary to
focus on Marissa’s perspective about her disease and her family’s living
conditions but also uses a bit of participatory type of documentary by asking
questions to prompt the thoughts of Marissa, her husband, and the doctor
that diagnosed her. This helped to bring focus on Marissa’s story alone
which was tied to the ending message of the documentary.
e. Critique (Production and Technical Production)
The documentary’s use of NAT/SOT mixed with ambient-like music is
commendable because it helped the viewers to be drawn into the story of
Marissa. Adding music and diegetic sounds like NAT/SOT helps to reinforce
the continuity of a story (Titeux, 2020). This is best shown in the river
crossing sequence where no dialogue can be heard but only the sound of
thunder, downpour of rain, and the rush of river displaying the hardship that
Marissa needs to traverse in order to visit their local health center.

The use of diegetic sounds always helped to preserve the continuity of the
film (Magliano & Zacks, 2011) making sure that the immersion of the
viewers with the emotions expressed throughout the documentary doesn’t
break easily.

f. Recommendation
This documentary is a good reference for those who are looking to produce
observational documentaries. It makes good use of NAT/SOT which is
helpful for keeping the emotions and theme of the film without overlapping
with the story itself. The documentary’s content is a good reference
for documenting future anecdotes by people living in impoverished areas.
Make sure to focus on the main character’s perspective about their
surroundings and opinions.


Magliano, J. & Zacks, J. (2011, October 4). The impact of continuity editing in
narrative film on event segmentation. Cognitive science, 35(8), 1489-1517

Titeux, N. (2020, November 25). Sound design and foley in documentaries. Nicolas
Titeux. https://www.nicolastiteux.com/en/blog/sound-design-foley-documentaries/
a. Topic/Subject Matter
Who is Mona Lisa by DW Documentary

b. Summary
One of the best known masterpieces of all time, the Mona Lisa painting of
the renowned Italian Renaissance polymath, Leonardo Da Vinci, remains a
mystery for more than a millennium. Even with the help of scientific
equipment and the extensive study of scholars, no singular conclusion was
made about the inception and history of the painting.

The historian Giuseppe Pallanti’s conclusion follows the records of

biographer Giorgio Vasari which stated that Mona Lisa was commissioned
by the merchant Francesco del Giocondo for his wife. The historian Roberto
Zapperi refutes this by citing Vasari’s inconsistencies and explained that it
centered around Giuliano de' Medici and his illegitimate son with Pacifica
Brandani. This conclusion explains how Giuliano commissioned the
painting to Da Vinci with a specific request to paint a motherly like figure for
his son.

The historian Alexander Perrig elaborated this conclusion by adding Da

Vinci’s similar childhood as an illegitimate son which prompted him to easily
imagine the portrait of Mona Lisa. He also concluded that the real painting
of Lisa del Giocondo was in the possession of Salai, one of Da Vinci’s
treasured pupils.

The Mona Lisa painting’s mystery won’t be solved anytime soon but through
its alluring eyes and peculiar smile, it remains open for interpretation for
anyone that sees its beauty.
c. Issue and implication to its viewers
Despite its significance as one of the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, it wasn’t
until Vincenzo Peruggia’s theft in 1911 and his arrest 2 years later that made
the Mona Lisa a household name worldwide. (McKenzie, 2013)

Nowadays, Mona Lisa isn’t only a famous masterpiece nor part of our
history but part of our pop culture as well (Britannica, n.d) which made it a
subject of many studies and inspirations. The documentary presents its
viewers the mysterious fame of this pop culture icon.

d. Critique (Content)
The documentary uses the expository type of documentary by consulting 3
historians to draw out their conclusions about Mona Lisa’s mystery. This
made the content substantial without giving biased claims to the audience
and making them speculate about the mystery as well.

e. Critique (Production and Technical Production)

I commend the use of dramatizations to reenact the history that was
discussed by the experts. This made it easier for the viewers to visualize
events that had happened more than millennia ago.

f. Recommendation
This documentary is a good example of both Expository documentary and
Docudrama. Its good use of dramatization proved that it helps in reinforcing
the storytelling in a documentary. Its content is a good reference for popular
paintings that are surrounded by myths and speculations. Keep in mind that
when disseminating the information to the viewers, it is recommended to
interview experts in that field to substantiate the content with facts and not
myths and speculations alone.

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (n.d.). Mona Lisa. Encyclopedia Britannica.


McKenzie, S. (2013, November 19). Mona Lisa: The theft that created a legend.
CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/18/world/europe/mona-lisa-the-

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