Econ309 Ass2

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Mohammed VI Polytechnique - U

ECO 309
Assignment 2, Due : Febr 10th 2023

Plz submit by teams of 3 students. Submitted work has to be neat and respect accepted rules for
university work.

Winter 2023 F.R. Sinaceur

1. Consider the following:

Cheese Wine

H aLC=2 aLW=5

F aLCF=3 aLWF=6

(i) Which country has absolute advantage in producing (a) Cheese and (b) Wine?
(ii) Which country has comparative advantage in producing (a) Cheese and (b) Wine?
(iii) Find the autarkic equilibrium price ratio, and the production, consumption and
welfare levels for each country.
(iv) Find the free trade equilibrium price ratio, and the production, consumption and
welfare levels for each country.
(v) Find the trade patterns and graph each country.
(vi) Find the upper and lower bounds for the free trade wage ratio. What happens if the
wage ratio is exactly equal to its upper bound? Why?
(vii) Discuss what determines the trade patterns and the source of gains from trade.

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