Copia de INGLES

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-Present progressive continuos tense

-Presen perfect tense

-Frases adverbiales de frecuencia de tiempo y lugar
-Lista de verbos regulares e irregulares

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Morelos

Plantel 01 Cuernavaca
Profesor Herminio Pedroza Morales
Torres Sotelo Maite Valentina
404 Vespertino
Present progressive continuos tense

The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is
used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of
speech or now in a larger sense.
(auxiliary verb be + verb ending in -ing)
 We are discussing the project at the moment.
 Jim's leaving for Brussels this evening.
 Her husband is always complaining about his health.

Present perfect tense

The present perfect is used to describe
An action or situation that started in the past and continues in the present.
In order to form the present perfect tense, we use the word have or has followed by
the past participle of the verb. For regular verbs, the past participle is a form of the
verb that ends in -ed, -d, or -t.
 I have written articles on different topics.
 He has read various kinds of books.
 They have played football.
Adverbial phrases of frequency of time and place

Some of the most commonly used adverbial phrases of frequency include every
day/week/month/year, once a day, twice a week, several times a month, once in a
while, every now and then, from time to time, all the time, on Mondays etc.
We use adverbial phrases of time to describe when something happens or for how
long. They usually come at the beginning or the end of the sentence or clause. We
have a meeting to attend tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon is a an
adverbial phrase of time.
 He hunts rabbits every weekend.
 They train every other day.
 She takes classes five times a month.

List of regular and irregular verbs


 arrange – arranged – arranged  be (be, was/were, been)
 arrive – arrived – arrived
 ask – asked – asked  have (have, had, had)
 attack – attacked – attacked  do (do, did, done)
 bake – baked – baked
 behave – behaved – behaved  say (say, said, said)
 believe – believed – believed
 see (see, saw, seen)
 belong – belonged – belonged
 blame – blamed – blamed  go (go, went, gone)
 borrow – borrowed – borrowed
 take (take, took, taken)
 bother – bothered – bothered
 call – called – called  give (give, gave, given)
 cancel – canceled – canceled
 roll – rolled –  rolled  make (make, made, made)
 accept (accept, accepted, accepted)  find (find, found, found)
 eat (eat, ate, eaten)

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