Concrete Shear Strength (22-4-2015)

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Concrete Shear Strength for one way deep beam action

Vc1= phi*k*(0.16*Sqrt(fc')+17*Rho*alpha)*B*d
phi= 0.75
Rho= As/(B*d)
k= (d/a)*(3.5-2.5*(a/d))
alpha= 1 for one way deep beam shear action(a/d<1)

fy 460 Mpa
fc'= 40 Mpa
d= 1750 mm
a= 1350 mm a=dist betn center line of pile to edge of colume + 100 mm tolerance
AS= 8040 mm2 Min. RFT
B= 1000 mm
B*d= 1750000 mm2
a/d= 0.771429
d/a= 1.296296
k= 2.037037

vc1= 2914.321 kn/m

Vc(max)= phi*0.83*sqrt(fc')*B*d

Vc(max)= 6889.812 kn/m

Vc(used) min of Vc1 & Vc2= 2914.321 kn/m

one way deep beam action

olume + 100 mm tolerance

Concrete Shear Strength for normal one way

Vc1= phi*(0.16*Sqrt(fc')+17*Rho*alpha)*B*d
phi= 0.75
Rho= As/(B*d)

fy 460 Mpa
fc'= 40 Mpa
d= 1800 mm
a= 2800 mm a=dist betn center line of pile to edge of colume + 100 mm tolerance
AS= 8040 mm2 Min. RFT
B= 1000 mm
B*d= 1800000 mm2
d/a= 0.642857
alpha= 0.642857 for normal one way shear(a/d>1)
vc1= 1432 kn/m

Vc(max)= phi*0.29*sqrt(fc')*B*d

Vc(max)= 2476.063 kn/m

Vc(used) min of Vc1 & Vc2= 1432.003 kn/m

normal one way

olume + 100 mm tolerance

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