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G notes (as of 3/28/2022)

Adjustments (3/28/2022):
- st. lp reduced pushback on hit (better CH confirms?)
- G smash over/under in the corner won't randomly miss
- EX Smash over/under can cancel into vt2
- EX G Spin Kick can cancel into G Explosion when final attack hits
- G Rage (d+hp+hk in vt2 command grab) can be used twice during the timer,
and doesn't incur additional costs if it connects. Better oki (+6f from whatever it
is now). Can be cancelled into VS2/charge/metergain if it connects

At a Glance:

- Anti-Airs:
cr. hp
- Pokes:
st. mk
st. hk
cr. mp
st. lp
- BnBs:
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p
- Punishes:
cr. hp xx srk+p

Character Specific Mechanic:

Mr President! - G's main additional mechanic is

Presidentiality, which is represented by a small globe above the CA bar, and next
to his v-meter. By performing g-charge (d+pp in neutral, pp off a cancel from a
special/normal), G will increase his presidentiality level. He loses
presidentiality by being knocked down. Presidentiality improves his specials across
the board, with level 3 presidentiality providing free EX moves.

Robbery, Inc. - G's VT1 is considered one of the strongest v-

triggers in the game, and completely transforms the character into a character that
can corner in a single combo, and kill in two mixups against most characters.
There's no real way to mitigate this threat, either, as he receives the same sort
of damage off of a command grab that he does off of a regular BnB starter.

st. lp (4/5/3) - defensive bufferable normal. Native tick throw button
st. mp (6/7/3) - party starter. spaces you correctly for a command grab.
st. hp (11/3/-3) - CC (corkscrew knockdown), good spacing/buffer button
st. lk (5/4/1) - another buffer button. Native tick throw button
st. mk (9/2/-2) - midrange poke.
st. hk (9/2/-5) - long range poke, significant recovery (25f)

cr. lp (4/5/2) - Native tick throw button

cr. mp (7/5/2) - bufferable, cancellable normal
cr. hp (8/1/-3) - beastly anti-air, one of your conversion buttons
cr. lk (4/4/1) - low starter. Native tick throw button
cr. mk (8/4/-2) - decent poke
cr. hk (10/D/-14)

j. lp (-/-/-) - can cancel into airborne vs1 to provide a cheeky

knockdown/instant air overhead against tall characters.
j. mp (-/-/-) - grounds the opponent as an air-to-air
j. hp (-/-/-) - good jumping hitbox
j. lk (-/-/-) -
j. mk (-/-/-) -
j. hk (-/-/-) - broad/long range jumping hitbox


cr. hp - unbelievably good hitbox that hits behind G as well as in front. his
best option
vs1 - slow startup, but builds v-meter
b+hp - bufferable into wheel kick for really good damage as an anti-air
- b+hp xx lk/mk wheel kick into srk+p in lvl 2 presidentiality, for
- on trade, can combo into srk+pp
j. mp - air to air, slams the opponent to the ground.

Command Normals:
f+hp (15/2/-4) - Forward moving spin CC. Can be spaced correctly to beat attempted
punishes with st. lk
b+hp (9/D/-5) - two-hit juggle move, beastly anti-air but also a key greedy
f+hk (25/1/-7) - Overhead.
d+mp (air) - Body splash. Crosses up.


vs1 - G-Barrier (ex: vs1)

- Forms a small shield around G, nullifies non EX projectiles.
- Striking the opponent with the shield results in a knockdown
- Can be performed in the air. Absorbing a projectile in the air allows G to
perform a followup air to ground normal as usual
- Unsafe on block.

vs2 - G Protection (ex: vs2)

- Gives G 10% damage resistance per stack, up to 3 stacks
- Preserves presidentiality at the cost of the vs2 stacks when knocked down.

d+pp - G Charge (ex: charge)

- Increases G's Presidentiality Meter
- Can be held to gain full presidentiality
- Any special/normal can be cancelled on hit or block into g-charge with (pp
for special, d+pp for normal)
- that being said, safest options for g-charge come from g-barrier
knockdown (vs1) or g over smash knockdown (srk+p)

d+kk - Message To The People (ex: Speech)

- Gives a nice chunk of meter gain, even if you don't actually say anything
at all
- Any special/normal can be cancelled on hit or block into Speech with (kk
for special, d+kk for normal)
- that being said, safest options for g-charge come from g-barrier
knockdown (vs1) or g over smash knockdown (srk+p)

f+ppp - G-revenge
- 17f knockdown v-reversal

srk+p - G Smash Over (ex: srk+lp)

