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Republic of the Philippines


Sta. Elena, Marikina City


Subject: EDUC 2 Date: NOVEMBER 21, 2022
Year & Section: BTVTED - 4A Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Major: FSM Duration:60 MINUTES

A. General Objective:

To develop knowledge about the stages of development and developmental tasks that
will help in their daily life.

B. Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Define what is a Developmental task in your own words.
2. Evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same age group.
3. Value the importance of knowing the Developmental task in life.
Do not forget the 3 domains Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor --- sa
Psychomotor may action


B. Reference/s: Course syllabus in Educ 2
C. Materials: Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation software, Video clips/ Pictures
D. Values Integrated: Attentiveness, Cooperation, Collaboration and Obedience

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
“Before we begin the lesson this morning, let
“Let us put ourselves in the holy presence of
us ask the guidance of almighty God and let God. in the name of the Father, and of the
us enlighten our mind to completely Son and the Holy Spirit Amen.”

understand the lesson this morning.I am

requesting everyone to open their cameras
for the prayer. Ms. ____ please lead the
2. Greetings
The pre-service teacher will greet all

“Good morning, Ma’am we’re fine.”

“Good morning Ms, Villamor, good morning
class 2B, good morning to our Dear
observers. I am happy right now seeing your
beautiful faces this morning. How is your day
so far?

“Yes, Ma’am”
That’s good to hear! So can I expect a full
blast of energy and active participation from

3. Attendance
“For checking our attendance, may I request
Ms/Mr. _____ to take screenshots of our
class today and send them on our group

4. Classroom Rules
“Before I  start I wanted to inform everyone in
(Students will tell who’s absent for the day)
this class of the rules and regulations so that
we have a smooth flow of today’s discussion.
Everyone should mute their microphone, and
unmute it if necessary. Always open your
cameras. You can chat in our chat box or
raise your hands if you have concerns or
questions about our discussion.”

5. Review
(students will agree and follow the rules)
 “Before we proceed on our new topic, may I
know what was the last topic that we've
discussed last week?”
“alright, you are correct. Last week we
discussed about __________ and now to
have a better understanding about our lesson
and gain lot of knowledge, I will discuss
another topic this morning.”

(students will raise their hand and answer the


C. Motivation “Ma’am, the last topic that we’ve discussed is

“So to deeper your knowledge about our all about _________.”
topic, I prepared something that will add
to the knowledge you have right now.
that’s called jumbled letters. I know all of
you are familiar with this, so I hope
everyone will participate. Just type your
answer in our chat box”
(Teacher will show the jumbled

(students will type their answers in chat box)

“Prenatal development” ……
“Alright, thank you everyone for your
active participation. We will now proceed
in our proper discussion.” “Toddler hood”……….

C. Lesson Proper

“Before proceeding to our main topic, let us

read our objectives today.”

Hindi pinapabasa ang objectives nasa lesson

plan lang yan pero ang students di nila alam
kung ano ang objectives mo

“Thank you so much for reading our


(student reads the objectives)

“Our topic for today is about The stages of

development and developmental tasks. What
comes to your mind when you hear the word
development? Does anyone have an idea?”

(student answered)
“Alright, thank you for your answer.
Development is a process that creates
growth, progress, and positive change or
negative. So now let’s see what are the
period of development.”

Period of Development

Think about the life span and make a list of

what you would consider the periods

of development. How many stages are on

your list? Perhaps you have three:

childhood, adulthood, and old age. Or maybe

four: infancy, childhood, adolescence,

and adulthood. Developmentalists break the

lifespan into nine stages as follows:

Prenatal Development

Infancy and Toddlerhood

Early Childhood

Middle Childhood


Early Adulthood

Middle Adulthood

Late Adulthood (student will read the definition of prenatal

development to early childhood)
Death and Dying

“Prenatal development conception occurs

and development begins. All of the major
structures of the body are forming and the
health of the mother is of primary concern.
Early childhood is also referred to as the

“First we have prenatal development to early preschool years consisting of the years which

Childhood, Mr/Ms, ______ kindly read the follow toddlerhood and precede formal

definition and give your insight about what schooling. Ma’am for me this is where we

you have read.” start to grow and feel some changes after
being born.” 

