reflection-FEB - VIII B

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2022 - 23

Topic Objective Teaching / Learning Reflections

Use and construct keys to Using provided keys, pupils Questions were discussed
identify plants and animals. identify plants and animals and students were able to
Explain and model food chains, in the local environment answer properly and
food webs and energy flow. (alternatively, use provided students were asked to
Research the work of scientistskeys to identify pictures, complete the chapter's
studying the natural world. photos). Review work on workbook questions.
food chains from stage 7 and Learners Presented
discuss need to find out, by findings to the whole class
observation or from as a poster, PowerPoint
secondary sources, which presentation or a hand-out
organism is eaten by which
to be able to make a food
chain. Explain the terms
producer, primary
consumer, secondary
consumer, tertiary
consumer, herbivore,
Explain and model food chains, Explain that that most food
ECOLOGY food webs and energy flow. chains are interlinked as ● Students answered the
food-webs. Pupils identify questions correctly and
food chains within an solved without any
example of a food web, mistakes.
preferably of local species.
Discuss the effect of the ● Some follow up
removal of one type of worksheets have been
organism on the other given .
organisms in the food web.
Explain that food chains and
webs show biomass and not
individuals. Introduce the
idea of energy flowing along
the food chain and so
flowing through the food
web. Introduce the term
‘trophic level’. Learners
redesign the layout of their
food webs to show energy
transfer through trophic
ECOLOGY Explain the role of Explain the role of Questions were discussed
decomposers. decomposers. and students were able to
Demonstrate the anwser properly and
breakdown of bread (or students were asked to
fruit) as moulds are complete the chapter's
allowed to grow on it in a workbook questions.
sealed container. Discuss
where decomposers fit in
the food web. Discuss the
importance of
decomposers in food
webs, in terms of
recycling material such as
ECOLOGY Explain the ways in which Pupils choose(from a list) Questions were discussed
living things are adapted to their an animal and a plant and and students were able to
habitats. Secondary sources can research and report on anwser properly and
be used. how they are adapted to students were asked to
be able to survive, by complete the chapter's
finding food and shelter workbook questions
and avoiding predators in
their habitat.
FA 4 revision & EXAM

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