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Presented By:

Gaurav Juneja
Department of Computer Science and Applications
• Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program of Microsoft
office that is specifically designed to enter organized data
as well as analyze and present the data attractively.
• A spreadsheet application is software that presents an
arrangement of rows and columns. The intersection of
row and column creates a cell and data is stored into cells
in such a manner that data of one cell is related to the
data stored in other cells through a formula. When you
change any of the related cells, the formula result
automatically changes.
• How to Start Microsoft Excel
• Start Run/ Search Type Excel  Ok
• Worksheet: Page of Microsoft Excel is called
worksheet. A worksheet is a sheet made up of
rows and columns.
• A workbook is a collection of many
worksheets. In a single work book, you can
store information in an organized manner. By
default, a workbook opened with three
worksheets and you can increase and
decrease the no of sheets as per your
• A row is a horizontal block of cells that runs
through the entire width of the worksheet. The
rows are numbered from top to bottom along the
left edge of the worksheet. The first row is
numbered 1, the second 2, and so on……… (upto
• A columns is a vertical block of cells that runs
through the entire worksheet. A worksheet
contains 16384 columns, labeled A through XFD.
The first column is A, the second is B and so on
until you reach Z. Then comes columns AA
through XFD
Maximum Number
of Rows and Columns in a Worksheet
• In Microsoft Excel (Version 2007 and more)
– Rows 1048576 ( 1, 2, 3, 4, ……..1048576)
– Column 16384 ( A, B, C, D, ……. XFD)
• A cell is the intersection of row and column. In
excel each cell has a reference name (i.e. Cell
name). Cell name = Column name + row
name. For Example Cell E6 is the intersection
of column E, row 6.

Mathematical Equation
All formulas begin with an equal (=) sign
Data that is stored in the worksheet and that needs to be
used in a formula is referenced using the cell’s address

An example of
a simple
A predefined formula(Inbuilt in excel)
All Functions begin with an equal (=) sign
Formula: =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5
Function: =SUM(A1:A5) or =SUM(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5)
MS Excel enables the nesting of 7 functions at the
A cell can contain upto 32767 characters
Excel does not mind whether the functions/formula/cell
reference is in upper or lower case letter.
An example of a more complex
What makes a formula?

Begin with =
Constants ( for eample: 5, A, Anu)
Cell References( Cell Name)
Operators (Mathematical Symbol)

Values entered directly into a formula

– Simple
– Accurate
– Inflexible

2, 3, 12, 14.32
Relative (Column Row)
A1, C18, ZZ65536
Absolute ($Column$Row)
$A$1, $C$18,$ZZ$65536
Mixed (Fixed Column or Row)
$A1, C$18
Named Ranges
Int_Rate, Grade_Scale
- (negative) % ^ (Exponent) * / +
= < > <= >= <>
: (Colon) _ (Space) , (Comma)
Operator Order
Formulas are read from Left to Right
1. ( )
2. Negation
3. %
4. ^
5. * or /
6. + or –
7. &
8. = < > <= >= <>
Error Messages (Cell Reference
######### Column not wide enough
#VALUE! Wrong Argument or Reference
#DIV/0! Dividing by zero
#Name? Excel doesn’t recognize text in formula
Missing data or wrong value for lookup
Cell reference not valid (Deleted cell,
pasted over)
#NUM! Invalid numeric value
#NULL! Specified cells do not intersect
An example of a

and a
Commonly used Functions
• Sum • Upper
• Product • Lower
• Min • Proper
• Max • Concatenate
• Count • Date
• Counta • Day
• Countblank • Month
• Average • Year
• Power • Today
• Sqrt • Now
Conditional Functions
• Sumif
• Countif
• if
Sum Functions
1. A sum function. Use it when you want a cell to
show the sum of numbers written in a selected
range of cells.
• Syntax:-
=sum(first Cell Name : Last cell Name)
(if the given number are sequential-continues)

• Otherwise use :-
=sum(1st Cell Ref., 2nd Cell Ref, & .so on….)
Example of Sum
Product (Multiplication)
• PRODUCT(X):- Use it when you want a cell to show
the multiplication of number written in a selected
range of cells.
=product(first Cell Name : Last cell Name)
(if the given number are sequential-continues)
Otherwise use :-
=product(1st Cell Ref., 2nd Cell Ref, & .so on….)
Example of Production
Finding Largest and Smallest Number
from given list
MAX: – The highest number. Use it when you want a cell to show
the highest number within a selected range. For example:
you have a list of test scores, and you want a certain cell to
show the highest score among them. Another example: you
have a list of sales made during this month, and you want a
cell to show the highest sale.
• Syntax: =max(First Cell Name : Last Cell Name)
MIN : -The lowest number. The same as MAX, but relates to the
lowest number.
• Syntax: =max(First Cell Name : Last Cell Name)
Example of Max
Example of Min
Counts No of cells containing Numeric
COUNT – Counts numbers. Use it when you want to
count how many numbers are there in a selected
range. For example, you have a list of students, of
which some of them got scholarships. Using the
COUNT function you can know how many students
got scholarships.
• =count(First Cell Name : Last Cell Name)
• =count (number1, number2, number3 ……….)
Counta counts all data
COUNTA(count All) – Counts all the cells in a selected
range that contain any value (cells that are not
empty). This is a broader version of the COUNT
function, because it counts cells containing
numbers, as well as texts.
• =counta(First Cell Name : Last Cell Name)
• =counta (number1, number2,number3 ….)
Count Blank Cells
COUNTBLANK – Counts all the empty cells in a selected range.
Use it when you want to know how many cells in a selected
range do not contain any value.
• =countblank(First Cell Name : Last Cell Name)
• =countblank(number1, number2, number3 ……….)

• For example: a few students didn’t hand their homework, therefore didn’t get a
score. If you want to know how many students didn’t hand their work, use the
COUNTBLANK function on the score list, and see how many cells are empty,
meaning: didn’t get a score.
Calculating Arithmetic mean
AVERAGE – The Average function calculates the
average, or mean, of the numbers in a range by
adding the numeric values and then dividing by the
number of values.
• Syntax
=AVERAGE (first Cell Ref : Last Cell Ref )or
• =AVERAGE (number1, number2, number3..)
Power (22 = 4, 53=125)
POWER – The formula will calculate the number
raised to the power specified.
• Syntax
=POWER (number, power)
• Example
• =POWER (2,3) will return 8 ( that is , 23)
SQRT= Square Root
• SQRT – The formula will calculate the
square root of a number
=SQRT (number)
=SQRT (9) will return 3
Mod Modular Division
MOD – Returns the remainder after a number is
divided by a divisor.
• Syntax
=MOD(number, divisor)
• Example
=MOD(7,2) (1 remainder after dividing 7 by 2)
Fact () Factorial
Fact – Returns the factorial of number.
• Syntax
=FACT(number/ Cell Address)
• Example
=Fact(5) (Factorial is 120(5x4x3x2x1))

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