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CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM PROJECT TITLE: 18800075 — DESIGN-AND-BUILD (DB) CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MISSING LINK / NEW ROADS: MANILA NORTH ROAD (JCT. BANGAG PARUDDUN SECT.) JCT. CAGAYAN VALLEY ROAD (CAMALANIUGAN) CAGAYAN PROVINCE CONTRACTOR: rw HUNAN ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP ae ap & COMPANY LIMITED ~ PHILIPPINE BRANCH / AGAFER > NCC | saiain CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING JV DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Regional Office No. 02 “> Approal b A4100%21-ROZ-0161 HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTIOIN GROUP. pate: 19 Malt 2021 ‘COMPANY LIMITED \CHAGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING GV: Sule 25 Legwan Tower 400, Vivo Cre St Roxas Boulevard, Mal Subject APPROVAL OF CONSTRUGTION SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM Projet Tile 198200076 - DESIGN-AND-BUILD (DB) CONTRACT F¢ LUCTION OF | Ini ;OADS: MANILA {OAD [JCT. BANGAG PURUDDUN SECT, JCT, \GAYAN VAI (CAMALANI \YAN PROVII Location: CAMALANIUGAN, CAGAYAN Project Ouner: DPWH - REGIONAL OFFICE 02 Main/Genecl Contractors PCAB License No. FC-19.028 Vat unt is0r2024 ‘Appointed Salely Officer: LINCE MORRIS B RRY C. FL ‘Appointed First Aer. RICHARD DERILO & ERIC LUKE V. AGAPITO OH Nurse: RICA ZANETA C, MAMANGUN Of Physician” BELLA R, RAGONJAN O} Denist _~—_JENNILYN C, PAGADUAN ‘Total Number of Workers: One hundred (100) workers Duration ofthe Project: 1096 €D Date of Estimated Siart of ne Project ar4/2019 No, of Sub-Contractors: no Name of Sub-Contractors PCAB License Valid Uni oe soe none ___ fone penne rane comet era Snr as 3 4 Use Separate Sheek it necessary for the complete list of subcontractors) ‘This rofes to above captioned Constustion Safely and Health Program (CSHP) which was submilled to this Office on 2139/2021 in compliance withthe requirements ef 0.0.12 evi of 1998, [Baeed on the evaluation ofthe requromonts submited by the mainganeral contractor, seid Program satactoly compied wih to mirirum requcamonts f BO 13 «1090, In ew of the foregoing, the insant CSHP Is hereby APPROVED for Implementation in he abovementioned prow. The ‘mainigenoral contractor shal be responstie in ensuring is sub-contractors’ compliance wth the provisions of D013, ‘especialy on the implementation ofa suftable CSH Program dosignos forthe spacic werk tobe done bythe sub-contract. “Tis approval a without prejudice to comply wth the roquiremonts forthe submission of the Cartfcae of Inpction and eating Construction Heavy Ecuipmen, ors accredited tasting organization pursuant othe easitement cf Section 10 of DO 13, in ease said heavy equipment wile ullizod into project. provisions but may inode other systems snd procedures contractor fom tne to te to modly or nude appropiate and regulations Likewise, te approved CSHP shall not be Hmied 1 ts exis ‘appicablto he project. The GSH may be reviewed by tem systems and procedures which must be m accardance wth the presonbedstandars, ru Let copy ofthis eller be fished the tendering agency and the appopsite LGU fr thei respective normation and atin 3 thoy doom i anova FREE eee oso neniuscreD ' rN 4 ‘I ace HUNA, ..,OAD a BRIDE co AGUP COMPANY i LIMITED-PHILIPPINE BRANCH / AGAFER CONSTRUCTION and TRADING ~JOINT TURE = * Floor Suite 25, Legaspl Towers 300, Vito Cruz St., Roxas Boulevard, Malate Manila February 23, 2020 ATTY. EVELYN R. RAMOS Regional Director Department of Labor and Employment Tuguegarao City Dear Ma‘am: This is to submit my company’s Health and Safety Program for your approval, in compliance to the requirements for the issuance of Notice to proceed for Contract ID 2 Name of Project : Design and Build (DB) Contractor for the Construction of Missing Link / New Roads: Manila North Road (JCT Bangag Paruddun Sect) ~ JCT.Cagayan Valley Koad (Camalaniugan) Cagayan Province Contract location ‘Camalaniugan Cagayan Province Very truly yours, Kb, ‘Authorized Managing Officer HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONST. GROUP COMPANY LIMITED PHILIPPINE BRANCH/ AGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING Lockiew, Decnrants F For 10 workers = Me obteched — Sofehy Officer MN corti Bene Ste attedea al ado (we ~ 1 Fall He wong CR = 1 owe Tire Okatigh = 1 gk Aint gig sicies z TOW OF "AND: PROG! pet requirements of DOLE Department Order No. 13 series of 1906 © Haar RE nolo Ooeu ‘aud Health in the Construction Industry * . s z Aaetfeg Consbruce- Hunan ree Const & > Phil Boch, , n ber je chen Ciomp Craporsy Ud nad Tring od ign cn C06) Conkmetoe for. He. Conterctinn of issing linle./ Haar bode? i(Nooth. trier eames Parmcdcon Set 2 IC Cogas om Valecs lard Comm Aenin gor be Ct Alani i 78 on Powince {ta 7 on dhe appropiats ok applicable to th (2a cae pee Pe sonia ote peje Agu remarks, [> a ae he General Requirements oe "a0 @) copes of eter of nent: x : ‘with telephone number/s, Twa (2) coples of thre Safety and Health One copy must Teer eae tm Sater bre copy at a eras must conealn tha 18 Of person who prepared the program, i (please indicate if accredited DOLE - OSH Practitioner) ; Project Description: ‘a. Specific name of project 5, ‘Location of the project . S Project classification (Gen, Bullding/Gen, Engineering/Specialty Trade) i 4. Project owner ‘ i e, Name of main contractor i £. Estimated number of workers to be deployed Including these of subcontractors I 9. Estimated start of exerution of project h, Estimated duration 1, Scope of work'to be undertaken 3. Company Safety Policy written on a company letterhead Must be duly signed by the lilghest company offical or the highest- | 1 t Must specify the proposed sfructurd and health committee (Spetity the names) é | 5. Name/s of Sita Safety and Health personnel (depending in the: number: of workers to be deployed on the construction site) 6. Specific duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer Mee te ie on petite of th ay Otto Provisions on the following (it applicalta) 7 Cuan eed orcas ae ees Infomation dsenination a ee 8. Accidentand investigation and repo : 9: Protection of the general public within the vicnty of the construction site 10. Safety Signages i. 11, Environmental Controt ‘Construction disposal - feating and Inspéction of construction heawy equipment. . Cerca yep a wo irements of Sec. 10, D.O. NO, “Bidar nd Goergeney Prepress conn lan a Yes Remarks Erection and dismantiing of scaffolds and other temporary teat 12. Use of power tools and equipment A. Gas and electric welding and cutting operations |. Werking itt confined spaces J, Use of internal combustion engines k. Handling hazardous and/or tixié chemical substances J. Use of hand tools fa. Use of mechanized lifting appilances for movement of matetials ‘Use of construction heavy equipment 2 : ©. Demalition Bp. Installation, use and dismantiing of hoists and elevators sen 7 oOo 26,__ Penalties/ Sanctions for violation of the pravision/s of the CSHP. 7 ATTACHBENTS L a amo Photocopy of Registration Forms received and approved by the ‘concemed DOLE Regional Office: ~ Der Rule 1020 of the OSHS (one time Registration) Photocopy of valid registration/license with DTI-PCAB Photocopy of Notice of Award/Notice to Proceed Photocopy of Certificate of Completion on required Training of all al designated (OSH Personnel ~ Sofety Officer - Basic Occupational Safety and Heath Training (BOSH) for Construction Site Safety Officer/Construction Safety Training (CST) Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Training ~ First Alder - Standard First Ald ‘Training and valld 1D ~ OF Nurse ~ Basic Occupational Safety anid Health Training for ‘Occupational Health Nurse (IFepplicable). ~ OF Dentist - Basic Course on Occupational Dental Health, (if applicabte) ~ OH Physician ~ Basic Course on Occupational Medicine. (it applicable) Certificate of Inspection and Testing of Construction Heavy Equipment (CHE) conducted by a DOLE-Accredted Testing Organtzation (If any), ‘Skil Certificate of Construction Heavy Equipment operators Issued by TESDA (if any) . ‘Contract with nearby hosprtal/clinic in Hew of the required infirmary hospital. (if any), EET > PRE-EVALUATION SH by the PWN Frontiner!Pre-evalucer) (To be fiteap | Rocolved CSHP Application with complete documentary requirements Imed GSHP-Applcation and documents submitted spectying the reasons for retuming tie samo Incomplete documantary requirements, namely: |” () inva docaments namely Others (project almost completeditomploipdibidding purposes, etc.) ety plain to en the reason fo rotumiogtickenapting te CBU Apion a ~ NOFEES REQUIRED FOR THE FILING, EVALUATION AND APPROVAL OF cSHP Revised Form: CSHP-D013-8 Date of Revision: Junet, 2011 Page tot i Employment T 7 REGIONAL OFFICE NO. 92. REVISED APPLICATION FORM for EVALUATION/ APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION SAFETY & HEALTH PROGRAM (CSHP) Legal Basis: Section 5 of Depariment Order No. 13 8 1908 (Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health In ‘Construction Industry) CONTRACTOR in applying for an approval of a Construction ‘Safety and Health Program intended for | Note: A CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS shall be used in feceiving the application Only "an application form with a complete requirements and attachments will be processed. Application found with incomplete requirements vill be given 18 calendar days to comply. Failure to comply within the prescribed period, the application will be deemed disapproved. | ‘A. Company Profile/License/Registration of Main/General Contractor ‘Complete Name of the Company! Compiete Aaaress UL ee 7 | SE SUITE 25 LEGASPI TOWERS 300, VITO CRUZ CONSTRUCTION GROUP Company —_ | $1-ROX TSS eEOULEVARD, MALAT MALATEMANILA | LIMITED-PHIL. BRANCH/ AGAFER | CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING | Fax No. +632-53101458 | VENTURE | Name of ” Project ManageriGontact Person: | Email | ALONA C. MANGALINDAN i ade oanegintonean | Main Contractor PORS License Main Contractor Tetal employment 20g No, SL2-SN-05069 Male _85 Female 15 | Date of Vail: JUNE 30,2021 | ee SEE pecan ealsration ‘of Main Coniradior (PIs. atach photo copy of Register Toone rectived and approved by — the concerned DOLE Regional Office) ae Reais ved DOLE-RO @ per DO 18.02 ( requires yearly renewal) ; |b__per Rule 1020, OSHS (one ime registration wary 22,2016 ft ee ‘Sub-contractors’ Profile/License No. of | PGAB | Validity "| Date of Name of Sub-contractors (If, any) | Scope of Work and | Weokers License | Date | DOLE Project Cost | Registration INOT APPLICABLE | be | —} | 7 } Employment ] REGIONAL OFFICE NO._02_ REVISED APPLICATION FORM for EVALUATION/ APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION SAFETY & HEALTH PROGRAM (CSHP) : aise — — _ | (Use separate sheat, ifnecoasaryy E | ie B. Project Protile/Description = Name of the Project’ (Picase attach ‘copy of Invitation to Bid/other documents indicating name and details of the Project) DESIGN AND BUILD (DB) CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MISSING LINK/ NEW ROADS: MANILA NORTH ROAD (JCT. BANGAG. PARUDDUN SECT) JCT. CAGAYAN VALLEY ROAD (CAMALANIUGAN) CAGAYAN PROVINCE i Complete Project Address/Location CAMALANIUGAN,CAGAYAN VALLEY Namie of Project Owner Tel. No: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS. Fax No: Email Project Classification: Dale of Estimated Starv/Execution oF | Estimated No, of Workers to | the project | be deployed in the project oaorz019 Total Project Cost: PHP 2,028,663,138.66 00 Duration of the project (Pls | (Workforce atthe Project to | stale the number of calendar days Include. workers of the sub- contractor's) 1.0956. : Z L = — Brief Description “of Activiies/Wark Flow (You may altach additional sheet necessary GIRDER er inci VOLVES THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF 480 METERS CABLE. STAYEDY CONCRETE BOX $00. 165 Mea BRIOGE: 1100 METERS PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BOX GIRDERS AT weno BRIDGE, AND 596.165 METERS APPROACH ROADS, Revised Form.: CSHP-00 13.96 Date of Revision: Junet, 2011 Page 2of 3 —- eres eee , APPLICATION FORM for APPROVAL OF Department of tabor and Employment OFFICE NO. _02 GONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM “a, REGIONAL ‘OSH Personnel assigned to the project [ Name of Appointed Safety Oiceris | Name of Appointed First Aider/s RICHARD DERILO Date of First ~Aid Training -FEBRUARY 18-21, 2019 | Validity of iD: FEBRUARY 20,2021 LINCE MORRIS B. PASCO Date of hissher BOSH training: (COSH) NOV. 11-14,2019 (LCM) November 16-19,2019 (HIRAC) Novernbar 15, 2020 (Pls, attach photo copy of Cerifcate of First-Ald Training Banc Or me oY of Ceres ot Comlaion onthe | Sn Vale Eat aaa Basic OSH Course for Consirucion Site Safely Ofices issued by DOLE-BWC sceredited Safety Training Organizations or fecognized instuions) itt 2 Other OF personnel (if more than 80 workers will be deployed Ih the project i Name i Daié of BOSH Training ‘OH Nurse > JUNE 16,2018 RIGA ZANETA C. MAMANGUN OH Physician | Dentist | SERRE (if Heavy Equipment will bé used in the Project) ce List of Heavy Equipment to be Used in the Project Name of Heavy Equipment Operators. (To attach pt (Please attach additional sheet, if necessary) copy of sills certicaton fom TESDA) 1. Heavy Equipment Operator-HYDRAULIC 1. EDMUNDO C. CARINO EXCAVATOR 2. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR- 2. FERDINAND J. MERCADO WHEEL LOADER 3. Heavy Equipment Operator-HYDRAULIC 3. JUNEL PATUBO EXCAVATOR Profile of the person who prepared the CSH Program for the Name and Signature Educational Background: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Experience in OSH SE reheat 2018 to present bovemnentioned Project: Pi Signature over printed name | Other Guaifications: | supmitted By: | | Signature Over Printed von: ts o xsco | 1 SAFETY OFFICER | Positi Date; 9.2019 Bees corer er PE ere ere] Revised Form; CSHP-DO 12-88 Date of Revision: Junet, 2011 Page 3013 a om 1Page (CSHP TEMPLATE (Comprehensive) 1.0 Statement of Commitment to Comply with OSH Requirements ‘We Guo Yanaxio , Authorized Managing Officer by accomplishing this Construction Sefety ‘and Health Program do hereby commit and bind ourselves to comply with the requirements of the Department Order No. 13, series of 1996 ~ Guidelines Goveming Occupational Safely and Health in the Construction industry and the applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health ‘Standards (OSHS). We also acknowledge our obligation and responsibilities to provide throughout the course of the Project the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as added protection for our workers and employees. ‘We hereby commit to implement the necessary job sefety and health instructions and training to ail our workers for the entire (during the) duration of the project, as well as the safety of the ‘general public At Authorized Managing Officer BULOGIOF/AGATEP IL Owner Proprietor Agater Construction and Trading 2.0 Company Safety and Health Policy it is the general policy of HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP COMPANY LIMITED- PHILIPPINE BRANCE / AGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING JOINT VENTURE to perform work in the safest manner possible consistent with good construction practices. To fulfill the requirements of this policy, an organized and effective Construction Safety and Health Program as described in this program and in consenance with DOLE D.O. No. 13 and the OSH Standards must be carried out on every project. To achieve these objectives, we are committed to perform the following 2.1 Identifying potential hazards that may arise from the programmed work activities; 2.2 Organizing the work activities so as to minimize the risk arising trom them; 2.3 Developing and implementing project specific safety and health program; 2.4 Establishing and enforcing all necessary safe work procedures, rules & regulations; 2.5 Ensuring that all workers are given orientation/briefing or induction prior to deployment to the site aN a 2|Page. . 2.6 Establishing a site safety and health committee to act as policy making body of the project on all issues pertaining to safety and health; 2.7 Ensuring the conduct of daily toolbox mestings; 2.8 Establishing a system of follow-up action and periodic assessment to check program ctiveness, DESIGN AND BUILD (DB) CONTRACT FOR ‘CONSTRUCTION OF MISSING LINK/ NEW ROADS: MANILA NORTH ROAD (ACT, BANGAG. PARUDDUN SECT) JCT. CAGAYAN VALLEY ROAD (CAMALANIUGAN) CAGAYAN PROVINCE. HC ji 1 Gen. Buking Const & Gen. Engineering Const. ‘HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP COMPANY —_LIMITED-PHHIL, 10 Spocaty Trade Const BRANCH/ AGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING VENTURE others, speci, 3[Page 100 2 shit: for, to. Loader: 12 Dumptud. End Date: FEBRUARY 27,2023 JoGrader___ Backhoe, Est, Days o Complete: FEBRUARY 27,2023 ohers, spec. 4, Construction Safety & Health Committee ‘Section 11 of D.O. No. 13 requires that rules of Construction Safety and Health Program must be observed and enforced at the project site, each site shall, at the start of the construction have a ‘construction safety and health committee. With respect to this project, the committee will be organized in accordance with the requirements of Rule 1040 of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standards of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). os 7 ~~ 4|Page 4.4 Composition of Construction Safety and Health Committee (CSHC) Name: ‘Our CSHC at the Construction of Farm to Market Road consists of: 4.1.1 Project Manager or his representative as the chairperson ex officio Name: ALONA C. MANGALINDAN PROJECT MANAGER 4.1.2 General Construction Safety and Health Officeris (overall in charge in the Implementation of the OSH program of this project hired by the General Constructor. Please attach certificate of training/s prescribed by DOLE. Numbers will be dependent on the numbers of workers and heavy equipment) LINCE MORRIS B. PASCO SAFETY OFFICER 4.1.3 Construction Safety and Health Officeris from Subcontractors (any employeelworker ‘rained and, in addition to their regular duties and responsibilities tasked by his employer to implement occupational safety and health program in accordance with the provisions of the OSH Standard, Please attach certficate of training/s prescribed by DOLE). Name: N/A ‘Company Name: Name: N/A. Company Name: Name: Company Name: Name: N/A Company Name: 4.1.4 Occupational Health Personnel (qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist, or physician, engaged by the employer to provice occupational health services in the establishmentundertaking. Please attach certificate of training/s prescribed by DOLE): Name: RICHARD DERILO Designation: First Alder Name: Designation: Name: Designation: 4.1.5 Workers’ representative (minimum of 3 union members if organized, not necesseriy from one employer) Name: NIA Designation: Name: NIA, Designation: = Name: NIA Designation: ran a 6|Pege 4.2 Duties of the CSH Committee shall include but are not limited to the following: 4.2.1 Plans, develops and oversees the accident prevention programs for the construction project; 4.2.2 Directs the accident prevention efforts of the establishment in accordance with the safety programs and performance and government regulations in order to prevent accidents from ‘occurring in the worksite; 4.23 Conducts safety meetings at least once a month. The committee will hold a safety meeting every 1" Monday of the month; 4.2.4 Submits reports to the project manager (is this pm of the owner or pm of the gen con?) cn its meetings and activities one day after the meeting; 4.2.5 Reviews reports of inspection, accident wvestigation and implementation of program; 4.2.8 Provides necessary assistance fo goverment inspecting authorities in the proper conduct of their activities specifically on the enforcement of the provision of DOLE's OSHS; 4.2.7 Submits the monthly the following safety and health reports to the DOLE Regional Office having jurisdiction over the project: 42.7.1 Summary of all safety and health committee meetings agreements; 42.7.2 Summary of all accident investigation reports using DOLE/BWC/ OHSD/IP-6 form: 42.7.8 Periodic hazards assessment with the corresponding remedial measures/actions for each hazard; Annual Medical Report using the form DOLE/BWC/HSD/OH-47-A (if the duration of the project is more than one (1) year), 4.2.75 Initiates and supervises safely and health training for employees. (Check on the boxes or list down the training to be provided for workers and employees). 