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pcinews_twt MARCH 31, 2023 VOL. 8 NO. 533


A roadside stall along Moriones Street in Tondo, Manila sells halo-halo, a popular summer treat, on Tuesday (March 28, 2023). Halo-halo and cold drinks are popular among those who want to
beat the heat during the summer months.

PBBM: PH ‘disengaging
from any contact’
with ICC Maria in Vancouver:
The Power of
Dressing in Black
BY AZER PARROCHA Marcos made this remark after the
Philippine News Agency ICC Appeals Chamber, in a decision dat-
ed March 27, denied the Philippines’ plea 25
“in the absence of persuasive reasons in
MANILA – The Philippines is “disengag- support of ordering suspensive effect.” `
Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden
ing” from any contact and communication “At this point, we essentially are dis-
with the International Criminal Court (ICC) engaging from any contact, from any are missing the bigger picture
after it rejected the country’s request to sus- communication I guess with the ICC…We about migrant border crossings
pend its ongoing investigation into former ended up with the same position that we Seven likely consequences from
President Rodrigo Duterte’s drug war, Pres- the banking crisis that most
❱❱ PAGE 4 PBBM: PH ‘disengaging people haven’t realised yet
ident Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. said Tuesday.

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2 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Philippine News 3

PBBM mulling over LBP, DBP merger;

substantial gov’t savings seen
BY AZER PARROCHA banks, they do almost the same, globally, you have banks which we will be able to save a lot of erty in BGC, various branch
Philippine News Agency right, except that one is focused are now being closed right? For money for the national govern- properties, equipment and li-
on agri, the other one on indus- example, Credit Suisse. Who ment… For the projected op- censes and income that can be
trial projects,” Diokno said. would have thought Credit Suisse erating cost savings due to the derived from the proceeds of
MANILA – President Ferdi- In a separate statement, the would go under? So, there’s really merger, (these) could reach at such sales,” he added.
nand R. Marcos Jr. is seriously DBP said there is no formal de- a strong need for solidifying the least PHP5.3 billion per year. So Diokno said the merger is ex-
studying the proposed merger of cision on the Landbank-DBM government bank,” he said. for the next four years, at least pected to take effect “before the
the Landbank of the Philippines merger which, it added, would “We’re not saying that the PHP20 billion and this is even end of the year.”
(LBP) and the Development “require an act of Congress as current system is broken but as understated,” he said. Diokno likewise said the
Bank of the Philippines (DBP), both institutions were created policy-makers, we have to con- “This does not include reve- merger will cause in some lay-
which is in line with the adminis- by enabling laws.” stantly seek better ways of do- nues that can be derived from offs, but assured that separa-
tration’s thrust toward financial “The DBP echoes and shares ing things, especially if we want the sale of redundant assets of tion packages will be given to
efficiency among state-owned the sentiments of President to improve the performance of DBP, various properties such as
banks, Finance Secretary Benja- Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. on the particular government agen- its head office in Makati, a prop- ❱❱ PAGE 4 PBBM mulling over
min Diokno said on Tuesday. need to conduct a thorough cies,” he added.
“The President expressed and meticulous legal study on Diokno said the merger is
the desire to merge the two to the proposed merger of DBP also consistent with Marcos’
make it the biggest bank in the and LBP which he firmly de- goal to rightsizing the govern-
country because of the recent clared during a meeting with all ment bureaucracy.
financial developments abroad. stakeholders in Malacañang to- “If we are able to do that suc-
And that’s really the best prac- day, March 28, 2023,” the DBP cessfully, then we’ll have more
tice, the biggest bank usually statement read. money for really essential proj-
is owned by the state globally,” In 2016, Marcos also opposed ects like healthcare, education
Diokno said in a press briefing the merging, saying it will de- and infrastructure,” he added.
in Malacañang. prive farmers of an agricultural Strengthening financial
Diokno said Marcos initially bank that is mandated to serve capabilities
expressed concern that merg- their needs. Should the merger push
ing the two banks would mean Diokno, however, said they through, Diokno said Landbank
that services provided by either assured the President that the would be the surviving entity
bank would be lost. two banks “do almost the same” because it is “at least four times
“We assured him that with and will result in savings of at bigger” than DBP.
the merger—because both the least PHP5.3 billion per year. “Ang advantage nito talaga
Landbank and DBP are universal “Given what’s happening now (The advantage of this) is that Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. (ALFRED FRIAS/PNA)

ROV-equipped US ship to help contain

Mindoro oil spill
BY PRIAM NEPOMUCENO of work at depth and auxiliary “Once all mandatory checks control the oil leakage coming thereby enabling us to imple-
Philippine News Agency servos for hydraulic tool opera- and preparations are complet- from its source,” Galvez said. ment the most effective con-
tions. It also has a salvage bas- ed, the Pacific Valkyrie, carry- Aside from the ROV, the tainment and cleanup strategy,”
ket that can bear 4,000 lbs. The ing an ROV team from the US, US government is also send- NDRRMC executive director
MANILA – The Office of Civil wreck survey will provide ad- will head to Oriental Mindoro ing 11,000 feet of 26-inch ab- and OCD administrator Under-
Defense (OCD) announced that ditional situational data on the to check the current situation sorbent harbor boom, which secretary Ariel Nepomuceno
the United States government shipwreck, which will assist will be used to control the said.
contracted vessel Pacific Valky- in determining solutions to spread of oil and allow easy Inter-agency cleanup activ-
rie had arrived at Subic Bay, salvage the vessel and its recovery. ities are being done across the
Zambales to help in the ongo- content,” the office said in Personal protective most affected coastal areas,
ing oil spill containment opera- a statement Tuesday night. equipment, other support together with initiatives from
tions in Oriental Mindoro. As this developed, De- The ROV can take equipment, vehicles, and the national and local govern-
The OCD said the ship, which partment of National De- vessels, as well as experts ments, non-government orga-
arrived at the port at 7:12 a.m. fense officer in charge and
still photographs... from the US Coast Guard, nizations (NGOs), communi-
Tuesday, is equipped with a National Disaster Risk Re- National Oceanic and At- ties, and private entities.
submersible remotely operated duction and Management mospheric Administration, A total of 10,206 liters of oil-
vehicle (ROV) that can conduct Council (NDRRMC) chair and US Navy will also be de- mixed water and 72,643 kg. of
a video and sonar survey of the Carlito Galvez Jr. thanked ployed. oil-contaminated debris had
sunken M/T Princess Empress. the US government for “We welcome this as- been collected in these cleanup
“The ROV can take still pho- this assistance, saying it would of the shipwreck and its fuel sistance coming from our US operations.
tographs, and carry a payload boost Philippine efforts to con- cargo. We will then use data counterparts. We are confident Meanwhile, more than 36,000
of 150 lbs. (pounds). It has trol and resolve this environ- gathered to determine the next that this initiative would great-
function manipulators capable mental emergency. appropriate course of action to ly help our assessment efforts, ❱❱ PAGE 4 ROV-equipped US
4 Philippine News MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

