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Classroom Context - 8th Grade Reading Extension

There are 25 students in the class- 12 boys and 13 girls

EL Students students

Mayala -Arabic- Emerging

Jesus- Spanish- Developing
Jacob- Spanish- Expanding
Daniel- Ukrainian- Developing
Sandra- Spanish-Bridging
Estrella-Spanish- Developing

ESL Proficiency Levels

Level 1- Starting - Students initially have little to no understanding of English.

Level 2- Emerging - Students can understand phrases and short sentences.
Level 3- Developing - Students understand more complex speech but still require repetition.
Level 4- Expanding - Students’ language skills are adequate for most day-to-day
communication needs.
Level 5- Bridging - Students can express themselves fluently and spontaneously but are not
necessarily English proficient.

IEP notes

Ke’Yonte- IEP- Low attentiveness, can draw and pay attention but needs frequent checks for

Reading level at 4th grade.

Wyatt- IEP-Moderate attentiveness. Gets bored quickly. He can be a class clown and it does
not help to give him attention outside what is necessary for academic work.

Reading level is at 6th level.

Timmy- Behavior plan no IEP- Refusal to do work unless strictly supervised. Can be
distracting to other students.

Has a daily behavior sheet to sign at the end of every class.

Reading level at 3rd grade.

Malaya- IEP Diagnosed with dyslexia. Well behaved, is work avoidant when not supervised.
High level learners- Alana W, Freddy C, Ashlee O, Sunny K.

Classroom Environment

This classroom can take a while to settle in after the bell, but can be expected to bring
their voices down, once the teacher is standing in front of the class. Due to
unproductive socializing earlier in the trimester, students have been assigned seat
charts which has successfully decreased in-class distraction.

The classroom is organized into groups of 4 to 6. Lessons are taught from the front of
class on a smart screen, with slides containing most of the presented content. The
computers available to students can be taken from the charging station in the back of
the classroom. These devices stay in the classroom and only are brought out for
specific assignments and iLearn reading development.

03/16 Personality slide- Lesson Plan

General Information
Lesson Title: Personality Slides
Subject(s): Reading Extension
Grade/Level/Setting: 8th grade
Prerequisite Skills/Prior Knowledge:
What do your students already know or what do they need to know about the selected topic to successfully
participate in the lesson?

Students will need to know how to use google slides.

Standards and Objectives

State/National Academic Standard(s):

Production and Distribution of Writing

Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact
and collaborate with others.

8.W.2a Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts,
and information into broader categories; include formatting, graphics, and
multimedia when useful in aiding comprehension.*

Learning Objective(s):
Identify what students will accomplish by the end of the lesson; needs to align with the state or Common Core State
Standards and needs to be measurable (condition, behavior, and criterion).
Students will demonstrate technological competence by creating a personal introduction slideshow,
scoring at least 39 out 50 points on the assignment rubric.

Materials Technology
What materials will the teacher and the students need in How will you use technology to enhance teaching and
order to complete the lesson? learning? (Optional: Use the SAMR model to explain the
technology integration strategies you plan to use.)
● Lesson presentation:
Day 1 Read Extension 3rd tri.pptx Modification: Students will use Google slides
● Introduction Survey worksheet along with image search engines in order to
● Get to know one another Bingo activity produce a presentation that represents their

Language Demands :
Specific ways that academic language (vocabulary, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate
in learning tasks through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their understanding.
Language Function(s):
The content and language focus of the learning task represented by the active verbs within the learning outcomes.
Common language functions include identifying main ideas and details; analyzing and interpreting characters or
events; arguing a position or point of view; or predicting, recording, and evaluating data. Common language
functions in math include predicting from models and data, recording multiple ways to solve problems, justifying
conclusions, evaluating data and explaining how or why certain strategies work.

● Organize ideas
● Introduce topics clearly
● Include formatting and graphics
● Collaboration

Includes words and phrases that are used within disciplines including: (1) words and phrases with subject-specific
meanings that differ from meanings used in everyday life (e.g., table); (2) general academic vocabulary used across
disciplines (e.g., compare, analyze, evaluate); and (3) subject-specific words defined for use in the discipline.

● Present, Develop, Draft

Discourse and/or Syntax:

Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well as how members of the discipline talk, write,
and participate in knowledge construction. Syntax refers to the set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and
phrases together into structures (e.g., sentences, graphs, tables).

● Students will use the caption of images and tables of information to detail information about

Planned Language Supports:

The scaffolds, representations, and pedagogical strategies teachers intentionally provide to help learners understand
and use the concepts of language they need to learn within disciplines.

● Direct one-on-one support during work time.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:
Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions
● Introduction Survey ● Students will fill out an introduction
● Get to know one another Bingo survey and begin brainstorming for their
● Students will participate in a bingo activity
where they walk around the classroom
searching for people with specific
interests that are on their bingo boards.

Focus student Modification

Mayala -Survey provided with English to focus on spelling.

Jesus- Survey provided with Spanish of key words.
Daniel- Survey provided with Ukrainian translation of key words.
Ke’Yonte- I sitting with this student to fill out orally.

Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions
● Students will follow along with the
● Lesson presentation presentation and answer checking for
understanding questions.

Guided Practice:
Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

● The teacher will work directly with ● During work time students can request
individuals during work time for this one-on-one assistance with their work.

Mayala - Preformatted essay provided and language choice

Jesus- Allowed to complete with choice of language
Daniel- Allowed to complete with choice of language
Ke’Yonte- Preformatted essay provided to decrease confusion about creating slides.

Independent Student Practice:

Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions
● Work Time provided for two class ● Student will take this time to develop
sessions. their multimedia presentations on Google
Slides .
Mayala - Assisted reread of written content translated.
Jesus- No additional assistance required
Daniel- No additional assistance required
Ke’Yonte- Check on progress in 8 to 10 minute intervals
Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity:
Activity Description/Teacher Student Actions

● One class session will be provided for


Differentiated Instruction
Consider how to accommodate the needs of each type of student. Be sure that you provide content specific
accommodations that help to meet a variety of learning needs.
Gifted and Talented:
Students will be encouraged to go beyond the task parameters to add extra slides and elements to their

Students will be allowed to produce their presentation in their native language and use google translate
to convert all text to English. These students will turn in both versions.

Students with Other Special Needs:

These students are in the class because of their academic needs. Students with learning difficulties will
have the rubric for this assignment modified .

Assessment + Rubric
Describe how you will monitor, support, and extend student thinking.

The teacher will model what a presentation should look like by showing their own while giving students
a better understanding of the teacher’s background.

(Quizzes, Tests, products)

Students will produce a slide show representing their personality. They will be graded according to a
rubric on the basis of effort and completion of the task.

Mayala - 12 slides for an A.

Jesus- No additional assistance required
Daniel- No additional assistance required
Ke’Yonte- Only 8 slides need written details.

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