2 40-Hour Construction Occupational Safety and Health Course 1-Day Workers Safety & Health Orientation others, specify 4.3 Duties of the Safety Man/Officer ‘The principal function of the Safety Man assigned to this project is to act as the employer's (needs identification) principal assistant and consultant in the application of programs to remove the hazard from the workplace and to correct unsafe work practices. For this purpose, the Safety Man has the following duties: 4.9.4 Serves as Secretary to the SHC, as such will perform the following: prepare minutes of meetings; report status of recommendations made; notify members of the meetings; and (needs identification) to the employer a report of the activities of the committee, including recommendations made. 6|Page 4.8.2 Acts as an advisory capacity on all matters pertaining to health and safety for guidance of the employer and the workers. 4.3.3 Conducts investigation of accident as member of the Health and Safety Committee and submits his separate report and analysis of accident to the employer (needs identification). 4.34 Coordinates all health and safety training programs for the workers/empioyees and ‘employer (needs identification), 4.3.5 Conduct health and safety inspection as member committee. 4.3.6 Maintains or helps in the maintenance of an efficient accident record system and ‘coordinates actions taken by supervisors to eliminate accident causes. 4.3.7 Provide assistance to govemment agencies in the conduct of safety and health inspection, accident investigation or any other related program. 4.3.8 For the purpose of effectiveness in the project site, the Safety Man is to report directly to the employer (needs identification). 4.4 Dangerous Occurrence or Major Accident In case of any dangerous occurrence or major accident resulting to death or permanent total disabilty, we will notify the DOLE Regional Office within twenty four (24) hours from occurrence. After the conduct of investigation by our concemed safety and health officer, we will report al permanent total disabilities to the DOLE Regional Office on or before the 20" of the month following the date of occurrence of accident using the DOLE/BWC/HSD-1P-6 form, 5.0 Emergency Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities Section 8 of D.0. No. 13 states that the construction project owner or his representative shall Provide competent emergency health personnel within the worksite duly complemented by adequate medical supplies, equipment and facilities based on the total number of workers in the site 5.1 Emergency Health Personnel and Facilities ‘Our number oF Health Personnel & Facies Construction Stages workers during this Heath Facies | siage Personnel a ‘MOBILIZATION COMPLETE RICHARD MED. KIT DERILO TAYING RICHARD | COMPLETE DERILO | MED. KIT EXCAVATION RICHARD ‘COMPLETE - DERILO MED. KIT (Use additional sheet ifnecessary and attach all required training certificates in is Section.) 6.0 Safety & Health Promotion & Education The AGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING |s committed at ensuring that all workers cor employees are given orientation/oriefing or induction prior to deployment to the site. Its our Continuing effort to promote safety and health consciousness to all people involved in this Project by providing them with the necessary safety and health training and education to enhance their knowledge and skills to enable us to attain a safe and healthful project site. 7|Page 6.1 Workers Safety and Health Orientation/Trainings We require new workers to attend our Safety & Health Orientation before they are deployed to this project site in consonance to Section 12 of the D.O. 13. The assigned Safety Officer, Mriits. MORRIS. will coordinate the conduct of this orientation. We ensure that they receive instruction and training regarding the general safety and health measures we plan to implement for this project, specifically: 6.1.1 basic rights and duties of workers at the jobsite; 6.1.2 means of access and egress both during normal work and in emergency situation; 6.1.9 measures for good housekeeping; 6.1.4 location and proper use of welfare amenities and first aid facilities; 6.1.5 proper care of PPEs and other protective clothing; 6.1.6 general measures for personal hygiene and health protection; 6.1.7 fire precautions to be taken; 6.1.8 action to be taken in case of any emergencies: 6.1.8 requirements of relevant health and safety rules and regulations. Below are the list of workers who have undergone the DOLE prescribed safety and health trainings and orientation Name Title of training attended Remarks LINCE MORRIS B. PASCO COSH = ‘Completed RICHARD DERILO First Aid Training cael Completed (Use additional sheet ifnecessary) 6.2 Specialized Instruction and Trainings Section 12.6 of the D.O. No. 13 requires specialized instruction and training be given to any person holding critical occupation. The inventory lists of our workers who hold critical occupation and attended the specialized trainings are listed below. (Flease attach training certificates) Name Title of training attended Remarks HEAVY EQUIPENT OPERATION | EBMOND 6. CARING aay ROU ERENT owes COMPLETED FERDINAND J. MERCADO | HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: WHEEL LOADER: HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION JUNEL PATUBO. HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR: (Use additional shoot W necessary) e|Page = ~ 7.0 Toolbox Meeting .O. No. 19 define toolbox meeting or gang meeting as a dally meeting among workers and their respective supervisors for the purpose of instruction, discussion and proper briefing on the planned work, the assessment of past work, the possibilty or actual occurrence of accidents at ‘the site, tips and suggestions on how to prevent possible accidents and other related matters. 7-A Responsible for the Toolbox Meeting The following supervisor or any designated person (e.g. foreman, leadman, gangboss, etc.) is required to conduct dally toolbox or similar meetings prior to starting the tasks for the day to discuss with the workers and anticipate safety and health problems related to every task and the potential solutions to those problems. The supervisor will remind the workers on the necessary safety precautions that need to be undertaken. Name of Supervisor Time of Toolbox Meeting | Means of (indicate shit, e.g. 1°, 2" 3°) Documentation (attach sample instrument) — 1" = 8:00 am (Use adiional shoot necessary) : 8.0 Accidentiincident/linesses Investigation & Reporting We consider accidentiincidenvilinesses investigation and reporting as our responsibilty Absenteeism can greatly affect our work schedule. Looking for replacement can be costly for the company, the hiring effort, training of new workers, the loss of job momentum affect our productivity. We involve our supervisors in this program because they are more farniiar with the people invoived, they have better understanding of the operation, end they have personal interest in the investigation since it's their people who are involved. For this reason, C.T LEONCIO CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING! AGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING JOINT VENTURE is committed to include this responsibilty to all supervisors and made them aware about it 8.1 Persons responsible for conducting Investigation In this project the following person/s will be assigned to conduct accident/incident investigation: ‘Air accidents Allincidenisinear miss Tiinesse5 RICHARD DERILO- RICHARD DERILO RICHARD DERILO 8|Page 8.2 Conducting and documenting the accidentiilinesses investigation In conducting the accidentiliness investigation, we gather facts, analyze them and make the necessary recommendation. (Please attach sample forns that will be used fo document your investigation) 8.3 Compliance with Government Requirements We will submit the following reports to the DOLE Regional Office concerned: 8.3.1 In case of any dang 18 occurrence or major accidents resulting to death or permanent total disability using the form (DOLE/BWC/OHSD/IP ~ 6). Notification of major accidents to DOLE Regional Office concerned within 24 hours. 8.3.2 Summary of Work Accidentiliness Exposure Data Report will be submitted on or before of the month following the date of occurrence of accident for those projects with ‘the 20" ‘short duration or less than one year duration). 8.3.3 Annual Work Accidentilliness Report using the form DOLE/BWC/OHSD/IP - 6B for those construction projects with more than one year duration. 9.