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Thayer Consultancy Background Brief:

ABN # 65 648 097 123

US President and Vietnam Party
General Secretary Speak on the
March 30, 2023

We request your assessment of the high-level phone talks between General Secretary
Nguyen Phu Trong and US President Joe Biden yesterday.
Q1. In your assessment, how will the bilateral relationship develop now that Biden and
Trong have spoken to each other ? Is it possible to upgrade the relationship this year?
ANSWER: President Biden and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong spoke by
telephone to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the U.S.-Vietnam
comprehensive partnership. Both leaders extended and accepted invitations to visit
the other’s countries. Reuters reported that Vietnamese media said the two leaders
agreed to “promote, develop and deepen” ties. Nhan Dan reported that “The two
leaders will assign relevant authorities of the two sides to discuss details for further
promoting ties.”
In sum, the year 2023 presents an opportune moment to raise relations to a strategic
Q2. What is your assessment of the White House Readout of the telephone talk? What
struck you as significant?
ANSWER: Three points stood out.
First, the U.S. President spoke with Vietnam’s General Secretary and thus
acknowledged his central role in Vietnam’s political system. It is not usual for the U.S.
President to speak to a foreign leader who is not head of state or government.
Second, the White House Readout reported that “Two leaders discussed the
importance of strengthening and expanding the bilateral relationship,” thus laying the
foundation for upgrading the comprehensive partnership.
Third, media reports presented a long list of issues raised by the two leaders. The
White House Readout confirmed that the two leaders agreed to address: “ensuring a
free and open Indo-Pacific” and the “deteriorating environmental and security
situation along the Mekong.”
Q3. The US used to say it is committed to a "strong, prosperous, and independent
Vietnam". But this time, The White House Readout quoted President Biden as saying
"a strong, prosperous, resilient, and independent Vietnam". What do you think about
this change?

ANSWER: In my opinion, and it is only speculation, I think the word “resilient” is an

allusion to General Secretary Trong’s expression “bamboo diplomacy.” It was likely
suggested by U.S. Ambassador Marc Knapper to underscore Vietnam’s special

Suggested citation: Carlyle A. Thayer, “US President and Vietnam Party General
Secretary Speak on the Telephone,” Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, March 30,
2023. All background briefs are posted on (search for Thayer). To remove
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Thayer Consultancy provides political analysis of current regional security issues and
other research support to selected clients. Thayer Consultancy was officially
registered as a small business in Australia in 2002.

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