Cloud Computing: History, Architecture, Security Issues: March 2015

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Cloud Computing: History, Architecture, Security Issues

Conference Paper · March 2015


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International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

Cloud Computing: History, Architecture, Security

Swati I. Bairagi, Ankur O. Bang
M.E. Computer Science and Engineering Scholar, Assistant Professor and M.E. Co-ordinator
Pankaj Laddhad Institute of Technology and Management Studies,,

ABSTRACT- Cloud computing is a collection of IT computing includes:

services provided to customer over a network along
with the ability to scale up down the service i. Reduced hardware and maintenance cost,
requirements. Cloud computing has the potential to ii. Accessibility around the world, and
eliminate the requirements for setting up of high cost iii. Flexibility and highly automated processes
infrastructure for IT-based solutions and services that wherein the customers need not to worry
industry uses. This promises to provide a flexible IT about software up-gradation.
architecture, accessible through internet and portable
devices. But despite the gain achieved from cloud In early days, the mainframe computer was very large
computing, the organizations are slow in accepting it or bulk in size and the computing platform was
due to security issues and challenges associated with centralized with limited power and resources, CPU,
it. Security is one of the major issues which hinder the memory so used by limited no of users. As origin of
growth of cloud. This research paper analyzes the mainframe computer was 1920s so it gives the
architecture of cloud along with definition of cloud concept of Cloud Computing as all the data of user
computing, the various cloud models and brief stored on server and user access the data from
overview of cloud contain any reference citations or anywhere at any time. No hard drive or special system
displayed equations. required only his account is necessary. From the
example we understand the overall concept of “Cloud
Index terms- Cloud Computing, history, architecture, Computing”. When we store our photos or data online
security issues.
(internet) instead of our home PC or we use our
webmail or social networking site then it is “CLOUD
1. INTRODUCTION COMPUTING”. There are three service models of

Internet is driving force towards the different Cloud Computing SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. SaaS refers
technologies that have been developed. One of the to Software as a Service in this a system with
most discussed among all of these is Cloud operating systems, hardware and network provided or
Computing. Over the last few years, cloud computing we can say a pre developed system. PaaS refers to
paradigm has a drastic and enormous shift towards its Platform as a Service in this the operating system,
adoption and it has become a new trend in hardware and network are provided and customer/user
Information Technology as it promises significance installs or develops its own software. And IaaS refers
cost reduction and new business potential to its users to Infrastructure as a Service in this the customer has
and providers. In order to define Cloud Computing, it the knowledge about all the stuff. There are no
is first necessary to explain what is mean by the publically available standards specific to cloud
phrase “The Cloud”. The first reference to “The computing security. In this paper we propose the
Cloud” originated from the telephone industry in following standards for maintaining security in an
unsafe environment.
1990s, when Virtual Private Network (VPN) service
was first offered. This VPN service was used By Main characteristics include:
providers along with customer, telephone companies
despite of using hard wire data circuits to transmit i. Broad network access: Ability to access the
data. This allowed provides and customers to offer the service via standard platform like desktop,
same amount of band width at a lower cost by laptop, mobile etc.
rerouting the network traffic in real time to
accommodate ever-changing network utilization. The ii. Resource pooling: Resources are pooled
term “Cloud” in phrase Cloud Computing refers to the across multiple customers.
internet and its infrastructure. Cloud computing is in
general sense on demand utility computing for anyone iii. Rapid elasticity: capability to cope with
with access to cloud. The advantages of cloud demand peaks.

International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE
CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

