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R E V I E W S O F M O D E R N P H Y S I C S V O L U M E 2 0 , N U M B E R 3 J U L Y , 1 9 4 8

Interpretation of Cosmic-Ray Phenomena


Physics Department and Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts*

FOREWORD present, electrons are generated by materializa-

I N the present article some of the fundamental tion. Thus, genetically, electrons and photons
experiments on cosmic rays are described and form a single component which, in what follows,
an attempt is made to place their results into a will be designated as the electronic component of
logically consistent picture. The article does not cosmic rays.
cover the whole field of cosmic rays. The subject It is well known that the curve which repre-
of air showers, for instance, has been left out and sents the coincidence rate between two or more
geomagnetic effects have not been discussed Geiger-Mueller counters arranged on a straight
quantitatively. Also the historical development line as a function of the thickness of a lead
of cosmic-ray research has been largely over- absorber placed between them shows a rather
looked. Thus, both in the text and in the refer- sudden change in slope at a thickness near 10 cm,
ences, the author may have failed to mention being steeper for small thicknesses and flatter for
historically important contributions to the vari- large thicknesses. This fact is due to the presence
ous subjects considered in this article. For these in the cosmic radiation of electrons which are
omissions he offers his apologies. easily absorbable. Independently of its inter-
The author wishes to acknowledge the help pretation, it leads to an empirical separation of
given him in the preparation of this article by cosmic-ray particles into a hard component, which
Mr. M. Sands, who collected a large part of the includes all particles capable of traversing a
numerical data and contributed valuable dis- given lead thickness, and a soft component, which
cussion and criticism. He also wishes to thank includes all particles which are capable of travers-
the following persons who kindly made available ing the counter walls but are stopped by the
to him some of their unpublished results: C. D. given lead thickness. The choice of the critical
Anderson, H. Bridge, W. B. Fretter, S. E. Golian, thickness is, of course, somewhat arbitrary and
W. E. Hazen, R. I. Hulsizer, O. Piccioni, M. the subdivision of cosmic-ray particles into a
Sands, R. Sard, M. Schein, H. E. Tatel, J. hard and a soft component has a meaning only
Tinlot, G. E. Valley, R. W. Williams, L. C. because the relative intensities of the two com-
L. Yuan. ponents depends only slightly on this choice.
This work was supported in part by the Office Cloud-chamber observations of the passage of
of Naval Research. cosmic-ray particles through lead plates provide
a method for separating electrons from particles
with larger masses (mesons, protons). In fact,
1. Definitions electrons have a much larger probability than
Cosmic rays, as we observe them in the mesons or protons of producing high energy
atmosphere, contain electrons, photons, mesons photons in the lead. Therefore, they suffer larger
(possibly of different kinds), protons, neutrons, energy losses and are much more likely to
and heavier nuclear fragments. initiate showers. Since, in cloud-chamber pic-
The electron and the photon components are tures, it is often difficult to distinguish mesons
intimately related to one another, because when- from protons, it is convenient to have a name
ever electrons are present, photons are generated that applies to both kinds of particles. In what
by bremsstrahlung, and whenever photons are follows we will designate them as penetrating
* This paper was prepared as a contribution to the 1948
particles (regardless of their energy). The sub-
Solvay Conference. division of cosmic-ray particles into electrons

and penetrating particles is not identical to the exception of the integrated intensity at very
subdivision into soft and hard component, be- great altitudes). Therefore we shall consider to-
cause/while it is true that the hard component gether all experimental data obtained at latitudes
consists practically only of penetrating particles, greater than 45°.
the soft component contains beside electrons also Accurate measurements of the intensity of the
mesons and protons of low energy. hard component and of the total intensity of
To facilitate a quantitative description of the the corpuscular radiation (hard plus soft) were
various components of the cosmic radiation, we made by Greisen (G3) at 50° and at 259 m above
shall define the following quantities : sea level (1007-g cmV2 atmospheric depth). The
(a) Directional intensity, I. Idwdudt represents absorber used to separate the hard from the soft
the number of particles of a given kind incident component was 167 g cmm2 of lead. For the hard
upon the element of area dc during the time dt component, after correcting for the difference
within the element of solid angle dσ perpendicular between ‘geometric length and effective length of
to dg. I will be measured in cm-2 sec.-l steradian? a Geiger-Mueller counter (G4), the results were
IV will represent the value of I in the vertical as follows :
I, = 0.82 1O-2 cm-2 sec.+ sterad-l,
(b) Flux, J1. Jldadt represents the number of

311 = 1.26 low2 cmW2 sec.-l,

particles of a given kind traversing in a down-

J2 = 1.66 lO-2 cm-2 sec.-%

ward sense a horizontal element of area do

during the time dt. J1 is related to I by the In the above evaluation the decrease in the
equation number of coincidences caused by scattering of
particles out of the beam and the increase caused
J1 =
S I cosedw, (1) by showers have been neglected. The error thus
introduced can be estimated by comparing the
above value of J2 with another value of the same
where 8 is the angle between the vertical and
quantity measured by Greisen (G5) with an
the direction of dw and the integration is ex-
tended over the upper hemisphere. The unit for arrangement in which scattering is practically of
no consequence and the effect of showers can be
J1 is cme2 sec.-1
(c) Integrated intensity, J2. J2 is defined as corrected for. This comparison, after making
allowance for the different thickness of the ab-
J2 =
S Ido,
sorber used in the two experiments (107 g cmW2
instead of 167 g cm-2-4 percent correction)
indicates that the values of IV, J1, and J2 listed
where the integral is extended over all directions.
above should be increased by about 4 percent to
J2 is measured in crnm2 sec.% correct for the combined effect of scattering and
In this report the following notations and showers. A correction of about 3 percent in the
numerical values will be used : M= mass of the opposite direction must be applied in order to
proton = 0.935 log ev/c2, p-mass of the ordi-

obtain the intensities at sea level (1030 g cmm2).

nary meson = lo8 ev/c2, ~=lifetime of the ordi- These two corrections yield the following values :
nary meson =2.1510V6 sec., c=velocity of light
=3=1010 cm set-1 p = value of the velocity in hard component :
terms of the velocity of light, Z = atomic number, IV = 0.83 lO-2 cmB2 sec.-l sterad-l,

and A = atomic weight. Jl= 1.27 1O-2 cmP2 sec.-l,


J2= 1.68010-~ cmm2 sec.-l. (3)

2. The Hard and the Soft Components at Sea The statistical errors of the measurements are
Level and at Geomagnetic Latitudes about one percent. The systematic errors may be
Greater than 45° appreciably larger on account of the uncertainties
To this date, no variation with geomagnetic connected with the various corrections.
latitude has been detected from 45° to the pole As for the angular dependence, Greisen’s re-
for any cosmic-ray effect (with the possible sults, in agreement with previous data, indicate

that I varies very closely as the square of the value of J2 was obtained :
cosine of the zenith angle.
J2 = 2.53 . 10e2 cm-2 sec.-‘.
The total intensity is harder to measure in
absolute value than the intensity of the hard The difference between the two values of J2 is
component. Because of the large number of low hardly significant because of the statistical errors
energy particles (mainly electrons) in the cosmic of the measurements. If real, it may be ex-
radiation, the counting rate in a cosmic-ray plained as due to showers the effect of which was
telescope without any absorber between the taken into account in the second measurement
counters depends critically on the wall thickness but not in the first. We will, therefore, consider
of the counters. Also the existence of any roof the second value of J2 as the more reliable and
correct the values of 1 and J1 obtained in the
above the instrument is apt to influence the
first measurement to bring them into agreement
measurements appreciably.
with this value of Jz. After applying an altitude
In Greisen’s experiments the counter walls
correction (which, for the total intensity, amounts
were equivalent to a layer of 2.3 g cmm2 of brass
to about 5 percent) we obtain the following sea
between the sensitive volumes of the counters.
level values for the total intensities and for the
The results of a first set of experiments (G3)
intensity of the soft component, as measured
after correcting for the effective length of the
with 2.3 g cmw2 of brass between the sensitive
counters, were :
volumes of the counters:
I, = 1.23 low2 cmY2 sec.-l sterad-l,
total intensity :
J1 = 1.93 10V2 crnw2 sec.-l,
IV= 1.14 . lO-2 cmV2 sec.-l sterad-l,

J2 = 2.60 . 10e2 cmV2 sec.-l.

Jl= 1.79 . 10e2 crnA2 sec.+,
In a second experiment (G5) the following J2 = 2.41 10v2 crnA2 sec.+.



FIG. 1. Absorption curve of

“soft” cosmic-ray particles in .30
brass. The abscissa is the mini-
mum range of the soft particles
as determined by the thickness
of the counter walls. The ordi-
nate is the corresponding ratio
of intensity of the soft to that of
the hard component at sea level.


0 5 10
g cm’* Brass
540 BRUNO R O S S 1



FIG. 2. The vertical in-

tensities of the hard com-
ponent (H), of the soft
component (S), and of the
total corpuscular radiation
(T) as a function of at-
mospheric depth at geo-
magnetic latitudes greater
than 45°. Minimum range
of the soft particles: 5 g
cm-2 of brass.


200 400 600 800 1000

A t m . D e p t h (g cm’“)

Soft component (by difference) : with brass counters o f different wall thickness
can be obtained by means of the curve in Fig. 1.
IV = 0.31 . lOa cmW2 sec.-l sterad-l,
This curve is based upon some absorption meas-
Jl= 0.52 . 10m2 crnm2 sec.+,
urements in carbon by Greisen (G5). The com-
J2 = 0.73 low2 cmW2 sec.-1 (5) putation of the absorption in brass from the

The intensities of the soft component measured observed absorption in carbon was based on the

average energy losses of electrons in the two 2.3 as when measured with 5 g cme2 of brass. For
materials. This procedure is justified by the fact depths less than 250 g cmM2, measurements of
that most soft particles are electrons. The thick- different experimenters by means of balloon-
ness to be considered is the average thickness borne equipment are available (P2; M3 ; Cl).
between the sensitive volumes of the two extreme Since in some of these measurements the ground
counters for particles distributed at random, and point was not determined accurately, the balloon
is approximately equal to n(n- l)d/2 where fl is data were normalized to Sands’ curve at the
the number of counters and d the wall thickness depth of 300 g cm-2. As shown by the figure,
of each counter. the results of the various experiments differ
considerably and it is not clear whether the dis-
3. Variation of the Hard and Soft Components crepancies are due to experimental errors or to
with Altitude at Geomagnetic Latitudes fluctuations in the cosmic-ray intensity at great
Greater than 45° altitudes. There is, therefore, great uncertainty
in the value of the total intensity in the upper
Curve H in Fig. 2 represents the vertical in-
atmosphere. The curve drawn in Fig. 2 is some
tensity, IV, of the hard component as a function
kind of an average between the various experi-
of depth below the top of the atmosphere. The
mental data. Curve S is the difference between
lower part of the curve (from 1030 to 616 g cmW2,
curves T and H and represents the vertical
i.e., from sea level to 4300-m altitude) is based
intensity of the soft component as a function of
upon the measurements of Rossi, Hilberry, and
Hoag (R4), in which the cosmic-ray telescope
was well shielded against side showers. These
4. The Hard and the Soft Components
measurements are in very good agreement with
Near the Equator
those of other authors (G3 ; B2). The upper
part of the curve is based upon balloon and air- Curves T, H, and S in Fig. 3 represent the
plane measurements of Gill, Schein, and Yngve vertical intensities as a function of atmospheric
(G1). The curve is normalized at sea level to depth near the geomagnetic equator for the total
the value of Iv given in the previous section. corpuscular radiation, for the hard component
Curve T in Fig. 2 represents the total vertical and for the soft component, respectively.
intensity as a function of depth. The portion of The sea level intensities were obtained from
the curve between 1030 and 250 g cm-2 is based the values measured at latitudes greater than 45°
upon measurements made by Sands (S2) in an under the assumption of a 5 percent latitude
airplane. In Sands’ experiments the counter walls effect both for the hard and the soft component,
were equivalent to a S-g cmm2 brass absorber as indicated by the recent work of Morris,
between the sensitive volumes of the counters. Swann, and Taylor (M4).
According to Fig. 1, the vertical intensity of the The total vertical intensity at high altitudes
soft component at sea level with counter walls was obtained from the results of Millikan, Neher,
of this thickness is 0.25 lO-2 cm-2 sec.+ sterad?
?? and Pickering (M3). These results were normal-
Consequently, Sands’ measurements of the total ized by multiplying all the intensity figures
intensity were normalized at sea level to a given by Millikan, Neher, and Pickering by an
value of (0.83+0.2S)~10-2=1.08~10-2cm-2sec.-1 appropriate factor chosen so as to bring the value
sterad-l. No measurements were taken by Sands of the intensity measured at latitudes greater
in the interval from 1030 to 616 g cmW2. To fill than 45° and at a depth of 300 g cm” in agree-
this gap, the results obtained by Greisen at ment with the value given by curve T in Fig. 2.
various altitudes in the mountains were used The vertical intensity of the hard component
(G3). In these experiments, the wall thickness at high altitudes was obtained from the results
was equivalent to 2.3 g cmv2 of brass. It was of Gill et al. (G1), again normalized to the ac-
assumed that, between 1030 and 616 g cmw2, the cepted value for the intensity of the hard com-
variation with altitude in the intensity of the ponent at 300 g cme2 and at latitudes greater than
soft component is the same when measured with 45°. The latitude effect for the hard component


FIG . 3. The vertical in-

tensities of the hard com-
ponent (H), of the soft
component (S), and of the
total corpuscular radiation as
a function of atmospheric
depth near the geomagnetic
equator. Minimum range of
the soft particles: 5 g cm-2 of

200 400 600 800 1000

Atm. Depth (g cmw2)

at high elevation shown by the measurements of few centimeters of lead one concludes that, at
Gill et al. is in good agreement with the observa- sea level, electrons of energy greater than 10 Bev
tions of Morris et al. (M4). Curve S was obtained are fewer than 1 every 10,000 cosmic-ray par-
by difference from curves T and H. ticles (see, for instance, B7).
Penetrating particles with momenta less than
5. The Momentum Spectrum of Mesons about 7010~ ev/c can be separated into mesons
at Sea Level and protons by evaluating the specific ionization
As already pointed out, it is easy to distinguish from the density of their cloud-chamber tracks.
electrons from penetrating particles by the cloud- This method fails for penetrating ‘particles with
chamber method. Curvature measurements of momenta larger than about 7 . lo8 ev/c. However,
electron tracks in magnetic fields and observa- as will be shown later, there is evidence that, at
tions of shower production in lead plates have sea level, high energy protons are very scarce
shown that the energy spectrum of electrons at (it is estimated that less than 1 percent of the
sea level falls off very rapidly with energy. From penetrating particles with momenta larger than
the rate of occurrence of large showers under a 7 . lo8 ev/c are protons, see Section 20). There-

p (Mev/c)

