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Vol 24, No 5, September 2017


Hyperkalemia: Inpatient PaniK

INTRODUCTION these potassium levels.3 The most important thing to
In this issue, Guest Editor Jeffrey Kraut determined to “go determine first is the verity of the potassium level and,
back to the basics” of nephrology and assembled an august then, if replicated, to rule out pseudohyperkalemia. If
group of authors whose expertise spans the gamut of elec- ruled out, one must subsequently determine the patho-
trolytes and acid-base disorders. The table of contents rep- physiology driving the increase in serum potassium con-
resents a carefully curated compilation of articles, each of centration to facilitate the prudent management of
which is a minireview and state-of-the-art appraisal of the hyperkalemia.
literature on a particular topic. In alignment with this
familiar group of topics, I have PSEUDOHYPERKALEMIA
chosen to concentrate on inpatient Pseudohyperkalemia must
hyperkalemia. Rather than always be ruled out. A
opining on the panoply of potas- clue to this finding is that
sium abundance disorders, the patient never had
I devote my time and yours to mat- hyperkalemia before or
ters of all things done wrong when always has hyperkalemia.
confronted with inpatient hyper- Nearly 40 years after Farber
kalemia, a common finding that and colleagues4 associated
evokes a “PaniK” disorder. skeletal muscle exercise
with increases of potassium
levels from 0.3 to
.1.0 mmol/L, Don and
POTASSIUM colleagues5 showed that
CONCENTRATIONS fist clenching produced
Minimally increased serum potas- ex vivo hyperkalemia in association with lactic acid pro-
sium levels, defined as 5.0 to 5.5 mmol/L, generally can be duction. Forearm- and occasionally upper arm-induced
treated nonurgently. A potassium-restricted diet is gener- skeletal muscle depolarization from fist clenching releases
ally all that is required. In patients with CKD with lower intracellular potassium into the extracellular space and in-
serum potassium levels, potassium restriction may not creases the local downstream plasma potassium concen-
even be required with adherence to the correct diet. In tration. This leads to downstream vasodilation of
fact, patients with CKD stages 3 and 4 with serum potas- vascular beds that must deliver increased oxygen content
sium levels ,5 mmol/L and metabolic acidosis have been to exercising muscle. The locally increased potassium con-
treated with diets of fresh fruits and vegetables without centration is subsequently dissipated by dilution when
aggravation of hyperkalemia.1,2 the relatively small blood volume returns to the much
Most non-nephrologists are concerned when serum po- larger cardiopulmonary circulation. This kind of pseudo-
tassium levels are $5.5 mmol/L—an operational defini- hyperkalemia is the most common form and follows ex-
tion for hyperkalemia. In a patient with CKD, such a hortations from venipuncturists who encourage patients
level brings foreboding. Internal Medicine housestaff are to “pump up that arm” to increase the success of venous
currently deceived into believing that an emergency is blood draws. Many chronically ill hospitalized patients
forthcoming—a potassium portent of some sort. Echoes who develop hyperkalemia have poor veins, progres-
of past attending teachers ring clearly—“A person with sively destroyed by repetitive blood drawing. These are
hyperkalemia can develop ventricular fibrillation as the
first sign of hyperkalemia”—but this belief is “fake
news.” Most mildly hyperkalemic patients with serum Ó 2017 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
potassium concentrations of 5.5 to 6.0 mmol/L will not 1548-5595/$36.00
encounter such dire circumstances. No one will die at