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Section 6 of D.O. No. 13 requires that every employer shall, at his own expense, furnish his ‘workers with protective equipment for eyes, face, hands, feet, ifelne, safety belthamess, protective shields and barriers whenever necessary by reason of the hazardous work process or environment, chemical or radiological or other mechanical irritants or hazards capable of causing injury or impairment in the function or any part of the body through absorption, inhalation or physical agent. S Provision of PPE shall be in accordance with Rule 1080 of the OSHS (must include Rule 1070 for noise). ‘The equivalent cost for the provision of PPE (fife span, depreciation, replacement, etc:) shall be an integral part ofthe project cost. [Tem] “Type of PRE Guantily Unit Total No, needed Price cost 4 HELMET ‘25Pes 220 6,600 Z ‘SOUND ABSORBERIPROOF 25PCS 320 3,900 3 BOOTS: ‘25 PAIRS ‘B00 42500 | (Use adilional sheet Fnecessay) 9.1 Cleaning and Proper Maintenance of PPES Its important that all PPE be kept clean and properly maintained. Cleaning is particularly important for eye and face protection where dirty or fogged lenses could impair vision. Our workers or ‘employees inspect, clean, and maintain their PPE accorting to the manufacturers’ instructions before ‘and after each use. Our supervisors are responsible for ensuring that users properly maintain their PPEs in good condition. ‘We enforce our rule that PPEs must not be shared between workers or employees unti it has been properly cleaned and sanitized, PPE are distributed for individual use whenever possible, F workers or employees provide their own PPEs, we make sure that it is adequate for the work place hazards, and that itis maintained in a clean and stored in a conducive condition, ‘We never allow the use of defective or damaged PPEs. We immediately discard and replace them to avoid eny unintentional use. to|Page a We also consider the importance of ensuring that any contaminated PPE which cannot be decontaminated is disposed of in a manner that protects workers or employees from exposure to ~ hazards 10.0 Protection of the General Public ‘We comply with Rule 1412.09 of the DOLE OSH standard in providing a safe covered walkway over the sidewalk for use by pedestrians in a building construction work less than 2.3 meter (7f.) from a side walk or public road. ‘We comply with Rule 1412.10 of the OSH Standard, Protection from Falling Materials. We observe the following: 40.1 We will take the steps to protect worker from faling materials, such as the provisions of safety helmets and safety shoes. 40.2 We will ensure thet tools, objects and materials including waste materials) will not be thrown or tipped from a height, but will be properly lowered by crane, hoist or chutes. If such is not practicable, the area where the material is thrown will be fenced and no person will be allowed in the fenced area. ‘The person responsible for this program: Name: Designation: 11.0 Safety Signages ‘Our Safety Signages provides waming to workers and employees and the public about the hazards around the project site. These will be posted in prominent positions at strategic location Visible as far as possible In a language understandable to most of the workers and employees as well as the public. 14.4 The specific safety signages we Intend to set-up for this project include but not limited to: 44.1.1 Mandatory requirement on the usage of PPE prior to entry to the project site (attach sample picture ofthis signage that you plen fo use for this project); 11.1.2 Areas where there are potential risks of falling objects (if applicable, attach semple picture of this signage that you plan fo use for this project); 44.4.3 Areas where there are potential risks of falling (F applicable, attach sample picture of this signage that you plan to use fortis project 11.1.4 Areas where explosives and flammable substances are used or stored (if applicable, attach ‘sample picture of this signage that you plan to use for this project); 11.1.6 Areas where there are tripping or slipping hazards (if applicable, attach sample picture of this ‘signage that you plan to use for this project): 44.1.6 Approaches to working areas where danger from toxic of irritant sirborne Contaminants/substance mey exist which should indicate the name of the contaminantsubstance Involved and the type of respiratory equipment to be worn (if ‘applicable, attach sample picture of this signage that you plan to use for this project); 11.1.7 All places where contact with or proximity to electricalfacilty equipment can cause danger (ifapplcabe, ettech sample picture ofthis signage thal you plan to use fr this project); 11.4.8 All places where workers may come in contact with dangerous moving parts of the ‘machineries or equipment (if applicable, attach sample ploture ofthis signage that you plan to use for this project a ~ Page 11.1.9 Location of the fire alarms and fire-fighting equipment (attach sample picture of this signage that you plan to use for this project); 11.1.10 Instructions on the usage of specific construction equipment (if applicable, attach sample picture ofthis signage that you plan to use for this project); 14.1.1 Periodic updating of man-hours lost. 14.2 Inspection and Maintonance of Safety Signages We will regularly inspect and maintain in good condition all safety signages that we will be providing for this project. The person in charge in inspecting is/are LINCE MORRIS. B, PASCO. heishe is/are our Safety officer Inspection will be carried out on @ monthly. Our FOREMAN will remove and replaced any signages that are damaged, illegible, or no longer apply with the current hazard, 12.0 Construction Workers Skills Certification ‘The company will ensure that all workers assigned in the critical occupations as defined in Section 16 of D.0. No. 13 and those who will be assigned in the operation of construction heavy ‘equipment (CHE) will undergo mandatory skils testing for certification by TESDA (Attach TESDA cortiicates of those workers certiied by TESDA) 13.0 Testing & Inepection of Construction Heavy Equipment ‘All construction heavy equipment will be tested and inspected in accordance with the requirements of Section 10 of D.0. No. 13. The company will ensure that all heavy equipment will be operated by qualified and certified operators. (Attach Gertifcate of Testing and inspection of CHE Used issued by DOLE Accredited Testing Organizations for CHE and TESDA certificate of CHE operators). 14.0 Control Measures on Construction Activities To ensure safe and healthy working conditions throughout the duration of the project the following control measure activities will be enforced and disseminated to all the workers in the site: 14.1 Major Activities Major activities for this project includes but not limited to the following: (please check on the box all that applies) 3 Demolition Excavation Earthmoving 1 Piling © Scaffold tl Formwork srStructural Stee! 13 Crane Operation Conereting of Rebarworks Welding 2 Electrical co HVAG 2 Plumbing 1 Painting 1 Interior Decoration 13 Others (please specify) 14.2 Hazards Identified Based on the lst of activities for this project, we found the following potential hazards that we may possibly encounter in the course of project implementation: 12|Page 14.2.4 Physical Hazards Physical hazards are the most common in most workplaces. The physical hazards that we identified for this project include but are not limited to the following: (please check on the box all that applies) a machineries 13 power and hand tools electrical a ladders and scaffolds noise «ventilation a exposure to heat ta tripping 1 fall hazards collapse others (please specify) 14.2.2 Chemical Hazards Chemical hazards are present workers handle chemical preparations in any form (solid, liquid oF gas). Some are safer than others, however, some workers are more sensitive to chemicals, even the common solutions causing illness, skin initation or breathing problems. The chemical hazards that we identified for this project include but are not limited to the following: (please check on the box al that applies) solvents: 1 paint products nacids 1 cleaning products Dacetylene 19 propane. gasoline explosive chemical © welding fumes a others (please specify) 14.2.3 Biological Hazards Biological hazards come from working with infectious people, plants, and other living materials. The biological hazards that we have identified for this project includes but not, limited to the following: (please check on the box all that applies) «2 blood or other body fluids fungi 1 bacteria and viruses 1 plants o insect bites animal and bird droppings others (please specify) 14.2.4 Ergonomic Hazards Ergonomic hazards occur when the type of work, body position and working conditions put strain on the body. They are the hartest to spot since one does not immediately notce the strain on your body or the harm these hazards pose. Short-term exposure may result in "sore: muscles" on the days following exposure, but long term exposure can result in serious musculoskeletal injuries. The ergonomic hazards that we identified for this project includes but not limited to the following: (please check on the box al that applies) = poor lighting 1 poor posture 1 exertion of force others (please specify) 1 frequent liting «c repetitive motion a awkward movement (Enumerate contro! measures to address those hazards identified, Use additonal sheet fnecessary) W|Page 14.3 Safe Work Practices 16-1 Adequate supply of safe drinking water 16.2 Adequate sanitary, washing and sleeping fac 16.3 Adequate facilities for changing and for the storage and drying of work clothes. 