FIG. 4. Differential momentum spectrum of mesons at sea level. The circles represent experimental determinations
by Wilson (W7). (Note: In the ordinate scale lop4 and 10e5 should read 10e8 and lo-‘, respectively.)

fore, for the determination of the momentum are normalized so as to give the vertical intensity
spectrum of mesons at sea level from cloud- of mesons per lo6 ev/c momentum range. Since
chamber pictures of cosmic-ray particles in mag- it appears that the relative number of particles
netic fields, one is justified in considering as with momenta larger than 2 Bev is a quantity
mesons all penetrating particles which cannot be which can be particularly well determined from
shown to be different from mesons by their the cloud-chamber measurements, the normaliza-
specific ionization. tion factor was chosen so as to bring the number
The circles in Fig. 4 represent the differential of particles with momenta larger than 2 Bev/c in
momentum spectrum of mesons at sea level as agreement with the absolute value for this
measured by J. G. Wilson (W7), whose results quantity determined from absorption measure-
are in good agreement with the previous determi- ments (see Section 6). The curve in Fig. 4 shows
nations of Blackett (B6) and of other authors the most reasonable estimate of the momentum
(J6 ; H5) but extend to lower momenta. The data spectrum which can be made at the present time
544 BRUNO R O S S 1


R (gem-‘)
FIG. 5. Integral range spectrum of mesons at sea level. The range is measured in g cm-2 of air. The circles
represent data obtained from the measurement of the momentum spectrum (W7), normalized at R = 920 g
cm-2 (double circle).

by considering both the measurements of mag- mesons of larger mass has been found in the
netic deflection and the absorption measurements examination of photographic emulsions exposed
(see Section 6). to cosmic rays at high elevation (L1 ; L2). The
With regard to the nature of the mesons ob- failure to find any appreciable number of such
served at sea level, while no direct information heavy mesons by the cloud-chamber method at
exists on high energy mesons, it is found that the sea level may be explained by the assumption
great majority, if not all, of the mesons which that they decay with a very short lifetime into
arrive at sea level with a sufficiently low energy ordinary mesons, so that they can only be ob-
for their mass to be determined by cloud-chamber served near the place where they are produced.
experiments, or which are brought into this low 6. The Range Distribution of Mesons
energy range by passage through matter, are at Sea Level
“ordinary” mesons with mass about equal to Ehmert (El) and Wilson (W8) have measured
200 electron masses (B6 ; F1). Evidence for the vertical intensity of cosmic rays at various

agnetic M e t h o d E - Ehmert
0 Coincidence Method W - J.G.WIlson
Q Anti -Coincidence Method W’ - V. C.Wilson
-0 D e l a y e d C o i n c i d e n c e M e t h o d s N - Nielsen et al.
R - Rossi e t a l .
S - Sands
K - Konig

R (g cmo2)
FIG. 6. Differential range spectrum of mesons at sea level. The range is measured in g cm-2 of air. The
circles represent experimental data obtained by the following authors: Ehmert (El), Koenig (Kl), Nielsen
et al. (N2), Rossi et al. (R4), Sands (S3), J. G. Wilson (W7), V. C. Wilson (W8).

depths under water and under- ground, respec- g cm-2 of air equivalent. A lead thickness of 167
tively, by means of cosmic-ray telescopes with g cme2 corresponds to an air thickness of 100 g
no lead between the Geiger-Mueller counters cmw2. Accordingly, the vertical scale in Fig. 5 is
(see also the work of Clay C2 ; C3). When plotted chosen so that the ordinate at 100 g cm-2 is equal
against equivalent absorber thickness and nor- to 0.83 . 10a2, the accepted value of IV for the hard
malized at one depth, the data of Ehmert and component at sea level.
Wilson fall on a single curve, which is repro- We will assume that the curve in Fig. 5 repre-
duced in Fig. 5. Equivalent absorber thicknesses sents the integral range spectrum of mesons at
of different materials are considered to be those sea level, i.e., that the ordinate of each point
corresponding to the ranges of mesons of the gives the number of mesons of range greater than
same energy in the two materials. The horizontal the corresponding abscissa per centimeter-square
scale in Fig. 5 represents thickness of the ab- second steradian. This assumption is justified by
sorber above the counters, from sea level, in the following Considerations : (a) The fractional
number of protons in the penetrating component than about 100 g cm -2 of lead, where the number
is negligible. (b) The fractional number of elec- of electrons becomes important and where low
trons capable of traversing 100 g cm-” of air is energy protons may also be present in appreciable
very small. Whatever electrons may be present numbers.
under 100 g crnB2 and at greater depths must be In this region, the only usable method appears
for the most part the result of secondary processes to be the method of the delayed coincidences,
of mesons, so that their number may be expected which makes use of arrangements similar to
to be proportional to the number of mesons at those employed in the measurements of the mean
all depths. This view is in agreement with lifetime of mesons. In these arrangements, mesons
Ehmert’s finding that the percent decrease in after traversing a certain thickness of lead or
counting rate caused by placing a 5-cm thick other material are brought to rest in an absorber
lead shield between the counters is the same at and subsequently decay into electrons which are
all depths, within the experimental errors. detected by Geiger-Mueller counters surrounding
Figure 6 shows the differential range spectrum the absorber. Some data obtained by this method
i, of mesons at sea level, i.e., the derivative with are shown in Fig. 6. The method of delayed
respect to R of the curve which gives the integral coincidences distinguishes unequivocally between
range spectrum. The quantity iV(R)& represents mesons and other types of particles and its
the number of mesons which arrive at sea level accuracy, as far as relative measurements are
in one second within the solid angle dw in the concerned, should be limited only by the statis-
vertical direction and are brought to rest in tical fluctuations. However, the determination of
1 gram of a light absorber after traversing a the absolute intensity of the differential range
thickness R of the same absorber. It is measured spectrum at any one point requires a computa-
in g-l sec.-l sterad-l. The experimental data tion of the probability for a decay electron, pro-
used for the determination of the differential duced in the absorber, to be recorded. The
range spectrum are shown with circles in Fig. 6. accuracy with which this calculation can be
Some of these data were obtained with the made is very questionable, among other reasons
coincidence method ; i.e., by taking differences on account of the uncertainty which still exists
between the counting rates of a cosmic-ray tele- concerning the energy of the decay electron.
scope with different absorber thicknesses above The curve in Fig. 6 represents what, on the
the counter. The accuracy of this method is basis of available data, appears to be the best
limited by the fluctuations of the cosmic-ray estimate for the differential range spectrum of
intensity and by the statistical errors, both of mesons at sea level. In drawing this curve, the
which become important at the lower end of the data obtained from the method of delayed co-
range spectrum where one has to deal with small incidences were used to determine the slope of
differences in absorber thickness. the curve between 10 and 200 g cm-2, while the
The first source of error is eliminated and the
evaluation of the absolute intensity was based on
second is greatly reduced by the use of anti-
the results of the coincidence method for thick-
coincidence methods, in which one measures
nesses greater than 150 g cmV2.
directly the fractional number of particles that
traverse a certain absorber thickness and are If mesons lose energy only by collision phe-
stopped by an additional (small) thickness. Some nomena, their distribution in range can be com-
data obtained by this method are shown in puted from their distribution in momentum (see
Fig. 6. In determining the absolute value of i, by Section 5) by making use of the theoretical
the anticoincidence method one should apply momentum-range relation (see Appendix, Sec-
corrections for scattering and for the effect of tion 27). Some data obtained by this method
secondary electrons produced by the disintegra- (magnetic method) are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6,
tion of those mesons which come to rest in the after normalizing the total number of mesons
absorber. These corrections are very uncertain. of momenta larger than 2 Bev/c to the intensity
Moreover, the coincidence and the anticoinci- of the integral range spectrum at the correspond-
dence methods fail completely for ranges smaller ing range (920 g cmB2). The agreement is very
COSM I C - R A Y P H E N O M E N A 547

r? 2
FIG . 7. Differential intensity $
of slow mesons as a function of 3
atmospheric depth.
-0 loos
i 8

400 600 800

A t m . D e p t h (g cm’-*)

good in the range interval from 920 to 4000 7. Slow Mesons at Various Altitudes
g cmw2 (momentum interval from 2 to 10 Bev/c).
The variation with altitude of the number of
The discrepancy at 8400 g cmd2 (20 Bev/c) is mesons near the end of their range was measured
probably not very significant, on account of the (R9; S3) with the method of the delayed coin-
large errors involved in the measurement of cidences (see Section 6). Three separate experi-
momenta as large as 20 Bev/c. Conceivably, the ments were made in which the range intervals
discrepancies at the low energy end of the of the mesons recorded (for vertical incidence)
spectrum may be due to the presence in the were 5 to 22, 13 to 32, and 53 to 83 g cm-2 of
cloud-chamber experiments of a strong magnetic air equivalent, respectively. No significant differ-
field which prevents some of the low energy ences between the results of t.he three measure-
particles from being recorded (even though this ments were found, indicating that, within the
effect was taken into consideration and tenta- experimental error, the differential range spec-
tively corrected for in Blackett’s and Wilson’s trum of mesons is flat between 5 g cm-2 and
experiments). 80 g cmw2 at all altitudes. The counter arrange-

ment was such as to admit particles within a range spectrum of mesons at 10 g cm-2 as given
very wide solid angle around the vertical. Conse- in Fig. 6. The curve drawn through the experi-
quently, the quantity measured was more closely mental points will be interpreted as giving the
related to the integrated intensity than to the number of mesons per second-steradian in the
vertical intensity of slow mesons. Figure 7 vertical direction which stop in one gram of air
represents the experimental data, normalized at at the various depths. This interpretation is
sea level to the absolute value of the differential based upon the assumption that the angular
distribution of slow mesons does not change
appreciably with depth, an assumption which
has not yet been tested experimentally.


8. General Considerations
The structure of cosmic rays changes gradually
as they pass through matter by virtue of processes
in which elementary particles and quanta dis-
appear or are created and of other processes in
which energy is transferred to electrons or
nucleons originally at rest. These processes can
be subdivided into three categories : electromag-
netic interactions, nuclear interactions, and spon-
taneous disintegrations. The theory of electro-
magnetic interactions has been developed in
detail from the general principles of quantum-
electrodynamics and appears to represent the
observed phenomena correctly. No well-estab-
lished theory exists for the nuclear interactions
or for the ’ phenomena of spontaneous decay.
The experimental data bearing on these two last
classes of phenomena will be reviewed briefly in
the following sections.

9. The Disappearance of Mesons

When mesons are brought to rest in an ab-

sorber, charged particles believed to be electrons
are emitted from the absorber with time delays
of the order of microseconds. (R1 ; Ml ; A4 ; R8 ;
N1; C6; C7; C8; C9; C10; M2; S8; T3.) The
delayed emission of electrons is observed only
after the absorption of positive mesons when the
absorber has a high atomic number ; it is observed
after the absorption of both positive and negative
mesons when the absorber has a low atomic
FIG. 8. Apparent lifetime of negative mesons as a func-
tion of the atomic number of the absorber. The experi- number (C7 ; Cl0 ; Vl). The probability that an
mental points were obtained with beryllium (Z = 4), sodium electron be emitted with a delay longer than t
fluoride (& = 10), magnesium (Z = 12), aluminum (Z = 13).
The three curves were computed under the assumptions after the absorption of a positive meson is repre-
that 7c is proportional to Z-3, Z-4, 2-6, respectively, and sented by an exponential law exp ( -t/7+). Within
were normalized to the experimental value for aluminum
at Z = 13. the experimental errors T+ has for all absorbers

the following value : vary as Ze4 (W1). The curves plotted in Fig. 8
represent T- as a function of Z computed from
+-= (2.15&0.1) microseconds.
Eq. (7) under the assumptions that T- varies as
The emission of electrons that follows the ab- Zm3, ZM4, and Z+, respectively. The curves are
sorption of negative mesons in elements of low fitted to the experimental data at Z= 13. It
atomic number obeys a similar law, exp( -t/+. appears that the experimental results so far
The time constant 7-, however, has different obtained are consistent with the fourth-power
values in different absorbers (T4 ; V2 ; V3 ; T5). law, but are not precise enough to establish its
In Fig. 8 the experimental values of T- that have validity.
been obtained so far are plotted against the If the capture hypothesis is correct, a relation
atomic number Z of the absorber. It appears should exist between the apparent lifetime of
that T- is practically identical to 7-t- for 224 and negative mesons, 7-, and the fractional number
decreases rapidly to a value small compared with of the absorbed negative mesons which undergo
one microsecond as Z increases from about 4 to decay. This quantity, in fact, is given by the
about 20. expression
These results are interpreted by assuming that f = T-/T. (8)
free mesons are unstable and have a natural life-
time against spontaneous decay given by Experiments are in progress to determine f for
aluminum. The results so far obtained are not
7=2.lS~tlO-~ sec. (6) sufficiently accurate to prove or disprove the
A positive meson, when stopped in an absorber, capture hypothesis.
comes to rest at a large distance from the atomic Mesons in flight, both positive and negative,
nuclei because of electrostatic repulsion, and are assumed to decay with their characteristic
decays spontaneously with its natural lifetime. lifetime r. It is believed that this phenomenon is
A negative meson, however, falls into a K orbit responsible for the anomalous absorption of
and the fact that in elements of intermediate mesons in the atmosphere; in fact, the observa-
atomic number T- is less than 7, while in ele- tion of this phenomenon furnished the first
ments of high atomic number no decay is ob- indication of the radioactive instability of mesons.
served, is attributed to the influence of the nearby It may be pointed out, however, that some
nucleus. It has been suggested that the intense difficulty seems to exist in explaining the anoma-
electric field existing in the proximity of the lous absorption quantitatively on the basis of the
nucleus may shorten the natural lifetime of value for 7 given by (6) and of the most reliable
mesons (V2). A more likely hypothesis appears determinations of the meson mass.
to be that mesons are captured by atomic nuclei.
10. The Products of the Disappearance
If 7c represents the characteristic lifetime for
of Mesons
this capture process, then the competition be-
tween decay and capture reduces the apparent Very little information is available as yet on
lifetime of negative mesons to a value T- given the products of the disintegration of mesons.
by the equation The conservation principles of energy and mo-
mentum require that at least two particles be
I/ 7--= (1,/J-)+ (l/G)* (7) produced when a meson decays. If only two
Since the radius of the meson K orbit is in- particles are produced, they go off with equal
versely proportional to the atomic number Z, and opposite momenta in the frame of reference
the density of the meson wave function at the in which the meson was at rest. Because of the
nucleus is proportional to Z3. On the other hand, principle of conservation of electric charge, one
the capture probability is proportional to the of the two particles must be charged and since
density of the meson wave function at the it must have a mass smaller than the meson
nucleus and to the number of nucleons in the mass, it must be either an electron or a particle
nucleus, which, for light elements at least, is of mass intermediate between those of the
approximately proportional to Z. Hence 7C should electron and the ordinary meson.
550 BRUNIO R O S S 1