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2017;24(5):267-271 267

268 Yee

the individuals most susceptible to pseudohyperkalemia releases potassium into a smaller plasma volume during
as fist clenching may be the only recourse to obtain the clotting.10 With repetitive refrigerated centrifugation,
blood sample. another unusual form of true pseudohyperkalemia of
Reform is necessary here because venipuncturists are modest degree may occur.11 This circumstance was
trained to obtain the blood within 30 seconds of tourni- detected in Japan in 2 patients errantly diagnosed with hy-
quet application, which invariably leads to pseudohyper- perkalemia. The cause was recentrifugation of refriger-
kalemia from regional exercise. Note that the ated plasma in gel-separator tubes. After disclosure of
phenomenon of fist-clenching or exercise-induced pseu- this finding, replication and validation were conducted
dohyperkalemia is not truly pseudohyperkalemia, in a time-series of 5700 samples during a 6-month interval.
defined as an ex vivo phenomenon, that is, in the former The other forms of true pseudohyperkalemia that result
case, the potassium concentration in the blood vessel and from mishandling of blood samples are primarily related
in the vacutainer tube are equally increased. This to mechanical injury of erythrocytes. These are reviewed
equality differentiates this form of pseudohyperkalemia, by Avelar.8
which is actually pseudopseudohyperkalemia, from I wonder how many times my colleagues and I have
“true” pseudohyperkalemic states, such as the hereditary been asked to consult on a patient for pseudohyperkale-
stomatocytoses (includes genetic disorders of cryohydro- mia and/or consider the patient for hemodialysis. The
cytosis, dehydrated stomatocytosis, familial pseudohy- easiest way to determine whether fist-clenching hyper-
perkalemia) or xerocytosis, abnormal red cell kalemia has occurred is to examine the patient’s bruised
morphologies, and membrane disorders that lend them- arm for multiply “missed” venipuncture sites and to ask
selves to destruction and release of erythrocyte potas- him/her about fist clenching. The answer should not
sium during venipuncture,6,7 thereby increasing the surprise. In a value-based environment, pseudohyper-
potassium concentration in the blood collection tube by kalemia represents extra laboratory work, consulta-
extravascular hemolysis—an out-of-body in vitro experi- tions, extra payments, and, worst of all, injury to the
ence. patient.
Nephrologists, untrained in erythrocyte rehydration In summary, fist-clenching pseudohyperkalemia is
via gradient ektacytometry, will not be making the initial pseudopseudohyperkalemia because there is no ex vivo
diagnoses of these hereditary red cell disturbances hemolysis—bilirubin concentration is normal—and the
anytime soon, but a pathologist or hematologist will plasma potassium is increased. It is simply a patient-
when examining a peripheral blood smear. The pseudo- induced higher potassium concentration in the forearm
hyperkalemias that transpires with myeloproliferative that is nonrepresentative of the rest of the circulation.