16.4 Adequate accommodation for taking meals. To assure that the company provides ‘eciate welfare facities for the workers in the site the Fequraryenl implement the provision of toilets aw onan facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitation Code, 17.0 Medical Surveillance he company will require all employees to undergo @ baseline or init! medical health sar mation prior to assigning to a potentially hazarene ‘activity. The examination will include but ot limited to the following, 17-4 Complete medical and work history; 172 Physical examination (Pre-employment, During employment and Separation): 17-3 Other special examination (Pulmonary function fest blood panel, ECG >40 years of age, audiogram); 17.4 Random drug testing, 14|Page a ise 18.0 Working Hour & Break Time ‘The work schedule will be on ( please check on the boxes ‘that apply): Mon. Tue, Wed. © Thur. FH. Sat Sun Check on the shift and indicate the work hours for the shift that applies. o 1 Shift from _8:00_(am/pm) to_5:00. (amipm) 2 2% Shift from (am/pm) to (am/pm) 3 3 Shift from, (amipm) to (amipm) Check on the shift and indicate the break for the shif that applies. © 1 Shift from —10:00am__(am/pm) to__10:15am_ (am/pm) 8 2" Shift from {amipm) to (amipm) 0 3° Shift from {am/pm)to___(am/pm) 19.0 Construction Waste Disposal te Company including subcontractors will be responsible for minimizing waste generated during the implementation of the project. The folowing procedures for disposal oF wastes will be implemented in the site: 19-1 Ensure that the construction wastes are segregated from that of domestic waste. 19.2 All domestic wastes are to be collected on a daily basis. token onstruction debris (broken hollow blocks, spoiled concrete, loose concrete, etc) should be taken out on the staging area. 10-4 O1 spils and spoiled greases should be wrapping In the black garbage bag and will be properly disposed, 19.5 Application of good housekeeping, 20.0 Emergency Preparedness ‘The objectives ofthis are to ensure that the company has developed and communicated plans {hat wil allow for the effective management of emergencies. Attach copy of company emergency Preparedness plan, 18|Page a lant 21.0 Penalties/Sanctions For every offenses and violation of any safely rules, regulations and general practices promulgated by the project and/or the company, the company recommended the folowing Penalties and sanctions for violation of CSH program: (Please attach compeny poly on penaltes, t there are any). Safety Violation 1 offense 2 offense: 3 offen 7. No helmet, no Safely shoes, no | warning 3 day | 5 day safely belt/hamess suspension suspension 2. no ID, Uniform, working attire, warning 3 day [5 day goggles, glove & apron ‘suspension suspension 3. ealing at prohibited area ‘warning 3 day [5 day suspension ___| suspension 4. littering and loitering ‘warning 3 day | 5 day _ suspension | suspension 5. smoking at prohibited area warning 3 day [5 day ite suspension | suspension 6. urinating at prohibited area waming 3 day [5 day suspension | suspension 7. illegal “dismantiing of safety ‘warning 3 day [5 day signages and paraphernalia ‘suspension ‘suspension 8. illegal gambling 3 day] 5 y | Dismissal suspension | suspension ‘8. overnight stay wio permission 3 day | 5 day | dismissal suspension | suspension 10. fighting & provoking others 5 day | Dismissal suspension 11. working “under the influence of | Dismissal ‘drugs and liquor T. possession of illegal drugs, deadly | Dismissal weapon & gambling paraphernalia, 13. piferage and robbery Dismissal 74. illegal entrylexit Dismissal 15. refusal to surrender ID & giving | Dismissal false representation 22.0 Attachments Attached are the following 22.1 Certificate of DOLE Company registration under Rule 1020 of the OSHS 22.2 DTI-PCAB License 22.3, Notice of Awardicontract 22.4. Certificates of trainings completed of appointed safety and health personnel 22.8 CHE certificate of testing and inspection (if heavy equipment will be used) 226 Skills certification of workers (eritical occupations) 22.7 OSH Reportorial requirements 22.8 Others $e os ry Republic of the Philippines DEPA) OF LABOR & Ly te See am ive No. 02 Tuguegarao City ‘Behltsn on it. A009) Crrtiricare OF REGISTRATION Registration No,: 02.=1501-0063 in tnawed to AGAFER CONSTR UCTION jo F 7 national Road Mogapit, Laifo, Cagayor TIN: 102 after having complied with the requirements Provided under Rule 1020 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, as amended, iS Certificate of Registration Shall rema: Th in valid for the lifetime of the establishment excepi t when there is a Location and Re. issued this 260 day of January 2015 at Tuguegarao ity, Cagayan, Sun en nee oi ATMYSIKTO 1, RODRIGUEZ. J9, OIC-Regionar Director ter \ i Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Regional Office No. 1) SWILC Building, Diosdado Macapagal Governmern! Ce 1 Maimpis, Ci Fel. No, (045}-455-1615: 455-1419 CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Reg. Ceri. No. RO306-1601-RE-IN-004 Pursuant 19 Rule, 1020 of the Occupy ai Safely t Siondards fas amended, 1989}: Regitt ii HUNAN ROAD AND BRIDGE CORPORATION i Brgy. Laung Cupeng, ta Paz, Tarlac Having complied with the registration require: ‘pational Safety. and Health Stundorc fstered this 22" day of Janvary Ze ota bank of all covered este menis of Rule Bsued this 22" doy of Field Office, 2/F MAGS Builaing, Mca, Sy the Avihority of the Regional Director: SPECIAL CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE SlL2-SN. 05069 THis bectitios that HUNAN ROAD AND BRIDGE SONSTRUCTION GROUP Company rp, py, BRANCH/AGAFER CONSTRUCTION TRADING JOINT VENTURE having wou the’ bid"tor the. projax et, herein identified, 1 noreby issued this Speaiat ConrractePy ken Pursuant: fo ‘ey 4566, as amended. and. its {ublumenting Ailes: aie Roguatons. + Slibulations: Below undar us headings of Bonteach ne pe XAN ROAD Ai pan ° y oS Se race anes ess me Desks an ye a ae oo CBeOr ae ee ae THON BOARD SPECIAL. CONTRACTOR'S LiCENS: SL2-SN- 05092 This eerities that HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGK CONSTRUCTION G: PHILIPPINE nRANCH herow kdennit “ Ropuulie, ons suiae tte factors Particulars and Prminer idnhticy OUT COMPANY LIM EER t 1. Nareny-Isavert thia Specia! Ho ate, a re EUipulations botgw under ihe anon OAM Category ene | ae Ais icconmraucronsistetc ctor tec acseoincs eur te ae ata aunt BR: ‘CONTRACTOR'S PARTICULARS sean Fo ee PR TCULA FORM.NO. 20-008: io ANMARHA se | Eslgin Agetepit = Se CONSTRUCTI ON. ‘ormerl Scranene span see Tes pee ate nit npn REGISTRATION PARTICULARS Region basa Waa din a Pics Period’ anc) 9 sane lod op nie 05 ste and ames : hee sheen | aA Pa bea a (on, igh} pavement, Ralyayy Apt horn meu / lesgation anu Flood Control _ Bam Herie an Tynaling Nae Sinn CUNENTAW STAM TAX aio LCE PSE TST TAT ATTEN NT ETRE Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS. INVITATION TO BID ‘The Department of Public Works and Highways, through the General Appropriations ‘Act (GAA) secured from the Department of Budget and Management a five-year Multi- Year Obligational Authority (FY 2018-FY 2022) with a total amount of Php 2,436,960,000.00 and intends to apply the sum of Php 2,229,182,019.96,being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC), to payments under the Design and Build (DB) contract for the Construction of Missing Links/New Roads: Manila North Road (Jct. Bangag-Paruddun Sect)-Jct, Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugan), Cagayan Province with Contract ID No. 1800075. Bids Tecalved in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. ‘The Department of Public Works and Highways now invites bids for the Construction of Missing Links/New Roads: Manila North Road (Jct. Bangag-Paruddun Sect)-Jct. Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugan), Cagayan Province with contact ID No. 18800075 using the DB scheme, which involves the design and ‘construction of 480 meters cable-stayed/concrete box girder at main bridge, 1,100 meters prestressed concrete box girders at approach bridge, and 586.165 meters approach roads. Contract Duration of the DB Works is 1,095 calendar days, Bidders should have completed a contract similar to the Project, covering both’ detailed engineering design and construction, with @ cost equivalent to at least fity percent (50%) of the ABC. The eligibility requirement is contained in the Bidding Documents (BD), particularly, in Section I -Instructions to Bidders (ITB), An interested civil works contractor who has no experience In DB projects on its own may enter into subcontracting, partnerships, or joint venture with design or engineering firms for the design portion of the contract. Bidding will be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures using non- discretionary pass/fail criterion as specified in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 9184 (RA 9184), otherwise known as the “Government Procurement Reform Act.” (2) Bidding is open to Filipino citizens/sole proprietorship, partnerships, or organizations with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to citizens of the Philippines, (b) Bidding is also open to foreign bidders in joint venture or partnership with Filipino bidders with at least sixty percent (60%) interest or outstanding capital stock belonging to Filipino bidders in accordance with section¢ of the revised IRR of RA, 9184, (©) Joint ventures/consortia among Filipino contractors and consultants or among Filipino/ foreign contractors and consultants shall be allowed subject to pertinent laws and the relevant provisions of the IRR of R.A. 9184, The joint venture/consortia shall be Jointly and severally responsible for the obligations and the civil liabilities arising 4 6. 