DBM briefs Congress on PBBM Governance bill

Philippine News Agency the last comprehensive policy on Filipinos,” Pangandaman said.
Public Financial Management DBM Undersecretary Wilford
(PFM) was enacted in 1987. The Will Wong also attended the
MANILA – To strengthen the PBBM Governance Bill will serve briefing, with DBM Undersecre-
partnership with Congress in as the foundational framework tary and Functional Group Head
passing the Progressive Bud- to modernize the PFM. of the Budget Policy & Strategy
geting for Better and Modern- “The Progressive Budgeting for Group Joselito Basilio, DBM
ized (PBBM) Governance Bill, Better and Modernized Gover- Director for Fiscal Planning
the Department of Budget and nance Act is a landmark legislative & Reforms Mary Joy de Leon,
Management (DBM) on 28 measure which seeks to improve and DBM Chief Budget Man-
March 2023 led a briefing ses- the ability of the government to agement Specialist Mark James
sion on the proposed measure. deliver direct, immediate, and Evangelista as presenters.
The activity aimed to discuss substantial services to the people, “Let me overemphasize the
and deliberate on queries and thereby, strengthening public ac- importance of this bill as envi-
concerns of the Legislature countability and transparency,” Department of Budget and Management Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman sioned by Secretary Mina Pan-
on the implementation of the Pangandaman said. (DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT/FACEBOOK) gandaman. This bill aims to safe-
PBBM Governance Bill, which Once enacted into law, it will guard and reinforce the public
the DBM is spearheading. introduce key reforms encom- Moreover, it shall establish, of revenues, expenditures, fi- financial management system,
The Bill is one of the priority passing the Budget Cycle. It promote, and embed public nancing arrangements, and as- making it stronger and flexible
legislative measures of the Mar- shall modernize the budgeting participation in the budget sets and liabilities of national enough to withstand changes of
cos Jr. administration. This is in system; resolve the fragmented process while upholding fiscal government agencies, govern- time to be able to support the
line with the administration’s PFM legal framework; secure responsibility principles in the ment-owned or controlled cor- continued revival and revitaliza-
8-point Socioeconomic Agenda institutionalization of key PFM bureaucracy. porations, and local government tion of our economy,” Wong said.
which identifies bureaucratic effi- reforms such as the Treasury The Bill will enable the gov- units to the extent provided. Also in attendance at the
ciency as one its key components. Single Account, Accounting and ernment to have a strong foun- “Ultimately, this would re- briefing were DBM Undersec-
In a message, DBM Secre- Auditing Reforms, and the Inte- dational legal framework on sult in the optimal use of the retary Janet Abuel, DBM Un-
tary Amenah F. Pangandaman grated Financial Management PFM that will guide all branches country’s fiscal resources, en- dersecretary Maria Francesca
stressed that the modernization Information System; as well as of government in the crafting hance the quality of governance del Rosario, and Acting Under-
of the country’s budgeting pro- strengthen the implementation and execution of the budget. It we provide and, in turn, ensure secretary Cristina Clasara. ■
cess has been long overdue, since of the Cash Budgeting System. shall apply to the management improved quality of life for all

PBBM: PH ‘disengaging.. ROV-equipped US..

❰❰ 1 started with and that is we really started,” he said. the Rome Statute that created the ❰❰ 3 families had been af- tion between various govern-
we cannot cooperate He likewise cited “serious ICC after former prosecutor Fatou fected by the environ- ment agencies continues and
with the ICC,” he told questions” about the ICC’s juris- Bensouda continued with the pre- mental emergency. the conduct of cleanup opera-
reporters in a media interview diction, saying he considered it liminary examination. A total of PHP142.9 million tions in the coastal areas of the
during an event at SMX Conven- to be “interference” and “practi- The Philippines formally cut worth of assistance had been three most-affected regions are
tion Center in Pasay City. cally attacks on the sovereignty.” ties with the ICC on March 17, provided by various govern- in full gear,” Nepomuceno said.
He said the ICC decision to re- To recall, the Philippine 2019, exactly a year after the ment agencies and NGOs. The M/T Princess Empress,
ject the country’s plea ends the government submitted two re- revocation of the Rome Statute. This includes financial assis- which carried 800,000 liters of
Philippines’ involvement with the quests — a notice of appeal in In September 2021, the ICC tance, family food packs, hygiene industrial fuel oil, sank on Feb. 28
Hague-based international court. February and an appeal brief in launched a formal inquiry into the kits, and other non-food items. off Naujan, Oriental Mindoro. ■
“We don’t have a next move. March — to suspend the probe drug war but suspended its move “As we speak, the coordina-
That is the extent of our in- after ICC authorized its prose- two months after the Philippine
volvement with the ICC. That cutor, Karim Khan, to investi- government vowed to re-examine
ends all our involvement with gate alleged crimes committed the cases of drug operations. PBBM mulling over..
the ICC because hindi na tayo during the Duterte administra- In June 2022, the ICC prose-
pwedeng mag-appeal (we can tion’s anti-narcotics campaign. cutor requested to reopen the in- ❰❰ 3 the said employees. tary of the Department of Bud-
no longer appeal),” he said. In March 2018, Duterte ordered quiry as it was “not satisfied” with “In any reorgani- get and Management (DBM),
“The appeal has failed. And the Philippines’ termination of what the Philippines was doing. ■ zation, there will be and DOF Secretary Carlos
there’s – in our view, there is people who will be affected and Dominguez III, both sitting
nothing more that we can do in that’s why we provide a very lib- as ex-officio members of the
the government,” he added. eral separation package. They oversight body for Government
He said the Philippines “no can use that, they can invest it Owned and Controlled Corpo-
longer” has any recourse when in new businesses if they want rations (GOCCs), also signed
it comes to the ICC. to, or they can live on it. But we the GCG resolution cancelling
“We have not been involved are doing this for the greater the EO.
with the actual action. Merely good,” he said. Dominguez earlier said a
as a comment, we would com- In 2016, the Governance Landbank-DBP merger “would
ment, and the appeal is part of Commission for Govern- not serve the public interest to
a comment. But we have not ap- ment-Owned and Controlled transform the two institutions
peared as a party in the ICC be- Corporations (GCG) cancelled into one, given their different
cause we do not recognize the the implementation Executive functions.”
jurisdiction of the ICC. And so Order No. 198, which aims to Landbank caters to agricul-
that is again, as I said, we have merge Landbank and DBP. ture, while DBP takes care of
ended up now at the end where Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. (PCO) Diokno, who was then Secre- industries. ■
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 5

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6 Philippine News MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Person in communion bread review may be

excommunicated: CBCP exec
BY FERDINAND PATINIO Secillano said. “But from what I know, on available online has been effec- get vaccinated since they don’t
Philippine News Agency Under the Canon Law, a their part, as an institution tive in reaching many faithful, believe in it. So, for us not to dis-
person who “throws away the they made reparations already, with or without a pandemic. criminate them, we will contin-
consecrated species or takes or closed their churches, no more “Why deprive them (of ) that ue to make online Mass (avail-
MANILA – An official of the retains them for a sacrilegious sacraments for the time being relationship that we already able),” Gaa said.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference purpose” incurs a latae senten- that is part of atonement, aton- built up when, in fact, it has The CBCP earlier urged the
of the Philippines (CBCP) said tiae excommunication. ing for it. But that is only for faithful to attend face-to-face
the student who made the con- It is the Church’s most severe a period of time. But when Eucharistic Celebrations.
secrated host a subject of his penalty imposed, wherein the it comes to the guy, to the Last year, the Confer-
food review may face excom- person is deprived of receiving student, that I don’t know ence said it is already time
munication. the sacraments and is deemed as what they did,” he said. to “return to the normality
Fr. Jerome Secillano, exec- an exile from Christian society. Novaliches diocese: On- It’s a form of of Christian life,” wherein
utive secretary of the CBCP The concerned bishop is the line Masses to continue the church building is the
Public Affairs Committee, said one imposing excommunication Meanwhile, the Diocese of sacrilege. You have home of the celebration of
Wednesday the Canon Law pro- through a canonical process. Novaliches is not yet ready to atone for that. Masses.
vides the penalty of excommu- The consecrated host, which to lift its arrangements for In 2020, all dioceses and
nication for sacrilegious acts. is a white wafer, is presented as physical attendance in Mass- archdioceses in the country
“It’s a form of sacrilege. You the Body of Christ during Eu- es in churches. issued their respective dis-
have to atone for that. In the charistic celebrations. “We encourage them to pensation from physically
Church, there is excommunica- Secillano issued the state- go back (to churches). But attending Masses in church-
tion regarding (such acts). The ment days after a student of the we are still thinking if we es due to the pandemic.
Church is very clear on that. Ateneo de Manila University should lift the dispensation been effective,” he added. On the other hand, several
That’s canonically provided. posted a food review on the con- already since there are those The Novaliches bishop noted dioceses and archdioceses have
There is a provision in the Can- secrated host, which he brought still affected by the pandem- that online Masses are also good already lifted the dispensa-
on Law. If there is a total dis- from the Mass he attended. ic,” Novaliches Bishop Roberto for those who choose not to be tion from physically attending
respect to a sacred specie, it is At the same time, the CBCP Gaa said in a radio interview vaccinated against the coronavi- Masses in churches to encour-
latae sententiae, which means official said the university has Wednesday. rus disease 2019 (Covid-19). age more people to return to
automatic excommunication,” already acted on the matter. Gaa said making Masses “This is their choice not to churches. ■

