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A. Background
With still many weaknesses and shortcomings of national education , various parties need
to immediately improve and reform the education world as a form of investment in human
resources that are expected to compete in the Global era . Education science and technology
played a major role in preparing the nation for a future where increasingly laden with
problems - problems new and emerging one after another . As the above description the
development of science and technology must be balanced proportional religious system , so
as not to produce scholars and scientists who justify the means . Indonesian nation is
experiencing a crisis of moral , ethical and even religious crisis on religiosity . So the
mechanism of national education reform can be done urgently to reform and restructuring .
This reasoning rests on national education goals , which directs education by not leaving
the characteristics of the nation's dignity and virtuous and religious .

B. Problem Formulation
1 . What is it education
2 . How the role of education for the future of the nation ?

C. Purpose
1 . Want to know what education
2 . Want to find out how the role of education for the future of the nation

A. The Importance of An Education

Education is a conscious and premeditated attempt to create an atmosphere of learning and
the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the
spiritual strength of religious , self-control , personality , intelligence , noble character, and
skills needed him , society , nation and state . The explanation seems obvious , that
education is forming national identity that includes three domains , namely cognitive , affective
and psychomotor . Reliability / quality of education will affect the life of a nation and society
, both present and future . Thus the ability of the nation in the face of the future is
determined by the mechanism and educational system owned and is running .
Education is the right of every citizen , but there are still some of them who have not gotten
this right . Until now , the biggest opportunity to gain access to a good education only
children of the rich and smart . With the economy 's ability to capitalize more than adequate ,
supported by higher thinking skills , be a contributing factor to gain access to better
. They are most likely to enter the elite schools , quality , national standard , even
internationally . This creates an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning , as
supported by the quality of the students who had a high intellect . In addition , the
availability of a complete infrastructure helps to realize the educational establishment.

Taking into account the condition of national education is not all meet national education
standards , according to the authors thought highly consider it necessary to reorganize
education in Indonesia in various components . With the complexity of the phenomenon of
the future , this nation is not enough just to pass on to the next level with the condition of the
nation's education requirements with weaknesses and shortcomings . It is expected to
reform the existing education , Indonesian people will be able to meet future full of
uncertainty . No
one will know the state of the future with certainty , although based on the existing data do
predictions - predictions , but it all still is approximate and uncertain.
Based on the development of science and technology , which until now continues to run ,
the condition of human life in this world / the one with the other countries increasingly there
are no limits of space and time . These conditions will lead to an increasingly tight
competition live from various sectors of human life , the people and nations who go forth to be
able to compete and survive in the world arena . The description shows how important the role
of education that will shape the personality and ability of a nation and the world community
Weaknesses and difficulties in the education system and the mechanism of the Indonesian
nation must be addressed and reformed , so that the future generation is able to face the
challenges of the future . Education reform must be carried out , in order to produce a
generation of people who are able to face the global challenges .
Education Key To A Development Capital
In accordance with the preamble of the 1945 Constitution that the purpose of education is the
intellectual life of the nation . Education is also a determining factor for the future of a nation
. Therefore , the state should be concerned with educational elements in aspects of life to
achieve quality human resources to pay attention in preparing competitive human resources .
Human Resources will be the education capital of national development , especially in the
field of the nation's economy . That is , the more educated human resources in a country ,
the more easier it is to the success of national pebangunan . However , the resulting human
resources must also be a leader in all areas and ready to face the challenges of the times .
Not make educational purposes only to obtain a diploma or degree for personal gain .
There are at least 3 reasons why education should be placed on the most important part of a
nation . First , for the economic development of the nation . In education , students acquire
the knowledge and skills needed to live and competence in the field of economics . Second , a
comparison of the value of the investment . Behind a given value of the total cost comparison
is used to pay for education is smaller with a total revenue obtained when entering the
workforce . Third , social functions , political and cultural . Contribution of education to
human resources development , political development , attitudes and skills of citizenship , as
well as for the development of Indonesian culture .
Empowering education can be done by giving full attention and priority on education .
Empowerment in terms of systems , strategies , input and output as the substance of
educational attainment . In this educational empowerment of the substance is expected to
achieve quality human resources , adaptive and generative in overcoming the various
problems that are so complex future .
This is the initial capital must be developed to be an asset of national development . The
presence of qualified human resources must be coupled with the moral values keinsanan on
every individual , to be able to hold the mandate and are always responsible for any actions
that he did . And this is only the human resource development , our nation can stand tegag
equal with other nations .
Investment returns through this education is not seen in a short time , it took a long time to
enjoy the results . However, the results can be felt by the nation as a whole from various
fields . Investment in education as it is not merely to collect as many human resources ,
but human resources as diprioitaskan berkualitaslah the main capital .

