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Emerald Oubliette


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Todd Crapper

ADVENTURE Objectives: Discover the Cobra agents and
stop them from escaping with a haul of illegal

OVERVIEW exotic reptiles.

This adventure takes place in 4 Parts. PART 2

PART 1 Using the information gained at the herpetology
show, Dial Tone believes that Cobra is gathering
Dial Tone has picked up some strange and these dangerous and illegal exotic reptiles and
unprecedented comms traffic surrounding an amphibians into specialized shipping containers
exotic herpetology show outside Albuquerque, and sneaking them out of the country. The mission
New Mexico. He has a hunch about some curious team is sent to a privatized shipping port to verify
message being transmitted and asks General Hawk that this is the case and gather some intelligence as
if he can take a team to investigate. Choosing a to why Cobra is gathering these specific animals.
group of new recruits – the player characters – to do Objectives: Discover which vessel is transporting
a little undercover field training, they have a chance the Cobra shipment, reconnaissance as to why
to foil a seemingly minor Cobra plot. Cobra is taking this part in the illegal exotics trade,
and stop them from doing so.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Adventure Overview
Having discovered several Cobra shipments from
the private port heading out into neutral waters,
the mission team is joined briefly by Deep Six
for a S.H.A.R.C. (Submersible High-speed Attack
and Reconnaissance Craft) deployment
into the area of Cobra’s animal
smuggling scheme.
Objectives: Discover the hidden
seaside Cobra transfer base, stop
the smuggling efforts there, and
discover a hidden exit route to a
secret Amazon rainforest installation.

Whether they redeploy after leaving the
seaside smuggling flotilla or if they braved the
bullet train under the sea, the mission team
is headed into the dark heart of the Amazon
rainforest, where Cobra scientists Dr. Venom
and Scalpel have set up a strange and
somewhat alien-seeming biotechnology
base to use a locally grown fungus and the
genetic materials from the exotic animals
to create mindlessly loyal reptilian shock
troopers – the Cobra Chimera troopers.
Objectives: Incapacitate the existing
Chimeras, stop Cobra from making more, and
capture the Cobra scientists.

BEGINNING THE He addresses the Joes:

ADVENTURE “Have a seat, Joes.”

He gestures to the front row of folding chairs
The adventure begins at The Pit, G.I. Joe’s primary he just finished setting up in front of a large
headquarters and training facility. The characters electronic monitor. “I’ve been going over some
are early-career recruits working through their erratic transmissions on Cobra frequencies, and I
normal low-ranking chores and tasks around the have come across some potentially troubling bits
compound, and they are called to one of the of information. I spoke to the General, and he thinks
communications rooms over the Pit-wide speaker this could be a good way to maintain your training
announcement system. and keep you ready to hop into action.”
Plopping down into the chair, Dial Tone raises
Once the characters all arrive at the
a remote control, lowers the lights, and starts
communications room, they will be joined by the
the monitor.
G.I. Joe comms specialist, Dial Tone.
“Let’s get started, shall we?”

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Adventure Overview
STORY OBJECTIVE “I’ve given each of you a copy of the transcripts,
and I figure we can look over them while we are
The objective of Part 1 is to detect any Cobra on our way to Albuquerque. I’ve been through them
agents at the herpetology show, save the animals a bunch, but maybe a group of fresh eyes will see
they are trying to smuggle out, and gather something I couldn’t on my own.”
any potentially useful information about their
involvement and future intentions.


LOOK AT THE DATA The communications that Dial Tone skimmed out
After initially explaining to them how Cobra of Cobra servers and transmissions over the last few
seems to be getting involved in an exotic weeks are a mixture of seemingly coded messages
herpetology show in New Mexico, Dial Tone that individually make little sense or at least seem
explains their role – that of investigators trying innocent in nature at first glance. It wasn’t until
to figure out why an international criminal Dial Tone picked up timing signatures and basic
organization is seemingly trafficking exotic reptiles encryption marks that he figured out Cobra was
and amphibians. focused on this herpetology show at all.
The characters will be flown into the city There are a few pieces of interesting information
via private airplane, change into their adopted that can be gleaned from the transcripts by the
undercover (see; Going Undercover, below) characters if they go over the data during the trip.
personas, and then take one or more rides from the This requires a character to make DIF 12 Alertness
airport to the herpetology show – where they will (Investigation) or Science (Cryptography) Skill
officially begin their investigation. Tests, with each success earning them a unique
On the airplane, Dial Tone will address the team: clue about Cobra’s directions for the upcoming
herpetology show:

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
• There are several mentions of a “dark dancer,” instances, the Joes have a host of false persona
which likely refers to a seller that has the deadly packets – complete with disguises and ID – for use
snake species dendroaspis polylepis, or “black in undercover missions like this one.
mamba.” It seems that Cobra might be interested On the airplane, Dial Tone will address the team:
in such a deadly species.
• The four digits “1 – 4 – 3 – 0” appears multiple
“Go through the packets and figure out who wants
times in numerical sequence in different ways,
to be who, but remember – you are ALL part of a
but always in relation to a scheduling event. This
high-end collectors’ club based out of Los Angeles.
likely means Cobra is planning an important buy
You flew in together for the show, and are making a
or an exchange that will be taking place at 1430
vacation weekender out of it.”
hours, more commonly known as 2:30 p.m.
“I’ll be staying just off site and in radio contact
• A number of seemingly nonsense words, when
the whole time. We don’t know what Cobra agents
reversed, reveal the chemical names for a number
might be at the show, and I’ve crossed paths
of potent toxins found in various poison dart
with them enough that I could be recognized. You
frog and other rare jungle amphibian secretions.
recruits are new enough that they shouldn’t have
Writing these chemicals in reverse could refer
any reason to suspect you – unless you give them
to the opposite of these poisons, or antivenoms.
one. So… I guess… don’t?”
Cobra must be also looking for protective
measures against accidental envenomation.
• Tucked inside a list of mail order accounting COVER ALIASES
receipts, there is a single lot address that appears
over and over as a ‘return shipping hub.’ Plugging
that address into the Albuquerque local postal The undercover aliases are as follows, with
system reveals it to be an address that doesn’t each one having both an feminine and masculine
exist – but could be a table or booth number at presenting version based on the particular Joe’s
the trade show. Either that booth is Cobra’s front needs. Each character will need to choose an
at the show or it will be an important client. undercover alias and disguise – unless their Role,
• A seemingly meaningless series of web addresses Perk, or skill specialties might already benefit them
lead to a number of rapidly-processing GIF files with one – from the following list:
that all are cartoons revolving around alligators, • Elaine Bennet/Gregg Brooks; Doctorate Students
crocodiles, or the like. This indicates that Cobra of Zoology at UCLA; disguise include khaki cargo
will be interested in any sellers that might be shorts, a neutrally patterned button-up top, and
peddling crocodilians, and that could be worth leather sandals.
looking into. • Anne Marks/Hollis Swaithe; Interns at the San
These clues, while offering some narrative Diego Zoo; disguise includes zoo-issue overalls,
information as to what the Joes’ foes might be up to, local sports team hat, and hiking boots.
also allow the characters some investigative boons • Francine Bordeaux/Rutger Hauptman; Gourmet
during the Scouring the Trade Show segment later in Chefs; disguise includes high-end designer jeans,
this chapter. expensive athletic shoes, modest jacket, and fake
GM Tip: The GM should make note of how many business cards for ‘private dining services.’
of these clues the Joes managed to figure out while • Brandy Knutson/Jorge Fernandez; Exotic Animal
on the trip to New Mexico. Breeders; disguise includes middle-class skirt/
slacks, comfortable walking shoes, vintage tee
GOING UNDERCOVER shirt with 80s cartoon logo, and satchel with
polaroid pictures of examples of ‘past breedings.’
Most G.I. Joes have specific uniform and • Pamela Jo Hastings/Kenneth Chadwick; Socialite
equipment loadouts for their own special roles and Collectors; disguise includes high-end designer
positions in the organization, such as Dial Tone’s everything – including jewelry, and obvious
comms backpack or Snake Eyes’ combat bodysuit, Bluetooth earpieces.
but these appearances are not suitable for any
sort of deployment into a public area. For these

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
In addition to the above mundane accoutrements, PERSONAL EQUIPMENT
each disguise kit comes with a small manual
Most G.I. Joe operatives have and keep some
lockpicking set sewn into the hem of a piece of the
unique, personal equipment or weaponry for
clothing, a tracking device embedded in the sole of
their roles in the organization. While operating
the footwear, a double-encrypted communications
undercover, these items can be extremely difficult
transmitter/receiver in the collar of the clothing tuned
to “work into” a common disguise. For example,
directly to Dial Tone’s comms pack, $1500 cash that
a heavy weapons expert is not about to be able to
has been laced with traceable isotope-dye, and
bring their .50 caliber best friend to a stakeout at
U.S.-verified identification that would require a
the beach, and the explosives minelayer probably
DIF 25 Computers Skill Test to uncover a flaw.
won’t be slinging too many claymore rigs to a
civilian airport.
If there is a special or unique item one of
the characters wishes to bring on the mission
and work it into their disguise, they will first
need to clear it with Dial Tone (this mission’s
commanding officer) and then figure out how to
hide the item in question on their person.
Smaller items like handheld melee weapons and
personal sidearms can be easily tucked away with a
DIF 10 Infiltration Skill Test. Larger or more specific
items might require some disguise workarounds
such as a martial artist using their fighting stick as a
walking cane, a K-9 handler disguising their partner
as a seeing-eye dog, and so forth.
Any other equipment that the characters want to
bring with them but cannot feasibly work into their
disguises will stay with Dial Tone, along with their
normal uniforms, at the rendezvous truck a quarter
mile away from the trade show.


Taking place in a large, for-rent warehouse
structure on the outskirts of Albuquerque, the Exotic
Herpetology Trade Show & Expo is a one-day
event that invites between two and three hundred
interested parties. Some of these invitees make up
the staff of the thirty booths and stalls inside, and
over the course of a twelve hour (10 a.m. – 10 p.m.)
window of the show, they will be buying, selling,
and trading all kinds of reptile and amphibian
species, in addition to the tools, equipment, and
assets of the field.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
Basic information that can be gleaned from the During an initial sweep of the trade show grounds,
blueprints and common data searching about the each character may attempt a DIF 14 Alertness
show is as follows: (Investigation) Skill Test in the area they are walking
• This is the 4th annual event of this type. around to notice anything “out of the ordinary”:
• In previous years, the show has seen an average
of $150,000 change hands.
• There are 30 sales/trade entities registered yearly. GILA VALLEY SAFETY SERVICES
• The show location has two floors: the primary GUARD (GVSS GUARD)
show floor where all of the booths and stalls are
and a balcony-like second story that is a ring of
offices and storage units. SIZE: Common HEALTH: 2
• There are two sets of stairs (one at each end of GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet
the building) and one freight elevator (centrally TOUGHNESS: 13 EVASION: 12
located) that connect the two floors. WILLPOWER: 12 CLEVERNESS: 11
• The show location has six sets of pedestrian doors
distributed evenly around the ground floor, and
one heavy shutter-style double door near the Alertness +d2, Conditioning +1, Culture +d2, Might
+d2*, Persuasion +d2, Targeting (Handguns) +d4*
freight elevator.
Languages: English, Spanish
• The show uses numbers instead of names to
keep track of expo-goers and exhibitors, keeping PERKS:
everyone’s privacy and tracking transactions using
Communication Device: Radios connect GVSS
barcoded wristbands and lanyards.
Guards to each other at the show, allowing them
• Security at the show is handled by a private to call each other for backup if necessary.
security firm, Gila Valley Safety Services, who have Call for Backup: (Persuasion) +d2* By using
four active security guards on staff during the show. a Move Action, a GVSS Guard can use their
If needed, the statistics for an average Gila Valley Communication Device to Call for Backup.
This requires a DIF 10 Persuasion Skill Test.
Safety Services Guard is listed below.
If successful, this will summon all remaining and
active GVSS Guard in 2d4 combat rounds.
When the Joes reach the trade show, if they Handgun (Targeting) +d4*, Range 30/60
choose to investigate the area, there will be ample (1 Sharp Damage)
time to walk the perimeter, size up any opposition, Traits: Ballistic
and get an idea how Cobra agents could make their Stun Gun (Targeting) +d4, Range 10/20
escape with their illicit goods after the show. (1d2 Stun)
Dial Tone monitors the airwave traffic for any Unarmed Strike (Might) +d2, Reach
sudden transmissions or signal bursts, but otherwise (1 Blunt Damage)
he stays off the team’s comms, leaving it open for
the team members to talk between one another.
As the mission’s CO, he answers quick questions Small Handgun, Stun Gun, Personal Effects
and helps navigate the team from his position in a (Wealth +d2), Trade Show ID Reader
shielded van a quarter mile away. HANG-UPS:
GM Tip: Investigation is about the characters Hired Help: As part time security-for-hire, GVSS
getting the answers and overcoming the obstacles Guards are not about to get themselves seriously
on their own. It is important for G.I. Joe soldiers to hurt or worse in the line of duty. Anytime the
be able to solve problems without relying on more Guard loses Health for any reason, roll a d2. If the
veteran members to fight their battles for them, so result is equal to or greater than their remaining
Health, they flee from the scene; consider
Dial Tone shouldn’t give them all of the answers.
them Defeated.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
• Most of the vehicles have small cargo trailers or
When the Joes want to go ahead and enter the
freight boxes on them; likely for the storage and
show itself, they can just follow the signs and talk
transportation of the animals.
to Elena, the mid-40s Latina in charge of getting
• There are license plates representing most of the people their lanyards and ID bracelets.
West and Southwest states. There is one large
refrigeration truck with brand new iconography Considering the undercover aliases have been
in English but has very old, rusted plates bearing registered, cleared, and paid for in concern to the
registry tags out of Mexico. show, unless the characters do or say something
truly cover-blowing, they receive their ID goods
• There are four motorcycles parked near one
and gain entrance to the warehouse without any
another; a strange choice of transportation for
trouble at all.
buyers or sellers of live animals or zoological
products. Closer inspection reveals they are Should they choose to ask Elena anything with the
souped-up and modified for keyless ignition, intent of learning things that might point the team
chemical boosted speed, and run-flat tires. toward secret Cobra influence, the highest result of
a Persuasion Skill Test will give a small idea as to
THE LOADING DOCK LOT anything strange she has seen:
• There is an enormous pile of half-burnt cigar butts
by the freight access doors, denoting far more
than just someone with a bad habit. Someone 1–5 “This is a show full of rep-heads and scale
addicts. Everyone’s a little weird.”
who smokes Caba Municipos has been waiting by
those doors a lot in the last day or so. 6 – 10 “Roberto has been bragging all morning that
this is going to be his best year; and everybody
• The physical latch and lock on the double doors says he only brought frogs. Frogs!”
have been cut by a plasma torch or oxycutter. 7 – 15 “We DID have a last minute cancellation-
This means those doors cannot be actually locked. replacement sort of thing with the Getula
brokers; those high-class guys with the
16+ “Carlos, the head of onsite security, apparently
• There are two reptile dealers that frequent this took a nasty fall last night and couldn’t be here
spot (and will frequent this spot occasionally all today. He’ll be okay, but the company sent over
day long), one of which is being paid to ‘look a stand in… and that guy is more than a little
out’ for police, government agents, and anyone off-putting.”
looking for possible exotic animal smugglers.