Return of school vacation to April,

May under study: DepEd
BY STEPHANIE Likewise, Alliance of Con- sort to blended learning if the
SEVILLANO cerned Teachers (ACT) chair- school setup.
Philippine News Agency person Vladimer Quetua said “School heads have the dis-
that classes were found to suf- cretion to suspend in-person
fer from the harsh heat effect, classes and immediately switch
MANILA – The Depart- based on a virtual survey con- to ADM (alternative delivery
ment of Education (DepEd) on ducted from March 24 to 27. modes) or blended learning if A teacher leads her pupils to the gate where parents are waiting to fetch their
Wednesday said it will study “Hindi mapalagay ang mga the environment is not condu- children at Pinyahan Elementary School in Quezon City (JOEY O. RAZON/PNA)
calls to revert school breaks to bata at hindi makapakinig sa cive to learning,” he added.
the old or pre-pandemic setup. leksyon, nagkukumpulan sila Last March 23, 83 out of 2,121 similar symptoms from heat temperatures, with this year’s
In a Viber message, DepEd sa electric fan, laging nagpapaa- participating learners from exhaustion were given immedi- highest heat index logged at 47
spokesperson Michael Poa lam na pupunta sa canteen para Grades 8, 9, 11 and 12 were re- ate attention by their teachers degrees Celsius in San Jose, Oc-
said the department will look uminom ng tubig, mga pawis na ported to be hospitalized follow- while other school personnel cidental Mindoro on March 25.
into the matter amid summer pawis at pagod na pagod (The ing an unannounced fire drill in requested an ambulance from Heat index, also known as
heat-related risks. learners feel uneasy and unable Cabuyao, Laguna which was con- the Barangay Mamatid Office to “human discomfort index,” re-
“We will take note of the sug- to focus in classes, they gather ducted amid scorching weather. bring these learners to the near- fers to the apparent tempera-
gestions and study the matter,” near the electric fan, and they “Some learners showed signs est health facilities for further ture being felt by humans.
he said. keep on asking to go to canteens of difficulty in breathing. Im- medical attention,” it added. The DepEd, meanwhile, as-
Poa initially said department to drink water, they are sweat- mediately, these learners were On March 24, 32 learners were sured to make inquiries on the
has “no plans” to revert the ing and tired),” he said. separated from the rest and also brought to the hospital due activity to improve the conduct
school breaks from April to May. In the said survey, 87 per- were stationed at the First Aid to dizziness during a regular of the unannounced drills in
Senator Sherwin Gatchalian cent of the 11,706 public school Tent. After around 10 minutes, class, which later on led to the schools moving forward.
earlier called to bring back the teachers attested that learners the learners were told to go suspension of classes in Cabuyao. Under DepEd Order No. 53,
June to March school calendar, are having a hard time focusing back to their classrooms with Weather and health author- series of 2022, unannounced
considering the risks of heat due to “intolerable” heat. their subject teachers,” the ities cautioned the public to fire and earthquake drills are
exhaustion during the summer Poa, however, said that DepEd said. take precaution as the country required to be conducted in
months. schools have the option to re- “Other learners who showed will continue to see sizzling public schools nationwide. ■
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Philippine News 7

Marcos still hopeful PH saves 62.69

of passage of water MW during
resources dep’t bill 2023 Earth Hour
BY AZER PARROCHA expressed hope that this plan with abundant water resourc-
Philippine News Agency would be mapped out by the es, we need a sole government
newly-created WRMO. body, which is focused on water
He also underscored the need resource management and will
MANILA – President Ferdi- to build more water-related in- also strengthen the implemen-
nand R. Marcos Jr. on Tuesday frastructure. tation of water-related laws to
said he remains hopeful of the Marcos expressed optimism improve coordination among
passage of a bill creating the about learning from examples regulatory bodies,” dela Cruz
Department of Water Resourc- of water management around said a news release on Tuesday.
es (DWR). the world, which the country Based on a report from the
He made this statement just could emulate. National Water Resources Board
four days after he announced “It’s just really a question of (NWRB), more than 11 Filipino
that he has signed an executive managing our water. We have families lack access to clean water.
order (EO) creating the Water always – we kept postponing This accounts for about 41.6
Resource Management Office this problem over the many, percent of the 26.4 million BY KRIS CRISMUNDO Lotilla urged Filipinos to con-
(WRMO) pending the passage many years at every level. So, it’s households in the country. Philippine News Agency tinue energy efficiency and con-
of the DWR bill. time to put it together, to put in “It’s a worrisome reality, es- servation efforts to help in man-
The creation of the DWR was a cohesive plan na masusundan pecially when we consider that aging energy demand, especially
among the priority bills pushed ng lahat ng LGU (local govern- we are at the onset of the El MANILA – The Department during dry season when power
by the President during his first ment units), masusundan ng la- Niño again this dry season. Half of Energy (DOE) reported supply often becomes critical.
State of the Nation Address in hat ng mga (that can be followed of the total number of Filipino Monday that the country saved “Let us help sustain the mo-
July last year. by LGUs and other) agencies of families does not have access to 62.69 megawatts (MW) of en- mentum by simply consistently
“There are many agencies that government,” he said. clean water due to lack of sup- ergy from turning off the lights practicing energy conservation
are concerned when it comes to Meanwhile, the President ply and sanitation,” he said. from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., or measures at home, offices, com-
water management. So, we have noted that the water manage- Dela Cruz is in Taiwan to at- the Earth Hour, last March 25. munities, and businesses from
to make it more cohesive. That’s ment problem in the country tend the 2023 Smart City and The DOE said the event was switching off non-essential
why nagtayo tayo ng (we estab- “goes beyond just agriculture.” Expo at the Taipei Nangang Exhi- a symbolic demonstration of lights to choosing more energy
lished an) Office of Water Man- “Of course, agriculture is an bition Hall 2 in Taipei City from unity aimed at reversing nature efficient appliances, equipment
agement, which presently will extremely important part of it March 28 to 31. The event will be loss and achieving a climate-re- and machines. These are simple
be attached to the Office of the but we are talking about irriga- attended by key officials of the silient future. yet valuable actions that we can
President and with DENR (De- tion – water for irrigation, water Taiwan Environmental Protec- Of the energy saving in this do easily not only for our plan-
partment of Environment and for power production, our man- tion Agency, as well as represen- year’s Earth Hour, the largest et but more especially during
Natural Resources),” he said in a agement of surface water sa (in) tatives of the city governments of savings came from Luzon with periods of high demand such as
media interview on the sidelines flood control and for irrigation Taipei and Taichung City. 33.29 MW, followed by 20.5 this summer season,” he added.
of the Pag-IBIG Fund Chair- as well,” he said. “All of these He said water service providers MW from Mindanao and 8.9 However, this year’s Earth
man’s Report in Pasay City. things we have already put up should submit a water safety plan MW from Visayas. Hour energy savings slightly de-
“But we are hoping down the together – we have already (put) and conduct regular water quality “This also illustrates how clined from 65.32 MW in 2022.
road, mayroon nang mga (there together (an) overall plan. Now, assessments at least every three purposeful behavior could The DOE said many consum-
will be) bills that have been filed we have to implement it.” months aside from acquiring the achieve something big and wor- ers used air-cooling appliances
in the legislature, in both hous- CCC backs DWR creation necessary permits and certifica- thy. Imagine when individuals, like air conditioners as the heat
es, na itinatayo ang (to establish Climate Change Commis- tions, such as the certificate on the businesses, government, and index last Saturday was at 39 to
the) Department of Water Man- sioner Albert dela Cruz Sr. has potability of drinking water. communities unite not only 40 degrees Celsius, which was
agement, and that’s precisely expressed support for the pro- He said the CCC is already during Earth Hour but in mak- higher than last year’s index.
what we are trying to face.” posal to create a DWR and Wa- formulating policies and pro- ing energy conservation their The country achieved its
Amid lawmakers’ call for the ter Regulatory Commission that grams that would ensure the se- everyday way of life, the over- highest electricity savings
government to have a compre- would focus on the management curity of the water supply. all impact would be even much during Earth Hour in 2019 with
hensive plan to address an im- of the country’s water resources. bigger,” said DOE Secretary Ra- total savings of 195.34 MW. ■
pending water crisis, Marcos “For an archipelagic country ❱❱ PAGE 13 Marcos still hopeful phael Lotilla in a statement.
8 Philippine News MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

