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● TThe High courts

○ Is at the head of the the judicial hierarchy of the state

○ There are 25 high courts in India
● Composition
○ Each high court consist of a chief justice and such other
judges as the President determine from time to time
● Appointment of judges
○ The chief justice is appointed by President in consultation with
the chief justice of Supreme court and the governor of the
concerned state
○ Other judges are appointed by the President in consultation
with chief justice ofIndia, the governor of the concerned state
and the chief justice of high court
● Qualifications
○ Be a citizen of India
○ Not beyond 62 years
○ Have held a judicial office for at least 10 years or have been
an advocate of a high court or courts for at least 10 years
● Subordinate courts
○ Every state has 3 types of courts
■ Civil courts
■ Criminal courts
■ Courts of revenue
● Difference between court of district and session court
Court of District judge Sessions courts

● It is the highest civil court ● It is the highest criminal
of the district court of the district
● It is presided over by ● It is presided over by a
district judge sessions judge
● The judges are appointed ● The judges are appointed
by the governor in by the governor in
consultation with chief consultation with chief
justice of high court of the justice of high court of the
concerned state concerned state
● The district judge decides ● The sessions judge decides
civil cases related to land, criminal cases
property, money
transactions, marriage etc.
● The district judge astd as a ● The sessions judge does
deputy commissioner and not perform any
district collector and in administrative functions
this capacity he maintains
law and order and
supervises the collection of
revenue and taxes in the
● Lok Adalats
○ Lok adalats or people’s court were set up Legal Services
Authorities Act, 1987 as a legal forum for speedy disposal of
○ These courts eliminate high courts and delay in imparting
● Advantages
○ Lok adalats play an important role in the settlement of family
feuds, disputes between neighbours and major cases of
assault and injury by setting the disputes through
compromise. Since the lok adalats work in the spirit of
compromise and understanding both the parties feel satisfied
○ Lok adalats give fast and inexpensive justice. Any person can
move to Lok Adalats and expect fast and speedy justice
○ Lok adalats reduce the workload of other courts enabling
them to deal with more serious cases
○ Lok adalats promote social justice by providing legal aid to
weaker sections of society

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