• There are a number of tire tracks and ruts in the sod Once inside the warehouse, the Joes can tour the
that lead away to a gulley not immediately visible entire show – looking closely for signs of Cobra
from the warehouse. A closer, DIF 16 Alertness agents involved there. There are approximately
(Investigation) Skill Test will match the tire tracks to 100 show-goers wandering the rows of stalls at any
the Mexican refrigeration truck and the motorcycles given time during the show’s hours, and if the Joes
– the vehicles Cobra uses to move the materials to know where to go to eavesdrop, what to look for in
the larger truck waiting in the gulley. the normal business and social transactions – they
The cursory information could be helpful in this will eventually be able to figure out who the six
chapter, especially if the Joes can track down the Cobra agents are, undertaking their illicit affairs
Cobra agents and want to set up an ambush or at the show.
sabotage vehicles, etc. Aside from preparations for Dial Tone’s orders were very clear though:
Cobra’s as-yet-unknown exit strategy, it allows the “Do not engage the Cobra agents until you are
characters a chance to roleplay with one another, completely sure. We know of at least four agents in
get used to their undercover identities, and discuss the area. Apprehend them if possible; we need to
their plans for heading inside – which takes place at know what they know.”
the primary entrance.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
USING THE DATA RESEARCH CLUES Cobra in the act with a successful DIF 14 Alertness
If the team manages to earn one or more clues (Insight) Skill Test at the point of someone else’s
looking over the data on the trip to New Mexico, inquiries there or by getting a booth worker admit
they are pre-armed with knowledge that will help their willingness to break the law with a DIF 13
them know where to look for the signs of Cobra’s Deception or Persuasion Skill Test.
influence or agents. • Look For Flagged Goods Leaving the Show
For each clue the team earned, one of the At trade shows like these, large, important, or
characters may choose to gain Edge on any Skill secured sales are often handled in two parts for
Test made during this segment of the chapter. safety’s sake – the money and paperwork first, then
There are three ways characters may participate in the product is securely prepared and tagged for the
the deeper investigation: purchaser to pick up the containers before they leave.
• Sneaking Around Other Peoples’ Transactions
The business model at a trade show is often fast
and between two interested parties near their stall or
booth, most likely while handling or inspecting the
merchandise in question. Very rarely are deals made
for offsite or unseen merchandise, and haggling of
price is completely normal. A lot can be learned from
eavesdropping in on other peoples’ deals, watching
for irregular speech patterns and deal negotiations.
Up to two of the six Cobra agents – both of which
are wearing hideous Hawaiian print shirts in red and
blue – can be discovered through eavesdropping
on business transactions. That is accomplished by
getting close enough to the people talking with DIF
12 Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Tests, or figure out a
different or narrative way instead.
• Watch the Illegal Stall Activity
There are thirty stalls in the show, each
one selling and buying something
related to herpetology. All but
three booths are completely
legitimate and deal only in
legal affairs, and even those
that are willing to ‘look the
other way’ or are actively
trading in illegal species or
substances are generally just
business owners looking to make a profit – they
aren’t truly villainous; just unscrupulous and
immoral. These three sellers are who the Cobra
agents have been in communication with about
acquiring their illicit shopping list.
Up to two of the six Cobra agents – the
satchel-wearing, paying off cash-handlers clad
in cheap-looking slacks and jacket outfits – can
be discovered by watching for con-goers acting
strangely or trying to get a stall or booth’s worker(s)
to do something illegal. A character can catch a

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
If the Joes are clever and can figure out the tag and During the Combat Scene that will ensue, the
ticket numbers for the illicit items Cobra is supposed Cobra Troopers will try to occupy the Joes long
to be in the market for, they should be able to figure enough for the Viper to get into the refrigeration
out where and when the agents will be picking up truck and try to drive away (see: Stop That Truck!),
their goods – and who is doing the moving. but this will be difficult if the characters paid
One Cobra agent – a tall, dark-skinned man who attention and understand that Cobra needs that
smokes too many cigars – can be divulged from the truck and its contents. If the Viper gets Defeated, the
crowd by noticing and comparing all of a certain tag Cobra Troopers will try to flee on their motorcycles.
number on the illicit goods and animal containers The statistics for the Cobra Viper and Cobra
headed to the loading dock. This is accomplished by Troopers are provided below:
succeeding in no fewer than three DIF 12 Alertness
Skill Tests while tracking goods headed to loading.
While the Joes are moving about the trade show,
interacting with the people there and trying to figure (OUT OF UNIFORM)
out who the Cobra agents are, they have to be THREAT LEVEL: 0
careful not to tip their hands at being undercover.
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 2
Any time one of the characters attempts one of
the above methods of finding Cobra agents and GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet
fails (or the GM feels that one of the characters is TOUGHNESS: 11 EVASION: 11
acting strangely enough to warrant it), they must WILLPOWER: 11 CLEVERNESS: 11
immediately attempt to blend into their cover story
with a DIF 12 Deception (Disguise) Skill Test. If any SKILLS:
character fails their undercover test more than once Alertness +d2, Might (Knives) +d2*, Streetwise
– or critically fails it at all, their cover is blown and +d2, Targeting (Handguns) +d2*
the Cobra agents will take what they can and head Languages: English, Spanish
to their truck and motorcycles – and the Stop That
Truck! segment below. PERKS:
Bullet Stopper: The highest threat level Cobra
Once the Joes figure out who at least four of
in the combat gains a bonus to Evasion equal to
the six Cobra agents are, they can work between the number of Cobras with the Bullet Stopper
each other to set up the perfect ambush to try and perk in the encounter with them. If the highest
apprehend them in the following section. threat level Cobra has the Bullet Stopper perk,
they do not count towards their bonus to

“YOU SNAKES ARE NOT Evasion. If more than one Cobra in the combat
is tied for highest threat level, the one who is in
ON THE APPROVED LIST ” charge gains the bonus.
Unrecognizable: Unless you memorize
The Cobra agents meet outside the freight doors eyebrows, identifying individual Cobra Troopers
every hour or so to check in with each other, and can be difficult. Abilities that gain a benefit for
for their mission leader to light up one of his South targeting the same character multiple times (such
American cigars. They talk for a few minutes while as an Officer’s Inundation ability) suffer ↓ equal
to the number of Cobra Troopers active on the
the one smokes, then they go back into the show to
continue their work.
When the Joes are ready and have figured out at AT TACKS:
least four of the Cobra agents, they can engage the Fang Handgun (Targeting) +d2*, Range 40/90
enemy – hopefully ambushing them away from the (1 Sharp Damage)
public in order to avoid endangering any bystanders! Traits: Ballistic, Silent

There are five Cobra Troopers and one Cobra Combat Knife (Might) +d2*, Reach
(1 Sharp Damage)
Viper (the cigar smoker) who are at the show. They
are not armed and equipped like they normally EQUIPMENT:
are. Instead, they are here to gather a specific list of
Fang Handgun, Combat Knife, Trade Show
resources from the show, but they will mask up and Tags and Badge
arm themselves when confronted by the Joes.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
If the characters are able to defeat one or two of
COBRA VIPER the Troopers quickly enough, they may hop onto the
motorcycles and give chase.
Use the vehicle combat rules found in the G.I. JOE
THREAT LEVEL: 1 Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook to represent the
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 2 chase itself, or a few well-placed DIF 10 Driving
GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet Skill Tests to allow for combat actions at the truck.
TOUGHNESS: 12 EVASION: 12 GM Tip: This is just the beginning of the adventure,
WILLPOWER: 11 CLEVERNESS: 11 so it’s up to the GM to decide how in-depth this
optional chase scene is. The more checks that need
SKILLS: to be made, the longer of an encounter this will be.
Alertness +d2, Athletics +d2, Might (Knives) +d2*,
Targeting (Handguns) +d4* If all of the motorcycles leave before the Joes
can grab one, Dial Tone can be called in with his
Languages: English, Spanish
observation van from its offsite location a minute
PERKS: or two later, and the characters can use the van to
catch up and confront the Viper and the Troopers in
Bullet Stopper: The highest threat level Cobra
in the combat gains a bonus to Evasion equal to
the hidden gulley, while the Cobra agents try to load
the number of Cobras with the Bullet Stopper everything into a larger cross-country shipping truck.
perk in the encounter with them. If the highest If needed, the statistics for the Refrigerated Hauler
threat level Cobra has the Bullet Stopper perk,
and Modified AT-Bikes are listed below:
they do not count towards their bonus to
Evasion. If more than one Cobra in the combat
is tied for highest threat level, the one who is in
charge gains the bonus.
After the Cobra agents are dealt with, the Joes
AT TACKS: have a number of things they must accomplish
Fang Handgun (Targeting) +d2*, Range 40/90 before heading back to HQ. The following list of
(1 Sharp Damage) tasks must be completed in New Mexico before Dial
Traits: Ballistic, Silent Tone allows the characters to move on to the next
Combat Knife (Might) +d2*, Reach (1 deployment in this adventure. Dial Tone will have
Sharp Damage) already called the local authorities to come and deal
with the illegal sales booths and their personnel.
• Search the refrigerated hauler for the paperwork
Fang Handgun, Combat Knife, Cover
Persona Effects (Wealth +d8), Trade Show
and notes that lead to the coordinates of the
Tags and Badge private port, requiring a successful DIF 12
Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test.
• Round up all of the Cobra agents, restrain them,
STOP THAT TRUCK! (OPTIONAL) and get them ready for incarceration.
This optional scene allows for a short vehicular
chase or combat scene before initiating a combat
scene with the Cobra agents at a new location.
If the Cobra Viper gets to the refrigerated truck –
Story Point
either because Cobra is on to the undercover Joes or
if he slips into the driver’s seat during “You Snakes If the characters defeat the
Are Not On the Approved List” – he will fire up the Cobra agents without the local
engines and burn out of the parking lot, across the area becoming a disaster, the
grassy courtyard, and toward the hidden gulley a bystanders remained safe, and the
half mile into the hills. exotic animals Cobra was acquiring
As soon as the Viper gets the truck started, all were returned unharmed, the team
but one of the Cobra Troopers will leap onto their is awarded a Story Point.
motorcycles and follow after it.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
The following are optional tasks that the team • Give aid to any bystanders that might have
may choose to complete before leaving the scene: been hurt, and help repair damages done to the
• Confiscate all illicit animal goods and prepare warehouse area due to the undercover mission –
them for the local department of Natural G.I. Joe does not leave messes for the locals to
Resources. clean up, if they can help it!
• Investigate the packages to determine where the
shipments were being sent (see Part 2: An Old
Fashioned Smuggler’s Cove).
Acrobatics (Maneuverability) +d4, Brawn +d2, TOUGHNESS: 15 EVASION: 11
Initiative +d2, Might +d2* WILLPOWER: — CLEVERNESS: —