DOH urged to prepare for disease

outbreaks during El Niño
Philippine News Agency

MANILA – A lawmaker on Monday
Arianne Grace Lacanilao urged the Department of Health (DOH)
Matte Laurel to beef up its contingencies to respond to
Violeta Arevalo
Babes Newland
diseases that typically occur during the hot
season, such as cholera, chikungunya and
Graphic Design Zika virus, warning that the coming El Niño
Shanice Garcia
Ginno Alcantara season could be a “hotbed for epidemics”.
Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca Albay Rep. Joey Salceda said tropical
diseases can be problematic, citing glob-
Account Manager
Kristopher Yong al studies showing a spike between 2.5
percent to 28 percent in cases during El
Director/Producer Niño activities.
Boom Dayupay
“El Nino is a hotbed for epidemics –
Photographers/Videographers climate is warmer than usual, and people
Ginno Alcantara
have less water available,” he said. “El Niño
and La Niña can make extreme weather control and prevention would help en- Medicine, under the proposal, he said
Alan Yong events more likely in certain areas of the sure that “this doesn’t get buried in bu- will “be part of a broader ecosystem of
country. It could intensify droughts, floods reaucratic gobbledygook”. disease prevention so it will no longer
and storms. So, apart from usual damage He expressed hope that the Senate ap- operate in a vacuum.”
due to natural disasters, let us also expect proves its version of the Center for Dis- He said both the Senate and the ap-
For photo submissions, please email
diseases related to these hazards.” ease Control and Prevention (CDC) bill proved House versions are focused on Salceda said the government could when the session resumes on May 8. “emerging or re-emerging infectious
work on adaptations, such as mandating “The CDC would definitely add insti- diseases”, although the House version is
For General Inquiries, please email
local government units to clean up and tutional muscle to our preparations, es- more explicit about measures for rapid de-
the DOH to do the coordination work pecially since El Nino could persist until tection of such diseases instead of a lack of
For Sales Inquiries, please email and provide close guidance. 2024,” he added. institutional focus by covering all diseases.
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BY FILANE MIKEE CERVANTES Filipinos “somewhat disapprove” of for children in face-to-face classes, and
it considers to contain false or misleading information Philippine News Agency wearing masks voluntarily, 1 percent only 5 percent expressed disagreement.
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages “strongly disapprove,” and 4 percent Four out of 5 households with chil-
arising out of error in any advertisment. were undecided. dren attending face-to-face classes will
MANILA – The majority, or 91 per- The non-commissioned survey also always make their child wear a face mask
Member cent, of adult Filipinos agree with the showed that more than half, or about when going to school, the pollster said.
voluntary wearing of face masks, a Social 54 percent, of the respondents said they The SWS said 11 percent of Filipi-
Weather Stations (SWS) survey showed. would always use a face mask when leav- no household heads would make their
The survey, conducted on Dec. 10-14, ing the house. child wear a face mask when attending
2022 but released only on Tuesday, noted Twenty-two percent of Filipinos said face-to-face classes “most of the time”, 5
that 64 percent of the respondents said they wear a face mask outside “most of percent said “sometimes”, 3 percent said
they “strongly approve” of Executive Or- the time,” 15 percent said “sometimes,” 8 “rarely” and 0.5 percent said “never.”
der (EO) 7 (series of 2022), allowing the percent said “rarely,” and 1 percent nev- The survey was conducted through
voluntary wearing of face masks in indoor er wore it. face-to-face interviews with 1,200 adult
and outdoor settings, while 27 percent The same survey showed that 91 per- respondents (18 years old and above) na-
said they “somewhat approve” of the EO. cent of Filipino household heads agree tionwide. It had a sampling error margin
Meanwhile, only 3 percent of adult with the voluntary wearing of face masks of ± 2.8 percent. ■
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 9

Canada News
Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are missing the
bigger picture about migrant border crossings
BY LAURA MADOKORO, Take for example, the situa-
Carleton University tion in Venezuela, described by
The Conversation the United Nations High Com-
missioner for Refugees as one
of the largest displacement cri-
When Canadian Prime Min- ses in the world.
ister Justin Trudeau and Unit- There are currently an es-
ed States President Joe Biden timated seven million Vene-
announced unofficial border zuelan migrants and refugees
crossings were no longer ex- abroad as a result of the tur-
empt from the Safe Third bulent economic and political
Country Agreement — meaning conditions in the country.
migrants could be turned away The United States govern-
— news reports document- ment has suspended direct
ed the surprise and dismay of flights to Venezuela, as has the
those who arrived at Roxham Canadian government.
Road in Québec, a few hours There is also a Canadian trav-
past the deadline of midnight, el advisory telling people to
March 25, 2023. Canadaian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and United States President Joe Biden (JUSTIN TRUDEAU/FACEBOOK) “avoid all travel to Venezuela
Migrants who crossed just due to the significant level of vi-
hours before the new measures when there were animated de- uting to the conflicts that were also talked about the conditions olent crime, the unstable politi-
took effect, on the other hand, bates about the nature of re- fuelling migration. in their homelands, and raised cal and economic situations and
expressed relief to the media that sponsibilities to refugees in the They connected the dots and awareness about violent conflicts the decline in basic living con-
they made it into Canada in time. United States and, to some ex- argued that the U.S. govern- that might not have been as well ditions, including shortages of
The media attention on these tent, in Canada. ment’s failure to address asy- understood otherwise. medication, gasoline and water.”
most recent attempts to cross In March 1982, the South- lum claims from Central Amer- Authorities recognized how Let’s not impose further
the Canada-U.S. border helps side Presbyterian Church in icans in a fair and just manner powerful — and damning — this burdens
the public understand what Tucson, Ariz., alongside five was part of a larger strategy of information was. Having a sense of the larger
otherwise too often takes place churches from the San Fran- refusing responsibility for the During the 1985 sanctuary picture isn’t about the merits of
on isolated rural roads and with cisco Bay area, declared them- tumult in the region. trial — in which 11 members of individual claims, or how peo-
little accountability. They shed selves public sanctuaries for ‘Civil initiative’ the sanctuary movement were ple decide to seek better lives,
some light on what is happen- migrants from Central America To address the situation, civil tried for various felonies in- or what borders they crossed.
ing, but only some. who were fleeing civil wars and society organizations began to cluding smuggling and trans- It’s about having a better un-
The issues at play at Rox- political persecution. collaborate on multiple levels in portation — the ruling judge derstanding of how and why
ham Road, on the Québec-New The Ronald Reagan admin- what Jim Corbett, a Quaker and specifically denied the intro- people all over the world are
York border, are larger than istration, which funded guer- Arizona rancher who was deeply duction of any foreign policy moving.
any one single border crossing, rilla movements in Nicaragua, involved in the movement, de- evidence or testimony about As the public education com-
official or otherwise. They are Guatemala and El Salvador, scribed as “civil initiative.” events in people’s homelands ponent of the 1980s sanctuary
intimately connected to global had made it difficult for people This involved everything as part of the proceedings. Six movement shows, this is work
political instability, economic to file asylum claims — and the from helping people across the of the activists, including Cor- all of us can do. As people lose
equities, exploitation and the few that were heard were dis- Mexico–U.S. border to offering bett, were convicted, though all the capacity to be heard, the
enduring question of a state’s proportionately refused. legal advice and support, facil- received probation. burden falls on all of us to un-
capacity to be humanitarian For instance, only three per itating or providing translation The judge’s actions illus- derstand circumstances abroad
when it is also in the business of cent of claims from El Salvador services, and advocating public- trates the importance of the rather than to make assump-
managing migration. were accepted, despite testimo- ly on behalf of refugees. larger story when it comes to tions about who people are, and
Shining a spotlight ny from refugees about brutal Alongside public declara- migration issues. what they may or may not have
The need to see beyond the im- persecution that was echoed tions of sanctuary, Corbett talk- What fuels migration? endured, based solely on how
mediate crossing point is urgent by human rights observers. The ed about “public witness” as The current discussions of they are moving.
and necessary, because the mod- speed of the refusals and the a “key dimension of efforts to migration across the Cana- If we’re going to have robust
ified Safe Third Country Agree- deportations made it difficult end the persecution” (detailed da–U.S. border, in both direc- and substantive conversations
ment is not the end of the story. for people to learn about the in Miriam Davidson’s Convic- tions, are focused only on the about migration policy and hu-
Raising public awareness circumstances that had caused tions of the Heart: Jim Corbett movement of migrants them- manitarian responsibilities, then
about the issues surrounding people to flee. and the Sanctuary Movement). selves, with little sense or in- we need to zoom out — beyond
migration has been a critical As civil society activists began Crucially, some refugees in terest in the circumstances that the immediacy of the border —
part of civil society activism on to educate themselves about sanctuary chose or were invited are causing people to move. to better understand the inter-
refugee issues in recent years. what was going on in Central to speak about their experiences. In other words, we are only connected circumstances that
It was a cornerstone of the America, they recognized that They often described their own seeing migrants, not the bigger
1980s sanctuary movement, U.S. foreign policy was contrib- circumstances. However, they picture. ❱❱ PAGE 17 Justin Trudeau and
10 Canada News MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Canada needs a new economic vision,