There are experimental results showing that, the normal disintegration process. If a meson is
ordinarily at least, when a meson stops in an captured by a nucleus, one would expect the
absorber only one charged particle is emitted (W3 ; nucleus to disintegrate as a result of the energy
A2 ; V3). There is also some experimental evidence released in it by the disappearance of the meson.
showing that the decay of mesons is ordinarily No cloud-chamber pictures showing nuclear dis-
not accompanied by the emission of photons integrations at the end of meson tracks have
(H4 ; S4). If each meson disintegrates into one been reported so far, and it has been pointed out
electron and one neutral particle, then the decay by Piccioni (P3) that, if such phenomenon did
electron should always have the same energy in occur, it would hardly have escaped detection.
the frame of reference in which the meson is at Nuclear disintegrations at the end of meson
rest. If the neutral particle is a neutrino, the tracks were found in photographic emulsions
electron energy should be almost exactly one-half (P1; O 1 ; L2). I t is likely, however, that the
the rest energy of the meson, i.e., 50 Mev. If the mesons responsible for these phenomena are not
neutral particle is considerably heavier than an ordinary mesons, but rather “heavy” mesons..
electron (neutretto) the energy of the decay The possibility that nuclei after absorbing a
electron should be correspondingly smaller. If negative meson lose their excitation energy by
more than one neutral particle is produced, then y-ray emission (either directly or through the
the decay electrons should exhibit a continuous intermediary of a hypothetical short-lived meson)
energy distribution, and the average value of is being tested by Piccioni. His preliminary re-
their energy should be smaller than 50 Mev. sults indicate that no high energy y-rays are
Only two cloud-chamber pictures have been produced when mesons come to rest in iron (P3).
published so far in which one sees a meson stop
in the gas of the chamber and produce what 11. Interactions of Mesons with Matter
appears to be a decay electron, the momentum
The study of the passage of mesons through
of which can be measured by the curvature of
matter has so far failed to establish with certainty
the track in a magnetic field. One of the pictures
the existence for mesons in flight of any nuclear
(W3) gave an electron energy of about 70&35
interaction, i.e., of any interaction which cannot
Mev in fair agreement with the hypothesis of
be explained by electromagnetic phenomena.
the disintegration into an electron and a neutrino.
Direct cloud-chamber measurements of mo-
The second picture (A2) gave an electron energy
mentum losses of penetrating particles in metal
of 24 Mev, which would rather favor the
plates by Ehrenfest (E2) and by Wilson (W4;
hypothesis of the disintegration into an electron
WS), as well as the comparison between the
and a neutretto, or into an electron and several
neutrinos .I To this very scarce cloud-chamber momentum spectrum and the range spectrum of
information one may add the results of some penetrating particles at sea level discussed in
absorption experiments of Conversi and Piccioni Section 6, show that if mesons undergo any
(C9), which indicate that the range of the decay momentum loss by nuclear interactions, the
electrons cannot be much shorter than the average value of this loss is certainly small
computed range of a 50-Mev electron. The only compared with the momentum loss by collision
conclusion is that more experiments are necessary with electrons.
before one can determine with confidence the Nuclear collisions may be expected to give rise
nature of disintegration products of mesons. to large angle scattering and to reactions in which
A very obscure problem is what happens to high energy protons and mesons are produced.
the rest energy of those negative mesons, which Cloud-chamber observations of the passage of
in elements of intermediate or high atomic several thousands of cosmic-ray particles through
number seem to disappear otherwise than by metal plates at sea level show that phenomena of
this kind are extremely rare. For instance, Wilson
1 One more somewhat doubtful picture which seems to (W6) found only one case of nuclear interaction
show a 24-Mev decay electron was presented by Anderson leading to proton emission for a total thickness of
at the January meeting of the American Physical Society
in New York, 50 meters of lead equivalent traversed by pene-

trating particles. Three such cases were detected whatever solid material may be present inside the
by Brode and Starr (B11) in an experiment in chamber. Any such group of particles, whether or
which about 200 meters of lead equivalent had not accompanied by fast, lightly ionizing par-
been traversed by penetrating particles. Fretter ticles, will be described as a "star." Often the
(F3) did not find a single case of nuclear disinte- tracks can be recognized as those of protons, of
gration by penetrating particles over a path of a-particles, or of heavier nuclear fragments. The
180 meters of lead. Code (C4) observed the number of particles traveling up-ward seems to be
passage of about 450 penetrating particles comparable to that traveling downward. The
through 3.8 cm of tungsten (total equivalent lead energies of the individual star particles are of the
thickness : 30 meters). He did not find any case of o r d e r o f lo6 o r lo7 e v . T h e phenomenon i s
nuclear disintegrations, but found a few cases of interpreted as a nuclear explosion requiring an
large angle scattering which are difficult to ex- energy transfer of the order of lo8 ev or of a small
plain by Coulomb interaction. From this very multiple of this quantity from an external agent
meager experimental data and under the assump- to a nucleus. In most pictures, no track of a fast
tion that the penetrating particles undergoing ionizing particle is visible in the picture, and it is
nuclear interactions are mesons, one estimates a thus concluded that most stars are produced by
cross section between 3 and 7 . 10Vz7 cm2 per non-ionizing rays. According to Hazen the rate at
nucleus of lead for meson interactions leading to which pictures of stars are obtained is about 5
high energy nuclear disintegrations or to large times greater at 4300-meters than at 3 0 0 0 - m e t e r s
angle scattering. On the other hand, this cross altitude.
section may well be much smaller and even zero (b) Cloud-chamber pictures of “penetrating
because it is likely that most, and it is possible showers. “- (See, among others, F2 ; J2 ; S7 ; P4;
that all, of the observed nuclear interactions are H1 ; R3.) Some cloud-chamber pictures show
produced by high energy protons. groups of lightly ionizing penetrating particles
Some experiments indicating that part of the diverging in a general downward direction from a
small angle scattering of mesons in matter is common point located either outside or inside the
caused by phenomena different from C o u l o m b cloud chamber (however, no picture of a group of
interaction, have been reported by Sinha (S9) particles originating in the gas has been reported
and Shutt (S7). The evidence, however, does not so far). These groups of particles will be called
appear to be completely convincing. In any case, “penetrating showers.” The particles of a pene-
this phenomenon, interesting as it may be on its trating shower from their specific ionization
own merit, would not affect appreciably the be- appear to be singly charged and to have rela-
havior of mesons. Thus we feel justified in tivistic velocities. A few of them were recognized
as protons, a few others as mesons. Ho-wever, in
disregarding nuclear interactions of ordinary
the majority of the cases their nature could not be
mesons in the general description of cosmic-ray
determined, so that the proportion of mesons and
protons in the penetrating showers is not known.
12. Stars and Penetrating Showers Also, perhaps with one or two exceptions (H1 ;
R3), it has not been possible to establish that the
A number of observations have brought to mesons in penetrating showers are ordinary
light several secondary cosmic-rav phenomena mesons. Occasionally, low energy protons, (x-
which clearly indicate the existence of nuclear particles, or heavier nuclear fragments are seen to
interactions. Among such observations are the originate from the same center as the high energy
following : penetrating particles, indicating that sometimes
(a) Cloud-chamber pictures of “stars.‘‘--(See, at least the production of penetrating showers is
among others, Dl ; H2 ; P4.) By expanding cloud accompanied by nuclear disintegrations. Even if
chambers at random, pictures are occasionally this is always the case, as appears likely, the low
obtained which show groups of heavily ionizing energy products of the disintegrations will be
particles diverging at wide angles from a point in detected only seldom, namely, when the radiating
the gas, in the walls of the chamber, or in point happens to be separated from the sensitive
552 BRUNO R O S S 1

volume of the chamber by a very small absorber small number of heavily ionizing particles from a
thickness. A penetrating shower is interpreted as star. The two phenomena can be separated by
a reaction in which mesons are produced and the recording simultaneously the pulses of two or
nucleus explodes into a number of low energy more ionization chambers arranged close to one
fragments and a few high energy nucleons. The another. Air showers will produce pulses of com-
energy transfer required for such a phenomenon parable size in all chambers while nuclear dis-
is of the order of log ev or more. Penetrating integrations will produce mostly pulses in single
showers seem to be produced in comparable chambers, occasionally pulses in two, and very
numbers by ionizing and by non-ionizing rays. seldom in more than two chambers. Moreover,
Pictures of penetrating showers were obtained multiple pulses produced by nuclear disintegra-
both with random expansions and with expansions tions will be usually of unequal sizes. By this
controlled by Geiger-Mueller counters arranged method it was shown by Rossi and Williams
so as to favor the recording of this particular (R10) that at 3500-meters altitude about 98
event. With random expansions, stars appear percent of the pulses, corresponding to an energy
more frequently than penetrating showers. loss of more than 6 Mev in a thin-walled cylin-
(c) Stars in photographic emulsions.-Nuclear drical ionization chamber of about 2-liter volume
explosions, of the same type as those which are and filled with argon at 5-atmosphere pressure,
responsible for the cloud-chamber pictures of are caused by nuclear disintegrations and only 2
stars, are presumably the origin of the “stars” percent by air showers. The characteristics of the
which are found in the microscopic examination chamber and the bias are here explicitly stated
of photographic emulsions. In general, high because the number of bursts produced by
energy nuclear events cannot be distinguished showers relative to the number of bursts pro-
from those of low energy by the photographic duced by nuclear disintegrations increases greatly
method because particles of relativistic velocity as the gas pressure or the bias is increased.
do not leave detectable tracks in the emulsion Some preliminary results on the rate of occur-
and, therefore, in both cases only the low energy rence of bursts at various altitudes are presented
protons and nuclear fragments are usually de- in Fig. 9. These results were obtained by
tected. The recent improvements of the photo- the following experimenters : Bridge (B7 ; B9) and
graphic technique, however, have made it possi- Williams (R10) on the ground (both at sea level
ble to detect the production of low energy mesons and at various altitudes in the mountains) ;
in nuclear explosions (L1 ; L2). Bridge (B7) in an airplane ; Hulsizer (H6) with
The rate of production of stars increases rapidly balloon-borne equipment; Tatel and Van Allen
with height. According to the recent experiments (T2) with chambers installed in the warhead of a
of Perkins (Pl), the increase is by a factor of 10 rocket. All of the experiments with the exception
from sea level to 3600-meters and by another of Hulsizer’s were made with two-liter cylindrical
factor of 2 from 3600-meters to 4300-meters This chambers of the type described above. The
corresponds to an approximately exponential chamber used in Hulsizer’s balloon measurements
dependence on atmospheric depth with an “ab- was of similar design but of smaller dimensions.
sorption thickness” of about 135 g cm-2. With this chamber measurements were taken also
at 9 0 0 0 - m e t e r altitude aboard an airplane, and
13. Ionization Bursts the results were used to normalize the data to
those obtained by Bridge at the same elevation.
The observation of “bursts” in ionization As already pointed out, at 3500 meters only a
chambers provides a convenient method for very small fraction of the bursts observed are
studying the variation in the rate of occurrence of caused by air showers. On the other hand, in the
nuclear reactions as a function of altitude or of lower part of the atmosphere, the variation with
other parameters. In a thin-walled unshielded altitude in the rate of occurrence of air showers of
ionization chamber, bursts can be produced by the particle density required to produce the ob-
the passage through the chamber either of a large served pulses does not seem to differ greatly from
number of electrons from an air shower or of a the variation with altitude in the rate of occur-

Ion Chamber On Ground

Ion Chamber In Airplane
ton Chamber In Balloons
Ion Chamber In Rocket (Uncorrected)
Ion Chamber In Rocket (Corrected)
Slow Neutrons
Agnew et al.
Williams -&
0 Normalization Point
Hulsizer 0 Normalization Point
Yuan et al.
FIG . 9. Counting rates of un-
shielded ionization chambers and
of slow neutron detectors at
different atmospheric depths. All
the data are normalized to the
counting rate per minute of a
cylindrical ionization chamber
7.5 cm in diameter, 52 cm long,
filled with argon at 5 atmos-
pheres pressure and biased at 8
Mev. For the slow neutron data
of Agnew et al. and of Yuan et al.
the normalization point is at 310
g cm-2 For the slow neutron
data of Funfer the normalization
point is at 1030 g cm? The
straight portion of the solid line
represents the exponential func-
tion exp(-x/138). The broken
curve represents the function
exp( -xX/138)
+ (x/l38)Ei( -x/138).
Note: It the ordinate scale 10-l,
10, 102, and 103 should read 10m2,
1, 10, and 102, respectively.