9 10. i. from the design and build contract: Provided, however, That Filipino ownership or interest thereof shall be at least sixty percent (60%): Provided further, That joint ventures/consortia in which Filipino ownership or interest is less than sixty percent (60%) may be eligible where the structures to be built require the application of techniques and/or technologies which are not adequately possessed by Filipinos and that Filipino ownership or interest shall not be less than twenty-five percent (25%): Provided, finally, that when the design services in which the joint venture wishes to engage involve the practice of professions regulated by law, ail those who will actually perform the services shall be Filipino citizens and registered professionals authorized by the appropriate regulatory body to practice those professions and allied professions ‘and where foreign designers are required, the foreign designer must be authorized by the appropriate Philippine Government professional regulatory body to engage in the practice of those professions and allied professions. In accordance with DPWH D.O, no. 195, series of 1992, pursuant to the provisions of R.A. 544, the procurement and employment of corporations as consultants for the Detailed Engineering Design component of this project is not allowed. Local contractors/applicants who wish to participate in this bidding are encouraged to register with the DPWH Civil Works Application (CWA) at the DPWH Procurement Service (PrS), 5 Floor, DPWH Bidg., Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila, while those already registered shall keep their records current and updated. The Contractor's eligibility to bid on the project will be determined using the DPWH Contractor Profile Eligibility Process (CPEP) and subject to further post-qualification, Information on registration can be obtained from the Prs during working weekdays from 7:00 arn to 4:00 pm or at the DPWH website www.dpwh, For Foreign Bidders, the eligibility documents listed under ITB Clause 12 may be substituted by the appropriate equivalent documents in English, if any, issued by the country of the bidder concerned, Otherwise, it must be accompanied by a transtation of the documents in English issued by the relevant foreign government agency. The foreign government agency authorized to translate documents, or a registered translator in the foreign bidder’s country; and shall be authenticated by the appropriate Philippine foreign service establishment/post or the equivalent office having jurisdiction over the foreign bidder's affairs in the Philippines, Interested bidders may obtain further information from DPWH Procurement Services, 5th Floor, DPWH Bldg., Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila and Inspect the BDs at the address given below from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. A complete set of the Bidding Documents may be acquired by interested bidders on December 13, 2019 to January 8, 2020 from the DPWH Procurement Service (Prs), 5 Floor, DPWH Bldg., Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila and upon payment of the applicable fee for the Bidding Documents, pursuant to the latest Guidelines issued by the GPPB, in the amount of Php 75,000.00. ‘The DPWH will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on December 19, 2049, 9:00 A.M, at Room 503, Bidding Room, Procurement Service,” Floor, DPWH Central Office, Bonifacio Drive, Port Area, Manila, which shall be open to all interested parties, Bids must be delivered on or before January 8, 2020, 10:00 Room 503, 5 12. 13. idding Room, Procurement Service,S Floor, DPWH Central Office, Bonifacio Drive, port Area, Manila All bids must be accompanied by a bid securty in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB Clause 18.1. Bids will be opened in ae Presence ofthe bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Late bcs shall not be accepted. The DPWH reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders, For further information, please refer to; LORETA M. MALALUAN MA VICTORIA S, GREGORIO OIC-Regional Director OlC-Director DPWH Region IT Procurement Service Tuguegarao City, Cagayan DPWH Bidg., Bonifacio Drive, Tel. No.: (078)3026002 Port Area, 1018 Manila Email Address: Telephone No. (+632)304-3132 / 3259 malaluan, Email address: gregorio.ma_victoria@dpwh, Approved by: ANTONIO V. MOLANO, JR. Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations in Visayas, NCR and Region IV-B Chairman, Special Bids and Awards Committee ay ra Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS Central Office Manila ContractID: 18800075 Contract Name: Design-and-Build (DB) Contract for the Construction of Missing Link/New Roads: Manila North Road (Jct. Bangag— Paruddun Sect)—Jct. Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugan) Cagayan Province NOTICE OF AWARD February 17, 2020 Ms. GUO YANGXIAO Authorized Managing Officer Hunan Road & Bridge Const. Group Co., Ltd, Phil Branch/ Agafer Const. & Trading (JV) 3” Floor Suite 25 Legaspi Towers 300, Vito Cruz Street Roxas Boulevard, Malate, Manila Dear Ms. Yangxiao: We hereby accept your bid for the above stated Contract and, therefore, award the Contract fo you, as the Bidder with the Lowest Calculated ancl Responsive Bid, at a total Contract price equivalent to Two Billion Twenty-Eight Million Five Hundred Sixty-Three ‘Thousand ‘One Hundred Thirty-Eight and 66/100 Pesos (Php 2,028,563,138.66). You are, therefore, required, within ten (10) calendar days from your receipt of this Notice of Award, to submit to us the following documents as conditions for the signing of the Contract: Notice of Award (NOA) with the bidder's signed “conforme” ‘Authority of Signing Official/Board Resolution/Secretary’s Certificate For a joint venture (WV), Contractor's PCAB Special JV License and JV Agreement Performance Security in any of the forms specified in the Instructions to Bidders (Use Form DPWH-INFR-43 or DPWH-INFR-44, as applicable) Construction Methods (Use Form DPW/H-INER-45) Construction Schedule in the form of PERT/CPM Diagram or Precedence Diagram and Bar Chart with S-Curve and Cash Flow (Use Form DPWH-INFR-46), G. Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) License No. and Tax Identification Number (TIN) of Each Key Personnel Manpower Schedule (Use Form DPWH-INFR-47). Equipment Utilization Schedule (Use Form DPWH-INFR-48). Construction Safety and Health Program (Use Form OPWH-INFR-49). Contractor's All Risk Insurance (CARI) Latest Income Tax and Business Returns duly stamped and received by BIR and dluly validated with the tax payments made, Tax Clearance from the BIR to prove full and timely payment of taxes m. For a local contractor, Certification under oath stating that the Contractor is free and clean of all tax liabilities aos Pege 1 of 2 Tox oN Republic of the Philippines |, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS. Central Office Manila Contract ID: 18800075 Contract Name: Design—and-Buitd (DB) Contract for the Construction of Missing Link/New Roads: Manila North Road (Jct. Bangag~ Paruddun Sect)—Jct, Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugan) Cagayan Province You are also required, within the said ten (10) calendar days, to formally sign the Contract Agreement. Your failure to comply with these requirements shall constitute a sufficient ground for the cancellation of this award and the forfeiture of your Bid Security. Very truly yours, /RAFA C io Undersecretary for Regional Operations in Luzon ype) Ms. GUO YANGXIAO Authorized Managing Officer Hunan Road & Bridge Const. Group Co., Ltd, Phil Branch/Agafer Const. & Trading (JV) Date: Wi.) DPWH-INFR-42-2016 Page 2 of 2 Contract 1D No.: 18600075 Contract Name: Design anc. Build (DB) Contract for the Construction of Missing Links/New Roads: Manila North Road (Jct. Bangag-Paruddun Sect) ~ Jct. Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugan), Cagayan Province Location of the Contract: Camalaniugan, Cagayan Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS REGIONAL OFFICE IT Tuguegareo City, Cageyan NOTICE TO PROCEED MS. GUO YANGXIAO Authorized Managing Officer Hunan Road & Bridge Const. Group Co., Ltd. Phil. Branch/ Agafer Const & Trading (JV) 3" Floor Suite 25 Legaspi Towers 300, Vito Cruz Street Roxas Boulevard, Malate, Manila Dear Ms. Yangxiao: Since the attached Contract Agreement with you for the above-stated Contract has been approved, we hereby Instruct you to proceed, effective upon the date of your receipt of this Notice, with the implementation of the provisions of the Contract, in accordance with the terms of the Contract Agreement, including the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, and Drawings. Please acknowledge receipt and acceptance of this Notice by signing both copies thereof in the space provided below. Keep one copy and return the other to us. Very truly yours, fd dsees0 10 -In-Charge Office of the Regional Director 1 acknowledge receipt of this Notice on Any ty wr ot) Name and Signature of Contractor's Representative Position: DPWeH-INER-S2-2016 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE Ii in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION - HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR is awarded to EDMUNDO C. CARINO for having completed the competency requirements under the Philippine er T Competency Assessment and Certification System in the following units of competency: untcade Unive Unt code Unt Tale BASIC COMPE covet TERDaET TEQCAL Daas ND FLAG 00911105 FART rugs comuncoTin CONSTI PERFORM MENGLRATIONS AN CALCULATING 00311105 iN Sonaio4_MARTAN TOOLS AND EQUA {OUNITIOT PRAGTRE CARER PROFESSIONALISM CORE CouPETENCIES TICE ‘PERFORM PRE. AND POST-OPERATION PROCEDURES SOISTHO8 PROCEDURES GONBSSHTT FoR EARTHLMOVING EQUPNENT COMMON COMPETENCIES Cont ee Re ee earn Coven PRE comrmUToNMTERAL Toes coms PERN one EATON For MORALE covery QRSERVE PROCEDURES, SPECFICATINS AND . Signature bf the certificate holder Issued on ; November 30, 2018 Certificate No, 1802150200145 Valid until: November 29, 2023 ULI: CEC-60-310-02015-001 _ Be ahs NA = Director Genera] ia We CLNNQ. 