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1 Nucleus

2 Nucleolus
3 Nuclear membrane
11 Cell wall
9 Chloroplast

Cell Structure Function

Nucleus Brecht (2021) stated that the nucleus is known

as the “brain” of the cell. Genes and genetic
information are located in the nucleus of the cell.
Proteins, lipids, vitamins, compounds, and more
that the cell requires are activated by the
expression of these genes. The nucleus also
manages growth and metabolism.

Nucleolus The nucleolus is a spherical component of the

nucleus whose primary function is to assemble
and generate ribosomes. Moreover, ribosomal
RNA genes are processed in the nucleolus
(Morris, n.d.).

Nuclear membrane According to Robb (2021), the nuclear

membrane is the outer layer of a nucleus. It
keeps the DNA protected by dividing the nucleus
from the surrounding cytoplasm. Plant cells
completely lack centrosomes and use the
nuclear membrane during mitosis to arrange the
chromosomes. The nuclear membrane also
controls what passes through nuclear pores and
nuclear localization signals to enter and exit the

Cell wall As affirmed by Brecht (2021), the cell wall is

responsible for providing rigidity and support to
the cell and enabling the circulation of water and
minerals. By acting as a barrier, separating the
inside of the cell from the outside, the cell wall
helps to protect against diseases. There is a
primary cell wall and a secondary cell wall in
some circumstances. The primary cell wall is
more flexible than the secondary one, enabling
plant growth. As the plant stops developing, the
secondary cell wall typically grows inside the
main wall.

Chloroplast Chloroplasts are components of eukaryotic cells

that play a role in photosynthesis. During
photosynthesis, glucose and oxygen are
produced using carbon dioxide, water, and light
energy. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in
the chloroplast, it is essential for capturing the
sunlight's energy for photosynthesis (Molnar &
Gair, 2015).

Brecht, M. (2021, August 2). Plant Cell Form and Function.



Molnar, C., & Gair, J. (2015, May 14). 3.3 Eukaryotic Cells. Pressbooks.

Robb, A. (2021, March 30). Nuclear Membrane Function & Structure | What is a Nuclear



Morris, S. (n.d.). Nucleolus.



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