400 600 800

Atm. Depth (g cm”)

rence of bursts, while beyond 5000 meters, air likely that an appreciable number of bursts were
showers increase less rapidly than bursts with produced by showers generated in the heavy
increasing altitude (K2). Thus, it is safe to material which, in these experiments, was present
assume that the contribution of air shower to the in the neighborhood of the chambers. Since four
burst rates shown in Fig. 9 is small at all alti chambers were used, it is possible to discriminate
tudes. In the rocket experiments, however, it is against these events by rejecting all cases in

which two or more chambers exhibit pulses of ence in the atmosphere of neutrons with thermal
comparable size. The same selection rule can he and epithermal velocities. These neutrons are
applied to the measurements carried out by usually detected by means of boron counters.
Williams at 3500 meters with four chambers of Since the cross section for the boron (n, cr> reac-
the same type. One then finds that the bursts so tion is inversely proportional to the neutron
selected increase by a factor of 73 from 3500 velocity, we may assume that the counting rate
meters to a point outside the atmosphere. This of a boron detector is a measure for the density of
result is shown by the square in Fig. 9. Below slow neutrons.
10,000 meters, the curve of the burst rate vs. Most of the observed neutrons are probably
depth is represented within the experimental produced with energies of the same order of
errors, by the law exp ( -x/La) with L, = 138 g magnitude as the ionizing star particles ; i.e., with
cm-2. This absorption thickness is not appreci- energies of about lo7 ev. They are then slowed
ably different from the one which represents the down, first by inelastic collisions, then by elastic
altitude dependence of the rate of production of collisions with atomic nuclei in air, until eventu-
stars in photographic plates. ally they are captured by nitrogen through an
The data shown in Fig. 9 refer to ionization (n, p) process. According to Bethe, Korff, and
pulses larger than 8 Mev. It may be noted that Placzek (B4), the average distance traveled by a
approximately the same curve is obtained for all neutron from the place of production to the place
bias settings between 5 and 10 Mev, at least for of absorption is of the order of 150 g cm-2. Thus
depths larger than 250 g cm-“. at distances from the top of the atmosphere large
c o m p a r e d w i t h 1 5 0 g cm-” t h e slow n e u t r o n
14. Protons, a-Particles, and Neutrons density should vary as the rate of occurrence of
of Low Energy nuclear disintegrations. This is borne out by ex-
Cloud-chamber observations and examination periments, as shown in Fig. 9 where the slow
of photographic emulsions reveal the existence in n e u t r o n d a t a o b t a i n e d b y F u n f e r (F4), b y
the atmosphere of a certain number of slow Agnew, Bright, and Froman (Al), and by Yuan
protons and α-particles, which seem to have an and Ladenburg (Y2) are plotted along with the
approximately random directional distribution. data on burst production in thin walled ionization
According to Perkins (P1), between sea level chambers.
and 4300 meters the number of single tracks in
photographic emulsions increases with altitude at 15. Production of Electronic Radiation in
the same rate as the number of stars. Nuclear Interactions
It is natural to assume that the observed slow Some of the electrons and photons in the
protons and a-particles are produced in nuclear atmosphere arise from the decay of ordinary
interactions of the same kind as those which give mesons and from electromagnetic interactions of
rise to the stars in the photographic emulsions. these particles with matter (mainly collision
Under this assumption, the ratio of the number of processes). However, definite experimental evi-
single tracks to the number of stars can be calcu- dence has been obtained recently for the produc-
lated from the observed range distribution of star tion of electronic radiation in processes of a
particles and the average number of particles per different kind, which appear to involve nuclear
star. It is stated by Perkins that the results of interactions.
this calculation are in agreement with the experi- Cloud-chamber pictures have been reported
mental data. The fact that the ratio of single which show the simultaneous appearance of stars
tracks to stars is approximately the same at sea and electronic tracks (D1). Other cloud-chamber
level and at 4300 meters indicates that neither pictures have been published in which one sees
the average number of particles per star nor the showers containing both electrons and pene-
range distribution of the star particles changes trating particles (F2 ; B10).
appreciably between these two altitudes. In another type of experiment (B8) an ioniza-
Another cosmic-ray effect presumably con- tion chamber was placed some distance below a
nected with nuclear disintegrations is the pres- tray of Geiger-Mueller counters and a 15-cm

thick lead shield was placed between the two The purpose of the lead between the ionization
instruments (see Fig. 10A). Some of the pulses chamber and the cloud chamber was to filter out
from the ionization chamber were found to be the electronic radiation. A large fraction of the
time-coincident with pulses from the Geiger- pictures taken with this arrangement showed
Mueller tray and were interpreted as caused by penetrating particles. Thus the experimental re-
electronic showers produced in the lead by sults are consistent with the assumption that
ionizing particles coming from above. These par- penetrating particles are always produced in the
ticles cannot be electrons because electrons capa- nuclear events which give rise to electron showers.
ble of producing showers of the observed size (35 On the other hand, it is still uncertain whether or
particles or more) through 15 cm of lead must not penetrating showers are always accompanied
have an energy of at least 1012 ev and electrons of by electronic radiation. The fact that in a large
this high energy are too scarce to account for the fraction of the pictures of penetrating showers no
observed coincidence rates. The possibility that electron tracks are visible does not provide
the observed showers may be produced by ordi- crucial evidence against production of electrons
nary mesons through collision or radiation proc- because the electronic part of a shower is much
esses is ruled out by the altitude dependence of more readily absorbable than the penetrating
the effect. Some preliminary experiments (B8) part and, therefore, will be detected only if the
showed that the coincidence rate increases by a center of radiation is not located too far inside the
factor of several hundreds from sea level (1030 absorber.
g cmW2) to 9000 meters (310 g cm-22). For the
same altitude interval the total penetrating com- 16. Hard Showers
ponent increases only by a factor of 6 and pre- Coincidences are occasionally observed be-
sumably the number of mesons with sufficiently tween Geiger-Mueller counters placed out of line
large energy to produce collision or radiation and separated by large thicknesses of lead.
showers of the observed size increases by an even Janossy (J1) has shown that the cosmic-ray
smaller factor. (Further data on the altitude de- events responsible for these coincidences cannot
pendence of burst production by penetrating be identified with ordinary cascade showers.
particles are given in Fig. 12.) These events will be referred to as hard showers.
A more detailed study of the shower production Two typical arrangements for the observation of
by penetrating particles was made with the ex- hard showers are shown in Fig. 11.
perimental arrangement shown in Fig. 10B (B10). The nuclear interactions responsible for the
The cloud chamber contained eight i-in. lead production of hard showers are presumably of the
plates and was triggered by the coincidences be- same type as those discussed previously in which
tween the Geiger-Mueller tray and the ionization penetrating particles are generated either alone
chamber. A number of pictures were obtained or in conjunction with electronic radiation. One
which show electron showers initiated in the lead
plates by penetrating particles. Some of the
showers were quite large and implied a lower
limit of the order of lOlo ev for the energy of the
penetrating particle from which they originate.
Two-thirds of these pictures showed penetrating
Cloud Chamber

particles, and/or stars associated with the elec-

tron showers. Occasionally, one of the penetrating
particles could be identified as a meson. In the
remaining one-third of the pictures the density of
the electron shower was so great as to make it
impossible to detect penetrating particles if any
were present. In order to obtain more information
on the penetrating component of the showers, the FIG. 10. Experimental arrangements for the investigation
experiment was rearranged as shown in Fig. 10C. of shower production by penetrating particles.

has to keep the possibility in mind that some of 17. Origin of the Nuclear Events.
the particles arising in these nuclear interactions The N-Component
may be capable of producing further nuclear
interactions. If this is the case, such multiple It is possible that all kinds of rays, provided
interactions may play an essential role in the pro- they possess sufficiently high energies, are capable
duction of hard showers on account of the very of producing nuclear reactions of the types de-
large amount of material which surrounds the scribed in the preceding sections. It appears cer-
Geiger-Mueller counters. No detailed discussion tain, however, that the cross section for nuclear
interactions is very different for the different
will be given here of the many experimental re-
sults concerning hard showers which were ob- types of rays. It is thus convenient, f r o m a
phenomenological point of view, to consider the
tained by Janossy and his collaborators. We shall
only mention that the rate of occurrence of hard rays which are mainly responsible for the nuclear
events as forming a separate component of the
showers has been found to increase rapidly
with decreasing atmospheric depth. Janossy and cosmic radiation, which, for the sake of brevity,
will be called the N-component. The question
Rochester (J5) investigated the barometric effect
of hard showers and found a 10 percent increase then arises as to the nature of this component.
(a) Mesons in the momentum range from 3 . IO0
in the shower rate for l-cm Hg decrease in
atmospheric pressure. Some preliminary data on to 1O1O ev/c. - These particles form the bulk of the
hard component of cosmic rays at sea level. Since
the altitude variation of hard showers obtained
recently by Tinlot (T6) are shown in Fig. 12. all nuclear effects increase with altitude much
more rapidly than the hard component, one con-
These data as well as the barometric effect are
cludes that not more than a negligible fraction of
consistent with a dependence on depth of the
the nuclear events of any kind observed at high
form exp(-x/La) with L = 125 g cmw2. A similar
altitudes can be produced by mesons in the mo-
rate of increase of counting rate with decreasing
mentum range specified above.
atmospheric depth was obtained by Sala and
(b) Mesons of momentum less than 3 . log ev/c.-
Wataghin (S1) with an arrangement designed to
These mesons cannot produce high energy nuclear
favor the recording of hard showers coming from
the air rather than those generated locally. reactions but might conceivably produce reac-
tions of comparatively low energy, for instance,
Some data on burst production by penetrating
particles at various altitudes, obtained by Bridge stars. In fact it has been often suggested that
most of the stars may be produced by nuclear
(B9) with the equipment shown in Fig. 10A, are
included in the graph of Fig. 12. There seems to absorption of ordinary negative mesons. This
hypothesis is disproved by the fact that, as
be some indication that burst production in-
already mentioned, no cloud-chamber evidence
creases with altitude somewhat more rapidly than
hard showers, but the difference is not outside of for such an effect exists. Actually, in most cloud-
c h a m b e r pictures of stars no track is visible that
the experimental errors.
could possibly be attributed to a slow meson.
Moreover, the number of slow mesons increases
with altitude less rapidly than the number of stars.
(c) Mesons of momentum larger than lO1O ev/c.-
The possibility that mesons of very high energy
may be responsible for a large fraction of the
nuclear events cannot be ruled out. One would
have to assume that the cross section for nuclear
~-l A

interactions is so large as to determine a fast ab-

IOCln w8

FIG. 11. Two experimental arrangements for the study of

hard showers. A (J3) ; a record is obtained whenever one sorption of these mesons in the atmosphere.
counter in each of the seven groups shown in the diagram is (d) Electrons and photons.-The following ex-
discharged. B (T6) : a record is obtained whenever any two
counters in each of the three horizontal trays is discharged. perimental evidence shows that electrons and
(The two vertical trays shown in the figure can be used to photons do not play an important role in the
provide supplementary information on the structure of the
showers.) production of nuclear events.

FIG . 12. Hard showers and

burst production by penetrating
ionizing particles as a function of
atmospheric depth. Hard showers
were observed with the arrange-
ment shown in Fig. 11B ; the
counters were 2.5 cm in diameter,
25 cm long. Burst production by
penetrating particles was ob-
served with the arrangement
shown in Fig. 10A; the counters
were 2.5 cm in diameter, 50 cm
long; the chamber was 7.5 cm in
diameter, 52 cm long; it was
filled with argon at 5 atmos-
pheres pressure and was biased
so as to record pulses larger than
3.2 Mev. Ordinates are actual
counts per hour.

4 0 0 600 800
A t m . D e p t h (g crf?)

(1) With a cloud chamber operated under lead, of the radiation which produces the latter has
one obtains pictures of stars and of penetrating been measured roughly (R10). It was found that
showers which do not show any electron tracks. about 30 cm of lead are necessary to reduce its
The probability of a high energy photon emerging intensity to 30 percent. The number of high
from a lead shield unaccompanied by a shower of energy electrons and photons under 30 cm of lead
electrons is extremely small. is certainly much less than 30 percent of their
(2) The analysis of photographic plates ex- number in the atmosphere.
posed under thick lead shields shows that the (e) Protons and neutrons.-It appears virtually
star-producing radiation is not much weaker certain that high energy nucleons play an im-
under lead than in the free atmosphere (P1). portant part in the observed nuclear events even
(3) By means of a group of ionization cham- though they may not be solely responsible for
bers, arranged so as to make it possible to dis- them. It is experimentally known that neutrons
criminate between showers and nuclear disinte- with energies near lo8 ev exhibit a cross section
grations (see Section 13), the absorption in lead for nuclear interactions of the same order of

magnitude as that indicated by the absorption of and present a general picture of cosmic-ray
the N-radiation (H3). Moreover, if there is any phenomena.
truth in the current assumption that mesons are For this purpose we consider first the experi-
related to nuclear forces, one is led to the con- mental facts bearing on the nature of the primary
clusion that where sufficient energy is available cosmic radiation.
mesons must be produced in the interactions be- (a) It is known from the latitude effect that
tween two nucleons. The penetrating showers the primary cosmic radiation contains a large
may well be the manifestation of such meson pro- proportion of electrically charged particles with
duction processes. momenta between 4.5 and 15 Bev/c. The “knee”
(f) New particles. - It is possible that the N- in the latitude curve shows that there are com-
component contains particles (charged or un- paratively few particles if any with momenta
charged), different from electrons, protons, or below 4.5 Bev/c.
ordinary mesons. Experimental evidence for the (b) From the East-West effect it is known that
existence of such particles has been brought for- most, and possibly all, of the penetrating particles
ward recently by Occhialini, Powell and their col- observed at altitudes between sea level and 9000
laborators (L1 ; L2). The findings of these experi- meters originate from positively charged pri-
menters give some support to the assumption that maries (J7 ; S5 ; Y 1 ; S6).
these particles interact strongly with nuclei. They (c) Ordinary mesons, on account of their short
also point to the possibility that ordinary mesons lifetime, cannot be part of the primary radiation.
do not arise directly in nuclear interactions, but (d) It appears from the altitude dependence of
as the disintegration products of heavier particles the phenomena discussed in Sections 12 to 16
which, in turn, are produced in nuclear inter- that primary cosmic rays exhibit strong nuclear
actions. interactions as a consequence of which they are
Recently there has been much theoretical rapidly absorbed in the atmosphere. In fact no
speculation concerning neutral mesons. It is pos- cosmic-ray effect can decrease with increasing
sible, and even likely on theoretical grounds, that atmospheric depth any faster than the primary
the electron showers which accompany nuclear radiation from which it originates, either directly
interactions may arise from photons produced by or indirectly.
the decay of short lived neutral mesons. (e) It has been pointed out by Schein (S5) that
In conclusion, there appears to be very little there does not appear to be any large number of
doubt that what we have called the N-radiation electrons or photons in the primary cosmic radia-
consists to a large extent of high energy protons tion. An experiment has been carried out recently
and neutrons and it is possible that it contains in to investigate this important question quanti-
addition new types of particles. If these particles tatively (H6). A cylindrical ionization chamber
have very short lives, it may be difficult to 5 cm in diameter, 10 cm long, and covered with a
separate experimentally their effects from those l-in. thick lead shield was sent to a high altitude
arising directly in the nuclear interactions in by means of balloons. The ionization bursts
which they are produced. greater than a certain size were recorded. This
size was chosen to correspond to the ionization
III. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF produced by 80 lightly ionizing particles travers-
COSMIC-RAY PHENOMENA ing the chamber perpendicular to its axis. This is
18. The Primary Radiation the average size of a shower generated in the lead
shield by a 4.5-Bev electron or photon. At 27,000
Through the study of the structure of cosmic meters (20-g cm-2 depth) 300 bursts per hour
rays, of the interactions of the various cosmic-ray were detected. Comparison with the counting
components with matter, of the altitude, latitude, rate of an unshielded chamber indicates that
and directional dependence of different cosmic- probably fifty percent of these pulses were due to
ray effects, enough information has been ob- nuclear disintegrations in the walls or the gas of
tained to justify an attempt to bridge the gaps in the chamber (see Section 13). If we assume that
our knowledge with reasonable hypotheses all of the bursts are produced by showers from

the lead and consider the geometry of the experi- the atmosphere. In these interactions the nuclei
mental arrangement, we obtain as an approxi- are disrupted and nucleons of various energies are
mate upper limit for the integrated intensity of emitted. In the same interactions, elementary
electrons and photons of energy above 4.5 Bev: particles are created which either are identical
with ordinary mesons or disintegrate subse-
J2 = 3 lO-3 cm-2 sec.-l at x = 20 g cmw2.
quently into ordinary mesons. Electrons and/or

