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The given chart illustrates how many hours, on average, Chinese, American,

Turkish, and Brazilian travelers allocate to leisure activities in a day of their

vacation to Greece in August of 2019.

Overall, Chinese and American tourists spend the majority of their spare time
reading books, whereas Turkish and Brazilian visitors prefer to enjoy themselves at
the beach. Time spent visiting places is the lowest across all groups of tourists.

The average number of hours visitors from China and the US dedicate to reading is
8 and 5, respectively. On the other hand, relaxing on the beach merely accounts for
4 hours in the day of an American tourist and 3 hours in that of a Chinese tourist.

Among Turkish and Brazilian visitors in Greece, spending time leisurely at the
beach is the activity of choice. 6 hours of a Brazilian tourist’ day is allocated to
seaside relaxation, and the average day of a Turkish tourist consists of 5 hours on
the beach. For these two groups of travelers, book reading is the second most
popular pastime, constituting around 4 hours of their free time. 

The given chart illustrates how many hours, on average, Chinese, American, Turkish, and Brazilian
travelers allocate to leisure activities in a day of their vacation to Greece in August of 2019.
Overall, Chinese and American tourists spent the majority of their spare time reading books, whereas
Turkish and Brazilian visitors preferred to enjoy themselves at the beach. Time spent visiting places was
the lowest across all groups of tourists.
The average number of hours visitors from China and the US dedicated to reading is 8 and 5,
respectively. On the other hand, relaxing on the beach merely accounts for 4 hours of the day of an
American tourist and 3 hours of that of a Chinese tourist.
Among Turkish and Brazilian visitors to Greece, spending time leisurely at the beach was the activity of
choice. Six hours of a Brazilian tourist's day was allocated to seaside relaxation, and the average day of a
Turkish tourist consisted of five hours on the beach. For these two groups of travelers, book reading is the
second most popular pastime, constituting around four hours of their free time.
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The provided graph depicts how many hours per day that average Chinese, American, Turkish, and
Brazilian visitors spent in Greece in August 2019 engaging in pastimes.
In general, Chinese and American tourists spend more time during their vacations reading, whereas
Turkish and Brazilian tourists preferred to relax on the beach. The least amount of time was spent seeing
locations among all tourist groups.
The average number of hours spent reading by Chinese and American visitors was eight and five,
respectively. On the other hand, American tourists spent only four hours a day lounging on the beach,
while Chinese tourists spent only three.
Leisurely beach time was a top choice for Turkish and Brazilian tourists visiting Greece. A Brazilian
tourist spent six hours on the beach each day, whereas a Turkish tourist spent an average of five hours on
the sand per day. Around four hours of their free time is spent reading books for these two groups of

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