“Alright, thank you for reading and giving

your insight about Prenatal development to
Early childhood. There is significant growth
and change throughout the first 1.5 to 2
years of life. In a short amount of time, a
newborn with excellent hearing but weak
eyesight develops into a walking, talking
toddler. The kid is busy acquiring language
while they are between the ages of three and
five. They are also beginning to develop a
sense of self and increased independence,
as well as understanding how the physical
world works.”

“Next we will have Middle Childhood to Early (student will read the definition of middle
Adulthood, Mr/Ms, ______ kindly read the childhood to early adulthood)

definition and give your insight about what

you have read.”

“The ages of six through eleven comprise

middle childhood and much of what children
experience at this age is connected to their
involvement in the early grades of school.
The twenties and thirties are often thought of
as early adulthood. (Students who are in their
mid-30s tend to love to hear that they are
young adults!). It is a time when we are at
our physiological peak but are most at risk for
involvement in violent crimes and substance
abuse. I think this where is a stage where
children move into expanding roles and

“Alright, thank you for reading and giving

your insight about Middle Childhood to Early
Adulthood. The ages of six through eleven
comprise middle childhood and much of what
children experience at this age is connected
to their involvement in the early grades of
school. Adolescence is a period of dramatic
physical change marked by an overall
physical growth spurt and sexual maturation,
known as puberty.The twenties and thirties
are often thought of as early adulthood.
(Students who are in their mid-30s tend to
love to hear that they are a young adult!). It is
a time when we are at our physiological peak
but are most at risk for involvement in violent
crimes and substance abuse.”

“Next we will have Middle Adulthood to Death

and Dying, Mr/Ms, ______ kindly read the
definition and give your insight about what
you have read.”

(student will read the definition of Middle

Adulthood to Death and Dying)
“Middle Adulthood The late thirties through
the mid-sixties is referred to as middle
adulthood. This is a period in which aging,
that began earlier, becomes more noticeable
“Alright, thank you for reading and giving
and a period at which many people are at
your insight about Middle Adulthood to Death
their peak of productivity in love and work.
and Dying. One of the primary differences
Death and dying This topic is seldom given
between these groups is that the young old
the amount of coverage it deserves. Ma’am
are very similar to midlife adults; still working,
for me these stages will be the end of our
still relatively healthy, and still interested in
being productive and active. I will show the
sample table of Havighurst’s developmental

(Teacher will show the table)

“That is our discussion for today, do you

have any questions? If none, we will proceed
on your activity.”

D. Application

In a one whole sheet of paper (any paper)

draw a big circle and put your name inside.
After that, put the different type of changes
that you’ve been through since prenatal until
present. Put it on outside the circle.
Ito ang pwede mong ilagay sa Psychomotor
mo sa objective

Ex. Pubic hair

You’re given five (5) minutes to

prepare. (students will response)

After five minutes….

“None, Ma’am”
-Are you done class?

-Okay, let’s start your presentation.

After that…

- Very Good presentation class! Give

yourselves around of applause.

E. Generalization
“Now, I want you to test if you really
understood our topic. What have you learned

“yes, Ma’am”
“Excellent class!”
(students clap their hands)

(student answered)

“we learned about the stages of development

and developmental tasks”

Direction:Answer the following questions. students will be given 5 minutes to answer.


In a creative way

Create a scrapbook titled "The Stages of My Development" using PowerPoint or Canva.  

 Things inside the scrapbook:

- Picture of you at every stage. (Start with Infancy to recent)
- Memorable experience of you at every stage.
Suggestion ko gawin mo itong pag interview, mangiinterview sila ng ibang tao asking
those people about the memorable experience sa bawat stages of development nila

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Resource Teacher

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