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Your Intended Learning Outcome:


The history of educational technology can be traced back to thousands of years – from
primitive writing tools such as clay tablets, thick palm leaves, and parchment made of animal
skin, to the latest technological developments like artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
However, at present, we usually refer to digital technologies by the term educational
technology. Using interactive whiteboards, instructional videos, educational computer games,
and using hand-held devices like tablets and smartphones are some examples. Educational
technology has facilitated the concept of e-learning, i.e., learning online. There are two types
of e-learning as synchronous e-learning and asynchronous e-learning. Synchronous learning
refers to real-time classes via digital technologies like Skype and chatrooms. Asynchronous
learning, on the other hand, refers to students learning the same material at different times
across different locations; this uses technologies like blogs, websites, wikis, e-mail, and
video-posting sites.

The history of using techniques and technologies for mobilising or improving

affectively in the teaching learning process has been long and involved varied stages of
development based on understanding of teaching-learning process and availability of
different techniques, technologies and gadgets at different points of time. A review of the
related historical articles will show that different technical terms have been used to describe
and explain these development which include term such as audio-visual, teaching machines,
programmed learning, instructional technology, educational technology, information and
communication technology etc. While terms such as teaching machines and audio-visual aid
are no more used today’s related literature, terms such as educational technology, information
technology and information and communication technology are commonly used and an
integration of these concepts has enriched the conceptual understanding and integration of
developments in the field.

ICT (Information and Communication Technology)

Would mean the use of these in the context of people and society.
The Educational technology indicates that emphasis on facilitating learning and improving
performance via technological processes and resources versus products or tools, is vital to
understanding the educational part of the definition. Distinct from computer scientist or
engineers, most educators are not in the business of designing or inventing the hardware,
cables and connectors. The concern and pre-occupation of educators constitute.
1. Selecting and evaluating technological processes and resources
2. Creating environment to facilitate learning
3. Designing learning experiences
4. Assessing learners and evaluation the quality of performances.
Educational technologist is interested in creating and evaluating learning and performances
that are more effective or efficient because of the technological process and resources.
Further educators are interested in creating, adopting and managing new, novel and
innovative learning experiences that only become possible because of technological processes
and resources (Hlynka, D and Jacobsen,
M 2009)
Educational technology
- is basically the use of technology
for the process of teaching and
learning. This is also known as
instructional technology.
Educational technology focuses
on using new technology to
develop and implement
innovative educational
approaches. The main objective
of using educational technology is
to improve the process of
teaching and learning. In education, technology, technology is used as an educator, as
a teaching tool and a learning tool.

- Educational technology has many benefits. Using technology in education can help to
keep students interested, engaged and motivated. Moreover, educational technology
can help students to set their own pace and encourage self-study. There are many
other benefits of educational technology, such as the availability of multiple
resources, quick access to information, real-time teaching, and paperless tests and

Difference Between Educational Technology and Information Technology Definition

Educational technology is the facilitation of teaching and learning through the use of
technology, while information technology is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit,
and manipulate data or information. The main difference between educational technology and
information technology is that educational technology refers to the use of technological tools
in the process of learning and teaching while information technology refers to anything
related to computing technology, such as hardware, software, networking, and the Internet.
Moreover, educational technology is all about pedagogy and realizing teaching
and learning goals through technology. Information technology, on the other
hand, is all about computers and computer networks.

The Importance of ICT in Education

Today we do not need to go any further than our own home or even room, to see some form
of ICT in our lives. Whether it be a computer, plasma TV, or mobile phone, we all have them
in some part of our lives. In today’s society, people as consumers of ICT, all strive for the
one dream – the dream of a connected life.
This makes ICT a lifestyle choice for much of the population. In addition, this lifestyle choice
is changing the way we communicate, increasing the rate of consumerism, and changing how
we interact and gather information (Sherringham, Dec 2008/Jan 2009).
ICT has invaded and transformed many aspects of our lives to the extent that we live in an
environment that is dominated by technology which itself is consumer-driven (Semenov,
2005). No matter how we perceive its presence, there is no denying that it is an important part
of our lives and that it is here to stay.

The importance of ICT in Education

1. E-learning or Online Learning:
The presence of ICT in education allows for new ways of learning for students and teachers. E-
learning or online learning is becoming increasingly popular and with various unprecedented
events taking place in our lives, this does not only open opportunities for schools to ensure that
students have access to curriculum materials whilst in the classroom but also allows them to
ensure students outside the classroom such as at home or even in hospitals can learn.