Since 20 g cm-22 is about + of a radiation length in photons are also created, again either directly or
air, the integrated intensity of high energy elec- through the intermediary of short lived mesons.
trons and photons at the top of the atmosphere The electronic component of cosmic rays arises
cannot be much greater than the value given partly from these electrons and/or photons, and
above. On the other hand, the value of & for the partly from the decay and other secondary
total incoming radiation is approximately 0.4 processes of ordinary mesons. The N-component
crnd2 sec.-l (see Section 25). Thus we conclude consists of those primary particles which pene-
that not more than about one percent of the pri- trate the atmospheric layer to the point of obser-
mary particles are electrons or photons with vation, of high energy nucleons released in
energies above 4.5 . log. Actually, there is no need nuclear collisions, and possibly of new particles
to assume the existence of any high energy (other than ordinary mesons) produced in these
electrons or photons in the primary radiation collisions.
since the few showers observed may be produced
by nuclear interactions of high energy protons 19. Cosmic-Ray Phenomena Outside
(see Section 15). In any case, it can be considered the Atmosphere
as established that no major part of the cosmic-
Cosmic-ray experiments have been performed
ray phenomena can be ascribed to high energy recently by means of rockets at altitudes up to
electrons or photons in the primary radiation. about 160 kilometers. The results obtained above
The facts listed above favor strongly the con- the altitude at which the residual pressure is
clusion that the primary cosmic radiation consists about 2.5 g cm-22 are considered as reflecting the
almost entirely of high energy protons (J7 ; SS).
properties of cosmic rays in the free space.
Indeed, the only alternative conclusions are: In some experiments, elaborate arrangements
(a) that the primary radiation consists in part of of Geiger-Mueller tubes and absorbers were used
nuclei heavier than the hydrogen nucleus, and in an effort to measure the penetration and to
(b) that there exist stable elementary particles
study the secondary effects of the cosmic radia-
other than electrons and protons. Unlikely as
tion outside the atmosphere. The results obtained
these alternatives may appear, they cannot be
by Golian and Krause (G2), which are in at least
ruled out on the ground that such hypothetical
qualitative agreement with those of other experi-
components of the primary radiation have never
been detected near sea level, as this may be a menters, will be described here in some detail.
consequence of the rapid absorption in the atmos- The equipment is shown in Fig. 13. Various
phere which is an established property of the combinations of coincidences and anticoinci-
primary radiation. dences between the Geiger-Mueller counters were
In the .phenomenological approach to the recorded. Some of the most significant results ob-
cosmic-ray problem that we are following, we tained are summarized in Table I. One or more
shall assume that the primary radiation consists of numbers in a bracket indicate counters connected
positively charged particles, different from electrons together as a tray. Sums of brackets signify
and from ordinary mesons, which interact strongly coincidences between trays. A subtracted bracket
with atomic nuclei. Even though we believe that indicates a tray in anticoincidence such that the
these particles are protons, we choose to denote discharge of any counter in that tray prevents the
them by the less specific name of primary cosmic recording of the associated coincidence event.
rays. We then obtain the following broad picture It was found also that when an event of
of cosmic-ray phenomena. The primary cosmic the type (1)+(3)+(6)+(7, 8, 9), (1)+(3)+(6)
rays interact with atomic nuclei as they penetrate +(10, 11, 12), or (1)+(3)+(6)+(13, 14, 15) oc-

TABLE I. Counting rates recorded in free space with the coincidence rates, a value for the number of
counter arrangement shown in Fig. 13.
incident particles.
Event Counts per minute (c) There is a large number of cases in which
the unshielded counters of the telescope (1, 3, 6)
(1)+(3)+(6) 219
(1)+(3)+(6)-(2, 4, 5) 68 are discharged while the shielded counters
(1)+(3)+(6)+(10, 11, 12) 144 (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) are not.
(1)+(3)+(6)+(13, 14, 15) 98
(1)+(3)+(6)+(13, 14, 15)-(2, 4, 5) 40 Since there is no heavy material above the in-
strument, one must assume, in order to explain
observation (b), that most of the secondary
curs, often more than one counter in the trays processes detected bv the counter array take
(7, 8, 9) or (10, 11, 12) or (13, 14, 15) is discharged. place in the lead shield. This shield is placed
From an examination of these data the follow- below counters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We conclude, there-
ing facts stand out : fore, that many of the secondary particles are
(a) The cosmic-ray particles observed outside produced at large angles with respect to the direc-
the atmosphere have a large probability of pro- tion of the incident particles. The requirement of
ducing secondary effects. a large angular spread is somewhat mitigated by
(b) When a coincidence occurs between coun- the fact that outside of the atmosphere the
ters of a vertical cosmic-ray telescope it is ac- number of particles arriving at an angle from the
companied in more than 50 percent of the cases vertical between 8 and 0+dB with the vertical is
by discharges of counters placed outside of the proportional to sin&@. Thus a large proportion of
beam defined by the telescope. Thus, with the the primary particles reach the instrument in
experimental arrangement used, most of the co- nearly horizontal directions. The existence of
incidences between counters on a straight line are nuclear cosmic-ray processes in which secondary
not caused by a single particle traversing the particles are produced with large angular di-
counters but rather by groups of particles arising vergence is confirmed by some of the cloud-
in secondary processes. It is therefore difficult ,to chamber pictures of penetrating showers. The
obtain, from the observed coincidence or anti- arguments presented in Section 28 of the Ap-
pendix indicate that it is not unreasonable to
expect large angles of emission even for particles
of considerable energy if we assume that the
nuclear interactions in which the secondary par-
ticles are produced can be described as collisions
between two free nucleons.
Result (c) seems to indicate the existence in the
radiation incident on the top of the atmosphere
of particles which are stopped by moderate thick-
nesses of lead and do not produce any secondary
particles capable of discharging Geiger-Mueller
counters under the lead. Perhaps one should not
accept this interpretation at face value. As
Table I shows, in 80 percent of the cases in which
counters 1, 3, 6 are discharged and 13, 14, 15 are
not, there is a pulse in the side counters 2, 4, 5. It
is therefore difficult to be sure that the com-
paratively few cases where 1, 3, 6 are discharged
and neither 13, 14, 15 nor 2, 4, 5, are, actually
represent particles crossing counters 1, 3, 6 and
stopping in the 12 cm of lead between 6 and
FIG. 13. Arrangement of G-M counters in the warhead of a
13, 14, 15. If the interpretation is correct, how-
rocket (from Golian and Krause G2). ever, one is led to the conclusion that many of

the particles observed at the top of the atmos- N-rays. In both types of experiments the proba-
phere are not primaries since it is difficult to see bility of detection is greatest for vertical rays.
how a particle with sufficient energy to traverse The altitude dependence of these phenomena
the geomagnetic barrier can stop in 12 cm of lead should therefore represent the altitude depend-
without producing any secondary particles which ence of the vertical intensity of high energy
emerge from under the lead. The presence of N-rays. The experimental results, shown in
secondary particles at the top of the atmosphere Fig. 12, indicate that this intensity is an ap-
can be understood if secondary particles are pro- proximately exponential function of atmospheric
duced with a large angular spread. If a charged depth and that the absorption thickness L, is of
particle is projected upwards with a momentum the order of 125 g cm-?
smaller than the geomagnetic cut-off, the particle The attenuation of the high energy component
itself, or its charged disintegration products, will of the N-radiation with increasing atmospheric
be brought back to the earth again by the earth’s depth cannot be considered as a simple absorp-
magnetic field. Thus, the secondary particles at tion process. In other words, we cannot assume
the top of the atmosphere will travel in all direc- that the N-rays present at a certain depth are all
tions, both upwards and downwards, except that primary particles which have failed to undergo
no ordinary mesons or particles with comparable any nuclear collision in the air layer above. In-
or shorter lifetime should be present in the down- deed there is evidence that a large proportion of
ward stream. A theoretical estimate of the energy the high energy N-rays observed some distance
projected upwards is given in the Appendix below the top of the atmosphere are of a second-
(Section 29). ary nature, and are probably protons and neu-
trons released in nuclear collisions.
20. High Energy Nuclear Events Cloud-chamber observations show that approx-
The N-radiation has been defined phenomono- imately equal numbers of penetrating showers are
logically as that component of cosmic rays which produced by ionizing and by non-ionizing rays
is responsible for nuclear interactions. Therefore, (P4). The same is true for hard showers detected
any measurements of the rate of occurrence of by counter experiments (54). On the other hand
nuclear events may be considered as a measure- (see Section 18), we believe that no appreciable
ment of the intensity of the N-radiation. It is number of neutral particles are present in the
hardly necessary to point out that different primary radiation.
methods of detection of the N-radiation weigh The question then arises as to the relation be-
the various components of this radiation differ- tween the absorption thickness L, which de-
ently and are selective in a different manner to termines the variation with depth of high energy
rays coming in the various directions. Thus, one N-rays and their collision thickness L, which
should not be surprised if nuclear events of represents the average distance they travel be-
different kinds show a different altitude depend- fore undergoing a nuclear encounter. For the
ence. Indeed from the rate of occurrence of the moment, we can only say that L, cannot be
various nuclear effects at various altitudes it smaller than LC. It may be, however, that L, is
should be possible to determine the variation appreciably larger than Lc. It is possible, for in-
with altitude of the total intensity, the composi- stance, that in a large fraction of the nuclear
tion, the energy distribution, and the angular collisions, the N-particles lose only a small frac-
dependence of the N-radiation. tion of their energy. It is possible also that the
The experimental data available to date are propagation of the N-radiation through the
still incomplete so that whatever conclusions are atmosphere is a “cascade” phenomenon in which
reached at the present time will be necessarily of the absorption thickness depends on the energy
a preliminary nature. spectrum of the radiation somewhat as in the
We shall consider in this section the results of case of electronic cascades, in which multiplica-
the observations on burst production by pene- tion continues until the energy of the secondary
trating particles and on hard showers. Both of particles fall below the “critical energy.”
these phenomena are caused by high energy It is reasonable to assume, on theoretical

TABLE II. Tentative estimates of the numbers of protons with momenta larger than about 4*10* ev/c,
in various energy ranges. It is assumed that the variation
of these numbers with depth obeys an exponential law which corresponds to the minimum momentum
exp(-x/La) with L, = 125 g cmW2. Momenta are measured of a proton capable of traversing the amount of
in lo* ev/c; ranges in g cmA2 of air.
material between the sensitive volume of the
chamber and the lower counter. From Anderson’s
Quantity Unit
sea level
measurements one can estimate that at 9000
No. of particles cm-2 sec.-l sterad-1 -10-Z at 3* IO-5
meters the number of protons with momenta be-
4 < p < 10
(6 < R < 100)
9000 m
tween 4*10s ev/c and log ev/c is about 20
No. of particles cm-2 sec.-l sterad-1 -79 10-d at 2
percent of the total number of “hard” particles
at this altitude, and that the number with mo-
??? ? ? ?

10 <p <30 9000 m

(100 <R < 1.000) (Anderson)

Differential g-1 sec.-l sterad-1 -5.10-7 at S-10-’

menta between log ev/c and 3. log is about 15
range spectrum
is at R = 20
sea level
Differential g-1 sec.-l sterad-1 -4.10-7 1.7 10-T
(b) At 1000-m altitude, Leprince Ringuet (L3)
found that 2.5 to 3 percent of the particles coming

range spectrum at 1000 m

iv at R = 100 (Leprince Ringuet)
out of a 12-cm thick lead absorber with momenta
between 3 lo8 and 7 lo* ev/c are protons. If we
?? ??

grounds, that the cross section for high energy convert from momenta to ranges, we obtain for
nuclear interactions is at most equal to the geo- the ratio of protons to mesons per unit range
metric cross section of the nucleus, for which we interval, at a range of 12 cm of lead, the approxi-
can assume the approximate value: mate value of 6 percent.
(c) At sea level, Rochester and Bound (R2),
0 = 7r( 1.4 lo-y4 ? (9)
using a cloud-chamber triggered by an anticoinci-

The collision thickness in air corresponding to the dence arrangement which selected particles in a
geometric cross section is 65 g cm-2. Therefore we range interval of 2 cm of Pb (the lower limit of
may place the following limits to the value of L, : this interval being the thickness of the walls of
the chamber and the counters, which is estimated
as 10 g cm-2), found certainly 8 and possibly 12
High energy protons are found both as part of proton tracks in 372 hours of operation. If we
the N-radiation and as one of the products of the consider the geometry of the experimental ar-
interaction of high energy N-rays with matter. rangement, we obtain for the number of protons
Therefore, we may expect their number to vary in the range interval selected by the instrument
with depth as exp ( -x/125). The very meager the approximate value of 0.5 lo-+ cm-2 sec.+

experimental information which is available at sterad-I.

this time is consistent with the assumption that Very little is known on the behavior of. high
this is the case for protons of energy larger than energy N-rays in materials other than air. Bridge
about & their rest energy, at least for depths has carried out some preliminary measurements
between 250 and 1030 g cmv2; and that, in the at 4300 meters with an experimental arrange-
same depth interval, the shape of their energy ment of the type shown in Fig. 10A. The coinci-
spectrum does not change very drastically. In dence rate between the Geiger-Mueller tray and
Table II we present the results of some very the ionization chamber was measured as a func-
crude estimates of intensities, which are based tion of the lead thickness between the two instru-
upon the following experiments. ments. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 14.
(a) Anderson (A3) has measured recently the The peak at about 3 cm is explained by shower
momentum spectrum of positive and negative production by electrons, the tail is attributed to
particles appearing single in a counter-controlled shower production by high energy N-rays. From
cloud chamber operated at 9000-meter altitude. its slope an absorption thickness in lead of
He finds a much larger positive excess than at sea L,=280&50 g cm-2 is obtained.
level and assumes that it is caused by protons. With the arrangement shown in Fig. 11A,
This interpretation is strengthened by the fact Janossy and Rochester (J3) have measured the
that the positive excess is found only for particles rate of occurrence of hard showers as a function

FIG. 14. Transition curve for

burst production by ionizing
particles obtained by Bridge
(B9) with an experimental ar-
rangement similar to that shown
in Fig. 10A.

