Class 2nd Yearsubject Bio chp15

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Class 2nd yearSubject: Biology Syllabus: Ch#15 Excretion in man to End

Date___________ Total MARKS: 40

Q.1 Choose the correct option.

1. The environment where the animals produce large volume of concentrated urine is called.

a. hypotonic aquatic b. isotonic aquatic c. hypertonic aquatic d. terrestrial

2, more concentrated externl environment is termed as.

a. Hypotonic b. hypertonic c. isotonic d. osmotic

3. Fresh water protozones pump out excess water by:

a. contractile vacoul b. food vacuole c. pinocytosis d. phagocytosis

4. Which one of the following is excretophore.

a. stem b. roots c. leaves d. bark

5. The malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous waste from the ?

a. lymph b. heamolymph c. coemlomic fluid d. hind gut

6. Animals of the group of flat worms have simple tubular excretory system called as:

a. kidney b. nephron c. nephredia d. protonephredia

7. Which organ is the central station of metabolism?

a. liver b. kidney c. spleen d. skin

8. Which organ aldosterone is involved in ADH affects which part of nephron?

a. walls of collecting ducts b. glomerulus c. walls of loop of henle d. proximal

convoluted tubule
Q.2 Give Short answer of the following questions. 2*11=22

1. Write two important functions of liver. 6. Why the temperature of body is increased in
2. What are juxtamedullary nephrons? Give
importance. 7. Enlist types of kidney stones.

3. Define dialysis. Give its types. 8. Define peritoneal dialysis.

4. Give adaptation in plants to manage high 9. Draw the urea cycle of animals.
10. Give parts of excretory system of humans
5. What are physiological adaptations of heat with diagram.
exchange in animals.
11. What is difference between cortex and

Q.3 Long questions. 5*2=10

1. Discuss liver as excretory organ.

2. Discuss temperature classification of animals.

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