infrastructure. Many players in industries have

iv. Measured service: Billing is metered and jumped into cloud computing and implemented it. For
delivered as utility service. example Amazon has played a important role and
launched the Amazon Web Service (AWS) in 2006.
Cloud Computing is an emerging trend to maintain Along with this Google and IBM also started research
and deploy software and it is adopted by many projects in Cloud Computing. Eucalyptus become the
industries such as Google, IBM, Microsoft and first open source platform
orm for deploying the private
Amazon. Cloud computing acts as a next progression clouds
that impact many organizational businesses and how
they manage their IT infrastructure, technology and .3. ARCHITECTURE
architecture that cloud service are the key areas of Cloud Computing is a collection of all IT services
research. that are provided to a customer over a network on
leased basis and with the ability to scale up or down
2. HISTORY their service requirements. Most of the time cloud
computing services are delivered by third party
The concept of Cloud Computing was introduced provider who owns the infrastructure. There are two
back in 1960s by John McCarthy. According to him basic cloud models, first the Cloud Service Model
“computation may someday be organized as a public and Cloud Deployment Model
utility”. The characteristics of cloud computing were
explored first time in 1966 by Douglas Parkhill in his 3.1 Cloud Service Model
book, “The challenge of the Computer Utility”.
Utility” The
history of term “Cloud”” is originated from Cloud Computing is delivery of computing where
ecommunications world, where telecom companies massively scalable IT-based
based capabilities are provided,
started offering Virtual Private Network (VPN) as service across the internet clients. This term
services along with comparable quality of service at a effectively focus the different aspects of Cloud
much lower cost. Before invention of VPN, they Computing paradigm which can be found at different
provided dedicated point-to-point
point data circuits which levels of infrastructure. There are three types of
are nothing
thing but wastage of bandwidth. But by using services provided by Cloud Computing architecture
VPN services they able to switch traffic to balance namely SaaS, PaaS, IaaS. The figure 3.1 shows the
utilization of overall network. Cloud computing now hierarchy of services.
extends this to cover servers and network

Figure 3.1 Cloud Computing Services.

International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

3.1.1 Software as a Service (SaaS) Example: Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2,

SaaS is easily available to users and customers via GAE.
internet. Through this service delivery model end user
consumes the software application services over the 3.1.3 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
network by on demand basis. For example Gmail is It provides the delivery of computing resources in the
SaaS where Google is provider and we are consumer. form of hardware, network, storage, operating system
Other example includes billing services provided by and storage devices as on demand service. It is the
Arial system. combination of both public and private infrastructure
or can be obtain as individual. For IT resources IaaS
Characteristics of SaaS: provide a new consumption model as compare to
SaaS and PaaS, IaaS is growing rapidly.
Internet access to commercial software.
Software is managed from central Characteristics of IaaS:
It distributes resources as a service.
Delivery of software in “one to many” Dynamic scaling is allowed in IaaS.
model. In IaaS cost varies.

No need for frequent software up-gradation. Multiple users or customers can access on
Application Programming Interface (APIs) same hardware.
allows integration of different pieces of
software. Used for that software which are Scalable.
used for short term Example: collaboration
software in any project No need of administration.

3.1.2 Platform as a Service(PaaS) 3.2 Cloud Deployment Model

In PaaS the platform is itself given to consumer and For deploying a cloud computing solution, the major
they deploy their own software, coding and task is to decide the type of cloud to be implemented.
application in Cloud. Its approach is towards the There are the four cloud computing deployment
software and development tools. For example: models which are available to service customer as
Application Server (java, .NET framework) and shown in figure 3.2 shown below
database server (My sql, Oracle), which client may
use to make their own applications to meet its specific 3.2.1 Public Cloud:
needs. This type of cloud allows users access to cloud via
interfaces using web browsers. Users only need to pay
Characteristics of PaaS: for the duration they use the service, i.e. pay-per-use.
It can be compared to electricity service received at
Reduces development and maintenance cost our homes. We pay for only the amount of that we
when we develop, deploy and test any use. The same concept is used here. This help in
application on same integrated environment. reducing operation cost on IT expenditure. Public
cloud is less secure than the other cloud models as all
Provide security the data and application on public cloud are prone to
services. Database malicious attacks. The solution to this is that security
management. checks can be implemented through validation by
both sides, by cloud vender as well as client. As well
No need for downloading or installing for as both parties need to identify their responsibilities
user to experience the software online. We within their boundaries of operation. Public cloud is
all use the website like Face book, Gmail and off premise in which varies enterprises can be used to
Yahoo etc. deliver services to user by taking it from third party.

