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The Thirsty Crow

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah hiwabarakatuh,

Lovely morning, shining sun and soothing breeze, what a wonderful time to listen to a

story. Good morning to all teachers, brilliant judges, lovely contestants and my loyal

friends. I’am Amirul Iqbal from Rumah Temenggung, I would like to entertain all of you

with a story that I like the most. The title of the story is “The Thirsty Crow”. But before

you are amazed I would love if everyone lend me your ears, widen your eyes and zip

your mouth. Thank you.

Long time ago, there lived a crow named Kiko. It had black feathers and yellow

beak. One day, Kiko felt very thirsty. It flew everywhere to look for water. “Ak, ak, ak”,

said Kiko.

Kiko was very tired but there were still no water found, suddenly Kiko saw a jar

of water. Kiko felt very happy. “Ha, ha, ha”, Kiko laughed delightedly.

Kiko looked into the jar, there was just a little water in it. Kiko cannot reach the

water, Kiko felt very sad then walked away from the jar. Kiko sat by a tree while looking

at the jar from a far.

Kiko looked around and it saw a lot of small stones lying beside the jar, suddenly

a brilliant idea sparked in Kiko’s mind. Kiko started picking up the small stones and put

them into the jar one by one.

“Plop, plop, plop!” one by one the small stones get into the jar. As the stones

went down, the water came up, little by little Kiko’s efforts paid off and lastly the water

rose up until the tip of the jar.

Kiko felt very satisfied and drank the water carefully without spilling even a drop

of water to the ground.

“Ak, ak, ak, I’am not thirsty anymore! I’am not thirsty anymore!” said Kiko. Kiko

flew away happily to its nest after finish drinking all the water in the jar.

So, the moral of the story are, smart ideas can help you get what you need,

giving up is not a wise choice and water is a very important source of life.

That’s all, thank you.

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