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NN 48 Blaine. We anh | 4 The Trinity in the Greek Fathers JOHN ANTHONY MeGUCKIN 4m terms of his overview of the Greck patristic theology of she 5, it might keop ts fom sinkingnte a welter of details o imagine Sve great acto apy, each of whichis ifeently weighted tobe Te, baat which areal in dheirown ways, rogessive variarions upon ble Premises, mediated through the Lived experience ofthe chute. The ist ‘nthe sparse collection of second-century theologians. The secon isthe Sickening of pace that occurred in the thieecentury Apologis. The ‘hie isthe cowering genius of Origen of Aland, whose work began * revoluton, "The fourth [a langalrawn-out seen) isthe Nicene and Dost Nicene reactions to Origen Finally, Act Five ~ are we sl in t= 's the hemused altermath, long quieting down a the Tity becomes ‘fixed dogma, «quieting that often laps ino sence This patie petod may be startling because ofthe peed and vat xy with which sehoolsf hough during his ime spon out new rele ‘ions on decry mteriousideas about God and hisaction inthe cosmos frie ealan illuminating in tat i shows how Maid and intr-reaetve ‘he early Chistian theologians were. In general, fF the Fathers, the Seripares andthe liturgical mysteries of she church were always OTe !mmedieely inflenta han anything else. Even ther philosophy came ‘other, byand lege, through the mediumofsbetorc asa orm of “il "uation ofapument”~ useful in the manner of argumentative mets ‘ather chan as the specific aching ofa yhoo This trae ofthe most Dilosophical of all the writers, Origen, and ever mares of the Greek rathers wh followed him, The Fathers clearly emerge ae innovators inthe Tong ine of Late Antique synretzers ofthe Second Sophistie Period. As philosophical "novatos, however, thir ingpzaton and drive comes fom more dis {ete sources than eleeti reaings of Plato and Pythagoras. They owe "ore to the community which aclaims Tesus as Lord and Saviour, 8 >» 59 Jon Anthony MeCackin "88 SECOND AND saRLY Tan som ‘runns Green etn Taal a ie whe apt he cet int mins cy ene sion we ‘edenares come nc he ete ieee thy te sce aiee aetna melee rt ind ots ose toh ay a He Pah Ltt Paper holiness, SO" ON earth by the igo mankind, snd nn, ‘nein i ofthe Spin a the ea etiely yee eel of Gree roca ttn eso at othe form "ut of confessions ‘The Tiny inthe Geok Fathers not arise ut of precise and narow controversies inthe way the fourth- century arguments do Iceomes ot ofthe writes almost unconsciously, Itisnot offered as "eeatse onthe nature of God" but rather a fle {dons on Gods wil forthe present circumstances In ll of dese apocs- lypecally charged patric writings, the desire to conform to Gs wil Jn the cheologieal ano underlying ll hat may be called the “origins” of intarian theology. CLEMENT OF ROME ‘A prime example of thie style is found in Clement of Rome fl 96), who wrote to the eroubled Corinthian Christians to remind them ‘of teeold truth that Crit is Gods agent fr redemption, hat the Spit is Christ’ git for reconciliation and insight, and chat a peaceful ‘church is the fat of Christ's work, He writes “eis othe huruble that ‘Chris belongs not to those who exalt themselves above his ick. The ‘ord Jesus, who isthe scepter of God's own majesty, dd noe come in 3 ‘how of arrogance and pride, but in humility, asthe Hoy Spit spoke of him, saying: ‘Lod, who as believed what we said.2" Is 55t— 41° And agai: “For this is howe Christ addresses us through his Holy Spit: “Come children andar me that I may teach you the far ofthe ond... (Ps34t1-14)* “The east references to the Trinity, cherelore, are entirely made ‘Up of Nev Testament cloth (Clements indebtedness o Pauli obvious im every line}. The consonance of the heavenly court and the church ‘on earth iat the forefront of Clements mind. The Christ s the Lord ‘who brings peace frou the Father And the Spirit of Holiness, who is the Messiah if, reveals the fe-iving words of what i evidently Chris’ ‘own pre-xistent revelation tis Crise who speaks in Isiah, inthe Palms, and soon. It isthe Spirit who teaches Chriss heavenly and inetabie doctrine through the medium of the scriptures, which