General Faqs: Twisted - Iocpsupport-1.0.2-Cp311-Cp311-Win - Amd64.Whl

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General FAQs

1) Make sure that you input the access token in the strategy file and NOT the auth code.
2) Make sure that the expiry is correct. Here are the formats:
a. Zerodha / Fyers
Weekly expiry: YYMDD
For jan – sep, M is 1-9
For Oct, M is O
For Nov, M is N
For Dec M is D
So example 17 Nov 2022 → 22N17
For monthly expiry: YYMMM
So example 24 Nov 2022 → 22NOV
Make sure that its in capital letters

b. Finvasia
Format is DDMMMYY
So 17 nov 2022 → 17NOV22
So 24 nov 2022 → 24NOV22
Make sure that its in capital letters

All pip install to be done in Command Prompt instead of PowerShell

Zerodha Installation:

1) Microsoft Visual C++

2) pip install Twisted
3) pip install KiteConnect
4) pip install pandas

If pip install Twisted is not working, then install this whl file:


Fyers Installation:

1) pip install fyers_apiv2

2) Change the log path to your downloads folder
3) pip install pandas

Finvasia Installation:

1) pip install whl

2) pip install websocket_client
3) pip install pandas


Zerodha Access Token

1) Add your api details and then run

2) Click the link from the terminal

3) Login to zerodha and then you will get this kind of URL. Copy request_token:

4) Paste the request token in the terminal:

5) Press enter. Then you will get the token

6) Use this access token and apikey in your codes

Fyers Access Token

1) Change log path to your downloads folder

2) There should be “/” in the end of the log path.
3) Run the file

4) Copy the authcode

5) Paste the auth code in terminal

6) Press enter. And get the token. This is the token which you will have to paste in all
Shoonya Access Token

1) Run the code after adding api details

2) Done

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