Provides scalability, reliability and security

which is in built. 3.2.2 Private Cloud:
Private clouds operation is within an organization’s
Proper and deeper understanding of user internal enterprise data centre. The main advantage is
activities. that it is easier to manage security, maintenance and
upgrades and also provides control over deployment
Shared architecture means concurrent user and use. It can be compared to internet. As compared
can access the application. to public cloud where all resources and application
were managed by service provider, in private cloud

International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

these services are pooled together and made available

to user at the organizational
anizational level. These resources Cloud Data Management & Security
and applications are managed by organization itself.
Migration of virtual Machines
As only the organization’s users have access to
private cloud the security is enhanced. Interoperability

3.2.3 Hybrid Cloud: Access Controls

This model is composed of both public and private
cloud models, where cloud computing environment is

Figure 3.2 Types of Cloud Deployment Model

hosted and managed by third party but some

dedicated resources are privately used only by an
organization. In this model a private cloud is linked to Energy Management
one or more external cloud services. It is more secure
way to control data and applications and allows the Multi-tenancy
party to access the information
nformation over the internet. It
enables the organization to serve its need in private Server Consolidation
cloud and if some occasional need occur it ask the
public cloud for intensive computing resources. Reliability & Availability of Service

Platform Management

3.2.4 Community Cloud: Service Level Agreement (SLA’s):

It allows the cloud computing environment which is
shared or managed by number of related organization. The big challenge for Cloud customers is to evaluate
When many organizations combine construct and
share the cloud infrastructure, their policies and SLA’s of cloud vendors. Most vendors create SLA’s
requirements then such a model is called as a to make a defensive shield against
again legal action, while
community cloud. The cloud infrastructure is host by offering minimal assurances to customers. Cloud is
thirdd party provider or within one of the organizations administrated by the service level agreement s that
in the community. allows a several instances of one application to be
replicated on multiple servers if needed; it is
4. SECURITY ISSUES dependent on priority scheme. The specification of
Security issue has played an important role in
hindering Cloud computing acceptance. Various SLA’s better reflect the customers need if they
security issues possible in Cloud computing are as address the required issue at right time.
Service Level Agreement (SLA’s) Data Encryption:

Data Encryption It is the key technology for data security. That is data

International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

in motion and in rest encryption. Security can range Significant saving in the energy of a cloud data center
from simple all the way to highly secure. For example without sacrificing SLA are an excellent economic
the web services APIs that we use to access the cloud, incentive for data center operators and would also
either programmatically or with clients written to make a significant contribution to greater
those APIs, provide SSL encryption for access, this is environmental sustainability. It has been estimated
generally considered to be a standard. that the cost of powering and cooling accounts for
53% of the total operational expenditure of data
Cloud Data Management & Security: centers. The goal is not only to cut down energy cost
in data centers, but also to meet government
Cloud data can be very large, unstructured and regulations and environmental standards. Designing
typically append only with rare updates. Cloud data energy-efficient data centers has recently received
management is an important research topic in cloud considerable attention. This problem can be
computing. Since service providers typically do not approached from several directions. For example,
have access to the physical security system of data energy efficient hardware architecture that enables
centers, they must rely on the infrastructure provider slowing down CPU speeds and turning off partial
to achieve full data security. For a virtual private hardware components has become commonplace.
cloud, the service provider can only specify the
security setting remotely, without knowing whether it
is fully implemented. Multi-tenancy:
There are number of types of cloud applications that
Migration of virtual Machines: (1)
The major advantage of VM (Virtual Machine) user can access through internet, Internet, from small
migration is to avoid hotspots, however this is not Internet-based widgets to large enterprise software
straightforward. These Applications are not hardware applications that have increased security requirements
specific; various programs may run on one machine based on the type of data being stored on the software
using virtualization or many machines may run one vendor’s infrastructure. These application requests
program. Virtualization can provide significant require multi-tenancy for many reasons, the most
benefits in cloud computing by enabling virtual important is cost. Multiple customers accessing the
machine migration to balance load across the data same hardware, application servers, and databases
center. In addition, virtual machine migration enables may affect response times and performance for other
robust and highly responsive provisioning in data customers. For application-layer multi-tenancy
centers. specifically, resources are shared at each
infrastructure layer and have valid security and
Interoperability: performance concerns.
This is the ability of two or more system to work
together in order to exchange the information and use Server Consolidation:
that information. The lack of integration between Server consolidation is an effective approach to
these networks makes it difficult for organizations to maximize resource utilization while minimizing
combine their IT systems in the cloud and realize energy consumption in a cloud computing
productivity gains and cost savings. There are many environment. The increased resource utilization and
public cloud networks are configured as closed reduction in power and cooling requirements achieved
systems and are not designed to interact with each by server consolidation are now being expanded into
other. the cloud. The VM migration technology is often used
to consolidate VMs residing on multiple under-
Access Controls: utilized servers onto a single server, so that the
remaining servers can be set to an energy-saving state.
Identity management and authentication is more The problem of optimally consolidating servers in a
important than anything. And, it is not really all that data center is often formulated as a variant of the
different. What level of enforcement of password vector bin-packing problem; various heuristics have
strength does the service provider invoke, the been proposed for this problem. Additionally,
recovery methodology for password and account dependencies among VMs, such as communication
name. And how are password delivered to users upon requirements, have also been considered recently.
change. This is not all that different from how you
secure your internal systems and data, and it works
the same way, if you use strong passwords, changed Reliability & Availability of Service:
frequently, with typical IT security processes, you
will protect that element of access. The reliability comes into picture when a cloud
provider delivers on demand software as a service.
The software most includes reliability quality so that
Energy Management: users can access it under any network condition.