- -4 on block, ex is -6 on block
- level 2 presidentiality: launches opponent a small amount higher, mp
version can be followed with srk+kk
- level 3/ex: wallbounces opponent with a juggle followup
- Can cancel into other specials on second hit (like in vt1) by using
ex meter.
- l/m versions are level 1/2 versions
- EX version can be cancelled into vt1 on hit or block.

srk+k - G Smash Under (ex: srk+lk)

- -8 on block across the board
- Level 2 provides more damage and stun
- Level 3/ex: hits opponent twice low.
- Can cancel into other specials on second hit (like in vt1) by using
ex meter.
- l/m versions are level 2 versions
- EX version can be cancelled into vt1 on hit or block.

qcf+p - G Burst (ex: qcf+lp)

- Diagonal travelling fireball
- Level 1 hits once
- 2 hits twice
- 3/ex hits twice, second hit is a knockdown from magma spray.
- Can cancel into other specials on second hit (like in vt1) by using
ex meter.
- l/m versions are level 2 versions

qcf+k - G Spin Kick (ex: qcf+mk)

- Incredibly hard to anti-air wheel kick
- Level 1: -5 on block, +3 on hit
- Level 2: -5 on block, +5 on hit (allows for combo followups)
- Level 3/EX: -2 on block, knockdown on hit, projectile invincible.

hcb+k - G Impact (ex: hcb+k)

- 12f command grab with juggle followups
- Level 1: Least damage, one strike, limited followups
- Level 2: More damage, two strikes, can be cancelled into specials for
additional followups
- Level 3: Most damage, three hits, can be cancelled into specials for
additional followups
- st. mp spaces this perfectly as a tick grab. Still, enough of a gap for an
8f button.

qcfx2+p - Pangaea Burst (ex: CA)

- 1-10F full invincibility
- Very unsafe on block
- 330 damage


(0 bar / lvl 1)
cr. lk, cr. lp xx srk+lk (111/213)
cr. lp, st. lk xx srk+lp (146/213)

st. lp, st. lp, st. lk xx srk+lp (159/259) (crouching only)

cr. lk, st. lp, cr. lp xx srk+lk (127/259) (crouching only)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+mp (194/270)

hcb+lk, srk+lp (150/190)

(0 bar / lvl 2) (all lvl 1 combos work here too)
b+hp xx qcf+lk, srk+mp (266/331) (works as an anti-air or
a fish off of st. mp)

hcb+lk xx qcf+lk, srk+mp (211/306)

hcb+lk, b+hp xx vs1, st. hk (229/360) (corner only)
hcb+LK, qcf+LK, f+HP, st.HK (227/365) (easier corner option)

hcb+lk xx qcf+mk, b+hp xx vs1 (206/360)

(0 bar / lvl 3)

cr. lk, cr. lp xx srk+p, srk+k (204/335)

, b+hp xx vs1 (206/359)
, b+hp xx qcf+k (242/389)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p, srk+k (271/392)

, b+hp xx vs1 (273/416)
, b+hp xx qcf+k (309/446)

hcb+lk, srk+p, srk+k (258/348)

, vs1 (210/308)

j. hp, cr. hp xx qcf+lk, st. lk xx srk+hp, srk+hk (354/562)

j. hp, cr. hp xx qcf+lk, st. lk xx srk+hp, b+hp xx vs1 (354/576) (corner only)

hcb+k xx srk+mp, srk+hk (253/322)

hcb+k xx qcf+lk, f+hp, srk+hk (289/435) (corner only)

(1 bar / lvl 1)
cr. lk, cr. lp xx srk+pp, b+hp xx vs1 (206/359)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+pp, b+hp xx vs1 (273/416)

(1 bar / lvl 2)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+mp, srk+kk (287/392)

hcb+lk xx qcf+lk, srk+mp, srk+kk (288/412)

cr. hp xx qcf+hp, cr. lp xx srk+pp, b+hp xx qcf+hp, st. hk (350/564) (corner only)

(2 bar / lvl 1)

cr. lk, cr. lp xx srk+pp, srk+kk (204/335)

, b+hp xx qcf+kk (242/389)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+pp, srk+kk (271/392)

, b+hp xx qcf+kk (309/446)

(2 bar / lvl 2)

(3 bar / lvl 1)

cr. lk, cr. lp xx srk+lk xx CA (342/213)

cr. lp, st. lk xx srk+lp xx CA (377/213)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+mp xx CA (425/270)

hcb+lk, srk+lp xx CA (414/190)