syndromes in conjunction with extreme leukocytosis as
with chronic myelogenous leukemia (white blood cells MILD HYPERKALEMIA
.70,000 per mm3) and thrombocytosis (platelets For inpatients with true but mild hyperkalemia of 5.5 to
.700,000 per mm3) are classical. Serum potassium con- 6.0 mmol/L who have not experienced acute hyperkale-
centrations greatly exceed corresponding plasma levels, mia previously, the diet should be scrutinized. Perhaps
when potassium ions are released from “fragile” white the patient has been restricted from sodium but not po-
cells or platelets during the clotting process. In a remark- tassium intake in hospital—a frequent occurrence on
able case of “reverse” pseudohyperkalemia, heparin- dedicated cardiac floors where the predominant logic
induced damage of white cells in plasma produced potas- is to prevent heart failure from excess sodium and to
sium levels greater than the serum levels and resulted in maintain potassium levels at $4.0 mmol/L in fear of hy-
dialysis after hyperkalemia was shown refractory to treat- pokalemia in a cardiac-compromised patient with lower
ment.8 No electrocardiographic changes were detected at ejection fraction. The reduction in dietary sodium in an
plasma potassium levels of .8 mmol/L. For pseudohyper- individual loathe to adhere to a sodium-restricted diet
kalemia from leukocytosis, the height of the leukocyte in- may result in hyperkalemia from diminished epithelial
crease is the obvious clue. However, distinguishing sodium channel–mediated sodium reabsorption and,
between reverse pseudohyperkalemia and true pseudo- consequently, less potassium secretion via the renal
hyperkalemia may require whole blood analysis of potas- outer medullary K1 channel. The cardiac dietitian
sium concentration via an arterial blood gas in a may accidentally aggravate this scenario by increasing
heparinized nonlithium syringe. For pseudohyperkalemia dietary potassium and decreasing dietary sodium.
from thrombocytosis, the simple maneuver of obtaining At moderate levels of hyperkalemia, panic often sets in,
blood in a heparinized tube, with subsequent prevention unleashing a cavalcade of tests and procedures including
of clotting by exposure to ethylenediaminetetracetate is urinary and serum potassium levels and osmolalities to
curative. Although this “cure” has been known for de- calculate transtubular potassium gradients, electrocardio-
cades, no one prescribes it anymore, although no special grams, kidney-pelvic ultrasonograms to rule out obstruc-
equipment is required. Recall that the normal clotting of tion, administration of insulin and/or glucose, and
platelets results in an approximately 0.3 mmol/L inpatient polystyrene sulfonate prescription. Insulin
differential between the serum and plasma potassium and/or glucose treatment, if conducted with disregard to
concentrations.9 the level of insulin sensitivity, may result in the adverse ef-
Occasionally, pseudohyperkalemia occurs in erythrocy- fects of hypoglycemia, particularly when insulin sensi-
tosis (hematocrit .55%) when a normal platelet count tivity is high as in patients with CKD, and/or