International Journal of Advent Research in Computer and Electronics (IJARCE)
(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

There are few cases identified due to the unreliability computing and its approaches, we got to know that the
of on-demand software. Example includes Apple’s study of this topic is in depth and range of application
areas will continue to increase. From this we
MobileMe cloud service, which stores and understand that the cloud computing have major
synchronizes data across multiple devices. impact on society and business. Also we get to know
that there are many new technologies emerging at a
rapid rate; each with technological advancements and
Platform Management: with the potential of making human’s lives easier.

One of the most important parts of cloud platforms This paper presents the overview of cloud computing
provide various kind of platform for developers to and the various cloud service models along with
write applications that run in the cloud, or use services different types deployment model. Cloud computing
provided from the cloud, or both. There are many has the potential to become a frontrunner in
challenges in delivering middleware capabilities for promoting a secure, virtual and economically viable
building, deploying, integrating and managing IT solution in the future.
applications in a multi-tenant, elastic and scalable 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
environments. Different names are used for this kind
of platform today, including on-demand platform and The real spirit of achieving a goal is through the way
platform as a service (PaaS). This new way of of excellence and lustrous discipline. I would have
supporting applications has great potential. When a never succeeded in completing my task without the
development team creates an on-premises application cooperation, encouragement and help provided to me
(i.e., one that will run within an organization), much by various personalities.
of what that application needs already exists. An
operating system provides basic support for executing I would like to take this opportunity to express my
the application, interacting with storage, and more, heartfelt thanks to my guide Prof. Ankur. O. Bang
while other computers in the environment offer for his esteemed guidance and encouragement,
services such as remote storage. especially through difficult times. His suggestions
broaden my vision and guided me to succeed in this
5. FUTURE SCOPE OF CLOUD COMPUTING work. I am also very grateful for his guidance and
learnt many things under his leadership.
As we know cloud computing has become an
important part of our daily life. With the invention of I extend my thanks to Prof. V. P. Narkhade, Head
this, the conventional view of computing has been of Computer Science & Engineering Department,
changed. Due to the positive response of the users Pankaj Laddhad Institute of Technology and
because of its user friendly and easy configuration Management Studies, Buldana for their valuable
techniques; the future of cloud computing seems very support that made me consistent performer.
bright. The future of cloud computing is becoming
bright due to: the presence of High Speed internet I also extend my thanks to Dr. P. M. Jawandhiya,
becoming cloud computing more important. We are Principal, Pankaj Laddhad Institute of Technology
getting closer because the world has been globalised and Management Studies, Buldana for their
due to the internet facility through satellites. From encouragement.
some organization’s survey, it has been noted that in
next decades 70% of Americans will use its various Also I would like to thanks to all teaching and non
application for personal and official use. The internet teaching and non teaching staff of the department for
is connecting people from one country to another their cooperation and help.
within seconds through various cloud based websites
like Skype, Whats App etc. Some points helps to REFERENCES
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(E-ISSN: 2348-5523) Special Issue
National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2015”, 28 March 2015

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