(3 bar / lvl 2)

hcb+lk xx qcf+lk, srk+mp xx CA (442/306)

(3 bar / lvl 3)
cr. lk, cr. lp xx srk+p, srk+k xx CA (402/335)

st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p, srk+k xx CA (469/392)

hcb+lk, srk+p, srk+k xx CA (489/348)


st. lp xx srk+lk (lvl 1)
xx srk+p + followups (lvl 3)

(any st. mp combo from above)

cr. hp xx stuff

st. mp (ch), b+hp xx srk+lp, srk+kk (lvl 1) (delay the srk+lp)
st. mp (ch), b+hp xx qcf+lk, srk+mp (lvl 2)
st. mp (ch), cr.hp xx stuff

f. hp (cc), st. hp xx stuff (point blank)
f. hp (cc), srk+lp (far)

n.j hk, cr. hp xx stuff


best lights to start with are his +3 buttons (st. lp, or cr. lp against 4fs)

st. lp, st. lp, cr. mp

st. lp, st. mp, cr. mp (actual combo post st. lp)
st. lp, st. mp, b+hp (greedier string, results in some incredible damage if st.
mp connects)

Okizeme (against QR):

- G has a 19f dash.
- Notation implies QR for level 1, 2, and 3 versions

srk+lp (+37/+42/+43)
srk+mp (+37/+45/+43)
srk+hp (+41/+49/+43)

srk+lk (+27/+27/+26)
- Dash, cr. lk
srk+mk (+27/+29/+26)
- (after hcb+lp), st. mp is meaty
srk+hk (+29/+30/+26)
srk+kk (+31)
- more oki than the level 3 version

vs1 (+35)
- srk+pp, b+hp xx vs1 midscreen, dash, dash to be +3.

qcf+kk (+39)
- same between level 3 and ex here

hcb+lk (+49/+54/+49)
hcb+mk (+49/+54/+49)
hcb+mk (+49/+54/+49)
hcb+kk (+49)

sweep (+22)

fthrow (+13)

bthrow (+18)

(situation based)
(level 1)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+pp, b+mp xx vs1 (+41)

(level 2)
hcb+lk xx qcf+lk, srk+mp (+46)

(level 3)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p, srk+k (+29)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p, b+hp xx qcf+hk (+41) (varies based on height, anywhere
from +1 to +3 after 2 dashes)


- Locks G to level 3, adds a single cancel off of each special, and empowers
his vs1/vs2
- Activation is an install
- Any special can be cancelled into a second special or a v-skill
- VS1 fires the barrier as a multi-hit fireball
- VS2 is armored from frames 3 to 31.
- Amount of v-timer received on activation is dependent upon g's level
- Level 1 yields half the original v-timer
- Level 2 yields the same v-timer as the original
- Level 3 yields 1.5x the original v-timer.

Activation routes: (numbers are on-block)

st. mk xx vt1 (+12)
st. hk xx vt1 (+14)
f+hp xx vt1 (+15)
srk+pp xx vt1 (+10) (50-50 on block into st. hp or command grab)
srk+kk xx vt1 (+4)

Post activation shenanigans:

generic midscreen combo:
srk+pp (first hit) xx vt1, srk+p xx vs1, srk+k xx qcf+k (267/340)
srk+kk (first hit) xx vt1, srk+P, srk+K xx qcf+K (241/324)
srk+kk (first hit) xx vt1, srk+P xx vs1, srk+K xx qcf+K (267/355)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p xx vs1, srk+k xx qcf+k (371/521)
hcb+k, srk+p xx vs1, srk+k xx qcf+k (377/504)

corner combo:
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p (first hit) xx vs1, qcf+p xx vs1, st. hk (372/563)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p (two hits) xx vs1, st. hk (333/486)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p (first hit) xx vs1, b+hp xx qcf+k xx vs1, CA (499/478)
st. mp, cr. mp xx srk+p (first hit) xx vs1, qcf+p xx vs1, CA (505/523) (more


- adds two new moves to G's arsenal. a followup hp+hk explosion, and a
devastating d+hp+hk armored command grab
- Activation is an install
- Less comeback potential and robbery than vt1, so most players don't use
- ex g smash over and smash under can be cancelled into vt2
- G Rage (command grab) consumes half your meter on activation, and does not
consume any additional v-time if it connects.

External Resources:
- yanai_0213 reset:

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