Ram; +d4*, Reach (2 Blunt Damage) Brawn +d4, Conditioning x2, Might +d4*
Alternate Effect: Trip
Traits: Blunt, Drive-by AT TACKS:
Ram; +d4*, Reach (2 Blunt Damage)
VEHICLE INFO: Alternate Effect: Trip
Crew: 1 driver, 1 passenger Traits: Blunt, Drive-by
Hardpoint Weapons: None
Firepoints: 1/2 – passenger can attack freely;
driver can attack, but takes a Snag on Driving Crew: 1 driver, 3 passengers (in cabin),
skill tests until end of next round 2 passengers (in storage area)
Defenses: Light Plating (+1 armor bonus) Hardpoint Weapons: None
Traits: Vehicle Firepoints: 2 in cabin and 2 out of rear doorway
Defenses: None
PERKS: Traits: Land, Vehicle
Responsive: Between the light frame, sensitive
control system and the exposed driver, the PERKS:
AT-Bike reacts well to the driver’s survival Cold Storage: The Hauler’s cargo and storage
instinct. The AT-Bike can use the driver’s Evasion area is pressurized with a cooled life-support
against attacks instead of its own. section that grants Edge to any Science
Secure Ignition: The AT-Bike will not operate (Medicine), Technology (Biology), or similar
without the wireless activator within 20 feet of it. skill being performed within that section.
Vehicle: As a vehicle, this is a sophisticated Vehicle: As a vehicle, this is a sophisticated
piece of equipment that requires at least one piece of equipment that requires at least one
Driver to operate. Without a driver, the AT-Bike is Driver to operate. Without a driver, the Hauler is
considered a Threat Level 0 object, and all attacks considered a Threat Level 0 object, and all attacks
target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s
Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle
if it has a driver, in which case they target the if it has a driver, in which case they target the
driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to
Conditions and effects that exclusively affect the Conditions and effects that exclusively affect the
living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects
that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons.
Vehicle damages can be fixed with a Standard Vehicle damages can be fixed with a Standard
engineering kit and a Technology Skill Test. engineering kit and a Technology Skill Test.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 1: A Scaly Shopping List
STORY OBJECTIVE deep water was said to allow the Blade to come
and go as it pleased, loading up his shoreline
The objective of Part 2 is for the G.I. Joes to lackeys to run off into Baja and sell his loot. The
infiltrate a secret shipping port, research why Cobra sandy beached cove was known as Treachery Bay.
is trafficking in such specific exotic animals and Captain Cutter was never captured for his crimes,
related merchandise, figure out the next potential but his ship did wash ashore in Treachery Bay
destinations for these clandestine containers, and years after he ceased his predation on the trade
put a stop to it. lines – mysteriously, completely crewless. Locals
say the place is cursed and generally give it a wide
PACKAGES AND COORDINATES berth, making it a perfect place for Cobra to set up a
private little port for their secret shipping schemes.
The packages confiscated at the reptile show are
labeled with sets of numbers, easily interpreted as Once this location is calculated and confirmed as
coordinates. being the most likely location Cobra is sending the
reptilian goods, General Hawk gives the greenlight
A DIF 11 Technology (Computers) Skill Test or, if
to continue the mission.
someone might have reason to know the area, a DIF
12 Culture Skill Test will reveal both the location Dial Tone is still in command of this mission, and
and the nature of this narrow, tucked away cove. he has the following to tell the characters:
Digging into the history of the area reveals a
little-known local legend called ‘Captain Cutter and “Alright Joes, we are heading into enemy territory
Treachery Bay.’ A pirate of the age of sail, Captain and we don’t know just how full of snakes this place
Robert Cutter and his ship, the Barnacled Blade, is going to be. We could be looking at a local site
used the jagged, coral coastline of the area to claim run mostly by civilians on Cobra payroll, or it could
his own private hideaway. This pocket of accessible be a pit full of vipers, each one ready to strike.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
Once in transit, the characters have as much time
This means we are going to high-speed night- as they need to talk, discuss, and generally roleplay
drop in a few klicks inland of Treachery Bay, hoof it with one another, Dial Tone, and Wild Bill – all
in quietly to infiltrate and recon the area, and put a through headset microphones designed to keep out
stop to whatever Cobra is doing there – because
the noise of helicopter travels.
we know it can’t be good.
Get ready. No undercover outfits this time, so
GM Tip: This is a good place for the GM to
gear up. We have no idea what is waiting for us.
encourage the characters to get to know each other
better, talk about their talents, and discuss plans.
Wild Bill says we are wheels up in twenty.”
When the team is ready to make the drop, red
lights fill the Dragonflies’ personnel cabins and the
Joes must line up at the exit hatch to get ready to
MISSION EQUIPMENT jump. The Dragonflies are not going to stop as they
AND REQUISITIONS pass over the drop zone; they are barely going to
Unlike the recon engagement in New Mexico, slow down. The team, Dial Tone included, must
which had an extremely restricted equipment list jump when the light turns green.
the characters were granted for the mission, this is Opening the parachute when the pressure light
more of a standard operation – meaning the Joes glows is easy, as it is keyed in for this kind of
receive their personal allotments and standard jump to open automatically at the correct altitude.
issue equipment, but also receive mission specific However, the characters need to complete the
additions and can attempt to ask for more through following two steps:
Requisition attempts.
1. Steer the descent with a DIF 12 Athletics Skill
Mission Equipment: Each character is given a Test. Success lands them in the 90 foot diameter
reinforced single-use parachute pack, a low-yield drop zone where the rest of the team is supposed
emergency flare, and a goggle/oxygen-breather mask. to meet up. Failure puts that character off target
Requisition Budget: Each character is allowed two by a number of feet equal to fifteen times the
special Equipment Requisition attempts to augment amount the Skill Test failed by. For example, if
their mission kit. the character fails by 4, they miss the DZ by 60
feet. A Fumble triples the failure distance and
THE DROP imposes a Snag on the Landing Skill Test.
2. Land the descent with either a DIF 10 Athletics
It takes a little courage and a modest amount of or DIF 12 Acrobatics Skill Test. Upon success, a
skill for the characters to hurl themselves out of character will land with a quick roll to their feet.
a perfectly good Dragonfly helicopter, especially Failing this test will result in a rough landing for
when a daredevil pilot like Wild Bill is at the stick. the character. In this case, the player must roll
As the Dragonfly XH-1 can only carry 3 passengers, a d20. If the result is higher than the character’s
the team will likely have to take two helicopters Toughness (without armor), they suffer one
to the drop zone (the second has a basic Joe point of Evasion Damage. If the landing test is a
helicopter pilot). Fumble, the character automatically suffers one
Each character, with the aid of the hangar crew, point of Evasion Damage.
will have their pack and equipment fully prepped Once the characters have landed and arrive into
for the drop before they ever even step foot on a the drop zone – possibly needing the use of their
Dragonfly. If necessary, a technical aide will come emergency flares or Alertness and Survival Skill
and find a way to make certain equipment options Tests – Dial Tone helps everyone detach their packs,
jump-ready as well. Everyone will be ready within coil everything together under a camouflaged tarp,
the promised 20 minutes, but Wild Bill will wait an perform a quick once over of their equipment, and
additional 10 if there is a good reason. However, get ready to approach. Dial Tone expresses that he
tardiness from the team will mean that he will fly hopes that the area will be a tiny, mostly civilian-
a little more erratically on the way to the drop to operated wharf with an oceangoing boat or two but
make up for time. that it is important to be ready for any inevitability.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
THE APPROACH This test is made with a ↑1 dice shift for every
member of the team that has at least one skill level
The Treachery Bay Shipping Port total territory in Survival; however the test suffers a ↓1 dice shift
covers almost a full mile of grounds from the dock- for each member of the team that is not skilled in
studded shoreline of the port itself. While Dial Survival at all.
Tone is correct, most of the facility is operated by The result of that Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test
local civilians who are all too happy to take Cobra’s shows how the GM needs to deal with the Joe team
money – but he was wrong about the collective Cobra approaching Treachery Bay:
presence, however. There are, in fact a small cell’s
worth of Cobra soldiers here monitoring the civilians, INFILTRATION
safeguarding the goods, and piloting the vehicles. (STEALTH) RESULT WILDERNESS PATROL EVENT
As the team winds its way trough the overgrowth 21+ Avoid all patrols and reach the
and coastal woodlands to reach the facility grounds perimeter fence.
proper, they will need to try and avoid the light 16 – 20 Move slowly and avoid patrols; test
Cobra patrols in the surrounding area. again after an hour – with Edge.

In order to determine if the team run into any 11 – 15 2 Cobra Troopers on foot
Cobra patrols, the character on the team with the 6 – 10 2D2+1 Cobra Troopers on foot
lowest Survival skill level (players’ choice if tied) 1–5 1 Cobra Trooper in a C.L.A.W.
must attempt an Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test. Fumble 3 Cobra Troopers in C.L.A.W.s

SIZE: Common HEALTH: 5
9mm Parabellum Assault Rifle (Targeting)
GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet +d6*, Range 60/100 (1 Sharp Damage)
TOUGHNESS: 11 EVASION: 17 Alternate Effect: 2 Sharp Damage (↓2) or 2 Sharp
WILLPOWER: 17 CLEVERNESS: 11 Damage to Multiple (3) Targets (30ft cone, ↓2)
Traits: Ballistic, Reload
Meek and awkward, Dial Tone continuously needs
to prove his worth to the G.I. Joe team. What he EMP Grenade (Athletics) +d2*, Range 20/50
lacks in traditional military skills, he makes up (1 Electromagnetic Damage, Blast: 10ft radius)
for in technological wizardry, and the willingness Traits: Consumable, Computerized, Electromagnetic
to brave the deadliest battlefields despite
constantly hearing that he’s no soldier. POWERS:
Jammer: Dial Tone excels at taking enemy
SKILLS: computerized equipment offline. As a Standard
Alertness (Perception) +d6, Athletics (Grenades) action, Dial Tone can target a piece of enemy
+d2, Culture +d6, Initiative +d6, Persuasion computerized equipment within 100 ft. If the
+d2, Targeting (Assault Rifle) +d6*, Technology equipment is operated by one or more creatures,
(Communications) +d12 one of the creatures rolls a Technology Skill Test
against Dial Tone’s Technology Skill Test. If no one
Languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, operates the equipment, Dial Tone rolls against the
Pashto, Farsi, Russian, and Korean. equipment’s availability DIF.

PERKS: If Dial Tone is successful, the equipment (or the

benefits of an upgrade with the computerized trait)
Retrofit: As a Standard Action, Dial Tone stops working until the beginning of Dial Tone’s next
can turn his Restricted Communications Kit turn. This duration is doubled on a critical success.
into a Limited Kit of any other Technology The equipment can be repaired before the duration
specialization. If he hasn’t spent the Limited ends with a successful Technology test against the
Kit, he can turn it back into a Restricted results of Dial Tone’s Technology Skill Test.
Communications Kit as a Standard action.
If he has spent the Limited Kit, he can turn it EQUIPMENT:
back into a Restricted Communications Kit in
10 minutes. 9mm Parabellum, EMP Grenade x1, Impulse
Armor with Dome Generator, Restricted
Communications Kit

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
For the statistics on basic Cobra Troopers and the

“I have an
Cobra C.L.A.W. vehicle, see their entries in The G.I.
JOE Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.

idea…” Once the patrols have been dealt with or

circumvented, the characters find themselves at the
perimeter fencing of Cobra’s hidden Treachery Bay
As soon as the characters break Shipping Port facility.
through or go over the perimeter
fence, Dial Tone has them pause
for a moment while he points out a
nearby communications tower and Once the team reaches the perimeter fence,
shows them the fiber optic cabling they gain the freedom of a general reconnaissance
that runs right by where they are. mission. They can stick together, split up, keep
He explains that, if he taps into radio silence, stay in touch – really whatever they
those lines, he can selectively jam feel like doing as they see fit in order to make the
and run interference on the facili- most of the mission.
ty’s internal communications. The facility itself is surrounded by a ten foot chain
For the GM’s purposes, this fence topped with an additional two feet of razor
means that a higher level char- wire. It should take a few minutes with wire cutters
acter like Dial Tone isn’t around or a careful DIF 12 Athletics or Acrobatics Skill Test
to do everything for the player (along with a piece of canvas, jacket, etc. to hang
characters, but it also keeps the over the wire); failing the climb inflicts 1 Slashing
various patrols and encounters Damage automatically, increasing to 2 on a Fumble.
from instantly telling each other It should be noted that the fence itself is not wired
what they see, sounding the alarm, with any kind of alarm or security system, only the
and making this a huge mess main gate itself.
extremely quickly.
After breaking through the perimeter, the team has
a multitude of options to explore inside the facility.
There are three ‘sectors,’ arranged like layers from
For any of the interactions with the Cobra patrols,
the perimeter to the shore. Within these layers are
the Joes can immediately jump into a standard
points of interest the team will try to investigate in
Combat Scene, or they can try to hide and avoid the
order to understand and thwart whatever Cobra is
patrols – even with Dial Tone there, the collective
doing here in Treachery Bay.
instincts of the characters will set the tone, so it is
ultimately their decision. Each of the points of interest (the subsections
below) bear a number in superscript on their section
If Combat is the result, the GM should determine
header; that number is what layer in which the
who ambushes who, if at all, and continue as
point of interest is physically located. The team (or
normal. These patrols are generally pretty far apart,
split up sub-teams, etc.) must move from layer to
and combined with the noise from the equipment
layer, point of interest to point of interest, around
at the facility, other patrols shouldn’t hear these
the facility in order to gain the intelligence they
combats unless actual explosives or heavy
need to strike at the heart of the operation – the
weapons are used.
ships docked offshore (see A Nest of Morays).
Should the Joes try to avoid the patrols altogether,
As that the facility is not vacant of personnel –
everyone will need to dive for cover and make their
both Cobra and civilian – the G.I. Joes may want to
own Infiltration (Stealth) skill test versus the patrol’s
move around Treachery Bay with some semblance
collective Alertness skill test; the test taken with
of stealth and cunning in order to avoid bringing the
a ↑1 dice shift if there are more than 2 members
entire staff down onto them!
of the patrol. If the patrol manages to catch the
Joe team hiding, Cobra will immediately have the To represent this, the characters (however they
element of surprise! are grouped) may choose to do one of two things as
their ‘scene.’