and new policies to go with it
BY JULIAN KARAGUESIAN GDP growth has declined by 50 This is concerning because turing and employment and crit- nomic statement of 2022 un-
Policy Options per cent in the 15 years since manufacturing and exports tend ical supply chains, and strength- veiled and elaborated on the
the global financial crisis of to generate more growth, high- ening national security. By far $15-billion Canada Growth
2008 compared to the 15 years er productivity and greater lon- the most relevant of these poli- Fund and the $2.6-billion Can-
A next-generation industrial prior to the crisis, from three ger-term prosperity, relative to cies to Canada is the U.S. Infla- ada Innovation Corporation.
policy could help the country per cent to 1.5 per cent per year. extractive industries. MIT’s Ob- tion Reduction Act (IRA) passed Those had the ultimate objec-
face many challenges including Canada already faces severe servatory of Economic Complexi- in August 2022. tives to help secure Canada’s
an aging population and reli- shortages in health care and ty (OEC) tracks knowledge inten- The IRA includes nearly longer-term prosperity by driv-
ance on trade with the U.S. long-term care and affordable sities across different countries’ US$800 billion in spending, tax ing investment in industries
Canadians may learn from the housing. This is set to get worse. economies. Knowledge inten- credits and other measures to and technologies of the future.
federal budget what tone and di- The dependency ratio – those sity is correlated with advanced encourage private investment Budget 2023 promises to ex-
rection the Trudeau government over the age of 65 relative to manufacturing and research and in “new and innovative clean pand on these initiatives with
will set for the economy as it ap- those aged 16 to 64 – hit almost development (R&D) and higher energy projects and the decar- new spending and tax credits.
proaches an eighth year in office. 52 per cent in 2022, up from a prosperity in the long run. In the bonization of existing energy While there will continue to
Will they build on the last budget post-war low of just below 44 OEC’s country rankings, Cana- infrastructure.” Europeans have be calls for government to close
and fall economic statement and per cent in 2008. da fell from 18th place in 2000 to vowed to match (euro for dollar) remaining gaps following the
move the country further in the Statistics Canada projects 29th place in 2020 – just ahead American spending on industri- budget, the real focus will need
direction on an industrial policy this ratio to keep rising, reach- of Thailand, and behind Mexico, al policy. Taken together, tril- to be successful implementation.
to keep pace with the U.S., or will ing nearly 60 per cent by 2030. and Poland, and well behind most lions of dollars are being spent To date, there has been an ad hoc
they pivot in another direction? While increased immigration of our G7 peers, as well as South in these countries to secure new use of government funds to at-
While it may appear that some with a focus on working-age Korea. This is consistent with the sources of growth and prosper- tract private global investment
things are steadily moving to- migrants will help, Canada will fact that Canada’s R&D spending ity that are clean, high-tech and wherever opportunities present
wards some new post-pandem- also need substantial invest- as a share of GDP is less than half more inclusive. Canada needs to themselves, without a transpar-
ic normalcy, bank failures, talk ments in technology adoption compared to the U.S., Germany, find ways to compete for invest- ent framework to guide deci-
of recession, the next phase of and innovation to improve its Japan and Korea. ment capital, talent and market sion-making or measure success.
COVID-19 and a potential elec- productivity growth. Dependence on the United share in the race to succeed in The success of next genera-
tion point to some instability. But Declining export growth States the next generation economy. tion industrial policies will de-
much deeper forces are at work. A second factor is the decline It’s not only that one-third Traditional policies aimed pend critically on their design,
Canada is facing the most of Canada’s export-to-GDP ratio. of Canada’s GDP is generated at boosting economic growth, governance and follow-through.
profound challenges to its It has dropped from 40 per cent by exports, but also that 75 to such as corporate tax reduc- It will also depend on successful
prosperity since the end of the in 2001 to just over 30 per cent 80 per cent of our exports go tions or reduced red tape, will negotiations with the U.S. and
Second World War. The coun- today. This is concerning because to a single country: the United not be sufficient to address at the international level aimed
try’s traditional sources of eco- Canada’s outsized economy rela- States. Until the turn of the cen- the scale, scope and urgency at creating global governance
nomic growth – a young and tive to its population is driven in tury, this was viewed as an ex- of challenges Canada faces. structures that support Cana-
rapidly growing population, an large part by the fact that a large plicit advantage. However, a se- Governments will increasingly da’s export ambitions. Ideally,
expanding oil and gas sector, in- share of the GDP is exported into ries of events – from 9/11 and the need to play a role in accelerat- the post-budget period will offer
ternational trade – are at risk of a global marketplace. global financial crisis to the rise ing private sector investment. an opportunity for the federal
drying up in the face of power- The trade environment is set of Trumpism and COVID-19 Quebec has been a leader in de- government to move away from
ful forces and trends. to become ever more difficult. border closures to the resulting veloping a next generation in- primarily reactive responses
Challenges to Canada’s Countries representing more supply chain disruptions, infla- dustrial policy aimed at driving to a proactive approach under-
economic growth than 90 per cent of global GDP tion and Buy American – have investment in critical mineral, pinned by a clear understanding
There are four key issues fac- have committed to reaching net highlighted our vulnerability to battery and electric vehicle sup- of 21st century economic forces
ing Canada’s future growth that, zero emissions by mid-century both the U.S. election cycle and a ply chains. The governments of and trends. ■
if not addressed by the current while an estimated 60 to 70 per “thickening” of the Canada-U.S. Canada and Ontario have also
government, could have major cent of Canada’s exports come border. The latter has been the been active in catalyzing invest- This article first appeared
repercussions on its prosperity. from transition-vulnerable sec- largest driver of our declining ment in the electric vehicle and on Policy Options and is repub-
They are its aging population; tors. They will need to adapt or export-to-GDP ratio since 2001. battery manufacturing. lished here under a Creative
its shrinking sources of export face decline. Oil and gas will be While U.S. President Joe Biden Both the budget and fall eco- Commons license.
growth; its reliance on the United most exposed in the long-term, recently reassured Canada that
States as its number one trading but other key sectors (like tradi- his objective is shared prosper-
partner; and finally public invest- tional automobile manufactur- ity, growing Canada’s exports to
ments to respond to a volatile ing, iron and steel, chemicals) will other parts of the world will im-
global market. Only if Canada de- also face profound, globally driv- prove this country’s resilience.
fines a next generation industrial en transformation. Canada will Public investment by oth-
policy that goes beyond simply need to adapt its export sectors to er countries
supporting businesses can it ad- a low-carbon world, while gaining Fourth, other countries, some
dress climate change and nation- a foothold in new markets. with much larger economies,
al security objectives that will Just as concerning is that the are making substantial public
ensure economic stability. sophistication of our exports investments to secure their posi-
Aging population and slow- has declined steadily over the tions in a rapidly changing global
ing productivity same period. This has been char- economy. The U.S., EU members,
The combination of slowing acterized by a falling share of Japan, Korea and other countries
productivity growth and an ag- manufactured goods (for exam- have put in place large-scale in-
ing population has led to a secu- ple buses and jet engines) and a dustrial policies aimed at accel-
lar decline in the rate of growth rising share of primary products erating the net-zero transition,
of the Canadian economy. Real (like oil and gas) in total exports. onshoring advanced manufac- (CHRYSTIA FREELAND/FACEBOOK)
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Canada News 11

