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Fundamentals of Database System

Professor‘s name: Niel Marc March 30, 2023

Ciriaco,Eisenhower P. 1 st Year BSIT-ILOILO

 What is the complete query used to create the table customer?

This query creates a table named "customer" with three columns: "customer_id",
"name", and "email". The "customer_id" column is set as the primary key of the
table, which means it uniquely identifies each row in the table. The "name" and
"email" columns are both set to store up to 50 characters of text data.

CREATE TABLE customer (
customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
name VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(50)

 What is the complete query used to create the table employee?

This query generates a "employee" table with columns for employee ID, first and
last name, email address, hire date, job title, salary, and department ID. The
employee ID column is designated as the table's primary key, which means it
uniquely identifies each row in the table. Column data types and sizes can be
customized to meet the needs of the application.

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