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
• Inspect a Point of Interest on their current
Layer Level.
• Move from their current Point of Interest up or
down one Layer Level. The characters start at the THREAT LEVEL: 0
Perimeter Fence, which is Layer 0. SIZE: Common HEALTH: 1
Inspecting a point of interest is mechanically easy; GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet
just read the appropriate sub-section below and the
encounter involved takes place for the characters WILLPOWER: 11 CLEVERNESS: 12
doing so. These encounters are designed for the
whole mission team to deal with them, which could SKILLS:
mean a higher level difficulty and risk if the team Alertness +d2, Brawn +d2, Initiative +d2, Might
splits into smaller sub-teams to cover more ground. (Tools) +d2*, Persuasion +d4
Moving up or down a Layer Level requires the Joes Languages: English, Spanish
to cover a modest amount of open facility grounds
without raising suspicions or running into security PERKS:
patrols. In order to do so, the characters must make Part of the Team: If this combatant makes
DIF 12 Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Tests. For each point a melee attack against a target that an ally
a character fails this test by, add 1 to the team’s total has already made a melee attack against this
combat round, this combatant gains Edge on
‘Noise.’ A Fumble doubles the amount the test was
that attack.
failed by. After all characters who are moving up or
down Layer Levels have made the test, compare their AT TACKS:
total Noise to the appropriate Layer Level column
Tool Strike (Might) +d2*, Reach
on the table below – showing what kind of facility (1 Sharp Damage)
personnel the Joes have just encountered!
Unarmed Strike (Might) +d2, Reach
Unless the Joes can talk fast or figure out some (1 Blunt Damage)
way to avoid it, these encounters are likely to
immediately result in Combat Scenes. EQUIPMENT:
For statistics of Cobra Troopers and Cobra Vipers, Labor Tools, Personal Effects (Wealth +d4)
see The G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. HANG-UPS:
Use the entries below for the statistics of Bay Just a Job: The workers at Treachery Bay are
Workers and Cobra Lampreys: fully aware who they work for – the masked
soldiers and the snake insignias give it away
THE LOTS 1 – but they are not about to put themselves in
harm’s way for their cause. At the beginning of
every combat round, before rolling for initiative,
There are half a dozen large, gravel-laden parking
the Bay Worker rolls 1D2 and adds the number
lots surrounding the outer edges of the facility. of their allied combatants. If this total is less
This is where the locals park their vehicles; ranging than the number of known enemy combatants,
from daily drivers in bikes and small cars, entire the Bay Worker throws down their weapons and
neighborhood buses, and week-long RV and trailer runs away!
spots. They aren’t much more than clear-cut fields
sprinkled with smashed up rocks to keep the weed
growth down.


11+ D2 Cobra Troopers D2+1 Cobra Troopers; D2 Cobra Lampreys
1 Cobra Viper
7 – 10 2D2+1 Bay Workers 2D2 Cobra Troopers D2+1 Cobra Vipers
4–6 D2 Bay Workers 2D2+1 Bay Workers 2D2 Cobra Troopers
0–3 No Encounter No Encounter No Encounter

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 4
Combat Knife (Finesse) +d4, Reach
GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet; 30 feet AQUATIC (1 Sharp Damage)
TOUGHNESS: 13 EVASION: 16 Harpoon Pistol (Targeting) +d2*; Reach 30/80
WILLPOWER: 13 CLEVERNESS: 12 doubled underwater (1 Sharp Damage)
Cobra Lampreys are trained to be the pilots of the Alternate Effects: 1 Stun Damage
supercharged Moray hydrofoils, and as such are Traits: Silent, Sniper
also skilled underwater combatants. Lampreys Unarmed Strike (Finesse) +d4*, Reach
that serve Cobra long enough and succeed in the (1 Blunt Damage)
proper training go on into the Eels program, but
most spend years at the helm of their ships – EQUIPMENT:
making them experts in their use and upkeep.
Combat Knife, Harpoon Pistol, Lamprey Armored
SKILLS: Uniform (Acclimating Hexmesh, +1 Armor bonus to
Toughness), Personal Effects (Wealth +d4)
Alertness +d4, Athletics (Swimming) +d4, Deception
+d4, Driving +d4, Finesse (Unarmed Strikes) +d4*, POWERS:
Initiative +d2, Science +d2, Targeting (Pistols) +d2*
Adaptation: Lampreys have a pool of 3 adaptation
Languages: Usually English, plus a series of points. They can spend adaptation points to gain
underwater hand signals use their abilities that are normally restricted to
underwater on land.
Environmental Expertise (Underwater):
Lampreys ignore the penalties for moving through
difficult terrain underwater. All of Lamprey’s attacks
underwater are considered Specialized.

Characters could break into the workers’ vehicles

(requiring DIF 15 Infiltrate (Burglary) Skill Tests)
and search for clues with DIF 12 Alertness Nestled between the gravel lots are four
(Investigation) Skill Tests, but the most they will warehouse buildings, each one a hundred and
discover is that the bay workers, generally, live twenty-five feet long, forty feet wide, constructed of
within an hour’s drive and in low income areas – basic lumber and sheet metal, and capped at either
making them susceptible to Cobra’s ‘off the record’ end with heavy, roll-up styled garage doors. There
employment. are two sets of pedestrian doors on both ‘long’ walls
Aside from that basic information, the characters to each warehouse.
could take a few tools, minor personal effects, and/ Each warehouse has two sets of two Cobra
or local clothing. Characters that wear a makeshift Troopers walking the outside perimeter the
disguise made out of locals’ clothing gain Edge on characters will have to get by in some fashion if
any Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Tests made while on they wish to investigate the inside of one or more
the facility grounds – it is easier to blend in at a of the warehouses. This could mean using stealth,
glance if you look you belong. misdirection, or direct confrontation to deal
If they choose to, while they are searching with them. It should be noted that each of these
the Lots, the characters will need to each make Cobra Troopers have a pass card to gain entry
an Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test. There is very to any locked door in the Treachery Bay facility
little foot traffic in the Lots at night, meaning – something that could be extremely useful in
that the characters will have to Critically Fail that the future.
Infiltrate test to attract any undo attention from the Unless using the aforementioned pass card, the
random 2d2 Bay Workers headed to their cars for doors to the warehouse are all physically locked
the night. with the hardware built into the security system.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
The lock can be opened in two additional ways – • Warehouse 3 has a great deal of cryotherapy,
using brute force and a DIF 18 Brawn Skill Test, refrigeration, and liquid nitrogen-based storage
which will break open the locking system and be systems.
impossible to hide, and confusing the electronics – • Warehouse 4 has a section dedicated to a
immensely more secretive – takes a successful a DIF stockpile of high-tech looking parts and industrial-
16 Technology (Security) Skill Test. looking components; many of which are in
Inside each warehouse is the same open-floor, triplicate or more quantities. A DIF 20 Technology
wall-to-wall layout and dozens of piles of Skill Test will reveal these to be replacement and
containers; many of which are similar to the ones repair parts for some kind of bullet train or similar
Cobra was using at the herpetology trade show to ultra-fast superconducted conveyance system.
move the dangerous live animals. Additionally, inside each warehouse is D2 x
Additionally, a DIF 15 Alertness (Investigation) 5 Bay Workers busy doing their jobs. They label
Skill Test inside each warehouse can reveal a packages, manually strap things to movement skids,
unique ‘leaning’ of the items inside: and occasionally come through with a high-end,
hydraulic forklift.
• Warehouse 1 is all sedated reptilian livestock;
most of which are labelled as ‘caution: venomous’ If the characters are forced into an engagement
or ‘Do Not Open Unsupervised, Danger of Great with the Bay Workers, the one behind the wheel
Bodily Harm.’ of the forklift will use it as a weapon before putting
• Warehouse 2 bears a high percentage of medical themselves in danger.
equipment, antivenom applications, and surgical Use the statistics below for the Holdentech
tools to treat muscle and tissue damage. Four-Axis Forklift:


Stable: The design on this vehicle is centered on
GROUND MOVEMENT: 35 feet holding tons of weight without tipping over. Unless
TOUGHNESS: 20 (1 armor) EVASION: 11 struck by a Critical effect, this vehicle cannot be
WILLPOWER: — CLEVERNESS: — knocked Prone.
Vehicle: As a vehicle, this is a sophisticated piece
SKILLS: of equipment that requires at least one Driver to
Athletics +d4, Brawn (Lifting) +d10, Might +d2* operate. Without a driver, the Four-Axis Forklift is
considered a Threat Level 0 object, and all attacks
AT TACKS: target its Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s
Willpower or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it
Grab (Driving): Driver’s Driving Skill, Reach 10 has a driver, in which case they target the driver’s
(Grapples Target and applies Crush) Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to Conditions
Ram (Might): +d2*or driver’s Driving Skill, Reach and effects that exclusively affect the living, like
(Toughness, 2 Blunt Damage) poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect
Alternate Effects: Trip machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle
Traits: Blunt, Drive-By damages can be fixed with a Standard engineering
kit and a Technology Skill Test.
Crew: 1 driver
Hardpoint Weapons: None Crush: As a Standard Action, this vehicle can twist
and squeeze a Grappled target with immense
Firepoints: 1 – driver can attack, but takes a Snag
force, automatically inflicting 2 Blunt Damage and
on Driving skill tests until end of next round
maintaining the Grapple on the target. Additionally,
Defenses: Light Plating (+1 armor bonus) this vehicle uses its Brawn skill to fight against
Traits: Vehicle targets escaping its Grapple.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
BARRACKS 2 The only other room in the barracks that could
hold interest to the Joes is the private suite. This
Centrally located on the facility, the Cobra room is where the Serpent Soldier project leads –
Barracks is home to roughly three dozen Cobra Dr. Venom and Scalpel – stay when they come to
Troopers, two dozen Cobra Vipers, and a dozen Treachery Bay to oversee aspects of the process.
shift-on/shift-off Cobra Lampreys – all living in a A DIF 12 Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test inside
communal bunk-rack styled housing facility with the private suite will uncover enough handwritten
one set of double doors leading in and out of the notes, memos, weird scientific drawings, and a
building and an additional fire exit at the back end. half-dissected gaboon viper to learn the codenames
As that the barracks building is always manned of the two Cobra scientists.
– in a matter of speaking – Cobra sees no reason
for additional patrolling security outside the
building. After all, who would be stupid enough to
break into a building full of off-duty and sleeping
Cobra agents?
The double doors at the front of the building are
never locked, but the traffic of Cobra agents in
and out make it particularly difficult for the Joes to
try and use them to sneak in that way – a DIF 20
Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test. The emergency door
at the back is far easier to use undetected (reducing
the Difficulty of the Infiltrate Skill Test to 14), but
is locked. Opening the lock requires either a pass
card carried by all on-duty Cobra agents, a DIF 16
Brawn Skill Test to break in the frame, or a DIF 15
Infiltration (Burglary) Skill Test to pick the lock.
The inside of the barracks building is divided
into a few sections: bunk room, toilets/showers,
equipment rack room, and one private suite.
While it has room for them all, at any given time
the bunk room has one-third of the facility’s Cobra
agents – meaning 12 Cobra Troopers, 8 Cobra
Vipers, and 4 Cobra Lampreys. While in the bunk
room, half of that number can be considered to be
fully asleep, one quarter in various states of undress
and preparation for rest, and only one quarter still
fully equipped from their last shift or ready for the
next one (3 Cobra Troopers, 2 Cobra Vipers, and
1 Cobra Lamprey). If the building is somehow placed
on alert or a greater Combat Scene erupts, the
less-dressed agents will join the fray with fists only
in 2d2 combat rounds, and the sleeping agents will
rouse and do the same in 2d4 combat rounds later.
The equipment rack room has dozens of spare
Cobra uniforms, weapons, and other equipment
like that found on any agents within the facility.
If the Joes grab Cobra uniforms and use them as
disguises, they not only gain Edge on all Infiltration
(Stealth) and Deception Skill Tests targeting
facility personnel, but these tests gain a ↑2 dice
shift bonus!

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
There are always two Cobra Vipers on guard
at the entrance to the lab, which additionally
requires a pass card to electronically unlock the
airlock-esque turnstile – something that all Cobra
agents at the facility carry. The turnstile is rated
against explosives and pretty much all small arms
fire; anything powerful enough to blast open the
reinforced door system would likely also destroy
everything inside the small, 40 foot by 40 foot
square lab as well.
There are three Medi-Vipers working at any given
moment in the processing lab. They are fully suited
up and equipped as they would be in the field, as
they come and go with the shipment-laden hydrofoils
at the secret ocean base (see International Waters).
If the characters investigate inside the lab, two of
the Medi-Vipers will try to fight them off while the
third begins to pop open containers to retrieve the
dangerously poisonous snakes and other vicious
reptiles – to throw them at the Joes!
Effectively, the third Medi-Viper gains the
following special attack that it may use if it
performed no other actions on the previous
combat round:
Predatory Projectile (Animal Handling) +d4*;
Reach 10/20; 1 Poison or Sharp Damage
Anyone capable of passing a DIF 14 Science
Skill Test after seeing what is going on inside
the processing lab will understand what the
Medi-Vipers are doing – even if they aren’t
100% sure why.
Use the statistics below for the Medi-Vipers:

Comprised of a half dozen wood and composite
material wharfs jutting out into the water from a
series of open-air weather shielded garage-like
PROCESSING LAB 2 structures, the dockyard is not much more than
just a staging area for where Bay Workers – under
A smaller building, recognizable as some kind the watchful eyes of the Cobra agents – load up
of high-tech or industrial location by its attached the specially constructed and designed crates into
pressurized pipes and chemical coolant tanks, the the Moray hydrofoils for their speedy exit toward a
processing area of the Treachery Bay facility is secret, as yet unknown, ocean base.
where the specially trained Medi-Vipers take the When the Joes reach the Dockyard, there are a
biological materials, reptilian livestock, and other dozen Bay Workers and 4 Cobra Troopers loading
sensitive substances and cryogenically freeze them the neon yellow crates into three docked Morays
for transit in waterproof, high-resistance plastic at the wharfs. Each Moray has one Cobra Lamprey
crates designed for transit on the Cobra Moray at the helm, who will be getting their individual
hydrofoils. vehicle prepped and ready for transit when the