Lead Thickness in cm

of the thickness of the lead shield placed above 21. Low Energy Nuclear Events
the top tray and have obtained the results repre-
Let us consider next the observations on stars
sented in Fig. 15. The shape of the “transition and single tracks in photographic plates, on
curve" has been explained under the assumption bursts in thin-walled unshielded ionization cham-
that the coincidences observed are caused by bers, and on slow neutron effects. All of these
showers of penetrating particles produced in the phenomena are related to the production of
upper lead shield by a radiation for which the particles of comparatively low energy in cosmic-
absorption thickness in lead is of the order of 5 ray induced nuclear disintegrations. They all
cm. The results of the experiment of Bridge appear to vary with altitude according to the
quoted above cast considerable doubt on this same law, at least in the lower part of the
interpretation. It appears more likely that in atmosphere. As shown in Fig. 9, for depths larger
many of the events described as hard showers the than 250 g cm-2 this law can be approximated
counters of the upper tray are discharged by with the exponential function exp (-x/La) in
electron showers produced simultaneously with which the absorption thickness L, has the value
penetrating particles. The thickness at which of 138 g cm-2. The minimum energy required for
saturation sets in is then determined by the ab- the production of the phenomena considered here
sorption of these electron showers rather than by
the absorption of the primary radiation.
Rossi and Regener (R5) as well as Janossy and
Rochester (J4) have found evidence for the pro-
duction of penetrating particles by non-ionizing
rays. The collision thickness of these rays, defined
here as the mean thickness in which a collision
leading to the production of secondary ionizing
particles takes place, was found to be between 5
and 10 cm of lead. This result is not easily under- Thickness of Absorber in cm Pb

standable because the collision thickness corre- FIG. 15. Transition curve for hard showers obtained by
sponding to the geometric cross section of lead Janossy and Rochester (J3) with the experimental arrange-
ments shown in Fig. 11A. The abscissa is the thickness of
nuclei is about 160 g cmd2 or 14 cm. the lead shield placed above the upper tray of counters.
564 BRUNO R O S S 1

is much smaller than the minimum energy re- ated in approximately equal numbers and have
quired for the production of the phenomena con- approximately equal probabilities of producing
sidered previously. Moreover, the instruments nuclear disintegrations, the number of nuclear
used for their detection do not discriminate disintegrations produced by the two types of
strongly in favor of any one direction. The curve particles should be approximately the same as
in Fig. 9 may be considered therefore to represent long as we consider particles of sufficiently high
the altitude dependence of the integrated intensity energies so that the collision loss of protons can be
of N-rays of all energies. From an examination of neglected as compared with the nuclear absorp-
this curve one can conclude that the nuclear tion. At lower energies, however, most protons
disintegrations are not produced exclusively by a will be stopped by ionization losses before they
primary radiation which is absorbed exponentially have a chance to undergo a nuclear collision and
by the atmosphere. In fact, if the intensity ob- the majority of the nuclear reactions will be pro-
served at an atmospheric depth x in a direction duced by neutrons. The transition occurs in the
at an angle 8 with the vertical is a function neighborhood of the energy which corresponds to
I(x/cosB), then the integrated intensity Jz is a proton range equal to the mean free path for
related to the directional intensity I by equation nuclear collisions. This energy is of the order of
5 = 108 ev. Thus, the fact that practically all stars


Jz(x) = 2nx appear to be produced by non-ionizing rays is in

I(Y) (dYlY2)? (10)
x agreement with the view that they are mostly
produced by nucleons of energy smaller than
which, for the case of an exponential absorption ?
. 108 ev.
where I(x) = 10 exp(-x/La), becomes : The absorption thickness for low energy nuclear
events (L a = 138 g cmM2) seems to be somewhat
Jz(x) = 27&[exp( -x/La)
greater than the absorption thickness for high
+ (x/L)&( -xlLa)]* (11)
energy nuclear events (La = 125 g cmA2). It is
Since for x>>L, the logarithmic slope of &(x) possible that 138 g cmw2 corresponds to the ab-
coincides with l/L,, we must take La= 138 g cmm2 sorption thickness i n air for neutrons with
in order to represent the observations in the lower energies of the order of several times lo8 ev. The
atmosphere with a function of the type given by results of the recent measurements with the
Eq. (11). The function Jo calculated with this Berkeley 184-inch cyclotron (H3; C5) may be
value of L, is represented by the dotted line in mentioned in this connection. These measure-
Fig. 9. Even though the accuracy of the measure- ments indicate that the absorption thickness for
ments at high altitudes leaves much to be desired, neutrons of about lo*-ev energy depends critically
it is certain that the experimental curve near the on the geometry of the experiment. In oxygen,
top of the atmosphere falls off with increasing the absorption thickness is 35 g crnF2 for a “good
depth much less rapidly than the theoretical geometry” absorption measurement, 100 g cme2
dotted curve. This clearly indicates that, as the for a “poor geometry” absorption measurement.
primary radiation penetrates the atmosphere, The even larger value for the absorption thickness
many secondary particles are created (probably, in air of the star-producing radiation is not in
for the most part, protons and neutrons of com- contradiction with the hypothesis that it consists
paratively low energy), which are capable of of neutrons because the average energy of cosmic-
producing nuclear disintegrations. In fact, it is ray neutrons may be different from that of
possible that these secondary particles are pro- neutrons from the Berkeley cyclotron and be-
jected upwards in sufficient number to contribute cause in cosmic-ray experiments even less colli-
appreciably to the rate of occurrence of low mation exists than in the “poor geometry”
energy nuclear events at the top of the at- Berkeley experiments.
mosphere. In Table III we give a tentative estimate of
Other experimental facts confirm the picture the rate of occurrence of various nuclear events
that develops from the above considerations. If at sea level. The evaluation of the rate of occur-
we assume that protons and neutrons are gener- rence of stars is based on the observations of

Perkins (P1) and of Lattes et al. (L2). Ac- TABLE III. Tentative estimate of rates of occurrence of
various nuclear events. It is assumed that the variation of
cording to Lattes, approximately 10 stars per day these rates with depth obeys an exponential law exp (- x/La)
are produced in one cubic centimeter of the with La=138 g c m -2 for depths greater than 250 g cm?
emulsion at 2800-meter altitude. According to
Perkins, the rate of production is one star per Experimental sea level
Event Unit information value
centimeter cube-day at sea level. In the paper of
Production of stars g-1 sec.-l Experiments by Perkins 10-b
Lattes it is specified that only stars with more (5 prongs or more) (in air) at sea level, by Lattes
et al. at 2800 m
than 4 prongs are taken into consideration. No
criterion for the selection of stars is specified in Production
of g-1 sec.-l
(in air)
Y uan’s observations
various altitudes
at 2 10-S

the paper of Perkins. In both experiments, the Slow proton tracks cm-2 Sea level measurements 3.5 9 10-g
Ilford Nuclear Research Emulsion was used. It is (E < 20 Mev?) sec.-l by Perkins

stated by Perkins that 7 out of 8 stars represent

disintegrations of light nuclei (C, 0, N). Since theby mesons which traverse the two counters and
density of light elements in the emulsion is near the lead between them. At great altitudes, how-
to one, the number of stars per cubic centimeter ever, a large fraction of the coincidences is pro-
of the emulsion should not be very different from duced by high energy protons or, in general, by
the number of stars per gram of air.
high energy N-rays if we assume that the N-radi-
The evaluation of the rate of occurrence of slowation contains ionizing particles different from
proton tracks is based upon the observations of
protons. A large fraction of the N-rays will
Perkins (P1) who found, at sea level, 0.3 track
undergo nuclear interactions in traversing the
per centimeter square-day. In the emulsion used, lead shield so that in many instances the coin-
protons with energies up to about 80 Mev leave a
cidence will be produced by the primary particle
detectable track. It is likely, however, that no
traversing the upper counter and one of the
single proton track of energy larger than about
secondary particles from the nuclear interaction
20 Mev has been counted. Thus the number of
traversing the lower counter. It may happen,
proton tracks per unit area and unit time should
too, that the counters both above and below the
represent the flux of protons of energy below
lead are discharged by secondary particles pro-
20 Mev.
duced in a nuclear interaction of a neutral N-ray
The data obtained by various authors on the
or of a charged N-ray which traverses neither
rate of production of slow neutrons in the atmos-
of the two counters.
phere are not very consistent. The estimate given
At the top of the atmosphere no mesons are
in Table III is based on the recent measurements
present and the coincidences are all produced by
taken by Yuan and Ladenburg (Y2) at various
the primary cosmic rays. For lack of better in-
altitudes in an airplane (see Section 14). One will
formation, we shall make the assumption that
notice that the estimated rate of production of
the number of coincidences produced by N-rays
neutrons appears somewhat low when compared
varies with depth as exp( -x/L+J where La= 125
with the rate of production of stars because one
g cm-2. This assumption is consistent with the
would expect many more than two neutrons to be experimental data on the altitude variation of
produced for every star with 5 prongs or more.
high energy N-rays discussed in Section 20.
It is difficult to judge how much significance can
To obtain the vertical intensity of mesons in
be attached to this discrepancy on account of
the hard component, we extrapolate to zero
the very tentative character of our intensity
thickness the curve representing the vertical
intensity of the hard component2 (see Fig. 2)
22. Analysis of the Hard and Soft Components and subtract from this curve a curve starting at
x =0 with the same ordinate and decreasing as
According to our definitions, the intensity of
exp( --x/125). The result of such an analysis is
the hard component is determined by measuring
shown in Fig. 16. One will note that according to
the coincidence rate between two Geiger-Mueller
counters separated by 167 g cmd2 of lead. At sea
2 The criterion for the extrapolation will be discussed in
level almost all of these coincidences are produced Section 23.

FIG . 16. Analysis of

the hard component. The
curve marked "fm" gives
the vertical intensity of
mesons with range greater
than 167 g cm-2 of
lead ( " fast mesons”). The
curve marked P represents
the contribution of N-rays
(high energy protons?) to
the measured intensity of
the hard component, but
does not give an absolute
value for the vertical in-
4 tensity of these rays.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Atm. Depth (g crri2)

our assumptions, the contribution of protons II. The intensity of electrons can then be ob-
(or more generally of N-rays) to the total in- tained by subtracting the meson and proton
tensity of the hard component at sea level intensities from the intensity of the soft com-
amounts to 0.4 percent, a value consistent with ponent given in Fig. 2. The results of this analysis
the estimate of the number of high energy are shown by the solid lines in Fig. 17. It appears
protons given in Table II. that at all depths greater than 250 g cmW2 the
The soft component, as measured with an proton and meson intensities represent a small
absorber thickness of 5 g crnv2 of brass between fraction of the intensity of the soft component.
the sensitive volumes of the counters, contains Therefore, the large uncertainty which still exists
electrons of practically all energies above 10 Mev, in their precise values does not appreciably affect
mesons with momenta between 0.7 . lo8 ev/c and the evaluation of the electron intensity.
3. lo8 ev/c, protons with momenta between No accurate estimate of the electron intensity
4010~ ev/c a n d log ev/c. T h e i n t e n s i t i e s o f at depths smaller than 250 g cmw2 can be made
mesons and protons in the soft component at at this time. The value of the intensity of the soft
atmospheric depths greater than 250 g cm-2 can component in the upper layers of the atmosphere
be estimated, at least approximately, from the is uncertain, both because there is no good agree-
experimental data presented in Fig. 7 and Table ment between the various measurements of the

FIG. 17. Analysis o f

the soft component. The
curves represent vertical
intensities as a function
of atmospheric depth for
the following rays: “slow
mesons," or practically all
mesons with momenta
smaller than 3. lo8 ev/c
(sm); protons (or other
charged N-rays) with mo-
menta between 4 lo8 ??

ev/c and log ev/c (P);

electrons of practically all
energies above lo7 ev (e).

400 600 800

Atm Depth (g cm?*)

total intensity (see Fig. 2) and because the con- (see Section 23), no basis for an estimate of the
tribution of the hard component, which in this proton intensity has been found.
region consists largely of high energy primary In the discussion to be made below of the
particles, cannot be determined accurately. More- energy balance in cosmic rays, it is important to
over, no measurements exist of either the in- know, for each type of particle, the quantity
tensity of mesons or the intensity of protons in
the soft component at depths less than 250
g cm-2 While the meson intensity can be esti-

mated with the help of some general arguments 0

TABLE IV. Track lengths in the atmosphere for the various pendent of energy and equal to 2 lo6 ev g-l cm2.

components of cosmic rays.