Canada needs to synchronize its climate

policies for effective emission control
BY WILLIAM SCOTT, — the regulatory “sticks” — in- This can mean that when fers when the additional pol- Canada in relation to the feder-
Stanford University, cluding carbon pricing and flexi- additional provincial policies icies to reduce emissions are al benchmark.
EKATERINA RHODES, ble regulations that are expected incentivize the adoption of also covered under a cap-and- Paddling together
University of Victoria to do most of the heavy lifting. electric vehicles, like B.C.‘s zero trade program. Cap-and-trade Provinces across the country
The Conversation While the increased effort emission vehicle sales mandate, programs set a limit on the to- vary in their economic structure,
toward implementing climate they allow even higher emis- tal greenhouse gas emissions access to energy resources and
policies across jurisdictions is sions intensities from the rest from regulated sectors such as political ideologies. So it is no
National, provincial and terri- good, synchronized policy deci- of the vehicle fleet while still electricity, transportation and surprise that alternative policy
torial governments across Can- sions are better. meeting the federal standard. heavy industry. approaches are being pursued.
ada have implemented a myriad We see many instances of This can result in a net increase A set quantity of emissions For instance, Alberta, which
of policies to reduce greenhouse overlapping policies across in emissions. allowances are then allocated relied on the oil and gas sector
gas emissions in recent years. provinces that can support or Need for synchronized cli- or auctioned to firms by the for nearly 25 per cent of GDP
However, these stubbornly high undermine our emissions re- mate policies government. These allowanc- and 10 per cent of government
emissions have only just started duction objectives. Most policy Understanding how policies es are then used to account revenue in 2019, has imple-
showing signs of falling. interactions (74 per cent) help work together is critically im- for that firm’s greenhouse gas mented about half the number
In principle, each level of reduce additional emissions. portant. emissions. This is seen in the of policies as the other provinc-
government is working toward For example, incentivizing Consider the case of Canada’s provinces of Québec and Nova es studied.
the same goal. Yet, the ap- electric vehicle adoption while alternative approaches to car- Scotia, for now. However, ensuring policies
proaches they use vary in effort, decarbonizing our electricity bon pricing. When additional Additional policies can re- work together to achieve our
design and coverage — with grid can create greater emis- policies are imposed to reduce duce emissions from sectors goals requires greater co-ordi-
some emissions sources cov- sions reduction than either pol- emissions from fuels covered covered by the cap and with it, nation and co-operation across,
ered by multiple policies while icy can on its own. by the federal carbon tax, the the demand for emissions al- and between, governance lev-
others remain unregulated. However, interactions be- incentive from the carbon price lowances. This makes it easier els. Re-invigorated inter-gov-
To achieve our emissions tween overlapping policies — adds on to the incentive from to achieve the limit set by the ernmental bodies like the Ca-
goals, we need federal, pro- particularly across provincial/ the other policy. cap. However, since the limit set nadian Council of Ministers of
vincial and territorial policies territorial and federal levels This is because the increase by the emissions cap remains the Environment offer a path in
paddling in the same direction — can also lead to unintended in cost of higher polluting goods unchanged, additional policies this direction.
in addition to synchronized ef- consequences that undermine from the carbon tax does not don’t necessarily contribute to The variety of policies im-
forts to maximize our impact. our policy objectives. change in the presence of addi- any additional emissions reduc- plemented across the country
In our new study, recently For instance, electric vehicles tional policy. For example, in Brit- tion, but simply shift costs and also highlight the importance
published in Climate Policy, we earn credits under the federal ish Columbia, fossil fuel use for emissions between activities. of evaluating policy choices
examine the development and vehicle emissions standards in transportation is disincentivized Such interactions have im- within the context of the broad-
design of climate policy mixes excess of their actual emissions by both the province’s carbon tax portant implications for how er policy mix — a key consider-
across Alberta, British Colum- intensity (prior to policy chang- and low-carbon fuel standard. we compare the stringency of ation for climate accountability
bia, Ontario and Québec, as well es coming in 2025). However, the interaction dif- carbon pricing systems across bodies such as the Net-Zero
as at the federal level, and eval- Advisory Body and B.C. Climate
uate their expected impact on Solutions Council.
emissions abatement. We are all in the same boat.
Regulatory sticks over pol- And if everyone is paddling in
icy carrots their own direction, we can
Over the last 20 years, the veer off course and make it even
number and types of climate harder to reach our destination.
policies implemented in Cana- To propel us efficiently towards
da and globally have expanded our emissions targets, policies
dramatically. and programs across nation-
Policy “carrots” — economic al and provincial jurisdictions
incentives, such as subsidies for need to paddle together. ■
low-carbon technologies — are
by far the most common policy This article is republished
type and have also been found to from The Conversation under a
be more politically popular. But, Creative Commons license.
it is the mandatory regulations
12 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

World News
Humza Yousaf: Scotland gets a Muslim
leader in a moment of extraordinary
change for British politics
BY PARVEEN AKHTAR, the great British industries, in motivation for getting into poli- as a leader in a public election. the minority vote for granted.
Aston University, TIMOTHY factories and in mills, settling in
tics in the first place. That will be the real measure Today ethnic, religious and
PEACE, University of Glasgow large town and cities. His political awakening had of how accepting the wider Brit- cultural diversity is reflected
The Conversation Scotland is the only western taken place a decade earlier in ish public is of the changing face across the political spectrum. It
European nation to have a Mus- the aftermath of the 9/11 at- of national politics. It remains to is possible to reach the top what-
lim leader and the UK the only tacks in the United States. As he be seen whether their ethnicity ever your political identity.
Humza Yousaf’s appointment democracy where the children sat watching the images of the becomes a factor in the public But it should be noted that
as first minister of Scotland is a of formerly colonised people Twin Towers with classmates, debate around their politics. less has changed when it comes
historic moment for the UK. It are running the country that they turned to ask him why Both Yousaf and Sunak to educational and social back-
means that, for the first time in colonised their parents’ and Muslims hated America. That, seem keen to keep their faith ground. Yousaf’s father was an
history, the country has a Hindu grandparents’ nations. The mo- he states, is when he realised in the private sphere, which accountant. Sunak the son of a
prime minister in Westminster ment is monumental. The UK, politics mattered. is expected in British politics. doctor and a pharmacist. Both
(Rishi Sunak) and a Muslim first Scotland and indeed Ireland are Yousaf’s faith and ethnici- Former prime minister Tony men went to private school.
minister in Scotland. all led by people from the south ty had previously been rarely Blair’s team famously lived by They were part of a generation
In his victory commented on in Scot- the mantra “We don’t do God” of immigrants who were able to
speech, Yousaf said: tish politics. Indeed, when it came to avoiding dis- come to the UK and make a bet-
We should all take it is rare to hear him cussions about his Christianity. ter life for themselves.
pride in the fact that to- described as a “Mus- The class caveat Politics continues to be domi-
day we have sent a clear ... that your colour of lim minister” or “Brit- Yousaf’s politics couldn’t be nated by the privately educated.
message, that your co- ish Asian MSP”. The more different from Sunak’s. Class is the true divide in British
lour of skin, your faith, skin, your faith, is not a same applies to others He is firmly left of centre on politics, whatever colour rosette
is not a barrier to lead- barrier to leading the who have preceded or immigration, welfare and tax- a candidate wears. ■
ing the country we all followed him and is a ation. This reminds us that the
call home. country we all call home. measure of how far the ethnic minority political iden- This article is republished
On the face of it, UK has come with re- tity is not uniform, although for from The Conversation under a
these two men, whose gards to minorities in years parties on the left took Creative Commons license.
families came to the public life.
UK as immigrants During the SNP lead-
looking for a better ership contest, howev-
life, embody the dream that, Asian diaspora. er, Yousaf’s absence from a vote
through hard work, immigrants Both Yousaf and Sunak have on equal marriage for same-sex
and their children can make it credited their grandparents couples was questioned and
to the top of society. and parents for their work eth- linked to his faith and standing
Similar stories are playing ic, which they say has enabled in the Glasgow Pakistani com-
out elsewhere at the top level of them to move up Britain’s social munity. The allegation was that
British politics, too. Scotland’s and political hierarchy. It’s an he did not want to vote in favour
main opposition party Labour inspiring story but perhaps one of this legislation for fear of
is led by Anas Sawar, a man who they should both reflect on now alienating that community.
is also of Pakistani Muslim her- they are in power. It is perhaps A spokesperson for Yousaf’s
itage, as is Sadiq Khan, the May- harder for arrivals in today’s campaign responded by saying
or of London. The Westminster Britain to replicate this journey. that he “unequivocally supports
cabinet also has unprecedented The ultimate stress test equal marriage” and that his
ethnic diversity. awaits absence from the vote was due
Many of these politicians are Though Yousaf has stated he to “an extremely important en-
the children and grandchildren is a practising Muslim, he is also gagement which involved trying
of immigrants who came to the clear that he does not believe to secure the release of a Scot-
UK in the 1950s and 1960s, eco- that legislators should be led by tish national sentenced to death
nomic migrants from former faith in their decision-making. for blasphemy in Pakistan”.
colonies like India, Pakistan and That said, at an event we organ- It is important to note that
the nations of east Africa and the ised at the Scottish Parliament neither Yousaf or Sunak have yet
Caribbean, who came with little on Muslims and the political faced the real stress test. They
money and limited English lan- process in Scotland when Yousaf both became leaders on the back
guage. This first wave of postco- first became an MSP, he revealed of a closed party selection pro-
lonial migrants often worked in that his faith had been part of his cess so have not yet had to stand (HUMZA YOUSAF/FACEBOOK)
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 World News 13