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
THREAT LEVEL: 3 at the end of any Move Action where they are in
contact with another being.
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 3
TOUGHNESS: 14 (3 armor) EVASION: 13 Combat Knife (Finesse) +d4*, Reach
WILLPOWER: 16 CLEVERNESS: 12 (1 Sharp Damage)
Cobra is not known for its respect for the Injection Pistol (Finesse) +d4, Reach
preservation of life, but they do understand that (2 Poison Damage)
injured agents cannot fight against the Joes. Alternate Effects: 2 Stun
Medi-Vipers are first response and tactical aid
Stinger Submachine Gun (Targeting) +d4*,
specialists. Chosen from the ranks of Vipers,
Range 120/180 (1 Sharp Damage, Multiple
these soldiers are fully equipped to put a foe
(3) Targets)
down in seconds – or lift up a fallen ally just
Traits: Ballistic
as quickly.
Unarmed Strike (Finesse) +d4*, Reach
SKILLS: (1 Blunt Damage)
Alertness +d2, Animal Handling +d4, Athletics +d2,
Finesse (Unarmed Strikes) +d4*, Initiative +d2,
Science (Medicine) +d6*, Targeting +d4*, Combat Knife, Injection Pistol, Medipack,
Technology +d2 Response Vest Uniform (Reinforced Vital
Plating, +3 Armor bonus to Toughness), Stinger
Languages: Usually English, Latin, Greek
Submachine Gun
First Response: The Medi-Viper may perform
a Science (Medicine) skill test as a Free Action

Medi-Vipers from the processing lab arrive with the • If the team did deal with the Medi-Vipers, the Bay
last of the current load of materials – which may or Workers will finish loading up everything that is
may not be coming, based on whether the Joes have already on the wharfs and then begin nervously
already been at the processing lab. pacing around, checking their watches, and so
• With so much coming and going activity at the forth. After ten minutes of being ‘off schedule,’ the
dockyard, the team should have little trouble Cobra Troopers will send six of the Bay Workers
moving around between buildings and cover, to the processing lab – which will expedite things
requiring only DIF 12 Infiltration (Stealth) Skill as soon as they discover the scene the Joes left
Tests to avoid starting a Combat Scene. behind there.
• If they are caught at the dockyard, the Bay • Whether it is because the Medi-Vipers have
Workers and Cobra Troopers will battle them arrived or because the shipment cannot be
immediately. delayed any further, move on to Dial Tone’s burst
transmission and A Nest of Morays.
• Aside from witnessing the impending shipment
getting ready to leave, this location is more of a
staging area for the team to get ready to stop the A NEST OF MORAYS
Morays from leaving in the following section of As the engines to the Moray hydrofoils all roar to
this chapter. life and the Cobra Lampreys at their helms begin
• If the Joes did not defeat or otherwise stop the to signal the Bay Workers to start untying hitching
Medi-Vipers at the processing lab, after ten or ropes and doing their ‘final checks,’ the G.I. Joes’
so minutes of lurking about the dockyard, a communication units spark loudly to life as Dial
Four-Axis Forklift bearing the last set of shipping Tone barks into their collective ears:
containers and the three Medi-Vipers roll in and
begin offloading.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
The statistics of the Cobra Moray can be found in
“The Morays are going to make a run for it! I picked
the G.I. JOE Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
up where they are headed, but not the coordinates! You


need to stop at least one of those hydrofoils from leaving
those docks! Shoot ‘em, tie ‘em down, pour sugar in
their gas tank… I don’t care, just keep one of those
The ruckus at the dockyard will send any Bay
boats in this Bay!”
Workers and Cobra agents not directly involved
running in all directions. They know the operation
The Bay Workers will scatter as soon as the has been compromised, and they are following
Combat Scene begins, and the Cobra Lampreys secondary orders to abandon the facility.
will be too busy working on getting their ships out Once Dial Tone manages to cross the facility and
of the dock to engage the Joes, leaving just the get to where the characters are, he will explain to
Cobra Troopers (and potentially the Medi-Vipers) them one of two stories:
to try and keep the team from their goal – stopping
If they failed to stop the hydrofoils:
at least one of the Cobra hydrofoils from leaving
the scene.
“I already called in our evac. We need to get to the
There are a variety of ways to keep a Moray
Pit as soon as we can, and I need to start tracking those
here. The easiest, of course, is directly damaging
boats before they get too far out of the area. I’ve got
it through combat. It is an armored, military-grade
their signature now, but a few more hours and who
vehicle however, and the characters may wish to try
knows. You Joes did good, no matter how you might feel
something else.
right now.”
A quick sweep of the dockyard can reveal a
number of items that could be helpful:
If they succeeded in keeping at least one
• A successful Athletics Skill Test can be used to
Moray docked:
lasso the heavy docking ropes onto the tie-downs
on a Moray; effectively keeping it from turning out
of dock after two successes. “This is perfect! I have everything I need on this thing
• Anyone that can get on board the forward deck to track where they’re headed, how many trips they’ve
of a Moray can attempt a DIF 13 Technology done already, and maybe even get a feel for what we’re
(Mechanics) or a DIF 18 Brawn Skill Test to looking at next. Great work. We aren’t done yet, but
access and sabotage the primary engine. This will we can at least regroup, resupply, and rearm for what
surely keep the Moray from moving. comes next. Yo Joe!”

• Setting fire to the cargo or lower decking on a

Moray will trigger its safety measures – cutting
the fuel line access and killing the engine

Story Point
• Eliminating the Cobra Lamprey will keep the
vessel from having a pilot, effectively shutting
it down.
It will take d2 x 10 combat rounds for the Morays If the characters manage to
– unless stopped – to leave the dockyard and start stop one or more of the Moray
racing out into the bay. While this technically hydrofoils, they have performed
would be considered a defeat for the Joe team, Dial beyond normal expectations, the
Tone will still be able to try and track their progress team is awarded a Story Point for
from here using the satellite access at the Pit. each Moray they manage to anchor
While it will be a momentary defeat for the here in Treachery Bay.
mission team, it does not mean they cannot
continue to try and thwart Cobra’s plans.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 2: Shipping and Handling
STORY OBJECTIVE responsible for upholding any form of economic
trade measures, seek some form of justice, or
The objective of Part 3 is very straightforward. enforce any kind of jurisdictional law. This is what
The G.I. Joes are about to be put into a direct makes it perfect for villainous groups like Cobra –
aquatic assault against a small Cobra oceanic secret and why G.I. Joe has to be the ones to stop them.
base. They will need to circumvent some security In order to reach this mysterious ocean base,
measures, deal with underwater defenses, and take Dial Tone has made arrangements for your team
over the base itself – discovering an interesting mode to catch a ride on a local naval ship, but as soon
of conveyance in the depths and decide how to use it. as they reach the edge of their jurisdiction, it
will be up to the Joes to launch off in a flotilla of
GET READY TO GET WET, JOES! S.H.A.R.C.s - Submersible High-Speed Attack and
Reconnaissance Craft.
Dial Tone has been busy with the data from the
captured Moray(s) and/or the satellite feeds, and Each S.H.A.R.C. can have two pilots and
is ready to inform the team of their responsibilities two passengers – if those passengers are fitted
as the mission parameters begin to take a different specifically as ‘rocket riders’ – protected external
shape or direction. positions for soldiers in SCUBA gear to hitch a
ride to wherever the pilots take them. Riding in
He has narrowed the location of a secret oceanic such a manner is not easy, and can be exhausting
base – seemingly where all the exotic lizard species, for long travels, which is why Dial Tone has made
toxic bio-reagents, and equipment have been going arrangements with Deep Six and Admiral Keel Haul
– to a few square kilometers of open ocean a little to have enough S.H.A.R.C.s available for the whole
more than 500 kilometers west of Columbia. team to ride however they want to – as pilots
This places the base well into ‘international or passengers.
waters,’ meaning that national governments are not

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
Can’t Drive?
The use of vehicles in G.I. JOE is fully perform the S.H.A.R.C. insertion
highlighted a great deal, and many autonomously.
characters will likely figure out they In this case, Dial Tone – who was
need to learn at least the basics on already planning on staying on the
how to pilot the various options base ship to serve as a remote Control
available to them – i.e., learn the & Command – can walk the characters
Driving skill. through how to use the S.H.A.R.C.s’
As the characters in this mission autopilot functions. This will make at
team are still little more than recruits, least part of this mission segment
it could be possible that there are not (the battle in Blood in the Water)
enough skilled drivers on the team to much more difficult, but still doable.

As the characters in this mission team are still little chewable tablets that fight the bends (if needed),
more than recruits, it could be possible that there and basic water-resistance alterations to
are not enough skilled drivers on the team to fully personal gear.
perform the S.H.A.R.C. insertion autonomously. Requisition Budget: Each character is allowed two
In this case, Dial Tone – who was already special Equipment Requisition attempts to augment
planning on staying on the base ship to serve as their mission kit
a remote Control & Command – can walk the When the team has everything it needs, the
characters through how to use the S.H.A.R.C.s’ Dynamic is in position, and the characters are
autopilot functions. This will make at least part of getting ready to board/strap onto the S.H.A.R.C.s,
this mission segment (the battle in Blood in the Dial Tone will address them:
Water) much more difficult, but still doable.

PREP FOR LAUNCH “This is it, Joes. Time for you to take everything we’ve
shown you and shine on your own. I know you can
Dial Tone will help get the mission team ready handle everything those snakes can throw at you, but
for the S.H.A.R.C. launch, but he will be staying I’ll be in your ears the whole time if you need me. I’ll be
on board the I.S.S. Dynamic to serve as a remote just a button push away.
C&C hub. The team knows they are infiltrating and Satellite feed says the installation is only a few dozen
assaulting an ocean-based Cobra installation, but meters across, but seems to have multiple sublevels
not much more. reaching into the depths where scans can’t penetrate.
Be careful down there, because if you get too deep, we
What little intelligence has been cooked up from
might not be able to keep clear contact.
the data from Treachery Bay is that this installation
Now… get in and get ready. You dive in five. Yo Joe!”
is primarily a routing station and is technically being
managed by Cobra’s scientific branch – the part of
the organization managed by Dr. Mindbender and his
council of evil geniuses. It should be low on military
assets and high on specialized labor roles, but the
mission team should be prepared for any response. Loaded onto rails designed to drop scientific
Vehicle Allotment: The team is expected to use submersibles into the surf, the characters and their
between two and four S.H.A.R.C.s; decided upon S.H.A.R.C.s will be speeding along a few meters
based on their driving skills and willingness to ride below the surface within minutes of being readied
as SCUBA-clad ‘rocket riders.’ up into the vehicles. They are designed for speed
and maneuverability, but the characters should still
Mission Equipment: Each character is given be able to marvel at the beautiful sights of being
a personalized SCUBA rig, nitrogen-balancing underwater in the tropics.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
Traversing the ocean coordinates is not terribly of braided metal cable attached to an anchoring
difficult with the technology at the Joes’ fingertips, weight. If anyone can get close enough to the side
but a few DIF 12 Driving (Aquatic) Skill Test to of the buoy, there is a single panel that exposes the
avoid coral reefs, maintain tidal currents, and stay water-resistant electronics inside.
on course toward the Cobra installation. A DIF 12 Technology Skill Test inside the buoy
There are two encounters that can take place will reveal that it is not just a road sign of where to
in the water on the way to the installation; one in go, it is also broadcasting a steady signal that could
the wide, open waters of the ocean (Buoys on the be used as a communications piggyback from – or
Boundary) and another once the team has gotten to – the installation. A further DIF 15 Technology
closer to the patrolled waters of the installation (Communications) Skill Test can make it so Dial
(Blood in the Water). Tone can remain in contact during this entire
mission instead of only on the surface levels
BUOYS ON THE BOUNDARY (see Can You Hear Me Now? for details).
Additionally, a DIF 13 Skill Test of anything
As the Joes race under the surface toward Dial related to computers or electronic communications
Tone’s coordinates, whichever S.H.A.R.C. pilot is will reveal to the mission team the codename
at the head of the group notices a ‘proximity alert’ of which the Cobra installation broadcasts and
on their vehicle’s tracking sonar. A DIF 8 Science receives messages as – Tubeworm Tower. While this
(Computers) Skill Test shows a string of twenty might seem like basic information to have, it could
small, signal-broadcasting objects floating along the mean Edge on certain future skill tests where such
surface, each one a half a kilometer from the next clandestine titles and intel might be key.
forming a chain or pattern that – if marked on a map
of the area – forms into a wedge shape that points Should the characters want to destroy the buoys,
along a set path toward Dial Tone’s coordinates. possibly just to rob Cobra of any sort of resource or
asset, they have a Toughness of 20 and 3 Health.
If the characters decide to stop and investigate the
buoys further than just noticing them as an oceanic
road sign, it will take a specific DIF 10 Driving BLOOD IN THE WATER
(Aquatic) Skill Test to pull up next to one of the Once the Joes are within roughly five kilometers
floating devices without hitting it, or getting caught of the Cobra installation – the S.H.A.R.C.s will blast
up in the anchorage tether. straight into a patrolling Cobra ambush!
The physical description of the buoys are as Two Cobra Mantis subs on deep patrol picked
follows – a two-meter tall cylinder of black, glossy up the buoy pings from when the Joe team got with
plastic topped with a ring of reflective red tape with range of them (see Buoys on the Boundary) and
two-thirds of its body bobbing above the surface, immediately changed course to intercept the vessels.
the submerged third welded to a thirty meter length Their standard orders are simple – if the ping is a

We Give Up!
Take Us To Your Leader!
It is a risky tactic, but if they are S.H.A.R.C.s before escorting the Joes
losing the battle badly, the Joes might to Tubeworm Tower.
offer to surrender themselves over to While this would be a dangerous
the Mantis pilots (Cobra Lampreys) way to gain access to the installation,
instead of risk getting blown apart it could make for an interesting scene
in the open ocean. If so, the Cobra as the Lampreys (and the 4 extra
agents will use their gripping arms Cobra Troopers waiting at the docking
and magnesium cutters to remove platform) try to take the Joes into
the weaponry from any operational custody!

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
Cobra ship headed to Tubeworm Tower, these ships The Cobra Mantis subs will fight until they can’t
escort them in; if not… they send them to the bottom any longer, ejecting their Cobra Lamprey pilots (two
to feed the fish! each) to try and swim back to Tubeworm Tower if
Give the characters one series of DIF16 Alertness their vehicle reaches 1 Health.
or Technology Skill Test to notice the two Cobra Use the following statistics for the Cobra
subs heading toward them – otherwise they will be Mantis subs:
the target of a successful ambush!


