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This is defined as the process by which a cooperative group directs actions towards common goals:

a. Nursing

b. Management

c. Leadership

d. Power

2. Which of the following is not a major function of management?

a. Planning

b. Organizing

c. Directing

d. Communication

3. The process of working through staff members to be able to provide comprehensive care to the

a. Nursing

b. Management

c. Nursing Management

d. Leadership

4. It is an interpersonal process that involves motivating and guiding others to achieve goals:

a. Leadership

b. Management

c. Nursing

d. Power

5. The College of Nursing Dean belongs to what level of management?

a. First line

b. Middle manager

c. Top Manager
d. Frontline

6. Henry Laurence Gantt is the forerunner of PERT chart, which means:

a. Program Evaluation and Review Technique

b. Program Equation and Review Technique

c. Program Evaluation and Revision Technique

d. Program Evaluation and Recycle Technique

7. A leader that uses participation and majority rule in setting goals and working towards achievement:

a. Autocratic

b. Democratic

c. Laissez-faire

d. Bureaucratic

8. The leader that makes all the decisions & uses coercion, punishment, & direction to change followers’
behavior &

achieve results:

a. Autocratic

b. Democratic

c. Laissez-faire

d. Bureaucratic

9. The type of leader that trusts neither followers not self to make decisions and therefore relies on
organizational policies

and rules:

a. Autocratic

b. Democratic

c. Laissez-faire

d. Bureaucratic
10. This leader acts as facilitator:

a. Autocratic

b. Democratic

c. Laissez-faire

d. Bureaucratic

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