2. ICT brings inclusion:

The benefits of ICT in education is of such that students in the classroom can all learn from the
curriculum material. Students with special needs are no longer at a disadvantage as they have
access to essential material and special ICT tools can be used by students to make use of ICT for
their own educational needs. Despite this, it opens up new issues related to the 'digital divide' and
providing access to ICT tools and resources for those who are less fortunate.

3. ICT promotes higher-order thinking skills:

One of the key skills for the 21st century which includes evaluating, planning, monitoring, and
reflecting to name a few. The effective use of ICT in education demands skills such as explaining
and justifying the use of ICT in producing solutions to problems. Students need to discuss, test,
and conjecture the various strategies that they will use.

4. ICT enhances subject learning:

It is well known these days that the use of ICT in education adds a lot of value to key learning
areas like literacy and numeracy. 
5. ICT use develops ICT literacy and ICT Capability:
 Both are 21st-century skills that are best developed whilst ICT remains transparent in the
background of subject learning. The best way to develop ICT capability is to provide them
with meaningful activities, embedded in purposeful subject-related contexts.

6. ICT use encourages collaboration:

 You just have to put a laptop, iPad or computer in the classroom to understand how this
works. ICT naturally brings children together where they can talk and discuss what they are
doing for their work and this in turn, opens up avenues for communication thus leading to
language development.

7. ICT use motivates learning:

Society's demands for new technology has not left out children and their needs. Children are
fascinated with technology and it encourages and motivates them to learn in the classroom. 

8. ICT in education improves engagement and knowledge retention: 

When ICT is integrated into lessons, students become more engaged in their work. This is
because technology provides different opportunities to make it more fun and enjoyable in
terms of teaching the same things in different ways. As a consequence of this increased
engagement, it is said that they will be able to retain knowledge more effectively and
9. ICT use allows for effective Differentiation Instruction with technology:
We all learn differently at different rates and styles and technology provide opportunities for
this to occur.

10. ICT integration is a key part of the national curriculum:

The integration of digital technologies or ICT is a significant part of the Australian
Curriculum for example, and this is a trend that many global governments are taking up as
they begin to see the significance of ICT in education.

11. We live in a “knowledge economy":

This is an economy where it is vital to have the ability to produce and use information
effectively (Weert, 2005). It is a time when ICT is pervasive and permeates throughout all
industries in the economy whether it may be health, education, environment or manufacturing
(Moon, Feb/Mar 2007). The significance of ICT in the Australian economy was emphasised
in the recent article by Alan Patterson, CEO of the Australian Computer Society, in his
statement that the “ICT industry now rivals mining in terms of the contribution to the
economy” (Patterson, Jan/Feb 2013, p. 8). 

ICTs will continue to be a significant part of our future as it connects itself to more and more
parts of our lives. It will continually evolve and change because as consumers we all like a
choice. We like to use ICT for personal growth, creativity, and joy, consumption, and wealth
(Semenov, 2005).
Importance of Students Engaging with ICT
It is important for students to engage with ICT so that:

1. Learn 21st-century skills and develop their ICT capability and ICT literacy.
2. Improves their attainment levels.
3. Prepares them for an integrated society dominated by ICT developments.
4. So that they learn the notion of using ICT as a tool for lifelong learning.

ICT enabled education:

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education

 is the mode of education that use information and communications technology to support,
enhance, and optimise the delivery of information.

Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to an improved student learning and better
teaching methods. A report made by the National Institute of Multimedia Education in Japan,
proved that an increase in the use of ICT in education with integrating technology to the
curriculum has a significant and positive impact on students’ achievements. The results
specifically showed that the students who are continuously exposed to technology through
education has better ‘knowledge’, presentation skills, innovative capabilities, and are ready to
take more efforts into learning as compared to their counterparts.
Various devices/technology in ICT includes:
- Access of course materials through remote devices,
- Online digital repositories for lectures, course materials, and digital library,
- Online/ cloud based academic management systems,
- Employing the flipped classroom concept,
- Making use of handheld computers, tablet computers, audio players, projector devices

DIRECTION: Analyse the given picture below.

The alchemy of mixing technology and education.

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