THREAT LEVEL: 5 Hardpoint Weapons: Stinger Defense Cannons,
SIZE: Extended HEALTH: 5 Angler Torpedo Launcher
Firepoints: None
Defenses: Flex Plating (+2 armor bonus),
TOUGHNESS: 20 (2 armor) EVASION: 18 Armored Cabin
WILLPOWER:— CLEVERNESS: — Traits: Aquatic, Autopilot, Vehicle
A commonly used two-man patrol and underwater
maintenance submersible, the Mantis is Cobra’s PERKS:
localized, deep water answer to aquatic labor.
Aquatic: The Mantis is a sea vehicle. While on
Equipped with a powerful torpedo, a devastating
land it is considered to be Immobilized and has an
magnesium-based cutting beam, a hydraulic
Evasion Defense of 0.
manipulation ‘gripper arm’, and a secondary
defense cannon array, the Mantis serves its role Armored Cabin: The Mantis’ pressurized shell
well as a workhorse in multiple fields. extends to cover the driving cabin. Attacks can’t
target the vehicle’s Crew directly.
SKILLS: Autopilot: As long as this vehicle has 1 driver, it
Acrobatics +d4, Brawn +d10, Driving (Autopilot) +d4, operates at full capacity. If this vehicle has a full
Might +d6*, Infiltration +d4, Initiative +d4, Targeting complement of drivers, a driver can use a free
(Missiles) +d4* action to have the autopilot lend assistance on a
Driving skill test.
AT TACKS: Vehicle: As a vehicle, this is a sophisticated piece
Angler High-Yield Torpedo, Missile (Targeting) of equipment that requires at least one Driver to
+d4*, Range 500/750 (2 Fire Damage) operate. Without a driver, the Mantis is considered
Alternate Effects: Underwater Only - 1 Sharp a Threat Level 0 object, and all attacks target its
Damage Multiple (2) Targets (30 ft line, ↓1) Toughness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower
Traits: Anti-Tank, Computerized, Consumable or Cleverness only affect this vehicle if it has
a driver, in which case they target the driver’s
Gripping Arm (Might) +d6*, Reach 15 (Grapples Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to Conditions
Target and applies Crush) and effects that exclusively affect the living, like
Magnesium Cutter (Driving) +d4, Reach 10 poison, but is susceptible to effects that affect
(1 Fire Damage, increased damage by 1 on every machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons. Vehicle
consecutive successful attack) damages can be fixed with a Standard engineering
Traits: Anti-Tank, Cumulative Damage kit and a Technology Skill Test.
Ram (Might): +d6* or driver’s Driving Skill, Reach
(Toughness, 2 Blunt Damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip Crush: As a Standard Action, this vehicle can twist
Traits: Blunt, Drive-By and squeeze a Grappled target with immense
force, automatically inflicting 2 Blunt Damage and
Stinger Defense Cannons, Missile (Targeting)
maintaining the Grapple on the target. Additionally,
+d4* or driver’s Driving Skill, Range 50/180 (2
this vehicle uses its Brawn skill to fight against
Sharp Damage)
targets escaping its Grapple
Alternate Effects: 1 Sharp Damage Multiple (3)
Targets 30ft line, ↓1) Hold Steady: Any target currently Grappled by
Traits: Ammo Feeder, Amphibious, Ballistic, Reload this vehicle can be attacked by this vehicle’s
Magnesium Cutter as a Free Action, and with Edge
VEHICLE INFO: to the attack roll. The target is unable to use its
Evasion Defense against this attack.
Crew: 1 driver, 1 gunner (in cabin)

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
Once the Cobra Mantis subs are defeated, it is a Below the surface however, is another matter
straight shot to Tubeworm Tower. Even if some of entirely. There are several floors of construction
the S.H.A.R.C.s were destroyed in the combat, the below the docking platform’s ring, funneling down
others are still fit to have ‘rocket riders’ attached on to what looks like a pair of coiled metal tubes of
their undersides, and can be used for such for the some kind – each easily thirty feet in diameter.
rest of the approach. That enormous metal braid extends down like
If all the S.H.A.R.C.s were destroyed – but the some kind of umbilical cord all the way from
Joes still somehow managed to defeat the Mantises, the installation to the craggy ocean floor, where
it is only a few kilometers’ swim left to reach the it disappears into the sand and coral. It does, in
installation. A few more Athletics (Swimming) Skill a weird way of looking at it, look like a pair of
Tests and they can drag their exhausted selves up gigantic metal tubeworms sticking up out of the
onto the docking platform! ocean floor.

If Cobra defeated the mission team, it means they THE APPROACH

eliminated all of the S.H.A.R.C.s and left the team
members for dead in the wreckage. After a few There are a few different ways for the Joes to make
quick sweeps of the area, they will head back to their approach to Tubeworm Tower. Depending on
base to report what happened. As that they believe how the characters choose to make their way onto
they destroyed the Joes, this will not put the base on the docking ring area, one of the following scenes
‘High Alert’ (see Sound the Alarm! for details). will unfold.
• Pilot S.H.A.R.C.s Directly to Docking Ring
TUBEWORM TOWER There will be a need for each S.H.A.R.C. being
– SO THAT ’S WHY piloted to the docking platform to pass a DIF 8
Driving (Aquatic) Skill Test to avoid running into
As the Joes – one way or another – approach the dock clamps and inflicting 1 Sharp Damage
the Cobra installation, they can see why they to their vessel. Additionally, the installation staff
codenamed it ‘Tubeworm Tower.’ will have seen the Joes’ final approach and the
Extending above the water only as a single, entire station will go on high alert. The four
open-air docking platform with a small, 30 foot Cobra Troopers working the docking platform
square cabin-like structure at its center. There are will instantly Sound the Alarm! and begin combat
a few agents sloshing around the wave-soaked immediately.
platform, a pair of Moray hydrofoils docked along its • Leave the S.H.A.R.C.s Nearby and Swim to the
rim, and two tall blinking antennae from the top of Surface
the central construction. Hoping to keep some semblance of surprise, the
Joes could choose to bring the S.H.A.R.C.s within
a hundred feet or more before turning the engines

Sound the
off and coasting in a few dozen more before double
checking their own Scuba gear and preparing

for an underwater disembark. The S.H.A.R.C.s
are designed to pop open and forcibly eject the
pilot and any rocket riders at the same time, and
can do so without any major power surges to be
There will be a number of
detected, leaving the characters to simply pass a
places where the Cobra agents
DIF8 Athletics (Swimming) Skill Test to reach the
of Tubeworm Tower could sound
docking platform.
a general alert to the rest of the
installation staff. If this happens, D2 Once at the platform, the characters can use
Cobra Troopers join every Combat Infiltration (Stealth) to ambush the four Cobra
Scene every 1d4 x 5 Combat Rounds, Troopers working there before they have a chance
or until one side is defeated. to alert anyone else.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
• Leave the S.H.A.R.C.s Nearby and Find the Wet requires the Joes to spend an extra twenty minutes
Access Portal in the water looking for it.
This is handled primarily the same way as the Using the wet access portal places the mission
previous method, but instead of swimming to team directly on Sub-Level Three, rising up out
the surface and the docking ring platform, the of the open water into the scene found in
characters remain underwater – using their SCUBA An Underwater Swimming Pool? (see page 32).
gear to search the first few sub-levels of Tubeworm
Tower from the outside to discover a pressurized ONCE ON THE TOWER
wet access portal on Sub-Level Three. After the mission team deals with the Cobra
Finding the strange overhang with a shimmering Troopers on the surface of the installation, they
open-water portal doesn’t require any additional have only one direction to go – into the cabin-like
skill tests or investigation methods. Instead, all it just structure at the center of the docking area.


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
In case the Joes decide to spend additional time At the middle of the entrance cabin, surrounded
checking or sabotaging the docked Morays, it by a number of pedestals, activation consoles,
should be noted that the constant crashing of waves monitors, and storage lockers, is a cylindrical
against the ring of the installation has the whole elevator roughly fifteen feet in diameter. There is
top slick with a few inches of foamy tidal wash a large red activator button on the outside of the
back and forth, imposing a Snag on any skill tests elevator door, but no indicator of floor access
that could be affected by poor footing, such as number or the lift’s current position. It is a simple
Acrobatics or Performance. design built for utility and dependability.
The central access cabin has an airlock-style set
of doors, but they are unlocked. Getting inside the DOWN THE TUBES
access cabin is as easy as stepping in the first set of
doors, let the pressure regulate, and then entering The entire installation is fully pressurized;
through the inside doors to the rest of the installation. meaning it maintains its own barometric
levels to keep the ocean water outside of the
facility’s openings.


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
The walls are designed to withstand significant SUB-LEVEL TWO – YOU
amounts of punishment from the outside elements –
or the occasional anti-armor torpedo, and the inside
is coated in hexmesh that folds in on itself to seal up Sub-Level Two is a common room for the Cobra
imperfections and minor damage, should it occur. agents from the shipping boats to wait while the
Using ground-based volcanic heat siphons and tidal installation staffers unload, process, and send cargo
turbine generators all around the docking ring, the to the Tubeworm on Sub-Level Five. Unless the
installation has no need for external power sources. installation has already been placed on high alert,
All in all, Tubeworm Tower is remarkably well built the mission team will exit the elevator to find two
and self-sufficient. Cobra Lampreys (from the docked Morays on the
docking ring above) sitting around a plastic folding
Pressing the big red button opens the elevator
table with a Cobra Viper and a Cobra Trooper.
door. Inside there is a simply up and down lever to,
as one would expect, trigger the elevator to go up Exactly what the agents are doing at the table is
and down one level at a time. It is not a quiet device, up to the GM. They could be chatting about their
but everyone on the installation is so used to hearing day-to-day lives (yes, Cobra agents are still people
it’s travels, meaning that the Joes can actually exit the too), catching a quick meal, discussing political
lift quickly enough on most levels without being seen status in the First World Nations, even just playing
and possibly still find a suitable hiding place before a game of cards. They are still in their uniforms
any agents on the level even look up to take note. (helmets and masks off), and their weaponry is
sitting within five feet of the table. How they are
There are five sub-levels to the installation,
sitting at the table however, at least one of them can
each one detailed in a subsection with its own
see the Joes get off the elevator.
scene below.
This will – barring very select circumstances
SUB-LEVEL ONE – EVEN judged viable by the GM – call for an Initiative roll
COBRA DOES PAPERWORK to begin combat immediately.

The elevator exits Sub-Level one surrounded by As a note, it is standard protocol for the Cobra
filing cabinets, stacks of carefully collated receipts Viper to try and get to the alarm box by the elevator
and memos, and a single Medi-Viper going over door and activate it, if possible.
some numbers at a desk – currently with her back to The Cobra agents’ ‘public’ communications
the elevator. server, display, and transceiver is in this room,
The Medi-Viper’s weapons are leaning against the which could be modified with a DIF 15 Technology
wall next to where she is doing her calculations, Skill Test to help boost transmissions from the G.I.
meaning that she should be relatively easy for the Joes’ own communications equipment. If Dial
Joes to get the jump on and incapacitate her. Tone is asked to walk the character(s) through this
process, they may have Edge on that test.
If able to do so, the mission team can search
through the paperwork. A DIF 10 Alertness There really isn’t much else on this sub-level
(Investigation) Skill Test will reveal that these aside from break supplies, snacks, a few collapsible
shipping receipts, trade papers, and related cots, and re-equipment crates at the far end. The
notations all point out that Cobra has been characters might be able to find something useful
collecting herpetological and zoological materials amongst these things, but that is ultimately up to
from trade shows and private sellers all around the their ingenuity, Alertness (Investigation) skills,
world for months. Dial Tone had only caught on to and the GM.
their codes and such late in the scheme.
With all of the current paperwork in various forms
in front of them, if a player character is skilled in
Science (Biology or Genetics) they can spend 2d2 Sub-Level Three is the Wet Access Portal; a
hours reading over everything to attempt a DIF 20 specialized opening in the floor of the level that
Skill Test to figure out that Cobra is doing some has been made to match the exact pressure of the
major gene splicing and biological adjusting on a external ocean – keeping the water from exploding
huge scale. inward and filling the installation.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
The characters could have gained access to eavesdrop successfully on the conversation, it goes
this sub-level in two ways – from above using the as follows:
elevator, or from the outside coming up from the • Trooper: “Have you seen one yet? One of Venom’s
wet access portal. However they gained access new jungle men… or whatever?”
to the sub-level, the scene itself doesn’t change
• Lab Tech: “The Chimerae? Not the finished
except that there is a greater chance for the Joes to
product. I saw that Scalpel had a beta sample with
stealthily enter the sub-level using the wet access;
him, and I caught a glimpse of it.”
if they do so and are trying not to rouse suspicions,
the characters gain Edge on their Infiltration Skill • Trooper: “Brought it here?”
Tests to enter the scene – soaked, but stealthy. • Lab Tech: “I guess Venom gave him homework?”
• Trooper: “Guess so.”
On this level there is a single Cobra Trooper and
a Cobra Lab Technician talking openly about the Whether the characters hear the conversation or
Serpent Soldier Project. If the characters manage to not, they may have to engage the two Cobra agents
in order to proceed with the mission.