Fears AUKUS will undermine Australia’s

defence sovereignty are misplaced
BY PETER K. LEE, USSC, clear technicians, this would bat system and French sensors
University of Sydney undermine our defence sover- and radars.
The Conversation eignty. But this isn’t the case. In this sense, AUKUS isn’t a
Similarly, if a future Austra- “Brave New World”. It’s more
lian prime minister wished to “Back to the Future” for Austra-
The AUKUS submarine an- send a submarine on a mission lia’s shipbuilding aspirations.
nouncement earlier this month and could only do so with US AUKUS is a sovereign choice
reignited a long-running debate and UK approval and techni- The dream of an entirely
about how to best preserve Aus- cal support, that would also self-sufficient defence industry
tralia’s sovereignty. suggest the government didn’t is inherently appealing. There’s
The announcement ad- have full defence sovereignty. something unsettling about re-
dressed some key concerns. For But this isn’t the case either. lying on others for capabilities
example, the United States will A century of partnerships to defend oneself.
sell (rather than lease) Australia with others But Australia’s entry into
its Virginia class submarines so The same 2018 capability AUKUS doesn’t only entail sov-
Australia can keep these boats. plan defined a “sovereign in- ereign risks for Canberra. The
The submarine commanders Australian Primer Minister Anthony Albanese, United States President Joe dustrial capability” as US is also making a big bet put-
and crew will be Australian. Biden, and British Prime Minister Rishi Surnak (CHAD J. MCNEELEY VIA U.S. SECRE- when Australia assesses it is ting its most closely-guarded
The rotational deployments of TARY OF DEFENSE/FLICKR, CC BY 2.0) strategically critical and must nuclear reactor technology and
US and UK submarines through therefore have access to, or con- boats in Australian hands at a
Perth won’t become a foreign The AUKUS submarine plan We simply don’t know if Aus- trol over, the essential skills, time when it needs them most.
base. And Australia will ulti- represents a new shade of the tralia is now more locked into technology, intellectual proper- So what does the US get out
mately build its own AUKUS dependency that Australia has a potential US-China conflict ty, financial resources and infra- of this deal? In 2021, US offi-
class nuclear-powered subma- always had on the US for ad- than was already the case be- structure as and when required. cials were at pains to reassure
rines, likely in Adelaide. vanced capabilities, and with fore September 2021, when In fact, Australia’s domes- us there was no quid-pro-quo to
Even so, the AUKUS an- which Australia has always been AUKUS was first announced. tic defence industrial base has the deal. But even if there were
nouncement was met with comfortable. So long as Austra- Answering that question in- focused on controlling key el- such a request, there’s nothing
sharp criticism. For some com- lia is able to use these tools as it volves far more than an assess- ements of a capability, rather about AUKUS that locks Austra-
mentators, AUKUS is the last sees fit, the argument goes, then ment of just our submarine in- than manufacturing everything lia into actions future govern-
nail in the coffin of Australian sovereignty is ensured. This is dustrial capability. onshore. On the submarines, ments cannot withdraw from.
independence from the US. the way of the alliance. We should instead judge the those will be the components The UK received nuclear
There are concerns about the We haven’t yet sacrificed our submarine announcement, and to operate and sustain the boats propulsion technology from the
reliance on others for technolo- defence sovereignty or sover- whether it undermines Aus- from Australian shipyards. US in 1958 but stayed out of the
gy and skills, especially regard- eign industrial capabilities on tralia’s sovereignty, against the Australia has, therefore, cho- Vietnam War.
ing the nuclear reactors. Also, the altar of AUKUS. actual procurement objectives sen to largely equip its defence Canada was also offered nu-
the massive investment allo- Here’s why. that lay behind the need to re- force with the most advanced ca- clear-powered submarines in
cated to the submarines may What are Australia’s de- place the retiring Collins class pabilities available from abroad 1988, but chose not to pursue
undermine a more balanced de- fence sovereignty objectives? submarines. – it’s the world’s fourth largest the offer due to budget con-
fence force needed for defend- Many critiques of AUKUS Will the submarine plan help arms importer for a reason. straints and public opposition.
ing the continent. go far beyond the specific issue Australia enhance its “defence It’s worth remembering Aus- That backtrack didn’t doom
What’s more, some analysts of whether the proposed sub- sovereignty”? And will it help tralia has never had a truly sov- US-Canada relations.
have questioned whether Aus- marine pathway compromises Australia build a “sovereign in- ereign submarine industrial ca- Every day for the next half cen-
tralia can maintain indepen- Australia’s defence sovereignty. dustrial capability” that gives pability. The cancelled program tury, Australia’s leaders will wake
dent military decision-making Instead, they touch on deeper future governments credible with France was but the latest up each morning and be free to
in future conflicts. For example, questions of Australia’s strate- military options at a time of in a century of partnership with make a choice about the future of
would Australia’s submarines gic alignment with the US and their choosing? others. the AUKUS partnership.
be used to support the US in a the UK, and our national deci- The 2018 Defence Industrial This has included: So, too, will the Australian
war with China? sion-making writ large. Capability Plan defined “de- • jointly crewed boats with people, who at each election
These concerns deserve seri- For example, the most head- fence sovereignty” as the UK before the first world war will be able to vote for politi-
ous consideration. line-grabbing critique is that the ability to independently em- • dependence on the US sub- cal parties who might offer dif-
But many Australian strat- AUKUS has deprived Australia ploy Defence capability or force marine fleet operating from our ferent visions for the future of
egists reject them. For them, of its freedom to choose what when and where required to pro- ports during the second world war AUKUS. That is what it means
AUKUS is less revolution than to do in a possible military con- duce the desired military effect. • British-built Oberon sub- to be sovereign. ■
evolution, merely the logical tingency over Taiwan. But this If the Virginia class or AUKUS marines in the Cold War
extension of Australia’s robust hinges on a hypothetical future class submarines couldn’t be • and Swedish-designed Col- This article is republished
defence cooperation with the scenario, the answer to which independently operated and lins class submarines in the from The Conversation under a
US over many decades. cannot be known today. needed US commanders or nu- 1990s, incorporating a US com- Creative Commons license.

Marcos still hopeful..

❰❰ 7 “We are taking an public the importance of having education program are policies Among the mentioned poli- because dumping garbage on
active role in ensuring a comprehensive management on the conservation, preserva- cies are regulation in the use of unused lands results in pollu-
that every Filipino has program on water safety plan- tion, and protection of the en- deep wells and even the tran- tion that seeps into our water
safe and potable water and we ning,” he said. vironment, which relates to the sition of sanitary landfills to systems. ■
are doing this by educating the Included in the CCC’s public country’s water resources. waste-to-energy technologies
14 World News MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Ukraine: reporter’s notes from

