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TAGS: Literature, Poetry, Classics, Philosophy, Romanticism, Pessimism, Essays,

Aphorisms, Italian literature

Giacomo Leopardi - Poetry and Prose, incl. Zibaldone (11 books)

GIACOMO LEOPARDI (1798-1837) was an Italian philosopher, poet, essayist, and

philologist. He is considered the greatest Italian lyric poet of the nineteenth
century and one of the most important figures in world literature, as well as one
of the principal representatives of literary romanticism. To many, he is the
finest Italian poet after Dante.

At the age of 16 he independently had mastered Greek, Latin, and several modern
languages, had translated many classical works, and had written two tragedies, many
Italian poems, and several scholarly commentaries. Excessive study permanently
damaged his health; he eventually became blind in one eye and developed a
cerebrospinal condition that afflicted him all his life.

Leopardi's genius, his frustrated hopes, and his pain found their best outlet in
his poetry, which is admired for its brilliance, intensity, and effortless
musicality. The inestimable CANTI is an unsurpassed anatomy of man's unhappiness
on earth with its themes of mutability, landscape, and love; and his attitude, one
of unflinching realism in the face of unavoidable human loss. But the manners of
the poems are a unique amalgam of philosophical toughness and the lyrically

Leopardi is also widely seen as one of the most radical and challenging thinkers of
the 19th century with his constant reflection on existence and on the human
condition. While he remained outside the circles of philosophical debate of his
century, Leopardi was able to elaborate an extremely innovative and provocative
vision of the world, exploring metaphysical loneliness and pessimism in entirely
original ways. The ZIBALDONE (1898) is a monumental miscellanea of personal
impressions, aphorisms, moral reflections and observations, philological analyses,
literary criticism and various types of notes which were published posthumously in
seven volumes. It has been called "the greatest intellectual diary of Italian
literature", its breadth and depth of thought often compared to the work of
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

The following books are in ePUB or PDF format as indicated:

* Canti (Penguin/FSG, 2010). Bilingual edition. Jonathan Galassi, trans. -- ePUB

* Collected Works (Delphi Classics, 2019) -- ePUB
* Dialogue Between Fashion and Death (Penguin, 2010). G. Cecchetti, trans. -- PDF
* Letters 1817-1837 (Routledge, 1998). Prue Shaw, trans. -- ePUB
* Passions (Yale, 2014). Tim Parks, trans. -- ePUB
* Pensieri (Louisiana State, 1981). Bilingual edition. W.S. di Piero, trans. --
* Poems (Delphinium, 1988). Arturo Vivante, trans. -- PDF^
* Selected Prose and Poetry (Oxford, 1966). Origo & Heath-Stubbs, trans. -- PDF^
* War of the Mice and the Crabs (UNC, 1976). Ernesto G. Caserta, trans. -- PDF
* Zibaldone (FSG, 2013). Michael Caesar and Franco D'Intino, eds. -- ePUB

PDF^ = courtesy of Mohamed5438


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