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
The Cobra Trooper will try to sound the alarm SUB-LEVEL FOUR – WHAT
before he attacks the characters, and the Lab
Technician will try to flee into the elevator and go
down to sub-level four. Sub-Level Four is the final preparation and
check-in room for any cargo and passengers coming
There are all kinds of tools, resource kits, aquatic
and going between the Tubeworm Tower installation
equipment, and scientific research materials related
and the Oubliette in the Amazon. Effectively it is a
to the operation and function of oceanic studies.
large-scale airlock where personnel check the safety
If the characters can think of something they might
seals on objects coming and going, and ensure any
be able to find of use there, it is up to the GM
passengers are not carrying hazardous biological
if it is stashed somewhere around the room and
materials or chemicals that could endanger the
can be found.
projects within the Oubliette. This is also the deepest
The statistics for the Cobra Lab Technician is the primary elevator will go; on the opposite side
listed below. of the decontamination/airlock however, there is a
second elevator that only leads to Sub-Level Five.


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
THREAT LEVEL: 2 were contracted for, they automatically receive
Edge on their Science or Technology skill.
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 2
Portable Lab Array: Cobra Lab Technicians wear
a wrist-fitted piece of technology that allows the
TOUGHNESS: 11 (1 armor) EVASION: 11 wearer to count as having the exact right tool for
WILLPOWER: 16 CLEVERNESS: 12 whatever Science or Technology skill test they
are being required to take. Additionally, this piece
SKILLS: of equipment counts as a wireless computer,
cellular telephone, encrypted communicator, and
Alertness +d4, Athletics +d2, Deception +d4,
GPS tracking device.
Science (Genetics) +d6*, Targeting (Stunner)
+d2*, Technology +d2
Languages: English, Japanese, Latin, Spanish
Portable Lab Array; Stunner, Meshwear Uniform
AT TACKS: (+1 Armor Bonus), Personal Effects (Wealth +d6)

Stunner (Targeting) +d2*, Range 10/30 HANG-UP:

(2 Stun)
Just a Contractor: Cobra Lab Technicians are
PERKS: contracted specialists with permission to work
on specific projects assigned by Cobra officers.
Cobra Contractor: Cobra Lab Technicians are Anytime the Lab Technician is attacked, after
specialized contractors sought out from the resolving the attack, roll a d2. If the result is equal
private sector for their specific field of skills. to or greater than their remaining Health, they flee
Depending on whether or not the Lab Technician from the scene and are considered Defeated.
is making skill tests related to the project they

There is a large sliding wall/door system that cuts When the characters arrive, the doors to
this room in half. It has triggering hand-plates that the opposite elevator are closing and they will
start up the airlock/decontamination spray system, a get a glimpse of the Cobra Medi-Viper officer,
process that takes six full combat rounds from when codenamed Scalpel. Scalpel was loading a few
the wall/door opens to let someone in from either specialized crates into the decontamination area
side to when it re-opens to the other side. when he saw the primary elevator doors open,
noticed something wasn’t right, and decided to flee
back to the Tubeworm.
The Joes will have to trigger the decontamination

Can You Hear process, wait for it to spray the mist and vacuum
everything back out again – with the accompanying
Me Now? red and green safety access lights – but unless the
installation is on high alert, they should not have
any problems during that time. Once they can get
Unless the characters have inside, they can investigate the three crates:
modified the communication systems • A box full of ten self-injection pens without labels,
before this moment (the buoys, the but are carrying powerful anti-toxin cocktails.
common room communications
• A sealed cryogenic storage crate that contains two
display, etc.), the connection
dozen tissue samples, each labelled progressively
between Dial Tone on the Dynamic
from ‘Chimera-19’ to ‘Chimera-42.’
and where the Joes mission team
has officially become broken and • A medical-linen wrapped humanoid arm, severed
staticky. On Sub-Level Three the cleanly just below the elbow. It is covered in
team can still make out some of what patches of heavy, slightly iridescent scales, ending
Dial Tone says, but any deeper and in a four-fingered hand tipped with extremely
there will be nothing but static if the sharp, dense claws. Around its wrist is a plastic
system is not boosted somehow. medical band labelled ‘Chimera-37.’

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
It is up to the characters to decide what they will that has a fully functioning superconducted bullet
do with the crates they can claim inside the airlock, train tube on both sides of the platform. This
but in order to pursue Scalpel, they will have to is the Tubeworm, and the real reason why this
initiate the decontamination process once more installation exists.
and wait the requisite time to exit the other side. No matter when the characters arrive, for
Alternately, if they can manage to succeed a DIF 22 narrative’s sake, the ‘departing’ Tubeworm car has
Technology (Mechanical) Skill Test, they can force just sealed its doors and the team will get to see its
the system from the inside to purge early and open ringlet superconductors charging up and blast off
on the second round of spraying. with a bright sapphire flash – disappearing into the
tube in the blink of an eye.
In less than a few seconds however, another
The express elevator from Sub-Level Four opens Tubeworm car arrives and lets out six Cobra
up onto Sub-Level Five to reveal exactly why there Troopers dressed in jungle fatigues!
is the enormous coiled tubes that lead away – or
rather toward and away – from the installation. The characters will get to have an exciting Combat
The elevator opens up to a subway-styled platform Scene to finish off the installation, but then they
have a decision to make…


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
After the Cobra Troopers are dealt with, the
characters have an important decision to make. Do Story Point(s)
they hop into the open Tubeworm car, race toward
the secret Amazon base and immediately begin the If the characters have fully
events in the next chapter, Within the Oubliette. investigated the Tubeworm Tower
Or… installation, the team is awarded a
Story Point for learning more about
Do they access the heading and map patterns of
and getting closer to the heart of
the awaiting Tubeworm car with a DIF16 Science
Cobra’s schemes.
or Technology (Computers) Skill Test, allowing
If the team does the heroic “brave
the characters to head back up to the docking ring
in the moment” thing to do and
platform, and then use any surviving S.H.A.R.C.s,
blindly takes the Tubeworm car to the
hijack the docked Morays, or radio for evac…
Amazon, they should be awarded a
heading back to the Dynamic to debrief with Dial
second Story Point – G.I. Joe has been
Tone and formulate a new mission plan for an
built on the backs of such heroes!
unexpected trip to the Amazon.


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 3: International Waters
A New The objective of Part 4 is the climax of the G.I. Joe

Mission or An
mission team’s efforts at thwarting Cobra’s Serpent
Soldier Project. This chapter takes them deep into

Unexpected the Amazon, to a secret compound filled with

untold horrors – which they must figure out how to

Continuation? end before they can be unleashed upon the world.

If the characters chose to hop

onto the next bullet train car to After deciphering the trajectory and signal
pursue Scalpel, they will not have coordinates for the Tubeworm car, G.I. Joe
a chance to re-equip, rest, or intelligence calculates where the so-called Emerald
otherwise take on this chapter as a Oubliette – the Cobra secret scientific compound –
redeployment. Instead, they spend is situated, within a hundred kilometers or so.
five hours on the bullet train and Once the characters have dropped into the
empty out into A Nest of Vipers. Amazon area, it should be no trouble homing in
Otherwise, since the characters on the significant power signature of a base like
returned to the Dynamic to this. It will be a dangerous drop, especially because
debrief with Dial Tone, they can Scalpel (and the rest of Cobra by this point) knows
consider this chapter as a new that G.I. Joe is on to them and much closer than
mission altogether, starting previously thought.
instead with Into the Deep Green.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
Dial Tone is still in command of this mission, and of the same basic information about parachuting
he has the following to tell the characters: into a deployment remains the same – the
Difficulties are different. If the GM needs to refresh
the players, see page 14 for additional information
“This is a big deal, Joes. You did good finding this
place. Who knows what kind of awful stuff Cobra is
about The Drop.
cooking up in the jungle. We’ve seen a glimpse of that Because the team took the time to debrief him and
horror, and we can’t allow it to continue. Now, let’s get bring him along, Dial Tone will be joining the drop.
you in there and put a stop to it! Yo Joe!” The characters must:
• Steer their high-altitude descent with a DIF 12
Athletics Skill Test, made with Edge. Success lands
MISSION EQUIPMENT them in the fifty meter drop zone where the rest of
AND REQUISITIONS the team is supposed to meet up. Failure puts that
While this is more of a standard operation character off target by a number of meters equal
deployment, the Joes are on a rapidly shrinking time to ten times the amount the skill test failed by. A
clock and receive their personal allotments and Fumble triples the failure distance and imposes a
standard issue equipment, but are limited in their Snag on the Landing test (next).
additional Requisition attempts. • Landing their descent, made more difficult by
the tree canopy and vines, with either a DIF 14
Mission Equipment: Each character is given a
Athletics or DIF 16 Acrobatics Skill Test. Success
reinforced single-use parachute pack, an oxygen-
or Critical Success means a quick roll to their feet.
breather mask with goggles, and a terrain-clearing
Failing this test means a rough landing for the
machete (counts as a small sword, but gives Edge on
character; roll a d20. If the result is higher than
Survival skill tests).
the character’s Toughness (without armor), they
Requisition Budget: Each character is allowed one suffer one point of Blunt Damage. If the landing
special Equipment Requisition attempt to augment test is a Fumble, the roll against the character’s
their mission kit Toughness is automatically damaging.
Once the characters have all landed safely and
THE DROP... AGAIN brought into the drop zone – possibly needing some
Alertness and Survival Skill Tests to find them in
Unlike the last time the characters para-dropped
the local jungle – Dial Tone will gather everyone
into a mission, the Amazon’s denseness makes it
together again and check his instruments.
difficult to use a low altitude helicopter deployment.
Instead the team will be dropped at higher speeds When they’re ready, the team starts toward the
from a passing airplane; while this means that much jagged stone ruins known as The Emerald Oubliette.

The Emerald Oubliette

– A Local Legend
Deep in the Amazon rainforest there is It is a massive stone central building
an ancient Mesoamerican temple called surrounded by a stony courtyard, ringed
‘The Emerald Oubliette’ by the locals in by a high, vine-and-snake covered
due to the myth of the temple being a wall, which is nestled in very dense and
forever prison for ancient and unnamed dangerous jungle.
serpent demons. It is avoided by all local It is perfect for a secret Cobra
populations, who spit when they hear its nightmare laboratory.
name, and claim the place is cursed.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
After following Dial Tone’s coordinates and
tracking programs, the characters find themselves at
the feet of a massive – 40 feet at the top – stone wall
covered in thick, ropey vines and hundreds of years
of foliage.
The characters must find a way to get past those
walls and into the compound. The GM can rule any
method the players come up with as to its possibility
for success, but the two obvious ways are as follows:
• Climb the wall at half normal rate, requiring
only a DIF 6 Athletics Skill Test to do so. Every
twenty feet of climbing, regardless to the success
or failure of the skill tests, the character must
pass either a DIF 18 Alertness or DIF 13 Animal
Handling Skill Test to avoid accidentally grabbing
one of the hundreds of poisonous snakes that
call the walls home. Failure on that test gives the
snake a single attack at the character:
Viper’s Bite (Finesse) +d4; Reach 5; 1 Poison
Damage; Critical Effect: 1 Speed Essence Damage
per minute until successfully treated.
• Search the walls’ perimeter for a traversable gate,
archway, or other entrance leading through the
walls. Such a break in the Oubliette’s defenses
will be guarded by two Cobra Vipers.
Once the Joes make it over or passed the walls,
they have the expanse of the well-patrolled
Courtyard to traverse before the can reach the
actual building of the compound itself.


Within the walls of the Oubliette there is a stretch
of nearly a hundred feet of broken stone ground,
some foliage poking through from centuries of
abandonment, called the Courtyard.
The Courtyard is patrolled by three roving Cobra
Ferrets, their light quad-ATV. Each Ferret is driven
by a Cobra Motor-Viper, but has a standard Cobra
Viper riding as a passenger.
The mission team must cross the Courtyard
quickly, possibly in singles or small groups, to avoid
one of these rumbling rider pairs from spotting
and engaging them. This will require a DIF 14
Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test, with a ↓1 dice shift
for each additional person in the same group trying
to cross undetected – larger groups are easier to see.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
Once the mission team has crossed the Courtyard
– one way or another – they will then cross over a
few manmade barricades and reach the tent village Converted heavily from the original stonework,
where most of the personnel stay. the outlying part of the Oubliette ruins has been
If the Cobra agents manage to defeat the G.I. transformed into a testing facility for the genetic
Joes, they will be restrained and brought to Dr. mutations Dr. Venom has been trying to create
Venom (and Scalpel) within the Chimerae Chamber – only recently successfully. This is collectively
(alternate introduction). known as the Inner Sanctum, as only Scalpel, Dr.
Venom, and the Medi-Vipers are allowed within to
For statistics of both the Cobra Motor-Viper know the secrets of the Serpent Soldier Project.
and the Cobra Ferret vehicle, see The G.I. JOE
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Every twenty or thirty feet within the Inner
Sanctum there lies a new kind of test for the Cobra
A NEST OF VIPERS personnel to administer to the Chimeric Prototypes
Dr. Venom has been creating. From hand-eye
This section of the Oubliette has been built coordination puzzles, small logic problem devices,
around the Tubeworm bullet train exit and entrance to firing ranges, and agility obstacle courses, the
points – which are little more than plastic and prototypes are put through extensive amounts of
steel sheds with camouflaged roofs. It is a ring of tests before being destroyed and a new version
tents and fabricated housing elements in which the brought forward for testing.
compound’s personnel stays while they are assigned At any given time, the Inner Sanctum has a staff of
to the Oubliette. three Medi-Vipers testing d2 Chimeric Prototypes.
Moving around this area – specifically heading Unless he reason to already be discussing matters
toward the inner sanctum – isn’t terribly difficult with Dr. Venom inside the actual creation
due to the numerous blind spots, hiding places, and chamber – Scalpel will be here to try and stop the
double-backs that allow for multiple Infiltration Skill Joes as well.
Test to avoid detection. Use the statistics below for the Chimeric
Unless, of course, you are a group of G.I. Joe Prototypes and Scalpel:
troops getting off of a loud and expected bullet train
car – at which point the soldiers Scalpel warned of
their approach will be waiting.
The center ritual grounds of the Oubliette, a forty
Effectively, a mission team that is able to sneak foot diameter circular room once used for human
through the Vipers’ Nest can do so with a DIF 16 sacrifice, has been transformed into a high tech
Infiltration (Stealth) Skill Test (remembering the exploration of forbidden sciences that allow the
dice shift penalty from the Courtyard for moving in Serpent Soldier Project’s designer and leader – Dr.
large groups) can circumvent the area’s guards and Venom – to extract the most lethal elements from
catch up with Scalpel within the Inner Sanctum. the genetic chains of a myriad of snakes, lizards,
If the mission team is caught (or they are getting frogs, and other species and fuse them together
off the Tubeworm right now), there will be a inside the medically prepared body of a Cobra
Combat Scene between them and a team of eight “volunteer.”
Cobra Troopers and two Cobra Vipers! When the Joes enter the chamber, Dr. Venom will
If the Cobra agents are defeated, the mission team be just about to administer the activation injection
can head into the Inner Sanctum. to a hulking humanoid mass of scales and muscle
If the Cobra agents manage to defeat the G.I. strapped to a standing slab in the middle of the
Joes, they will be restrained and brought to Dr. chamber. Surprised to see the interfering Joes, he
Venom (and Scalpel) within the Chimerae Chamber will address them:
(alternate introduction). “No! I will not let you shortsighted cretins spoil
our path to greatness! Witness what Cobra is
capable of! This is just the beginning… soon he
will rise!”