Therefore, the collision loss of the fast meson
Track length
component is represented by the expression
(g cm-4 sec.-l
Component sterad-1) k,(fm) (x) = 2 10VJfm) (x)

All ionizing particles ev g-l sec.+ sterad-I, (12)

R > 5-g cmB2 brass 133rt17
where IJf m, is the vertical intensity of fast
Mesons mesons.
5-g cmw2 brass <R < 100-g cm-2 air 6=t3
If we consider a group of mesons with energies
Mesons large compared with their rest energy, the total
R > 100-g cmw2 air 24zt2
energy released by the mesons which decay in a
Protons layer of air of one g cm-2 is independent of the
S-g cmw2 brass <R < 100 g cmB2 air 6dz3
energy distribution of the mesons and is equal to
Ionizing N-rays (Protons?) ,&p times the number of incident mesons
R > 100-g cm-2 air 8zt4
where p is the density of air (R6). Therefore, the
Electrons (by difference) decay loss of the fast meson component is repre-
R > S-g cmB2 brass 89zt18
~- sented by the expression :

kd(fm) (x) = (pc/~p) Iv(fm)(x). (13)

which may be described as the track length in
the atmosphere. An evaluation of the track To find the expressions for the collision loss
lengths for the various components of cosmic and the decay loss of slow mesons, we assume
rays is given in Table IV. The errors indicated that at all altitudes the differential range spec-
represent an estimate of the various experimental trum of mesons is flat between 0 and 100 g cmP2.
uncertainties. In the evaluation of the track As mentioned in Section 6, this seems to be
length of ionizing N-rays with R > 100 g cmv2, approximately true at all altitudes at which
allowance has been made for the fact that the measurements were taken. The average energy
detection efficiency of a cosmic-ray telescope for loss by collision of slow mesons is then given by
these particles is likely to be greater than for the maximum kinetic energy of the slow meson
mesons (see Section 19). group (Em =2.2.10* ev) divided by the corre-
sponding range (Rm = 100 g cmw2). We obtain
23. The Energy of the Meson Component thus
In order to describe the energy exchanges k,@m) (x) = 2.2.106#sm) (x)
which take place in the atmosphere, we shall ev g-l set-l sterad-l, (14)
define, for any given group of cosmic-ray par- I,C I
where sm is the vertical intensity of slow
ticles, a function k(x) such that k(x)& represents
the energy which is lost per unit time in one gram
Under the same assumption of a uniform dis-
of air at the depth x by particles of the given
tribution in range, the decay loss of slow mesons
group arriving within the solid angle do in the
can be shown to have the following value
vertical direction. The quantity k(x) will be
measured in ev g-l sec.-l sterad-l. kJsm) (x) = 1.2 (/+p) IPrn) (x) . (15)
The meson component in air loses energy by
Last, one has to consider the mesons which
collision processes and by decay (the energy loss
are brought to rest in air and subsequently dis-
by radiation can be neglected for meson energies
integrate or disappear by nuclear absorption
smaller than about 1012 ev). We shall, consider
The energy which is subtracted from the meson
separately the mesons of the hard, and of the soft
beam through this process is given by the ex-
components, which, for brevity, will be denoted
as “fast mesons” and “slow mesons,” respec-
k(mr)(X) = (I~(sm)lR,)~c2, (16)
For fast mesons in air the rate of dissipation where Iv (sm)/Rm represents the differential in-
of energy by collision may be considered as inde- tensity of slow mesons.

The values of the various energy losses of decay loss at the limit for x =O. We consider for
mesons, computed by means of Eqs. (13), (15), this purpose mesons of a given momentum 9 and
and (16), and of the measured values of lJfm) denote with K(x) the energy per gram second
and lJSm), are plotted as solid lines in Fig. 18. steradian which goes into the production of these
In order to extrapolate the curves to the smaller mesons at the depth x. If x is sufficiently small,
depths, let us investigate the behavior of the collision losses can be neglected, and we can



FIG. 18. The decay loss

in the atmosphere of the
various meson compo-
nents, namely, fast mesons
(fm), slow mesons (sm),
and mesons at rest (mr).
The curve marked mr in-
cludes the rest energy of
mesons which undergo
nuclear capture in addition
to the energy of those
which undergo spontane-
ous decay. The curve
marked m is the sum of
the other three curves.


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Atm. Depth (g cmw2) .

assume also that the ratio x/p =zo, where x0 is a therefore conclude that d(hkdcsm))/dx approaches
constant (see Fig. 21). Then the probability that 1/125 as x approaches zero. On the other hand,
a meson produced at the depth x will disintegrate Fig. 18 shows that d (lnkd@“)) /dx is approximately
in the depth interval dxr at x1 is given by equal to 1/125 already at x=250 g cmw2. It is
thus natural to assume that &(sm’ is represented
by the function exp(-x/125) between 0 and
where X= @/p represents the mean free path
250 g cmv2, as shown by the broken line in
before decay. Therefore the decay loss & of the Fig. 18.
meson beam at the depth x1 has the following For the fast meson group, the direct determi-
expression nation of kd extends to considerably greater
heights than for the slow meson group. Since

s our considerations show that one should not


kd(xl) = (~,/X)X~-(~O’~)-~ X (x)x”~~Xdx. expect any sudden change in slope of kd in the

neighborhood of x- 0, a linear extrapolation to
If we develop K(x) in a Taylor series near x = 0 of the experimental curve giving l&?dCfrn) as
x =0 and integrate, we obtain for k&xl) the a function of x appears justified. From the
series extrapolated values of kd@) and kdcsrn) one can
then compute, by means of Eqs. (13) and (15),
b(m) = [K(o)/(l +x/zo>] the corresponding values for lJfm) and lv(Sm).
+[K’(O)/(1+2X/zo)]x1+ . . . . (17) These are shown in Figs. 16 and 17.
Integration with respect to x of the functions
At the top of the atmosphere, therefore, the
representing the various energy losses per gram
following relations hold :
second steradian yields the corresponding energy
losses (per second steradian) of the meson beam
b(O) =K(O)l(l+@o),
in a vertical column of 1 cm2 cross section. The
results are shown in Table V. The collision losses
underground (x> 1030 g cmB2) were computed
from the experimental data on the meson spec-
One sees that at very small atmospheric depths trum at sea level. For the total energy loss of
the amount of energy lost by the meson beam in mesons one obtains
one gram of air is always smaller than the amount
‘WC”) = 289 lo6 ev cmw2 sec.+ sterad-l. (19)
of energy which goes into the meson beam in

the same mass of air3 The values of X for mesons This quantity represents also the total energy
of the “slow” group are between 0 and 2 lo5 cm. ??
(per second steradian in the vertical direction)
On the other hand, near the top of the atmos- of the mesons produced in a vertical column of
phere x0 = 6.4. lo5 cm. For slow mesons, there- one cm2 cross section extending from the top of
fore, the average value of the fraction (1 +X/Q)/ the atmosphere to the maximum depth at which
(1+ Wzo) is between 1 and 0.8 and one can meson production occurs.
assume, for a first approximation, that the
logarithmic derivative of kd(X) near the top of 24. Analysis of the Electron Component
the atmosphere is equal to the logarithmic
derivative of K(x). According to our assumption, Some of the electrons observed in the atmos-
mesons are produced by high energy N-rays phere arise from collision processes of mesons
which vary with depth as exp(-x/125). We and from the subsequent multiplication of the
electrons thus produced. Since the meson in-
3 This shows the fallacy of the following apparently obvi- tensity varies slowly with depth and since colli-
ous argument: “Near the top of the atmosphere, the den- sion processes give rise to electrons of small
sity of air is so small that mesons disintegrate before they
traverse any appreciable thickness of the atmosphere; average energy, one can compute the number of
therefore the energy which goes into mesons in a given layer electrons of this origin under the assumption
of atmosphere equals the energy which the mesons lose in
the same layer.” that the meson intensity does not vary appreci-

ably over a distance equal to the average range TABLE V. Energy losses of mesons,
in Mev cm-2 sec.-l sterad?
of the showers produced by the collision electrons.
As already mentioned, the minimum energy of Depth interval 250 <x
the electrons in the soft component is about (g cmv2) 0 < x < 250 < 1030 x > 1030 Total

lo7 ev. The number of electrons of energy larger Collision loss

than this value arising from collision processes Fast mesons 17 31 37 85
Slow mesons 8 6 - 14
of mesons can be obtained from the calculation Decay loss
of Rossi and Klapman (R7) and of Tamm and Fast mesons 84 38 - 122
Slow mesons 52 9 - 61
Belenky (T1). At sea level it is 6.7 percent of Mesons at rest 4 3 - 7
the number of fast mesons. Slow mesons do not Total energy loss 165 87 37 289
give any contribution since the maximum energy
which a 3. lo8 ev/c meson can transfer to an loss per gram second steradian of electrons of all
electron is 9 Mev. In the analysis of the electron
energies arising from decay of mesons and nuclear
component, we shall assume that the ratio of
interactions. The quantity Ee)(x) is plotted as a
collision electrons to fast mesons is the same at
function of atmospheric depth x in Fig. 19.
all altitudes, even though in fact, this ratio de- The values corresponding to depths smaller than
pends somewhat on the meson spectrum which
250 g cmW2, plotted with a broken line, are very
changes with altitude. The error thus made will uncertain as are the corresponding values of lJe)
not affect appreciably the evaluation of the
(see Section 22).
intensity of electrons from other sources because The total energy loss of the electronic com-
the relative contribution of collision electrons to
ponent in the atmosphere can be computed by
the total electron intensity decreases rapidly
integrating the curve in Fig. 19. One obtains
with increasing altitude. In addition, we will
neglect the electrons produced by collision We) = 285 lo6 ev cmN2 sec.-l sterad-l.
?? (21)
processes of protons, for which the maximum
Since the energy of the electronic component
transferable energy is about 100 times smaller
at sea level is negligible as compared with IWe),
than for mesons of equal momentum.
this quantity represents the total energy (per
According to our assumptions, there are two second steradian in the vertical direction) which
other major sources of electronic radiation beside
goes into electronic radiation in a vertical column
the collision processes: namely meson decay and
of atmosphere of 1 cmV2 cross section.
nuclear interactions. It is safe to assume that
The fraction of the energy released by the
the average energy of the electrons or photons
decay of mesons which goes into the electronic
produced in these phenomena is large compared
component is not yet known with certainty.4
to the critical energy in air. It can then be shown
It is thus not possible to determine unam-
(see R7; Tl) that the actual energy distribution
biguously the relative contribution of decay
of these electrons or photons has very little in-
processes (kJe)) and nuclear interactions (&(e))
fluence on the energy distribution of the low
to the total electron loss (Pe)). The quantity
energy electrons arising from their multiplication.
LQe) has been computed theoretically in the
Therefore, from the number of electrons with
lower part of the atmosphere, for the case that
energy larger than a given value incident upon
the above fraction is one, by the method de-
one square centimeter, it is possible to calculate
scribed by Rossi and Greisen. (R6). Namely, the
the energy dissipated in one gram of air by
energy dissipated by electrons in one gram of air
electrons of all energies. If we consider electrons
at a certain depth x has been put equal to the
incident in the vertical direction and use the
energy which goes into the electronic component
results of Rossi and Klapman, we obtain the
in one gram of air at a depth X-Z where CE is
following relation :
the average range of the showers initiated by the
Kte) = 3.260 1061Je) ev g-l sec.+ sterad-l, (20) electrons or photons arising from the decay.
where lJe) is the vertical intensity of electrons 4 It may be noted that this fraction has the same value
in the laboratory system as in the frame of reference in
of energy larger than lo7 ev and k(8) is the energy which the meson is at rest.


FIG . 19. The curve
marked Pe) gives the
energy loss in the atmos-
phere of cosmic-ray elec-
trons (exclusive of colli-
sion electrons). The curve
marked KJe) gives the
energy loss of electrons
arising from the decay of
mesons, computed under
the assumption that the
whole energy set free by
the decay goes into the
electronic component.

4 0 0 600 800
A t m . D e p t h (g crri?)

The average range z was taken as equal to as pointed out repeatedly (B1 ; R6 ; B3), rises
130 g cmW2 for the decay products of fast mesons, with decreasing depth much less rapidly than
to 65 g cm-2 for the decay products of slow the observed electron intensity, which shows
mesons, to zero for the decay products of mesons that the majority of the electrons observed at
at rest. The results of the calculation are shown high elevation do not originate from the decay
by the curve marked ,&@) in Fig. 19. This curve, of mesons. At sea level, the absolute value of

kJe) is more than twice that of Kce). If taken at TABLE VI. Estimate of the total energy of cosmic rays.
face value, this result would indicate that less
Collision loss of all mesons in the atmos-
than one-half of the decay energy of mesons goes phere 62-Mev cm-2 sec.-r sterad-1
Collision loss of all mesons underground 37-Mev cm-2 sec.-r sterad-1
into electronic radiation. This conclusion may Collision loss of ionizing N-rays
(protons?), R >lOO-g cm-2 air 16-Mev cm-2 sec.-r sterad-1
not be considered as final because of the many Collision loss of protons 5-g cm-2
brass <R < 100-g cm-2 air 36-Mev cm-2 sec.-l sterad-1
uncertainties that still exist in the evaluation Collision loss of electrons (exclusive of
collision electrons) 285-Mev cm-2 sec.-l sterad-1
of the experimental data, even though a reason- Sum of the above collision losses 436-Mev cm-2 sec.-r sterad-1
480-Mev cm-2 sec.-l sterad-1
able estimate of these uncertainties gives a Corrected for angular spread
Energy loss by nuclear disintegrations 120-Mev cm-2 sec.-l sterad-1
Neutrino loss 95-Mev cm-2 sec.-r sterad-1
possible error of 20 percent for the ratio kJe)/k(e),
695-Mev cm-2 sec.-r sterad-1
while kJe)/2 exceeds k te) by about 40 percent. Total incident energy

In any case, the possibility that the whole decay

energy goes into electronic radiation is surely
processes, in the atmosphere and underground,
ruled out. by ionizing particles with ranges larger than
From Table V it appears that the total energy
5 g cm-2 of brass was computed from the data
of the decay products of mesons is 190. lo6 ev presented in the previous sections. The average
cm-22 sec .+ sterad-l. Since not more than one- collision loss of ionizing N-rays (protons?) with
half of this energy goes into electronic radiation,
R > 100 g crnq2 of air was taken as equal to
and since the total energy ‘w” of the electronic 2 Mev per g cm-2. The average collision loss of
radiation is 285 010~ ev cme2 sec.-l sterad-l, the
protons with R between 5 g cm-2 of brass and
minimum amount of energy in the electronic
100 g cmB2 of air was arbitrarily taken as equal
radiation to be accounted for by nuclear processes
to 6 lo6 ev per g cmv2. (It would be equal to

