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Liceo de Cagayan University

Senior High School Department

RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City



Sorhayla P. Barodi
Name: ______________________ 11 Stem 3
Grade & Section:_______________

How do cells obtain energy?

Lesson Review
Complete the following.
1. A cell releases energy from food without using oxygen by Fermentation .

2. Plants use sunlight to make food in their leaves by using a process called Photosynthesis .

3. A plant breaks down sugar and releases energy using a process called Cellular respiration .

4. Plants use the Sun’s energy to produce oxygen and energy .

5. The ability to do work or cause change is energy .

6. Photosynthesis occurs in a plant’s chloroplasts .

7. Fermentation causes cells to break down sugar into carbon dioxide and oxygen .

8. During photosynthesis, plants take in water and carbon dioxide .

Skill Challenge
Skills: interpreting diagrams

Answer the questions about the diagram shown above.

1. What process is being shown by the substances moving into and out of this structure?

Diffusion is one principle method of movement of substances within cells, as well as the method for essential
small molecules to cross the cell membrane.
2. What is the name of the structure shown? Cellular respiration

3. Which substances are combined to release energy? simple sugars into carbon dioxide and water

4. Which substances are byproducts? oxygen, glucose, water, and carbon dioxide
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City



Sorhayla P. Barodi
Name: ______________________ 11 Stem 3
Grade & Section:_______________

How do living things get energy?

Lesson Review
PART A. Complete the following.
The amount of energy in an item of food or drink is measured in calories. When we eat and
1. What is a Calorie? drink more calories than we use up, our bodies store the excess as body fat.
The Sun is the major source of energy for organisms and the ecosystems of which
2. How do living things get energy? they are a part. Producers, such as plants and algae, use energy from sunlight to
make food energy by combining carbon dioxide and water to form organic matter.
3. What are two byproducts of cellular respiration? water and carbon dioxide

4. Which nutrient gives off the most energy? Fat

5. How much energy do carbohydrates and proteins contain? 4 calories per gram

6. How much energy does the body get from fat? 9 calories

7. How does your body use energy? Energy produced from food in the human body is used to maintain the body's
essential functions (e.g. cell growth and repair, respiration, blood transport)
and perform physical tasks including work, exercise and recreational activities.

PART B Use reference materials to calculate the number of Calories supplied by each of the following. Write
your answers in the spaces provided.
(1 gram of fat = 9 calories; 1 gram of protein, starch, or carbohydrates = 4 calories)

40 1. 10 grams of starch 135 5. 15 grams of fat

16 2. 4 grams of carbohydrates 36 6. 9 grams of starch
12 3. 3 grams of protein 48 7. 4 g of fat + 3 g of protein
54 4. 6 grams of fat 80 8. 10 g of protein + 10 g of starch
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Skill Challenge
Skills: analyzing, inferring, relating concepts
The chemical and word equations for the process of cellular respiration are
shown below. Use the formula to answer the questions that follow.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ⇒ 6CO2 + 6H2O + ENERGY Glucose

+ Oxygen ⇒ Carbon dioxide + Water + ENERGY

1. What are the byproducts of cellular respiration? water and carbon dioxide

2. What sugar is used for cellular respiration? glucose

3. Why does the body carry out cellular respiration? releases stored energy in glucose molecules and converts it into a form
energy that can be used by cells
4. What substances does the body need to carry out cellular respiration? glucose and oxygen
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City



Name: Sorhayla P. Barodi

______________________ 11 Stem 3
Grade & Section:_______________

Photosynthesis: Making Energy

Photosynthesis is a process in which sunlight energy is used to make glucose. The site of
photosynthesis is in the chloroplast – an organelle found in the leaves of green plants. The main
functions of chloroplasts are to produce food (glucose) during photosynthesis, and to store food
energy. Chloroplasts contain the pigment, chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs most of the colors in
the color spectrum, and reflects only green and yellow wavelengths of light. This is why we see
leaves as green or yellow – because these colors are reflected into our eyes.

1. What is photosynthesis?
the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and
water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.

2. Where does photosynthesis occur? chloroplasts

3. What are chloroplasts and where are they found?
Chloroplasts are present in the cells of all green tissues of plants and algae. Chloroplasts are also found in
photosynthetic tissues that do not appear green, such as the brown blades of giant kelp or the red leaves of
certain plants. to produce food (glucose) during photosynthesis, and
4. What are the two main functions of chloroplasts? to store food energy.
5. Why do most leaves appear green?due to the presence of chlorophyll, a pigment used to absorb energy from the sun.
6. What is the primary pigment found in the chloroplast? chlorophyll

Glucose is another name for sugar. The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. Plants make
sugar by using the energy from sunlight to transform CO2 from the air with water from the ground
into glucose. This process, called photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast of the plant cell.
During this process, oxygen (O2) is created as a waste product and is released into the air for us
to breath. The formula for photosynthesis is:

(reactants) (products)
CO2 + H2O + sunlight ----> C6H12O6 + O2

This formula says that carbon dioxide + water molecules are combined with the energy from
sunlight to produce sugar and oxygen. The reactants in photosynthesis (what is used) are CO2,
water and sun. The plant gets water from the ground through its roots. The plant collects carbon
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

dioxide from the air. Much of the carbon dioxide comes from living organisms that exhale (breath
it out) it, but some also comes from factory smokestacks and car fumes.