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette


G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
Power in Numbers: The Chimeric Prototype
GROUND MOVEMENT: 25 feet gains Edge on an attack roll against a creature if
STRENGTH: 6 SPEED: 3 at least one of the Chimeric Prototype’s allies is
SMARTS: 2 SOCIAL: 1 within 5 feet of the target.

TOUGHNESS: 15 (1 armor) EVASION: 13 Relentless Attack: The Chimeric Prototype gains

WILLPOWER: 12 CLEVERNESS: 11 Edge on attack rolls against any creature it has
previously inflicted damage upon.
Acrobatics +d4, Alertness +d2, Athletics +d4,
Conditioning x1, Might (Claws) +d4* Fatal Flaw: The organs and skeletal structure of
the Chimeric Prototype are not 100% formed or
Languages: None – just a lot of hissing efficient. Any Critical Hit that inflicts Blunt Damage
upon them will cause them to rupture and break
AT TACKS: down internally, allowing it one last combat
Claws: +d4*, Reach (1 Sharp Damage) round of actions – at the end of which it will
collapse and die.


THREAT LEVEL: 6 First Response: Scalpel may perform a Science
(Medicine) skill test as a Free Action at the end of
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 6
any Move Action where they are in contact with
GROUND MOVEMENT: 30 feet another being.
TOUGHNESS: 16 (3 armor) EVASION: 15
Answering normally to Destro and the Baroness, Flechette Pistol (Targeting) +d4*, Range 30/90
Scalpel is the chief officer in the Medi-Viper (2 Sharp Damage)
corps. He is personally responsible for many Traits: Silent
of the Cobra higher ups’ medical physicals, Injection Pistol (Finesse) +d6, Reach
pharmaceutical prescriptions, and other medical (2 Poison Damage)
needs. His personal goal is to unlock whatever Alternate Effects: 2 Stun
genetic mutations lie in Zartan’s bloodline that
Unarmed Strike (Finesse) +d6, Reach
allows for their instinctual camouflage abilities, to
(1 Blunt Damage)
which he has been currently unsuccessful.

Flechette Pistol, Injection Pistol, Medipack,
Alertness +d2, Animal Handling (Reptiles)
Response Vest Uniform (Reinforced Vital Plating,
+d6, Athletics +d4, Finesse +d6, Initiative +d4,
+3 Armor bonus to Toughness), Personal Mask
Intimidation +d2, Science (Medicine) +d8,
(oxygen filtration unit)
Targeting (Pistols) +d4*, Technology +d4
Languages: Arabic, English, Greek, Latin, Spanish HANG-UP:
PERKS: Cowardly: Scalpel is fine with being a part of a
combat where Cobra is winning. If the GM decides
Anatomy Expert: Scalpel knows how to hurt the that the Cobra side of a Combat Scene involving
human body far beyond that of a common Cobra Scalpel is tilting the other way, Scalpel must
agent. When targeting a human with an attack, roll a D6. If the result is equal to or greater than
Scalpel may always choose to take a ↓1 dice his current Health, he will flee – or surrender if
shift in order to inflict double normal damage to retreat is impossible.
the target.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
Chimerae Chamber
(Alternate Introduction)
The Joes wake up, hands bound by “You foolish Joes and your constant
plastic zip ties (DIF 16 Brawn to break), meddling in matters so far beyond your
to find Dr. Venom pacing back and understanding… our collective genius
forth in front of the hulking Chimera at Cobra might as well be like trying to
Serpent Soldier strapped to a standing explain quantum physics to toddlers.
slab in the center of the room. If he You should be proud though, as with
was not defeated, Scalpel will also be this final administered activation serum,
present. my first flawless Serpent Solider will
When they come to, Dr. Venom will awaken… and you get to be their first
talk condescendingly down to them: victims! Soon they will not be alone in
perfection. Soon he will rise!”

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
No matter how the Joes are introduced to the
scene, the next moment will still likely come as a
shock – Dr. Venom plunges the activation injector
into the side of the monster’s corded neck. There is
a loud hiss of pressurized chemicals flooding the
target, and in 2d6 x 6 seconds (which might be
just what the characters need to break free of their
bonds (if bound).
The Chimera Serpent Soldier lets out a
shuddering, hissing, roar – and then begins to
try and escape its bonds. To break free, it must
pass two DIF 18 Brawn Skill Tests. When it does
so, it will attack savagely.
Use the statistics below for Dr. Venom and the
Chimera Serpent Soldier:
As soon as the Joes look like they are going
to defeat the Serpent Soldier, Dr. Venom
(and potentially Scalpel) will try to flee
with as much Serpent Soldier Project data
as he can tuck into his satchel.
If the Serpent Soldier defeats the
Joes, it will not soon cease its violent
activities upon them, savaging them
until Dr. Venom calls it off to be
loaded up for travel… something that
the GM will need to consider when it
comes to the end of this adventure.


Should his Serpent Soldier be defeated, Dr.
Venom will try to flee out a secret passage
which leads to where the Motor-Vipers keep
their Ferret ATVs. Venom will try to escape,
but is not much of a high-speed driver
extraordinaire. They can grab Ferrets of
their own and give chase if they wish, or
let the evil scientist escape and focus on
bringing down the Emerald Oubliette.


If the characters are convinced that
catching Dr. Venom is secondary to taking
control of the Emerald Oubliette, they can
make that known to Dial Tone and he will agree
with their judgment. He will send the signal to the
Amazon-circling pilots awaiting to drop more G.I.
Joes, taking the Oubliette by storm.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
TOUGHNESS: 16 (+1 armor) EVASION: 14
WILLPOWER: 14 CLEVERNESS: 12 A close student of Dr. Mindbender and an expert
at lost technologies from ancient cultures,
SKILLS: Dr. Venom’s research, studies, and accidental
Alertness +d6, Animal Handling +d4, Athletics exposure to forbidden biotechnology makes him
+d4, Brawn +d8, Conditioning x1, Finesse (Bite) a dangerous resource for the R&D department
+d4*, Initiative +d4, Might (Claws) +d6* of Cobra. His plans on mixing reptilian genetic
abilities with those of peak humanity is later
Languages: None – just a lot of hissing; but
mirrored when the agents of Cobra begin the
understands English
process to ‘awaken’ Serpentor.
Bite (Finesse) +d4*, Reach (1 Poison Damage)
Alertness +d4, Animal Handling (Reptiles)
Critical Effect: 1 Strength Essence Damage per
+d4, Athletics +d2, Brawn +d4, Deception +d4,
minute until successfully treated
Finesse +d4*, Initiative +d4, Intimidation +d4,
Claws (Might) +d6*, Reach (2 Sharp Damage) Science (Biology) +d8*, Targeting (Pistols) +d4*,
Technology (Biotech) +d4
PERKS: Languages: Arabic, English, Greek, Latin, Russian,
Fearless: The Serpent Soldier cannot be Spanish, Turkish
intimidated or made to feel fear in any fashion;
its mind is simply too instinctual to feel PERKS:
such a way.
Biotechnician: Dr. Venom uses Science (Biology)
Relentless Attack: The Chimera Serpent Soldier in place of Finesse when attacking with his
gains Edge on attack rolls against any creature it Shock-Cyst Glove.
has previously inflicted damage upon.
True Believer: Dr. Venom honestly believes
Venomcrafted: The Chimera Serpent Soldier he will be key in creating the perfect soldier
is utterly immune to Poison Damage and and leader of the entire Cobra organization. He
adverse effects. receives Edge on any Skill Test or power, or
anything else to do with his unshakable faith in
POWERS: ancient ways.
Regeneration: The Chimera Serpent Soldier can
take a Free Action to pause and heal its wounds
as long as it has not attacked yet that round. Fang Handgun (Targeting) +d4*, Range 40/90
Performing this action requires the player to roll (1 Sharp Damage)
a D10 and compare it to their current Health; if Traits: Silent, Ballistic
the result is higher, the Serpent Soldier regains
Shock-Cyst Glove (Science) +d8*, Reach
one Health.
(1 Electrical Damage)
Alternate Effects: 1 Stun
Unarmed Strike (Finesse) +d4*, Reach
Untamed Fury: The Chimera Serpent Soldier is
(1 Blunt Damage)
driven by fierce anger and an internal furnace
of rage. It will always attack the nearest target,
friend or foe, unless it has suffered damage. The
last creature to inflict damage on the Soldier is Armored Suit (+1 armor bonus), Silenced Fang
always its priority target. Pistol, Serpent Soldier Project Data File, 2 Doses
of Antivenom

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
The Cobra agents will be outnumbered and
rounded up, the technology either destroyed
or confiscated, and the whole area (plus the
With the Emerald Oubliette and its attached
Tubeworm Tower) will be targeted for a scouring of oceanic installation both out of commission, and
Cobra presence and technology. the Serpent Soldier Project suffering a major setback
“IF HE GETS AWAY, HE WILL JUST START THIS ALL toward being re-initiated, the G.I. Joes can be
satisfied that this was indeed a successful mission.
If the characters do manage to catch Dr. NOW YOU KNOW...
Venom, he will resist being captured to the best of
Through their individual and group debriefings,
his ability.
discussions with Dial Tone, and some calculated
Once captured, the characters can attempt a theorizing, the G.I. Joe team can consider the
DIF 16 Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test to notice following to be true:
something strange about his chin and neck area.
• The Cobra Science Division has been planning
If poked or prodded in that area exclusively, Dr.
this genetic mutation study for over a year; there is
Venom will let out a shrill, almost inhuman warble,
no telling what else it might result in.
as his face will peel back and open like some kind
of clay flower – revealing a pale, slightly disfigured • There is definitely a greater goal for the Serpent
facial structure beneath. Soldier Project; one involving the rise/creation/
appearance of something singular, rather than a
wave of new monsters.
“For hissss rissssse!” the malformed creature that
• Cobra is willing to spend millions of dollars’ worth
was Dr. Venom a moment before hisses out loud
of materials on the strange and the borderline
before falling into a sudden seizure, turning black and
withered, before falling cold and still. It seems that this
Dr. Venom was some kind of Cobra mutant imposter – The Joes are put back into the regular mission
even if it did seem to know exactly what Venom would rotation, and it will only be a matter of time before
say, do, and even believe. they get called back to that briefing room and have
to suit up again to stop Cobra and all the evils
like them.
There truly is more to Cobra than just what the
Yo Joe!
recruits can learn in the training room.

Rewards for Completing

The Emerald Oubliette
The characters have proven them each an one-time benefit of
themselves as much more than just automatically succeeding in a Mission
recruits in the G.I. Joe organization, Equipment Requisition (within reason,
and should be advanced one Role Level of course!).
immediately. If this adventure is being used in
Dial Tone will place a special tandem with other narrative arcs, it
commendation for their service and should be noted in their timeline of
how well they did in the field in their events that this takes place before the
permanent records. This glowing creation of Serpentor or the discovery
report from their mission CO grants of the secret society of Cobra-La.

G.I. JOE ROLEPLAYING GAME - Part 4: Within the Oubliette
Grab your gear
and get ready to
take on Cobra! In this
adventure for the G.I. JOE
Roleplaying Game “Emerald
Oubliette”, your G.I. Joe team will take
on investigations and infiltrations into
secret Cobra bases and fight the forces of
evil! Included is a full color Game Master
screen, including helpful rules, reference
tables, and information to help streamline
your table experience. This adventure
is a great follow up to the introductory
adventure found in the G.I. JOE Roleplaying
Game Core Rulebook.
• 48-page booklet featuring the “Emerald
Oubliette” adventure for low level players
• Beautiful G.I. JOE artwork for the outer
GM Screen panels
• Reference tables and key rules to
streamline gameplay inside GM Screen
• Adventure requires G.I. JOE Roleplaying
Game Core Rulebook

14+ LOT# 021422-01 $28.00
ISBN 978-1-7368843-8-6
/PlayRGS @PlayRenegade @Renegade_Game_Studios 52800>

Manufacturer: Renegade Games, LLC. 306N West El Norte Parkway #325, Escondido, California 92026. Importers: Renegade France
52 Avenue Pierre Semard 94200 Ivry sur Seine France. P:+33 (0)1 77 37 60 47. Renegade Games, LLC. Juxon House 100 St Paul’s
Churchyard, London, England EC4M 8BU. © 2022 Renegade Game Studios. All Rights Reserved. G.I. JOE and all related characters
are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2022 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Hasbro.
MADE IN SHENZHEN, CHINA. 9 781736 884386

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