Performance Task in EAPP

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Miclat, Irone Steven A.

Grade 11-STEM-Euclid
Ronic S. Gabita Jr. English for Academic and Professional Purposes
1. Why do we have to observe structure-fit sentences in academic writing?
- Structure-fit sentences provide a sense of direction for the reader to follow the argument that is being given in
the text.
2. How does knowledge on text structure enhance your writing skills?
- My knowledge on text structures helps in enhancing my writing skills by providing a standardized guide on
how to categorize or organize the information or arguments that I give so that the reader may be able to digest
the information much easier.

Directions: Construct one sentence for each of the structure: Combining ideas effectively, nominalization, and
1. The soldiers that came home from the war was crippled, scarred, and completely traumatized after what they had
2. The mayor’s economic reforms were a success.
3. New police outposts were built in far-flung communities.

Directions: Restructure the following sentences by means of combining ideas effectively, use of nominalization, or use of
 The mall distributed several free items in the hope to boost sales (nominalization)
- The distribution of free items in order to boost sales was decided.
 Several scientists conducted experiment to examine the effects of algae on biodiversity (Passivation)
- An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of algae on biodiversity.
 The project was implemented to make sure that services are not delayed (nominalization)
- The implementation of the project was to ensure that services are not delayed.
 The children gave several inputs to improve the operations of the facility (passivization)
- Several inputs were given to help the operations of the facility.
 The government’s deal with the public transport company was not successful (combining)
- The government’s deal with the public transport company was not successful, causing delays in projects, and
resulting in unsatisfied citizens.

Assignement: Rewrite the paragraph below to make its language more academic. Take into consideration the kind of
language required for research writing.

The rice shortage that recently affected a number of countries in the Asian region showed how unpredictable
nature can be if we continue being apathetic about improving rice production. Call it the calm before the storm, we see
now a lot of people queuing for a bag or two of NFA rice. Worse, for some, observing a full square meal a day is no
longer possible. This leads us to reflect on how we can counter this strongly felt problem. At restaurants, we see a lot of
leftover servings of rice, knowing that hungry tummies in resettlement areas exist. On my way to school, I witness
families sheltered in shanties at the town pulling through lunch with mere kropek and noodles skewers sold by hawkers.
Yet at the square canteen, I see the tradeoff-students disregarding the value of rice servings and modest viands where
plates are left on the table just that.

The recent rice shortage that affected a number of Asian countries demonstrated how unpredictable nature can be
if we remain apathetic about improving rice production. Call it the calm before the storm, but there are a lot of people
waiting in line for a bag or two of NFA rice right now. Worse, for some, eating a full square meal every day is no longer
an option. This prompts us to consider how we can address this deeply felt issue. We see a lot of leftover rice servings at
restaurants, knowing that there are starving people in resettlement areas. On my way to school, I see families sheltered in
shanties in town, surviving on kropek and noodles skewers sold by hawkers. At the square canteen, however, I see
students disregarding the value of rice servings and modest appetizers, leaving full plates at the tables.

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