B. Education and the Future of the Nation

From birth , without realizing it , we 've received the education of parents about many things .
Parents are the first teachers time for us to ask things small to large . Over time , the
definition of education was widespread . We not only get to know the family environment
, yet achieving society . In fact , the country's environment . Education is something that can
not be separated from human life . Education holds an important element in shaping our
thinking , morality , and human behavior in order to conform to existing norms , such as
religious norms , customs , culture , and others .
According to Donald and Frederick J.Mc M.J. Langeveld , education is a process or activity
that is directed to change habits ( behavior) humans . According to John Dewey , education
is a process of renewing the meaning of experience . This will probably happen in the regular
association or association with young adults . In fact , it may also occur accidentally and
instituted to generate social sustainability . This process involves the supervision and
development of the immature and the group in which he lives .

Education is an important asset in human life let alone genarasi nation , with enough
education , insight , extensive knowledge will be able to prepare qualified young generation
that is able to build this nation better .
course of education , ability , insight and pengetahuanlah we need . In the educational bench
a lot of things that we dapatkan.Tetapi some reason a lot of people in Indonesia who do not
get an education bench as they should , particularly in remote areas around the Indonesian
region . Looks like they tetangpentingnya awareness education needs to be improved .
As revealed Daoed Joesoef about the importance of education : " Education is all areas of
livelihood , in selecting and fostering the good life , which is in accordance with human
dignity " And certainly from that statement we can conclude that education is very important
and can not be separated of life .
Being a developed nation is certainly a dream to be achieved by any country in the world .
Has become a common knowledge that the forward or not a country is influenced
olehfaktor education . Once the importance of education , so that a nation can be measured
either the forward or reverse it , because as we all know that a course of Education Human
Resources will print good quality in terms of spiritual , intelligence and skill and education
is a process of printing the next generation . If the output of the educational process fails
then it is hard to imagine how to progress .

A. Conclusion
Having discussed in the previous chapter, the authors can draw conclusions expressed
bahwaSebagaimana Daoed Joesoef about the importance of education : " Education is all
areas of livelihood , in selecting and fostering the good life , which is in accordance with
human dignity " And certainly from that statement we can conclude that Education is very
important and can not be separated from life .
Being a developed nation is certainly a dream to be achieved by any country in the world .
Has become a common knowledge that the forward or not a country is influenced
olehfaktor education . Once the importance of education , so that a nation can be measured
either the forward or reverse it , because as we all know that a course of Education Human
Resources will print good quality in terms of spiritual , intelligence and skill and education
is a process of printing the next generation . If the output of the educational process fails
then it is hard to imagine how to progress .

B. Advice
The paper still has many kinds of shortcomings by it 's very constructive criticism that we
expect .
Pidarta , Prof. . Dr. . Made . , 2004. Indonesian Education Management . Jakarta : PT Rineka
Reserved . indonesia .

2 . SRI Juang




WORD PENGANTAR.............................................................................................i
Sign up ISI.........................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I PENDAHULUAN.......................................................................................1
1.1 Background...............................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation........................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives and Benefits.....................................................................................1
CHAPTER II PEMBAHASAN.........................................................................................4
A. The importance of an education........................................................................2
B. Education and the future of the nation..........................................................4
CHAPTER III PENUTUP..............................................................................................6
A. Kesimpulan................................................................................................6
B. Saran..........................................................................................................6


Praise and Gratitude I pray to God the Almighty , because of the blessings and abundance
rahmatnyalah then I must finish an essay in a timely manner .

Here the author presented a paper

entitled " EDUCATION "
Through this preface first writer apologized and pleaded proclamation which the contents of
this paper when there is a shortage and there are posts that I make less precise or menyinggu
reader feeling .

I hereby dedicate this paper with gratitude and may God Almighty bless this paper so as to
provide benefits .

Raha , February 2014

" Author "

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