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This artwork depicts how I feed the joyous wolf within me. Everyone has two wolves battling

within them; a positive (good) wolf and a negative (evil) wolf, but the issue is "who will win?"

Everyone has distinct emotions as a result of the situations they have been through. Some are

evil, while others are kind. But we always ended up feeding the negative wolf, especially when

we gossiped, were outraged, or took things personally while starving the good wolf.
Like everyone else, I like to feed my evil wolf since unpleasant things occur in my life and it

makes sense to study all of the negative occurrences so that we may learn for the future. It is

simpler to be furious than to be sorry about the circumstance, and it is easier to think about

anything negative than something positive. As a result, this is my attitude. Until I became an

architect student who was constantly negative in my thoughts, especially when my plates are

overdue and I just cannot accomplish it. Then I began to crumble, and despair sprang out of

nowhere. Then, while I was listening to music, a motivating video from YouTube started to play.

Then I learned I wasn't the only one. Many people struggle when they put too much pressure on

themselves and react badly to difficult situations. They were sobbing out loud in their hearts as if

they were dying.

As a result, this artwork isn't just for me to contemplate the significance of this wolf. It is for

everyone to become conscious will see and understand what it means. It is a message about how

crucial awareness is for us to order to modify our behavior. We have a say in which wolf we

feed. We don't have to be flawless every day, but we need to be aware of how we present

ourselves and adjust when feeding the bad wolf.

It's intriguing finding how crucial it is to feed your good wolf with appreciation. The wolf in the

artwork represents the human being who is consumed by negativity unless it feeds itself with

appreciation. by understanding where you came from and who supported you along the way;

acknowledging and appreciating the experiences and people who have contributed to your

progress. Thus, practicing appreciation both within and externally keeps one grounded and

In 21 years of my life, mainly my adolescent years It is difficult for me to overcome obstacles.

However, facing these hurdles is how we develop and learn. I was a naive, innocent youngster

who mistakenly imagined that life would be easy. I was completely wrong; I can only wish for

life to be so simple. My life, in particular, has been full of exhausting ups and downs. It felt like I

was on a never-ending roller coaster of challenges. As we grow from children to adults, we will

confront innumerable challenges that will only get more and more significant.

Life was never designed to be simple; it was meant to be a trip filled with missions, one that we

must complete no matter how difficult the obstacles ahead of us are. Like a roller coaster,

everyone's life has its ups, downs, and plateaus. And we can't get off the roller coaster; it's part of

life's cycle. However, we always have a choice in making decisions and dealing with particular

emotions. There are no correct or incorrect acts. A lapse in judgment is not lethal, but excessive

worry and egoistic ignorance of judgment are. Outward sagacity frequently fails, although

internal shrewdness is unusual. Experience breeds good judgment, and bad judgment breeds

experience. It's a never-ending circle. Peace is life's balance. Living a well-balanced life stems

from feeling entire and complete with a sense of harmony.

In conclusion, I was pleased to offer my expertise as well as my artwork, which depicts reality

and the type of life we live in a world full of problems within us. I'm open to new ideas and

viewpoints, and it's my way of expressing my ever-evolving thoughts and understanding, of my

realizations, self-love, and adventures that come from time spent alone and in self-reflection.

These are mirrors to assist us, to assist me in better understanding ourselves/me.

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