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Day 1

On day one, we went to LGU of the municipality of Diffun first together with ma’am Anne Grace
to endorse us to the Municipal Engineering Office. After that they assissted us to the Municipal
Engineering Office and introduced us to the Municipal Engineer, Sir Sylveriano Sibayan Jr, who humbly
welcomed us together with his co-workers. The first task they have given to us is to list down all of the
informations of applicants in a sheet of paper and encode it in excel.

When afternoon came the admin aide II, Ma’am Juvy asked us to list down every information
that is needed in a pile of files. Then they allowed us to log out when it’s time to go home.

Day 2

On day two, we ask what would we do that day but because we finished all the tasks on our first
day, they let us immersants rest and do our activities at school all throughout the day.

Day 3

On day three, the first day of the week, Engr. Jayson told us to encode on the computer then
after we’ve finish the task Engr. Joy and Engr. Analyn invited us to come with them in their site
inspection where we are able to measure the area of a building, its elevation and even the height of the
fences and we also went to Aurora East Barangay Hall to inspect the Breastfeeding home that they need
to renovate and it was such an amazing experience for us.

Day 4

On day four, they let us do some paperworks where we need to look and compute for the area
of the building, its Fsec number, Fsic number and the amount needed to build a building.

Day 5
On the fifth day, we did some site inspection together with Engineer Apolinario and Engineer
Herald in the morning. We went to barangay Dumanisi, Donia Imelda, Aklan Village, and Magsaysay,
Diffun Quirino for the electricity inspection in those areas. In the afternoon, we visited San Antonio,
Diego Silang, Maria Clara, Tarangao, and Villa Pascua also which we had a great time.

Day 6

On our sixth day, the staff members chose not to offer us any duties today, despite our
requests. They gave the day for us to rest and relax.

Day 7

On the seventh day, Engineer Annalyn gave us tasks that requires us to sort the folders by year and write
down the information we needed in Excel.


On the eight day, we waited for tasks and assignments that they will give. Engineer Annalyn
assigned me and Krystal to scan the row documents per barangays of Diffun.

Day 9

On our nineth day of work immersion, Engineer Paul and Engineer Herald asked us if we want to come
with them in their site inspection but only three of us can come. Kenneth, Ervin and Kurt went with
them to Donia Immelda and came back to the office before lunch because their inspection was cancelled
due to traffic and road construction. In the afternoon, Davonn, Kurt, Krystal and I came with Engineer
Jayson and we went to upper Pallutan for the box culvert inspection. After the inspection we came back
to the office and we went home when it is 5 pm already.
Day 10

On the tenth day, we went to inspect the new municipal hall of Diffun which is under
construction that will serve as our last inspection in the duration of our work immersion. When we are
back at the office, we bid our goodbyes and express our thank you through a simple feast and it was fun
and memorable.

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