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Editorial 269

hyperkalemia when glucose level rise from insulin insuf- A kidney and pelvic ultrasonogram should always be
ficiency and osmotically drive plasma potassium levels considered after hyperkalemia of any degree is estab-
upward. As recorded by studies from Putcha and Allon,12 lished, irrespective of the absence of urinary symptoms.
insulin/glucose therapy for hyperkalemia results in a Occult obstruction when sustained invariably produces
mean potassium reduction of 0.8 mmol/L in hemodialysis pressure-related renal tubular damage, and all of us
patients after 60 minutes, a typical response of normal have been surprised by the unexpected and incidental
control subjects. finding of bilateral hydronephrosis. An important clue
All the aforementioned tests and procedures may be or- to urologic obstruction as causative of hyperkalemia is
dered and executed without first obtaining a repeated depression of the venous total carbon dioxide content to
serum potassium test, which represents bad medicine at ,20–22 mmol/L, that is, the presence of hyperkalemic
its best. If the serum potassium level remains 5.5 to distal renal tubular acidosis.
6.0 mmol/L after dietary potassium restriction—the most
important step in controlling hyperkalemia—a loop HEPARIN AND ANTI–RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-
diuretic or bicarbonate therapy may be used to augment ALDOSTERONE SYSTEM ANTAGONISTS
renal elimination of potassium in concert with additive Many hospitalized heart failure patients receive heparin to
measures such as elimination of hidden sources of potas- prevent deep venous thrombosis. Treatment of only a
sium and discontinuation of agents that increase potas- week’s duration may instigate hyperkalemia via interrup-
sium levels. Hemodialysis should not even be tion of angiotensin II–mediated aldosterone release and
contemplated at this juncture. expression by the zona glomerulosa. Again, the clinical
The question of whether a diuretic or bicarbonate rep- clue is the absence of hyperkalemia before hospitalization,
resents the first-line agent has been bandied about in ac- thereby implying an iatrogenic but unplanned provoca-
ademic circles. Withholding my own opinion, I offer a tion of hyperkalemia.
pragmatic solution. Diuretic therapy is favored if hyper- Drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
kalemia is accompanied by edema or suboptimally system and typically raise serum potassium levels by an
controlled hypertension, usually volume-dependent, average of 0.3 mmol/L are habitually stopped in hospital,
and bicarbonate therapy may be used otherwise. If blamed for inducing an episode of hyperkalemia that was
edema occurs during bicarbonate treatment, more absent before admission when the patient was taking the
aggressive sodium restriction is required because so- same dose of anti–renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
dium bicarbonate therapy generally does not result in agents. Automatic discontinuation of anti–renin-angio-
edema in nondialysis-dependent patients with CKD. tensin-aldosterone system agents during potassium in-
The absence of edema formation with sodium bicarbon- creases is de rigeur, but this should not be a standard
ate treatment was clearly delineated by de Brito-Ashurst practice. These abrupt unnecessary stoppages of anti–
and colleagues13 in a 2-year randomized open-label renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system therapies have no
clinical trial (total n ¼ 134) in which the experimental immediate effect on the plasma potassium concentration.
group was treated with 1800 mg (19 mmol) of sodium Furthermore, reduction of anti–renin-angiotensin-aldoste-
bicarbonate daily. Loop diuretic or bicarbonate treat- rone system medications may prove injurious to the pa-
ments, applied correctly, should increase the serum bi- tient by potentially reducing right and/or left ventricular
carbonate concentration to the normal range. With loop function, thereby lowering the GFR to a level (,15-
diuretic therapy, serum total carbon dioxide concentra- 20 mL/min/1.73 m2) insufficient to excrete potassium in
tions exceeding $28 mmol/L with hypochloremia signify amounts sufficient to avert hyperkalemia, resulting in a
extracellular fluid contraction, an indication for dose paradoxical outcome of hyperkalemia from the absence
reduction. of anti–renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system therapy.
Recently, Agarwal and colleagues14 demonstrated that Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents should be avoided
chlorthalidone at 25 mg daily provoked hypokalemia in in patients with CKD, particularly in diabetic and elderly
patients with CKD stages 3b to 4 with uncontrolled patients who may harbor subclinical or fully manifest hy-
hypertension and an average estimated glomerular poreninemic hypoaldosteronism. As chronically ill indi-
filtration rate (GFR) of 28 mL/min/1.73 m2 (range, 20 to viduals and those undergoing recent steroid therapy
45 mL/min/1.73 m2). Single-dose chlorthalidone repre- may have hypoadrenalism, this diagnostic entity must al-
sents a convenient and well-tolerated substitute for ways be considered in the differential diagnosis of hyper-
loop agents that nearly always require multiple daily kalemia and is nearly always a diagnosis of exclusion.
dosing to exert their salutary effect(s). In a small study,
4 of 7 participants treated with a single 25-mg dose MODERATE HYPERKALEMIA
developed hypokalemia, while lowering their blood Potassium levels of 6.0 to 6.5 mmol/L and higher merit
pressures by nearly 10 mm Hg, attributable to extracel- serious consideration. However, such potassium levels
lular fluid reduction. Overall, potassium-binder therapy are not fatal and can be tolerated for hours. Marathon
succeeds dietary potassium restriction and diuretic or running is associated with an increase in potassium con-
sodium bicarbonate administration as treatment of hy- centration of 2.5 mmol/L, with rapid resolution on cessa-
perkalemia. tion of exercise.15 Patients who are chronically