4. lo6 if these protons were uniformly distributed

WJe) = 1.900 lo6 ev cmb2 sec.-l. in range; actually their differential range spec-
trum increases with decreasing R.) The energy
It is interesting to compare this value with the (per centimeter square second steradian), of the
total energy W trn) of the meson component, which j primary radiation, incident vertically, which
in Section 23 was found to be 289. lo6 ev cmv2
goes in the production of the particles considered
sec.+ sterad-l. It appears that WJe) and ‘WC”) are above, is not exactly equal to the energy dissipa-
of the same order of magnitude, but their exact tion by these particles because in the secondary
ratio cannot be determined at this time. If we take processes in which secondary particles are created
into account the uncertainty in the value of the direction is not preserved. The estimated differ-
total electron energy and the uncertainty in the
ence between the two energies is of the order of
fraction of this energy which is accounted for by
10 percent (see Appendix, Section 30).
meson decay we conclude that the value of
The item listed as “energy loss by nuclear
W,(B) could be as low as WC”)/2 or as high as I/t/‘(“).
disintegrations” includes the energy spent in
25. The Total Energy of Cosmic Rays at disrupting nuclei as well as the energy dissipated
Latitudes Greater than 45° by neutrons, protons or other nuclear fragments
which are produced in these disintegrations and
The total amount of energy coming into the are not detected by a cosmic-ray telescope. No
earth in the form of cosmic rays per square accurate determination of the energy loss by
centimeter second steradian can be estimated by nuclear disintegrations can be made at this time.
adding up the amounts of energy dissipated in On account of the discrepancy between the
the various secondary processes initiated by experimental data on stars and on neutrons (see
these rays. Table III), any estimate of the rate of occurrence
The result of such an estimate is given in of nuclear disintegrations at sea level is uncertain
Table VI.5 The energy dissipated by collision
by at least a factor two. The value chosen here is
6 A similar estimate of the total cosmic-ray energy was 2 low5 g-l sec.-l in air. From the curve in Fig. 9

reported by H. A. Bethe at the Shelter Island Conference one then obtains a value of 3.6 cmm2 sec.-l for the
in June 1947. The results of Bethe's estimate are in fair
agreement with those presented here. total number of nuclear disintegrations in the

atmosphere. The average energy which is re- 0.12 cmm2 sec.+ sterad-l for the “intensity of
leased in a nuclear disintegration and is not the hard component” at the top of the atmos-
spent in the production of rays detected by a phere shown in Fig. 2. It may be compared, too,
cosmic-ray telescope is also difficult to determine. with the total intensity at the top of the atmos-
We shall assume that this energy is equal to phere which has been measured recently by Van
lo8 ev and we thus obtain for the total energy Allen and Tatel (V4) with a Geiger-Mueller
release in the atmosphere the value of 3.6*10* ev counter placed in the nose of a rocket at a large
cmM2 sec.-r. The fraction of this energy which distance from the main body of the rocket, and
arises from primary rays incident within one for which again a value of 0.12 cm-2 sec.+
steradian is 3.6* 108/r= l.2*108 ev cm-2 sec.+ sterad-l has been obtained. For the reasons dis-
sterad-l. Last, we have to consider the energy cussed previously (see Section 19), both of these
which disappears in the production of “neutrinos” values are probably greater than the actual in-
or other undetectable neutral particles. We have tensity of the primary radiation (except that a
taken this energy as equal to one-half of the total latitude effect may have to be taken into account
decay loss of mesons, or 95-Mev g crnv2 set-l for the second measurement, which was carried
sterad-l. This is a minimum estimate because it out at 40” latitude). Thus the difference between
is possible that less than half of the decay energy the values of the primary intensity obtained
goes into electronic radiation or that undetect- from direct measurements at high altitude and
able rays are produced in processes other than from the evaluation of the total cosmic-ray
the disintegration of mesons. energy does not prove that the amount of
The error in the determination of the total energy which goes into neutrinos or other un-
collision loss is estimated to amount to 60. lo6 detectable rays is much greater than one-half
ev cmv2 sec.-l sterad-l, and it arises mainly from the decay energy of mesons.
the uncertainty in the value for the track length
of all ionizing particles (see Table IV). The APPENDIX
uncertainty in the energy loss by nuclear disin- 26. The Standard Atmosphere
tegrations amounts to about 100. lo6 ev cme2
sec.+ sterad-l and the uncertainty in the The relations between atmospheric depth, alti-
"neutrino" loss by the decay of mesons amounts tude above sea level, and density of air in atmos-
to about 50 lo6 ev cmW2 sec.+ sterad-l. Thus if
phere as given by the Report No. 538 of the
the decay of mesons is the only process in which National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
undetectable rays are produced, the total energy are shown in Figs. 20 and 21.
of the primary cosmic radiation at geomagnetic
latitudes greater than 45” has the value 27. Momentum and Energy Loss of
Heavy Particles
w(P) = (695~t 130). lo6 ev cm-2 sec.-l sterad-l.
Energy range relations and momentum range
relations for ionizing particles in various sub-
The number of primary cosmic rays can be stances are shown in Figs. 22 and 23. They
obtained by dividing the total incoming energy
were obtained from the calculations of Wick
by the average energy of the primary particles. (W2) and of Smith (S10), and are valid for all
From the geomagnetic effects, it is known that
particles for which energy losses by radiation
the minimum energy of the primary particles,
and by nuclear interactions are negligible com-
if protons, is about 4. log ev. From the same
pared with the energy loss by collision. Figure 24
effects the average energy has been estimated to
gives dR/dE and dR/dp in air as functions of R.
be approximately lOlo ev. If we adopt this
figure we conclude that the directional intensity
28. Angular Divergence in the Production of
of the primary particles is
Secondary Particles by Nuclear Collisions
I@) = (O.O7=tO.O13) crne2 sec.+ sterad-l. (23)
Let us consider an inelastic collision between
This number may be compared with the value of a nucleon of momentum p and a nucleon at

FIG. 20. Atmospheric -Y ,o’

depth as a function of
altitude in t h e standard z
atmosphere. z
8 8

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

rest in which two mesons are created. T h e of mass is at rest. Suppose that after the collision,
equation in the center of mass system, the two nucleons
are left each with a total energy equal to a times
PC/(1 --PC”) =p/2Mc (A1) their rest energy, while the remaining energy is
determines the velocity C& of the two nucleons split equally between the two mesons. The total
in the frame of reference in which their center energy Eo, momentum PO, and velocity ,& of each

particle in the center of mass system after the cally in Fig. 25. As examples, some E’s and
collision are given by the following equations : #‘s corresponding to P/MC = 10 are listed in
Table VII.
Eo = c&G2, ~o=/?oEo/~, 1/(1-~~2)~=~. 29. Estimate of the Cosmic-Ray Energy Pro-
jected Upwards in Nuclear Interactions
Let us assume that the primary particles are
&=M~~[(l/(l --$L2)4) -a], po=&Eo/~, protons. In the collisions between these protons
l/(1 -PO”)+= (iW/p)[(l/(l -pc2)+) -α]. (A2) and atomic nuclei mesons and electrons or
Suppose further that in the center of mass photons are produced (either directly or in-
system the nucleons and the mesons are ejected directly). Mesons of momentum p projected
at right angles to the initial line of motion of the upwards decay after an average path given by
nucleons. Then the energies E and the angles of PT/~. The average angle through which they are
emission + of each particle in the laboratory deflected by the earth’s magnetic field H before
system are given by the following equations: decay is given by the average path divided by
Nucleons: radius of curvature R. If the trajectory of the
particles is perpendicular to the field, R = PG/
E=c&G~/(I--/~,~)+, tan+ = (p&) (1 -PC”) +.
300H and the deflection angle is equal to
Mesons: 3OoH~/pc. Since H is of the order of $-gauss,
this angle is of the order of 0.1. For a first approxi-
mation we may neglect this deflection and
tan+ = (p0lpJ (1 -PC”> +- (A3) assume, for the purpose of the conservation of
The various functions of p which appear in momentum, that the meson decays immediately
Eqs. (A1), (A2), and (A3) are represented graphi- after being produced. We shall now assume that

8 xlOS

6 x IO"

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
A t m . D e p t h x (g crri2)
FIG . 21. x/p as a function of x in the standard atmosphere; x is the atmospheric depth, p the density of air.
I.0 R g cmwe
-q IO* ev )
FIG. 22. P/M and E/pc2 as functions of R/pc2 in air; fi is the momentum, E the kinetic energy, R the range, p the mass. The curves are valid for particles of any
mass, provided that energy losses by radiation and nuclear interactions are negligible compared with collision losses (after Smith, S10).

1 10 IO'
R g cme2
3 t lO*ev )
FIG. 23. P/PC as a function of R/p3 in air, iron, and lead; p is the momentum, R the range, ,U the mass. The curves are valid for particles of any mass provided
that energy losses by radiation and by nuclear interactions are negligible compared with collision losses (after Wick, W2).





FIG. 24. dr/dE and dR/dp as functions of R/p& R is the-range in air, E is the energy, p is the momentum.

the inelastic collisions in which secondary par- of flight. The secondary light-particles are
ticles are produced can be regarded as collisions assumed to have relativistic velocities. In case
between two free nucleons, and shall consider (a) the total average momentum of the particles
the phenomenon in the frame of reference in traveling in each of the two opposite directions
which the center of mass of the two nucleons is is Eo/2c. If we transform back to the laboratory
at. rest. In this frame of reference, let Eo be the system we obtain the following values for the
total average energy of the secondary light parti- total average energies of the two groups of
cles (electrons, photons, neutrinos) regardless of particles :
whether they are created directly or as a con-
sequence of a later disintegration process. Noth- in the forward direction :
ing is known a priori about the angular distri- (~0/2)[-~+Pc)/(1 +c2>q,
bution of these particles, except that it must be,
on the average, symmetric with respect to a in the backward direction :
plane through the center of mass and perpen-
dicular to initial line of flight of the nucleons. (EoIN(l -Pc>l(l -Pc2P1,
We consider, therefore, two extreme cases in where PC is the velocity of the center of mass and
which (a) the secondary light particles are is given by Eq. (Al). Therefore, the fraction of
emitted in the two opposite directions parallel the total energy projected backward is
to the line of flight and (b) the secondary light
particles are emitted at right angles to the line p= (1 -Pc>/2. (A4)


FIG . 25. The quanti-
t i e s /3/(1-P2), 1.A1 -P”P,
/3/(l-a2)* plotted as func-
tions of 1-B.


In case (b) the light particles in the laboratory the following expression :
system come out at an angle # given by the
tan+ l cos-lydy
equation (see Eq. (A3))
ρ =-
tan+ = (1 - pC2)Q3,. 7r 0 (l+y2 tan2$)+’

An easy calculation shows that if one assumes A graphical representation of the integral in
that the primary particles are incident upon the Eq. (A5) as a function of ti is given in Fig. 26.
atmosphere with equal intensity from all direc- Table VIII shows the values of p computed, for
tions above the horizon the fractional number of several different values of ~/MC, according to
the secondary particles projected upwards has both hypothesis (a) and hypothesis (b).

TABLE VII. TABLE VIII. Fraction p of energy projected upwards in

nuclear collisions.
Nucleons Mesons
E/MC2 # E/MC2 1cI

1 2.35 0° 3.17 25°

1.2 2.82 15° 2.70 25° 2 0.19 52° 0.29
1.5 3.52 19.5° 2.00 25° 5 0.09 35° 0.19
2.0 4.70 22° 0.82 24° 10 0.046 25° 0.14
2.25 5.29 23° 0.23 0° 15 0.032 21° 0.11

The average momentum of the primary protons number of secondary particles projected within
is probably of the order of 10 Bev. Table VIII the element of solid angle &JO at an angle $0 to
shows that the corresponding value of # is the direction of the primary proton. Let n(#)do,
between 5 and 14 percent. Actually, this estimate E, p represent the quantities corresponding to
represents a lower limit because it is likely that no(~o)doo, Eo, p. in the laboratory system. If
a large fraction of the secondary light particles ,& represents the relative velocity of the two
are produced by secondary nucleons of energy systems, the following equations hold :
considerably smaller than 10 Bev. It is not
possible to make a more precise estimate of the P costi= (PO cos+o+PcEo/c)/(l -+c2)+,
fraction of energy projected upwards until we
n(#> sin+& = ~o($o> sin#Od#oe (A6)
know more of the details of the secondary On the other hand, if we assume that the in-
processes in which the secondary particles arise. tensity of the primary radiation has a constant
The above calculations, however, show that this value I@) in all directions above the horizon and
fraction is not negligible. is zero in all directions below the horizon, and
if we indicate with P&w the total momentum of
30. Estimate of the Influence of the Angular the secondary particles projected within the
Spread on the Total Energy of the Secondary element of solid angle dw vertically downward
Radiation Observed in the by all primary rays incident upon one square
Vertical Direction centimeter of the atmosphere, we obtain for P,
Let I;t/‘r represent the energy (per second
steradian) of all the secondary particles pro-
duced by primary rays incident vertically upon
one square centimeter of the atmosphere. Let I;;t/i
represent the energy (per second steradian) of
the secondary particles projected vertically down-
ward by all primary rays incident upon one
square centimeter of the atmosphere. We want
to calculate the ratio WJ WI. For this purpose,
we assume that the primary rays are protons
and that their interactions with atomic nuclei can
be described as collisions between free nucleons.
We assume further that, in the frame of reference
in which the center of mass of the two colliding
nucleons is at rest, the secondary particles pro-
duced in any one of these collisions have all the 0" IO" ZOO 3o” 4o” 5o” 60°
same energy Eo, and therefore the same mo- +

mentum ~0. Since the results will turn out to be FIG. 26. Plot of the functionf(#). The quantity tan$f($)/?r
represents the fractional number of secondary particles
independent of Eo, this assumption does not projected away from the earth, under the assumption that
imply any loss of generality. In the center of these particles are produced with an angular divergence $J
by a primary radiation distributed isotropically in the
mass system, let zz&-J& represent the average upper hemisphere.

the expression noted that in the limiting case that n&,&J is

n/2 different from zero only for $o=O o r $Q = r,
P, = ZnI(P) I- pn($) cos+ sin+@. ( A 7 ) Eq. (A8) yields for W2 the value

W2= [(-&~,+@0)/2(~ -Pc2)t]Nlcp’

If we make use of Eq. (A6), and consider that,
for reasons of symmetry, or, if the secondary particles have relativistic
velocities in the center of mass system :
n&hJ = a(71 - $0) 1
T;t/i= [G/(1 -pc”>a][(Pc+1)/2]Nlcp), (AlO’)
we can write Eq. (A7) as follows:
from which it follows that
PC&/C 2,I@)
PV w2/w1= (PC+ q/2. (A12')
( 1 -pc2)+ (l-&2)4
For protons with momenta equal to 10 Bev/c
the value of W2/Wr is, in this case, approxi-
mately 0.95.

where N is the total number of secondary par- BIBLIOGRAPHY

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