7. What is the formula for photosynthesis? 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

8. What three things are used to make glucose in photosynthesis?
Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.
As mentioned, our drinking water comes from two primary natural
9. Where does the water come from?resources: surface water (think lakes and rivers) and groundwater.
10. Where does the water enter the plant? roots
11. Name 3 some sources of CO2. decomposition, ocean release and respiration.
12. What type of energy does the plant use to convert CO2 and H2O into sugar?
light energy or energy of the sunlight

The products are glucose and oxygen. The glucose produced is used by the plant for energy and
growth. We also use this glucose by eating plants. The oxygen produced is released into the air
for us to breath. Photosynthesis is essential for all life on earth, because it provides food and
oxygen. Plants are considered autotrophs because unlike us humans, they can make their own
food using this process.

is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
13. What is produced in photosynthesis? to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
14. What is the glucose used for? It's a type of sugar you get from foods you eat, and your body uses it for energy
15. What is the oxygen used for?
Oxygen plays a critical role in respiration, the energy-producing chemistry that drives the metabolisms of most
living things. We humans, along with many other creatures, need oxygen in the air we breathe to stay alive.
Oxygen is generated during photosynthesis by plants and many types of microbes.
16. Here are three different ways to visualize the photosynthesis reaction: Is it easier for you to
understand the reaction by using pictures, words, or symbols (see above)? Why?
Yes because with the help of
the picture I can easily
and understand the reaction
of the photosynthesis

Essential Question: Describe, using scientific terms, how plants turn sunlight into energy? Make
sure to refer to the chemical equation to photosynthesis and discus the reactants and products.
Plants convert Co2 and H2o into glucose by the process of photosynthesis . To power photosynthesis, plants use the energy
from the sun. No sunlight would mean that plants could not perform photosynthesis. Oxygen is released as a waste product
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City



Sorhayla P. Barodi
Name: ______________________ 11 stem 3
Grade & Section:_______________


1. c__ __
i __
t __
r __
i c__ __
a __
c __i __d is a 6 carbon molecule that is produced first when acetyl-CoA joins with a 4
carbon molecule to enter the Krebs cycle.

2. __
g __
l __
y c__ __
o __
l __
y s__ i__ __
s is the process of splitting a glucose molecule into 2 pyruvic acid molecules.

3. The molecule used by cells to store and transfer energy is A__ T

__ __.

4. Glycolysis happens outside the mitochondria in the __

c __
y __
t __
o __
p __
l __
a s__ m
__ of the cell.

5. __ e
C __ __
l __ __ l__ a__ __
l u r __
r __
e __
s __
p __i __
r __ a __
t __
i __
o n__ happens when oxygen is present and includes
glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and Electron transport.

6. This describes a process that requires oxygen = a

__ __
e __
r __
o __
b __
i __

7. This atmospheric gas is required for aerobic respiration = o__ x__ y__ g__ __
e n__.

8. This describes a process that does NOT require oxygen; it means “without air”
a. = __
a n__ a__ __
e __
r __
o __
b __
i __

9. Type of fermentation used by human muscles in low oxygen conditions and microorganisms to make yogurt,
cheese, pickles, sauerkraut and kimchi. = __
L __
a __
c __
t __
i __
c a__ __
c i__ d__

10. The K
__ __
r e__ b
__ __
s cycle breaks down pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and produces NADH, FADH 2, and

11. The NADH and FADH2 produced during the Krebs cycle pass their electrons down the
__ __
E l __
e c__ __
t __
r __
o n__ t__ __ __ n__ __
r a s p__ __
o __
r __
t chain to produce ATP.

12. The passage of H+ ions through __

A T__ P
__ __
s __ __ t__ h__ __
y n a __
s __
e causes it to spin and produce ATP.

13. This 3 carbon molecule is produced during glycolysis when glucose splits in half
a. = __P __
y __
r __
u __
v __i __
c __
a __
c __ __
i d

14. Cell organelle which acts as the cell’s power plant to burn glucose and store energy as ATP
a. = m__ __
i __
t __
o __
c __h __o __
n __
d __r __
i __a

15. If oxygen is NOT present, glycolysis is followed by __

F __
e __
r m__ e__ __
n __ __ __
t a t __
i __
o __.

16. Type of fermentation used to make bread dough rise and produce beer and wine.
a. = __ a __
l c__ o__ __
h __
o __
l __
i __

17. This molecule has the formula C6H12O6 and is split in half during glycolysis
__ __
l __
u c__ __
o s__ e
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

18. The carbon atoms in pyruvic acid end up as C

__ __
o __
2 in the atmosphere following the Krebs cycle.

19. The folded inner membranes inside a mitochondrion are called __

c __
r __
i __
s t__ __
a e__.

20. This molecule reacts with pyruvic acid to release C02, produce NADH, and acetyl-CoA.
a. = C
__ __
o __
e n__ __
z __y m__ __
e A __

21. __
A __
c __
e __
t __
y __ __ __
l C o __
A forms when Coenzyme A attaches to two carbons from pyruvic acid.

22. __
G __
l __
y c__ o
__ g__ e
__ n
__ is the storage form of glucose used by animal cells which can be broken down for
energy when glucose is used up.

23. The area inside the cristae where the Krebs cycle happens is the __
m __
a __
t __
r i__ __.


(You can use them MORE THAN ONCE or NOT AT ALL)

E Place where glycolysis happens

C Place where enzymes for the Electron
Transport Chain are located

______ Place that fills with H+ ions as electrons move down the Electron
transport chain

C Place where ADP and P join to make ATP

D Place where oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor to make

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