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ESP 1 Listening htrang.dav@gmail.



Piece 1. Comprehesion questions

1. Why has China developed its guidelines?

2. What would foreign investors do under the guidelines?

3. Why has China been allowing greater use of its money?

Piece 2. Fill in the gaps

China is telling the United States to (1) _____________________________only to China. Foreign

ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Wednesday that China (2) _____________________________
by any other country. He also said that China protects (3) _____________________________. On
Tuesday, an American State Department spokeswoman urged China to (4) __________________

____________. She also urged China to work on policies that have created tension in Tibet. She
was reacting to reports that (5) ____________________________ at a center for religious workers
in western China to protest government policies.

Piece 3. Comprehension questions

1. What do NATO officials say about five Polish soldiers?

2. Where did the device exploded?
3. Who caused the attack?
4. What did Polish President say about the situation?

Piece 4. Fill in the gaps

Spains new Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (1)______________________________. He says he

will work to (2)______________________________. On Tuesday, (3)_____________________
______________him as Prime Minister. Last month, (4)_________________________________
the Spanish Socialist workers party of Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. (5)________
____________________________. It also has one of Europe’s (6)_________________________
Mr. Rajoy has (7)_____________________________ from he country’s large (8)_____________

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