3285237 Republic of the Philippines y 9 ‘TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, NATIONAL CERTIFICATE II HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION - HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR is awarded to JUNEL B, PATUBO for iuaving completed the competency requirements under the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System in the following units of competency: oe oo ae en eee AE pate ee Se eiaenvowvsromncm Sala BARATRENAe Nn =n sea Se Geaenwaiaey SM SE See aE eee a CROMER el ore inchovrerninl ae Pasco POOR Cone ae comet eee onan CCONAIZO1 PREPARE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSANO TOoLS Consuaana_ PERFORM FR OEERATIOR EO HORA ‘OBSERVE PROCEDURES, SPECFICATIONS AND ° (CONSSS2IN aUALS OF INSTRUCTION Signature of the certificate holder Issued on ; November 29, 2018 ee No, 18021502001844 Valid until; November 28, 2023 i Gi Director General CLN-NQ- 3285238 ~ Republic of the Philippines y 9 ‘TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT, Unt Coe BASIC COMP 0031105 200011105 so03tnt07 scat1408 ETENGIES ‘PARTICIPATE IN VIORKPLACE COMMUNICATION NATIONAL CERTIFICATE {j in HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION - WHEEL LOADER is awarded to FERDINAND J. MERCADO for having completed the competency requirements under the Philippine rica TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System in the following units of competency: UntTita Unitcode ‘Uni Tle (GON3{:202 INTERPRET TEGHUCAL DRAVNGS AND PLANS const 203 MENGURATIONS AND CALCULATIONS ‘WORK INTEAM ENVRONMENT (CON3}A204 _AINTANTOOLS AND EQUIPMENT PRACTICE CAREER PROFESSIONALISN ‘CORE COMPETENCIES. PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY ‘cowsszan1 PERFORM PRE- AuD POST-OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR PROCEDURES EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT EQUIP COMMON COMPETENCIES Cconrazag PERFORM BASIC PREVENTIVE MANTENANGE SERVICING ‘coes1201 cconstsa01 Certit FOR EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT REBATE CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS AND TOOLS _COWEZZ904._ PERFORM PRODUCTIVE OPERATION FOR WHEEL LOADER, (OBSERVE PROCEDURES, SPECIFICATIONS AND MANUALS OF INSTRUCTION ® cate holder Issued on ; November 28, 2018 [j ate No, 1802180201850 ‘Valid until: November 27, 2023 ULI: MFJ-69-422-02018-001 ae ox ‘0 S. LAPENA irector General DOLE SAFETY TRAINING 5ANIZATION ACCRED. No, 1030-0729/9.003, DOLE CUE TESTING ORGANIZATION ACCRED. NO. 1410-19090519-0014 E-mail: /'> ris nyrimwusibeon Website: ‘SERTIEICATE OF HITACH! HYD. €XCAVATORIZX200-3) INSPECTION & TESTING (ACT-£3/HE-03) Work Performed For Company Kame “Acafer Construction and Trading Oumer/Represantative Eulono F Agatep éaeoss #137 National Road, Meta lll. Cagavan ‘Machinery Type tach Md. Excavator (012003) oeation of Equipment n, Cen a0, Date Inspected and Tested: Ostober 27,2020 Nt Inspection and Testing Date: Ostober 27,2024 "Machinery: Hach Hyd Exeavator (2200-3) imotermoaes acheK200°3 Detngmene: _— abetosho2 serine ostuioo.oa20s778 eet ice! fOpecting We: Apgron 37286 ig (ogne Power: 2210 (sua Copsey astazm traction and Trad Ros, Mi van that it affects bu wear & tear, has been Inspected and ‘operational ested to ensure that Its safe to operate and is in accordance withthe requirements ofthe Philippine Mechanlcal Coder Rule 4819 of the er 0.18 Series of 3998 ational Saetv and retin industry. Aico, the undersigned, baing the person responsible forthe Issuance of this inspection & operational test ertieate for this HITACHI HYD. EXCAVATOR (ACT-13/HE-03), as required by D.0. No. “Guidelines Governing Os ith In the Construction {edusty! having exercised reasonable sil and care In the evaluation of findings, hereby CERTIFY that the HITAGHL HYD, EXCAVATOR (X2003) {cT33/HWE03), owned represented by Engr, EuloioF. Agate ILotAgafer Construction and Trainax with the spelfiaions stated shove, tothe ‘of my knowledge and belt stil n Good Running Conaton and Operational. at ‘This Inspection and Testing Certificate forthe HITACHI HYD. EXCAVATOR (2200-3) (ACT-13/HE-3) ls sued after thorough inspection and operations! testing. ‘Given this 27" day of ctober 2020, Ccertifeate signed By: [BN Ghe ered rates al rere 750) Pace acres Pteiel Vata! nase 351535 / C2208 tees Cy ress: 252 ras Sut tna ty (iphone eens No Valid Wie Company Sal "ete. This Cast of inci Hye Excavator lspedion aad Operatoal Ts rng sed Tx os mala pps OF sarivng Womlay oP itch Hyéauic xesator operation the tne ws Inspected and ested oto parte the werimaneipof thereon etre operon 2: Safe Lie Constancy. obit tany ined hat ay ocr Sin any His yale Exenvnr seaport an ppm open {ste cent no Tsc oto. sn10%9 -ACT33 arate xertor|AG3 HE} AFETY TRAINING ORGANIZATION ACCRED. No. 1030-0729/9 DOLE CUE TESTING ORGANIZATION ACCRED. NO. 1410-19090519-0014 E-mail: safelineconsullancy@ /\°}/!\ «| ho niten Website: ERTIFICATE OF KOMATSU HYD, EXCAVA ‘Work Performed For Company Name struction and ‘Owner/Representative : Engr, Eulogio F, Agateo I Address + 187 National Road, Magan, Lallo,cagavan, Machinery Type Hud, Excavator (PC3 {ecation of quipment : Bagumbayan Centro 1, Tuquegarao City, Cagavan Date inspected and Tested: October 27.2020 Next inspection and Testing Date: October 27, 2023, Machinery: Komatsu Hyd, Excavator (PC350-7) z Komatsu P3807 Ene Med: swasonae2 2 Make/s «Seria No: ourecorecn2025196 fog Sera No: 26013987 fast: Diese! operating Welgh.72,209.4b/32,368,, Ergin Power sho) 279K fh. Bucket Capacity: 1.45 m3 "This is to cer the KOMATSU HYD. EXCAVATOR (P cd ed/ropreser a f of Agafer Construction and Tradl m a lo, Cagavan nt that it Is affected by wear & ‘tear, has been Inspected and operational tested to ensure that itis safe ate and Is in accordance with the reaui he Philippine Mechanical Code, Rule 141 ie OSH Standards as and 0.0, 198 "Guidelines Governing Occupation and Health in the Constry dustry". (so the undersigned, belng the person responsible forthe issuance of this Inspection & operational test certificate for this, MAT XCAVATOR (PC350-7) (ACT-28/HE-O8), as required by D.o, No. 13 Series of 1998 "Guidelin it al ‘Safety and Health in the Construction Industty"2 having exercised reasonable skll and cere in the evaluation of findings, hereby CERTIFY ‘that the KC HYD, ENCAVATOR 9-7) [ACT-28/ME- seni Eulogio F. Agatep I struction ‘nd Tradingz with the specifications stated above, to the best of my knowledge and belie, i stil in Good Running Condition oy Operational Inspection and Testing Certifcate forthe KOMATSU HYD. EXCAVATOR (PC350-7) (ACT:28/KE.08 is iesue after thorough Inspection and operational testing Given this 27" day of October 2020. X Engneer Reg Mo.0720) Conticat Signed By PEON Profesional Mean gee eg no css asaresis Pi 0535/0208 209 tana ey Arse: 232 nba osnasere7 roomate hydante Caer Yeu Excavator Wspeton and Operational Tess beg ised forthe an purpose af cing to ley of serstan faye Acavator operation athe tne it was inspected and tested not to gurantee the workmanship ofthe molsice ir ne ‘speraon. 2 Sfe ne Consutaney, ne. has no bb 10 any MIxSEN That May occur daring any Komatsu hysenke ecenes eee ot ‘pplonces operation. {stct CERT WO, T3iC-0103 pasate | ‘ACT2® Hydraulic Excavator (AC-28/HE-08) Safe Line Consultancy. inc Srilarion 1 Rauan Bataneas Tet No. (Nt OLE SAFETY TRAINING ORGANIZATION ACCRED. No. 1030-0729/9-0034 DOLE CUE TESTiNNG ORG E-mai IZATION ACCRED. NO. 1410-19090 |: /* #19" ‘Website: www.saiZeli s-0014 FICATE.OF HIT DER (2/220) INSPECTION & TE: Work Performed For Company Name Construction ans Owner/Representative : Engr. Eulogio F. Agatep II Address 37 National Road, Mi copaya Machinery Type sac TCM Wheel Loader (20220) Location Of Equipment : Bagumbayan. Centro 3, Tuguegargo. Cagavan Date inspected and Tested: October 27, 2020 ‘Newt Inspection and Testing Date: October 27,2023 Machinery: Hitachi TCM Wheel Loader (2W220) MikaModet: Wiech TOM 2220 Ege os GL-CLS14209 Suan RYUAGEOOKODOEI28 vc Okset operating Wei: 26154g fri Power i393 Bucket Copacy: 243.33 "This hat the Hitch (2220) {ACT.12/P1.02}, owned) te 7a Joglo F. Agaten I of Agater Construction and Trading of #37 National oad, Magapit Lali, Cagavan to the extent that itis affected by weer & tear, has ‘been inspected andoperational tested to ensure that Its safe to operate and icin accordance with ‘of the Philigin ine A the OSH Stan mended” and D.O. No, 3 Series of 1996 “Guidelines Governing Occuoat Safe thin tution ndustoy Also, the undersigned, being the person responsible forthe Issuance of this inspection & operational test certificate for this Hitech TCM Wheel Loader (212201 (ACT-12/21.02), a required by 0.0, No. 13 Series of 1998 "Guidelines Governing Occupationsl Safety 1 Construction Industry’, having exercised reasonable skill and care inthe evaluation of findings, hereby CERTIFY thatthe ‘Whee! Loader (2W/220) (ACT12/PL-02). owned/ represent im Agatep ilo Construction and Tradin with the specifications stated above, to the best af my knowledge and bel, still in Good Running Condition and Operational. ‘This Inspection and Testing Certificate for the Hitachi TCM Wheel Loader (2/220) (ACT-12/PL02) is isued after thorough inspection and operational testing Gaven this 27" day of October 2020. Certificate signed by: EroeeiegNo.0720) Peso {atc creates onl ere NOT) ‘a seats 02442018 / eaten) ‘callohone no: 0918989747 ‘ae Tarn fie Wheel end lgecton apr sting undo ls pupae cng oo oT TRS a CS SpaGO ASIST pected ade to grote wrap evo ete operon Pt nes moby oan net ha ay ec Bean ach Wiel Lee conpenetsandnplances operation oie ame or Payne WPI} Co a HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP COMPANY LIMITED = ~PHILIPPINE BRANCH / AGAFER CONSTRUCTION and TRADING — JOINT VENTURE 3 Floor Suite 25, Legaspl Towers 300, Vito Cruz St, Roxas Boulevard, Malate Menila Tel No. 02-5310-1458 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT This is to certify that Mr. Gerry C Flores is an employee of Hunan Road & Bridge Construction Group Company Limited ~ Phil. Branch / Agafer Construction and Trading Joint Venture holding the position of a COSH 2 and assigned in our on-going project for the construction of Missing Links / New Roads: Manila North Road (Jct. Bangag ~ Paruddun Section) ~ Jct. Cagayan Valley Road, Camalaniugan Cagayan Province. This Certification is being issued for the processing of our application for Construction Safety and Health Program at the Department of Labor and Employment, Signed this 22" day of October 2020 at Manila Philippines. 