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2017;24(5):267-271

270 Yee

hyperkalemic are thought to develop adaptive cardiac Hyperkalemia affects excitable tissues such as muscle
mechanisms, but the precise physiology is unknown. and nerve by altering the resting membrane potential.
The kidneys and bowel demonstrate adaptive behaviors The product of Nernst’s careful experimentation, the po-
and enhance their respective potassium-secreting abilities tassium resting membrane potential is defined principally
after prolonged exposure to higher plasma potassium by the ratio of intracellular-to-extracellular potassium
concentrations. concentrations. However, due to inward movement of so-
Potassium-binding resins are not suitable for rapid dium from the extracellular milieu, the Goldman-
reduction in serum potassium increases, at least not yet. Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation more accurately reflects
Polystyrene sulfonate has been available for 5 decades the resting membrane potential in per se excitable cardiac
and is a venerated treatment for chronic outpatient hyper- tissues, that is, the latter equation correctly predicts a
kalemia, yet this potassium-binder does not work well, if lesser resting membrane potential than the Nernst equa-
at all.16 Polystyrene has no place in urgent settings of hy- tion.20 At the normal baseline resting membrane potential
perkalemia where it is often prescribed. Unfortunately, to for potassium, the conductance of this ion is far greater
add insult to injury, the potassium-binder dose prescribed than for sodium, thereby diminishing the latter’s contribu-
is often subtherapeutic for fear of success with hypokale- tion to the resting membrane potential. Because chloride
mia. The hypopotassemic effect of polystyrene sulfonate has essential minimal driving force into the cell, it be-
emanates from bowel-induced losses of potassium, stem- comes a null factor in calculation of the resting membrane
ming from the production of watery diarrhea.17 Diarrheal potential. In brief, hyperkalemia depolarizes the cell mem-
effluent activates MaxiK (Big K [BK], slo1, KCNMA1) brane, and hypokalemia hyperpolarizes the membrane.
large-conductance, voltage, and calcium-sensitive potas- With severe hypokalemia, the capacity to generate an
sium-secretory channels in the bowel.18 These channels action potential is stymied by the increased absolute
generate the hypokalemia of colonic pseudo-obstruction difference between the threshold potential and resting
(Ogilvie’s syndrome) and can produce potassium losses membrane potential, now much more negative.
of .100 mmol daily.19 The ionized calcium concentration governs the
Patients with hepatorenal syndrome or acute kidney threshold potential, underlying the utility of imposing
injury superimposed on extensive, pre-existing liver dam- relative or absolute hypercalcemia, albeit transiently, as
age often develop hyperkalemia, reflective of true GFRs therapy of hyperpotassemia. Ionized hypocalcemia
far less than the value determined from GFR-estimating lowers the threshold potential and is boosted upward
equations. Lactulose therapy in such patients serves a and away from the resting membrane potential during
dual purpose, precluding hyperammonemia and hyper- calcium therapy of hyperkalemia that should only be
kalemia. The osmotic prowess of lactulose could also be administered in the face of documented electrocardio-
deployed therapeutically as could those of mannitol or graphic changes. Clearly, calcium treatment stabilizes no
sorbitol, as adjunctive therapy for hyperkalemia in lieu conductance membranes, the inaccurate belief of most
of other orally administered more expensive potassium- practitioners. If cardiac tissue membranes were stabilized,
binder therapies such as polystyrene sulfonate and why are repetitive rounds of intravenous calcium
patiromer. required at 10- to 20-minute intervals? Moreover, repeated
electrocardiograms, not 3-lead monitoring, should accom-
SEVERE HYPERKALEMIA pany each delivery of a calcium bolus, but are a rarity
Generally, patients with truly life-threatening hyperkale- today. Worse yet, intravenous calcium is frequently
mia denoted by serum potassium levels of $6.5 to underdosed. Calcium chloride is noxious to peripheral
7.0 mmol/L may have signs or symptoms of neuromus- veins and muscle and should only be instilled into large
cular transmission aberration such as weakness or electro- veins with rapidly flowing blood. Moreover, calcium
cardiographic changes. In the latter circumstance, I see gluconate, which can be delivered in peripheral veins
true confirmation bias. Physicians want to see diffusely only, contains one-third of the amount of elemental
enlarged and peaked “hyperkalemic” T waves, and they calcium per ampule. Not adjusting for this 1:3 ratio of
do even when these electrocardiographic changes are ab- calcium gluconate-to-calcium chloride can seriously
sent. Sans calipers, few will confirm that the height of the underdose the hyperkalemic patient whose threshold
T wave is .60% of the RS wave amplitude. Even fewer are potential is colliding with a more-depolarized resting
the individuals who will confirm that the T wave is membrane potential. Treatment of hyperkalemia for
broader at the base than its prehyperkalemic counterpart. severe hyperkalemia is the same as for moderate hyperka-
This criterion has been lost in the literature. In a clinical lemia, and hemodialysis with a dialysate potassium
survey from 1998, just 14% of reported hyperkalemic ep- concentration of 2.0 to 3.0 mmol/L is reserved for patients
isodes revealed adjudicated electrocardiographic with electrocardiographic changes that persist despite
changes.3 Fulfilling both criteria remains unconvincing appropriate measures to restore plasma potassium levels
unless electrode placement between premorbid and to normal.
morbid electrocardiograms was consistent. Education
and/or relearning essential neuromuscular physiology
serves a dual purpose here: self-edification and the avoid- FASTING HYPERKALEMIA
ance of unnecessary testing and treatments as well as po- Patients with ESRD frequently experience hyperkalemia in
tential harm to patients. hospital, much more than the published frequency of 1% to

Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2017;24(5):267-271

Editorial 271

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