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Myles Reese

Professor Nave
English 103
Feb. 11, 2022

Documentary Analysis

In the documentary “Global Junk Food”, it asserts that by eating less sugar and fat, you can help to protect your
health. Under pressure, industries reduce the quantities of salt, sugar and fat in their food in order to prevent humans
from becoming obesed. Online where hands are less regulated, they still tend to target new consumers that may cause
people to gain weight. In some countries they load their food with fat and sugar. According to Global Junk Food”,
India moved from no food to bad food, and it's going to be disastrous for Public Health.

It also states that Coke is the most powerful fizzy drink brand on the planet, and it has guaranteed the lifelong loyalty
of the Brazilian schoolchildren. McDonalds has been a popular fast food place all around the world, and the marketing
caused controversy in Brazil, when the child protection services tried to have it banned. Street fruit in India is very healthy
for your immune system, and it's good value, while a shopping center in Kolkata has a brand of fried chicken that has
customers wanting to get them. The American brand for its Indian source. Intentional food brands are not shy to
incorporate the local culture of these countries while advertising their products.

Young children tend to just think that every food is good. Even though it’s good, it may not be healthy for human
beings. Some controversy that happened was, there was the same amount of saturated fats in certain countries like India
and France. There is a lot of fat in products in India then France. Obesity is just one problem among others.

Children play video games, and they’re certain types of games that parents have to keep an eye on because it affects
their children’s health if they’re on it 24/7. Especially for those who are overweight. However, for parents these games are
safe for children and they don’t need parent approval. Other countries like Europe, build brands of Oreo and Fanta and
they engage their products without even advertising them.

We as humans must watch what we eat, and be careful what food we eat because we don’t know what food or product
is in our foods. Obesity is a real thing to have and if we eat a lot of junk food, then that is what we’ll have to face. It would
have killed 5.6 billion people worldwide!

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