2 wi ihe AO Authorized Managing Officer HNRB/ACT JV 7 fe HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP COMPANY UMITED . PHILIPPINE BRANCH / AGAFER CONSTRUCTION and TRADING — JOINT VENTURE es US 3 Floor Suite 25, Legaspi Towers 300, Vito Cruz St, Roxas Boulevard, Malate Manila Tel No. 02-5310-1458 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT ais Certification is being issued for the processing of our application for Construction Safety and Health Program at the Department of Labor and Employment, Signed this 22 day of October 2020 at Manila Philippines. ay eae y Kr Ms. GUO YANGXiAO Authorized Managing Officer HNRB/ACT JV i, : eee Fait CONSAFE yan CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TRAINOR & CONSULTANT E -— DOLE. SHC Accreditation No. 1030-121616-0075 Certificate of Completion is given to _LINCE MORRIS B. PASCO Sor having satisfactorily. completed the 40-hour DOLE-BWC. ‘pres co CONSTRUCTION OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (COSH) FOR S02 WITH 2-HOUR TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) As promulgated by the Bureat Pking Cons ee the Departrient of Labor and Ei the pertinent implementing rules and regulate tial Decree No, $42) CONSAFE Le CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TRAINOR & CONSULTANT ae DOLE-OSHC Accreditation Roe 1930-1216160075 Certificate of Complet C is given to in compliance with the Presidential Deere | SAFETY OFFICER 3 ADRIC LUKE v. AGaPITO. vemaes. cer! Comma nts: weeycosectn |! Ot cotmimmiors 2% Serovar) PHILIPPINE RED CROSS. Masai, Cugerin CERTIFICATION 1 WHOM IY MAY CONTERN, 1 ERIC LUKE V. AGABIEO grasustes sn the OCCUPATIONAL, Lika SUPPORT —CPR with AED conshuctesd on lanoary 1140 1, Chapt with a total of 16 hours and PASSED the 14, 2020, The trsiwing was conducsod sider This ts to cextity FIRST AID AND Hast 2020 by Phitinpine Red Crass ~ Manila ‘ecaluating eeamination given nt famwacy ‘he supervision of Mr: Pant Bryan F Delo Crue {his coruleation 4s being issue fur reference purpDses and shill be valk yp to fanioary 14, 2022 only auaatl i faverano Onayter Adveihisarater Munda Chapter RICHARD DERILO. Thos satisfactory completed the courte on ‘Standard First Ald and 8L5-CPR with AED National Headquarters Peete Issued on_FEBRUARY 22, 2019 jug yyy FEORUARY 20, 2021 Sx Foca (eee re nten cars Screl ae are SFA -071325 Aadiress, Ue | tor QQ BONITO St, PHACE 1G ——_BREY. MRBS. Yavorne once Blood Type Contact Number/. 4 ARIEL CANDELARIA FC007-SS-NHQ-2018 Tnstructors Name Author Humber Ext Aitrasy egiredert INE RED Cross CUERTEICATION Hy ee ME RICUAHE: BRIO yatinsied x she STANTARD STRAINING conducted on Fcbruay IRs ot Manta and PARUEIRe Rod Cross. National Houdguntess, Boolieass Dene Rati Canna ee ASSED the evaluating cxamiations hen on hee a eat Saute coursen were conducted under the supervision ot Rn ACen 2 Ansell Levy Talentine way Se aeeaton fs beinu init for references purposes and stall be val up to February 20. 2031 NV By By VON VAN ONG 7 7 HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP. COMPANY LIMITED -PHILIPPINE BRANCH / AGAFER CONSTRUCTION and TRADING — JOINT VENTURE 9” Floor Suite 25, Legaspi Towers 300, Vito Cruz St., Roxos Boulevard, Malate Manila Tel No. 02-5310-1458 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYMENT THs isto certify that Ms. Rlea 2. Mamangun is an employee of Hunan Road & Bridge Construction Group Company Limited = Phil. Branch / Agafer Construction and Trading Joint venuna holding Ing Position of a FirstAider and assigned in our on-going project for the construction of Missing fiks / New Roads: Manila North Road (lc. Bangag ~ Paruddun Section) - Jet Cagayan Valley Road, Camalaniugan Cagayan Province, ‘his Certification is being issued for the processing of our application for Construction Safety and Health Program at the Department of Labor and Employment, Signed this 22" day of October 2020 at Manila Philippines, ies Ms. GUO YANGXIAO Authorized Managing Officer HINRB/ACT JV co = a ~ ~ PHILIPPINE BRANCH / AGAFER CONSTRUCTION and TRADING - HUNAN ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION GROUP COMPANY UMITED 0] = JOINT VENTURE Design ind Build (DB) Contractor for the Construction of Missing Link/New Roads: Manila North Road (let. Bangag - Paruddun Sect) - Jet. Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugas) Cagayan Province EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (PROJECT CASUAL BASED) Date: August 17,2020 Employee No.: CP -004 Mr. / Ms, : RICA C. MAMANGUN We are pleased to inform you that you are hired as Project Casual Based Employee for Design and Build (DB) Contractor forthe Construction of Missing Link/New Roads: Manila North Road (et. Bangag - Paruddun Sect.) - Jet. Cagayan Valley Road (Camalaniugan) Cagayan Province to work for the Safety Department of this company as Nurse |. YOUR PAY RATE will be Twenty Two Thousand Pesos Only (Php 22,000) per month for a six (6) days workload a week with one day rest day. 2. AS PROJECT BASED CASUAL EMPLOYEE, itis understood that the duration of your employment shall be co-terminus with the completion of your work in the Project. It is also ‘understood that your performance shall be evaluated by management on a monthly basis and if found to be unsatisfactory, you shall be notified accordingly and given one month advance notice of termination, It is also understood that if through your fault and/ or negligence, you would cause a major loss to the company, you shall be dismissed outright, to avoid further damage to the project. You can appeal in writing the Notice of Termination and/or Outright Dismissal Stating therein your explanation within twenty four (24) hours from the Notice. Should you fail ‘0 appeal in writing within the 24 hours period, the Termination/Dismissal shall become final Your written appeal shall be evaluated by management and you shall be notified of ‘management's action on the appeal , which shall be final, 3. SCOPE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF WORK: a. Provide Emergency Treatment in the workplace. . Provide first aid of employees if required. ©. Develop and implement health and safety programs. ie Jah a a d. Create a clean and comfortable sickbay area. ¢. Improve the health of employees through on-going programs and health checks, f, Develop strategies to ensure maxi um employee work input. 8, Administer over-the-counter medication to workers. h, Communicate with management on a regular basis, 4, BENEFITS-As a casual/project based employee, you will be entitled to benefit Overtime pay, night time differential, work on rest day, holiday pay based on the prevailing practice of the company. 5 COMPANY RULES AND REGULATION — Upon employed, you shall be governed by applicable Company Rules and Regulations as well as regulations on work attitude; staff code: departmental rules; security and company interests and safety and health policies of the company, and shall self-diseiplined to preserve the social relations and reputation of the company. You will, from time to time or as the need arises be subjected to appropriate and reasonable search on your person in line with the effort to discourage and deter the commission of pilferage/theft, the commission of which is highly inimical to the company’s interest. Also non disclosure of information that has a bearing on your fitness and qualification as a worker will be deemed misrepresentation of matcrial facts and punishable with dismissal from the company. 6 ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE since you are casual employee, you are expected to report for work on daily basis. AWOL shall be penalized follows: a. First Offense ~ One (1) day suspension b. Second Offense - five (5) day suspension c. Third Offense -Separation from employment 4. Two or more consecutive days _-Separation from employment 7. That you are properly oriented by the Human Resouree/Personnel Department on the related Company Management System and you certify by affixing your signature below where your name is indicated. 8. You will report to the authorized representative from whom you will receive instructions in relation to your duties and responsibilities. Should you be amenable to the foregoing terms and conditions of your employment, kindly signify your acceptance by signing on the space provided here under, nl st my cf HUNAN ROAD AND BRIDGE CONST. GROUP COMPANY LTD. - PHILIPPINE BRANCH/ AGAFER CONSTRUCTION AND TRADING (JV) Management Office By: . CONTRACT ACCEPTED: a wy! ‘Guo Yangxiao — Alen ¢-myriurd Authorized Managing Officer Employce’s Name and Signature Date:__Se-\9- 2420 Certification Thereby certify that the Company had conducted an orientation to me regarding the company’s rules and regulations especially its various policies and security and company interest, safety, social behavior, work attitude, departmental rules and I hereby conform to the conditions stated in my contract of employment. /

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