i one ‘lth chie apocalyptic signs the church possesses, The church is the ‘charter of ruth that makes its ertly fe consonan wit te lifestyle ‘F the heavenly court, where Christ andthe Spit attend the Fathers *rone of gry EE eee 2 lob Anthony Mecacin hich he Father vento the affected in the sanctifying and reveing Ciclo ots aes cs inthe impo Corte ch wordthrough the advent of he Son, story power ofthe piri Clement's 8 stimulated by sei of ne inte by aris of governance ig, or tun a il he reset endanger of thatthe ch a roving the heen Techie ot) cnc sete ours heachaapel IGNATIUS OF anTioct feu eo a a Cen tet et SSM me pan i Soon ns er oh ‘ore engin eed eerie ‘hehe el ag eas Mendy halo se rena sr cce moe sot 7p ego ‘Seen ny hay ot te echacale evs tncetht tay yh Sate ht en lien ett nal hor 08 God he Faker Sin the nono ‘heme nd ct ao as wes? Ch ‘the Eucharist and % Trinity present in, fold minis prey Sic SPS ou Shag SL ‘church to obey the | erty Of God. te he inspized rit-bearer, ‘harmony aa ‘ sl level of pate mo ‘impatient to find ror a a “pie nan an Sree he at ae ath "Poe eg he a the fd > ‘The Tiny inthe Gack Fuars 52 termshad been cooptedint anther apna whichis ery important to ‘Aun at dies beings into angst sete) and vin (unread ‘hat eras orgialy meant that Crete a pre-event power a The thane of Godan one who bridge the eons ringing the peace of the none ape ino ds pesent word der. Tes Cent atti, of oure the language loner worked and he had to othe wall 1 similar endecy of pre Nene thology barely 0 diferendae the tucn Cheat the Sint equally confses and woubls those lite theologians who oiled the anit or mont ofthe" Apowoic Fathom fi ntimateprnimiy of Chit and Spt Is presumed Spain mtely “the Hay Spin" ba a alko #sypanym for “heen” The term was ase rte ery steps fowan the tone of thedivine beinginanagewhen the simple srpono hele “God” tocchiar onthe Holy Spt would have weed ansbaonment of the hear ofthe Chin octane of God arly, that the one and only ether ha cxpened hive power ia nd tough he Soman Spit. This deeneion of pine wth the "dey" continued it he age of he Apslopte The apocalyptic language of sending” demise” onveys the abe he Father exssng hs power though the Son nd the Sp ute bien The later pti langage of divine re caMRBEA copter rte, end wll apt t expla he ‘hot more ible pect he Pac expan his Power in he Seon andthe Si. Grae coun the oveaching eschatological climate plains Testun’ scndeny of somltng Son and Spt or “spit” on eye the cuts of being an lnhabeant of he hesvaly court and en Crleny of God Talking ofthe “Spt of God” was one ofthe fo Wyeth miter of his er could aaa what theslogany, Noor Ougen meant by the “preeitece” of Cis (she merely tran or de he ave an eeralpe-esistnce i the Reaveny coo Teh eater nls im Ge qusuon dee ot ak es, tn ceeniypnom work onthe maining of be cone of ou ‘each foe the evenly cou to the earthly wold in order odlivera Teanving and urgent rnssage Te thesogy of "re-xitence” that to cee dfrentaed the Lord andthe Spin in ce ater ce ttrice nas working fom the otee ection, what we can erly Callupwd fm cnt or buckwor om huran histor otanscen eee se Rough howe chat ee staing of eateries that carbon be sarsned fo og ao ceri doesnot make "beter sense” than the easier, and simple, attempt. Christ's preexistence fh writings as Second Clement? And the Certainly “presumed” in suc 54 Jb Anthony MeCcin title “God is alto ascribed to ith 2 host of other scelamar ih owe of other aclamaory tiles of cy a inary range an RISTIAN APOLOGISTs ‘Anew intellectual ferment wan were Can ate freon centry trating the stention of cl tad cen of ‘ites ofthe Ep ah ations ofthe rat apf Dhiosophers ‘he Christians in the Commenced re sot that the nf 284 daly even, ae -sophhical bent lit is were: Gisistlan Apologsts crete wea Toren ota ee Ee SSRs as phe istic id mgt in aes {067 ting teagan rs Ot of Ty (Chins eared as poten nee ty on a new foot Continuing the moral techumeng oe kes, whom the io he ews yen MY could claim to 38 abn Antony MeGuckin cot nt in tc Se pr aah ety even Sabatier arth siramen nce nm ep ‘While not articulati:

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