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Khaldoon Malik Banaras Khan Trading ‫مؤسسة خلدون مالك بنارس خان التجارية‬


Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)


Saudi Electricity
Saudi Electricity Company
Ali Qureshi Ali Qureshi WS/23/018
Technical Start Date:
Technical Contracting
Contracting 1 Mar 2023
Ali Qureshi Ali Qureshi End Date 1 Mar 2024
Site Engineer Site Engineer
8th Mar 2023 8th Mar 2023
1. Repairing/replaMortar bags of RCC foundations near jobsite
Scope of work
2. Epoxy Coating
1. Nitobond AR
2. Concure WB
3. Rendroc Laxtra
Materials Used
4. Rendroc S
5. Contbextra HF
6. Rendroc TG
1. Existing RCC structure will be repaired only.
Limitations 2. New foundations where required will be constructed in tandem
with the old one.
1. Hazardous chemicals area
Risk Assessment 2. Heavy Lifting
3. Toxic odors
1. Electrical jigsaw
2. Angle grinder
3. Electrical mixer
4. Electric drill
5. Welding plant
6. General masonry tools
7. Plywood sheets and bars
1. Full coverall PPE including safety goggles and breather
PPE Requirement apparatus.
2. General PPE
Khaldoon Malik Banaras Khan Trading ‫مؤسسة خلدون مالك بنارس خان التجارية‬

1. Introduction:

1.1 This statement is to define the working scope, procedures involved and the risk mitigation
methods that will be used in the cleaning, repairing and epoxy coating of the foundations in
chlorination building in Phase 2.

1.2 This statement should be used for reference purposes only.

2. Detailed Scope of Work

2.1 Material Handling & Storage:

• Keep Mortar bags protected from dampness and moisture.

• Mortar bags are highly sensitive to moisture, and it hardens to forms clumps when
exposed to water or dampness. While storing mortar bags at the site it is important
that they are kept protected from wetness (rain, flooding, leakages etc), as well as
dampness (moisture present in the air). Mortar bags should be stored in a dry and
enclosed structure, protected from rains and moisture and the stacked Mortar bags
should be kept covered with waterproof sheets or tarpaulin.
• Do not place mortar bags directly on concrete or wood floors.
• To protect the bags from dampness rising from the ground, it is ideal to store the
bags on a raised surface with an impermeable plastic sheet underneath.
• Handle mortar bags carefully
• Make sure the mortar bags are not dropped. This can weaken and damage the
• Roll the mortar bags over before lifting. This helps to loosen up the mortar bags and
reduces the chances of the bag from splitting.
• When carrying individual mortar bags, do not carry them by holding at the ends.
Make sure the bag is held by supporting on the underside. This will help to prevent
the bag from sagging in the middle and splitting and reduce the strain on the
shoulders and back.
• Make sure the mortar bags are not stored upright or on their sides but laid flat with
their broad sides down.
• Keep mortar bags protected during transportation.
• To prevent the bags from being punctured or damaged, make sure any sharp objects
are removed from the vehicle before loading the bags
• When loading the mortar bags, make sure they are stacked in alternate directions,
covered with a tarpaulin or waterproof sheet, and tied down securely to prevent
movement during transport.
• Store mortar bags separately. Do not store the mortar bags with fertilizers or other
products, as any contamination can affect the quality and performance of the screed.
• Provide adequate ventilation when stored in pallets in warehouses.
• When storing mortar bags in warehouses, make sure adequate ventilation is
provided to avoid the build-up of damp air.
• Rotate mortar bags on a first in basis.
• The strength of mortar bags deteriorates with time so rotate the stock to ensure
usability. Check the manufacturers’ date and use the oldest stock first.
Khaldoon Malik Banaras Khan Trading ‫مؤسسة خلدون مالك بنارس خان التجارية‬

• Store leftover mortar bags carefully. Bags left in torn or opened bags should really be
used first, but ideally, they should be re-bagged in plastic bags or heavy-duty
garbage bags and the mouths sealed securely with string or tape.

2.2 Classification of foundation:

2.21 The foundations will be classified in three distinct conditions:

a) Light Repair: These are foundations which will require filling of cracks and honeycombs
b) Medium Repair: Foundations consisting of deep voids
c) Heavy Repair: These are foundations which will require additional RCC work.

2.3 Repairing works:

2.31 Light Repair: Renderoc TG will be used and prepared as per specifications using electric mixer.
The surface will be washed with clean water and where accessible, coated with Nitobond AR. The
prepared mortar will be used to fill the cracks using a masonry trowel or spatula and the excess
mortar will be wiped clean to ensure level surface.

2.32 Medium Repair: Contbextra HF will be used and prepared as per specifications using electric
mixer. The mortar will be carefully poured in the voids upto 40mm from surface. After curing Rendroc
Laxtra will be used to prepare the surface if the structure is load bearing or Renderoc TG will be used
if its not and the mortar will be plastered over to give a smooth finish. Edge forming will be done using
angle grinder to give a smooth finish.

2.33 Heavy Repair: Renderoc S will be used and prepared using electric mixer. The existing
foundation will be washed, and all lose debris will be removed. Any exposed rebar will be cleaned as
much as possible and coated with red oxide. New reinforcing structure will be made using rebar mesh
and it will be connected to existing structure using anchor studs. Using electrical jigsaw, plywood will
be cut to make the mould for the existing foundation. Nitobond AR will be applied over the old
substrate before the mortar will be carefully poured in the mould. After curing, the new structure will
be coated with Concure WB to retain moisture for longer period and give it required strength. All
chipped edges will also be repaired in this manner. Edge forming will be done using angle grinder to
give a smooth finish.

3. Detailed Pre-requisites

3.1 All foundations must be adequately fastened with the base to prevent damage to repair works.

3.2 Ample water supply must be available at all times to ensure proper mixing of mortars.

4. Risk Mitigation

4.1 All personnel must be in general PPE gear at all times of the project.

4.2 All personnel must be full PPE gear including breather apparatus, gloves, goggles and safety
coveralls during the epoxy painting.

Submitted By: Reviewed By: Approved By:

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