WWII shows how Russia used claims
of fascism to stem independence
BY RICHARD SAMBROOK, the Holocaust, filing an eyewit- on his experience reporting from not work and the cold war began. Soviet-era paranoia about the
Cardiff University ness account of the atrocities behind Russian lines. During the Discussions were opened in west and grievances about its
The Conversation perpetrated by the Nazis at Ma- war his reports had been cen- Yalta in Crimea about forming the losses, and early signs of the “fake
jdanek as it was liberated by the sored – something he had to ac- UN. Stalin demanded three seats news” policy of dezinformatsiya
Red Army in August 1944 – some cept in order to keep his accredi- – for the USSR, Byelorussia (now (disinformation) – or active mea-
Alongside the horrors of the eight months before Richard tation. He warned his paper: Belarus) and Ukraine. This was sures – which have mushroomed
war in Ukraine, many in the west Dimbleby’s famous broadcast The sinister thing about all this intended to give the Soviet Union since the advent of digital media.
have been confused by the insis- about Belsen. In his unpublished is that of course when we can’t get three votes and three opportuni- Winterton went on to offer
tence from Russian president memoirs, Winterton wrote: first-hand news … we try and justi- ties to speak on any topic. Ukraine advice on how the west should
Vladimir Putin that he is trying The worst place, because of its fy our existence here by rewriting and Byelorussia did join the UN as handle the Soviet Union:
to free the country from “Nazi scale, was the death camp at Ma- the tripe which the Russian news- founding members, even though We should, in agreement with
control”, accusing his Ukrainian jdanek. We were shown the huge papers print, dressing it up attrac- they weren’t independent states. the Kremlin, have a clear idea
counterpart, Volodymyr Zelen- gas chambers where the victims tively and sending that. The Rus- Either a friend or a ‘fascist’ where the Anglo-American sphere
sky, and his supporters of crimes were herded naked and gassed with sians are more than satisfied that Winterton emphasises in of influence begins and the Rus-
against the people of Ukraine. Zyklon B. We were shown the ov- we should do this for news thus Report on Russia that any sian ends … we should not seek
On the face of it, Putin’s alle- ens, at the top of a slope, where the served has the desired flavour. Ukrainian or Byelorussian as- to prevent the spread of Russian
gations seem bizarre, not least corpses were incinerated. We saw In his books Report on Russia serting independence would be influence in places where we are
because Zelensky is Jewish a great field of cabbages where the and Inquest on an Ally he was at arrested as an enemy of the state in any case powerless to halt it
and has said that members of ashes and bones were scattered. last free to speak his mind. His or – significantly – a “fascist”: without a major war. On the other
his family were killed during The report – which he filed observations of the Russians The loose use of words by the hand there should be no day-to-
the second world war. While twice to make sure it had been during the war – and the grow- Russians does not arise from ig- day appeasement … we should be
it’s true Ukraine has had issues received – went on to give more ing tensions with the west – norance or stupidity. Stalin well firm leaving the Russians in no
with the far right within its and graphic detail. “Experienc- resonate today in the context of understands the meaning for the doubt that any attempt to overstep
borders, there is no evidence to es like these colour one’s view Putin’s attack on Ukraine. word ‘independence’. But the Rus- the line would be met by force.
support what seem wild claims. for life,” he said. In Inquest on An Ally, Win- sians know that if you say a thing What seemed clear advice
But for students of 20th-cen- The BBC held back his report terton reports that Pravda had often enough a lot of people will in 1945 of course became more
tury history, Putin’s rhetoric for some weeks, concerned that accused the American and Brit- believe it whether it is true or not. complex in the following 75 years
should be no surprise. It stems any suggestion that British lives ish zones of becoming “a refuge The word ‘fascist’, for instance has with the cold war, the fall of the
from the end of the second were being sacrificed to save Jew- for notorious criminals, for Hit- rightly become a word of abuse Berlin wall and Soviet commu-
world war and in some ways was ish people in Europe might cause ler-ite hangers on”. There was and shame throughout the world. nism, the development of Nato
anticipated in 1945 by a British a surge in antisemitism in the UK. deep suspicion of the western Very well, argue the Russians, if and the European Union. But
foreign correspondent who had Winterton was also among allies and their motives. anyone attacks us or offends us or it offers a valuable perspective,
spent the key years of the war the first to report from Stalin- In spite of such frictions, Roo- effectively disagrees with us, we from an eyewitness to history, on
reporting from Moscow. grad in 1943 when the battle sevelt saw US-Soviet collabo- will call him a fascist. Some people today’s diplomatic dilemmas and
Paul Winterton was the Mos- was over, calmly describing the ration as the necessary basis of are bound to take up the cry. Russian rhetoric. ■
cow correspondent for the News devastation he found there. post-war peace, hoping Russians In this observation from 75
Chronicle and a regular contrib- Reports censored might be weaned away from sus- years ago we see the root of Pu- This article is republished
utor to the BBC World Service. At the end of the war he re- picion and dogma. But of course tin’s attitude to Ukraine, his use from The Conversation under a
He was among the first to report turned to London and reflected any pro-Soviet appeasement did of the fascist label, which reflects Creative Commons license.

Biden bans gov’t use of spyware

posing risk to nat’l security
BY RAMON MONSALVE, commercial spyware, protecting person,” he said.
JR., Anadolu its interests, information sys- The order requires federal de-
Philippine News Agency tems, and not contributing to its partments and agencies to not
misuse by foreign governments. make operational use of com-
“Therefore, I hereby estab- mercial spyware where they de-
WASHINGTON – US Pres- lish as the policy of the United termine that such use poses sig-
ident Joe Biden issued an ex- States Government that it shall nificant counterintelligence or
ecutive order Monday banning not make operational use of security risks to the government. world have deployed this tech- ments also have confronted
government agencies from us- commercial spyware that poses The White House said com- nology to facilitate repression revelations that actors within
ing commercial spyware that significant counterintelligence mercial spyware has proliferat- and enable human rights abuses. their systems have used com-
poses a risk to national security. or security risks to the United ed in recent years with few con- “Misuse of these power- mercial spyware to target their
In his order, Biden said the States Government or signifi- trols and a high risk of abuse. ful surveillance tools has not citizens without proper legal
US must establish procedures cant risks of improper use by a It said a growing number of been limited to authoritarian authorization, safeguards and
to ensure the responsible use of foreign government or foreign foreign governments around the regimes. Democratic govern- oversight,” it added. ■
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 15

Uganda’s new anti-LGBTQ+ law could lead to

death penalty for same-sex ‘offences’
BY ZANELE NYONI- WOOD, family and community to re- Uganda’s penal code. desirable”. The group was sub- grading treatment and protec-
Lancaster University port individuals in same-sex Aspects of the the 2023 bill sequently forced to close. tion against discrimination.
The Conversation relationships to the authorities. seem to be an unnecessary du- Discrimination and intol- But article 43 of Uganda’s con-
It’s a significant blow to the plication of the penal code. erance stitution also states that the en-
LGBTQ+ community in Ugan- However parliament considers The criminalisation of homo- joyment of rights and freedoms
People in same-sex relation- da, which fought to overturn the its passage necessary to address sexuality has led to discrimina- is subject to limitation if that lim-
ships in Uganda now face the Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2014 legislative gaps and “place em- tion and marginalisation from itation is seen to be in the public
possibility of life in prison after that already contained draconi- phasis on emerging matters” that employment, health and other interest and “acceptable and de-
the country’s parliament unani- an provisions, including life im- are not contained in the criminal services. Sexual minorities are monstrably justifiable in a free
mously passed its 2023 anti-ho- prisonment for same-sex acts. law. For example, criminalising ostracised from their commu- and democratic society”. The
mosexuality bill. The legislation, Just five months after Museveni the procurement, promotion and nities and threatened with or public interest here is the protec-
which Amnesty International assented to the 2014 act, Ugan- dissemination of literature relat- experience homophobic attacks. tion of moral values and the tra-
has called “appalling”, “ambig- da’s constitutional court over- ing to homosexuality. Non-partisan, pan-African ditional heterosexual family.
uous” and “vaguely worded”, turned it, not due to public out- Uganda’s constitution already research network Afrobarom- In her submission to the le-
establishes a range of harsh pen- cry, but on procedural grounds. prohibits same-sex marriage and eter reported a 2020 survey gal and parliamentary affairs
alties for same-sex “offences” – Human Rights Watch said the Non-Governmental Organ- which found that only 3% of committee, prominent human
including the death penalty for the passage of the law opened isations (NGO) Act of 2016 in Ugandans were tolerant of peo- rights activist and academic Dr
“aggravated homosexuality”. the floodgates for persecution effect prevents the registration ple with a different sexual ori- Sylvia Tamale wrote that same-
The text of the bill says the of sexual minorities. HRW has of organisations involved in pro- entation or identity. sex relations have always exist-
law is intended to “protect the described the current law as a moting LGBTQ+ rights. This pre- Opponents of the anti-ho- ed in African societies without
traditional family” by not only “more egregious version” of the vents civil society organisations mosexuality bill argue it is in persecution and have tended
criminalising same-sex acts 2014 act and expressed concern from advocating for the rights direct contravention of the Bill to be treated as a private mat-
themselves but also “the pro- that it “criminalises people and welfare of sexual minorities. of Rights in the country’s con- ter. To criminalise them is to
motion or recognition of sex- simply for being who they are”. This was the case for Sexual stitution. This guarantees and transform them into a matter of
ual relations between persons The 2023 bill was introduced Minorities Uganda, the coun- protects a number of rights and public concern and introduce
of the same sex”. If assented to into a climate that already try’s leading sexual minority freedoms applicable to all citi- “sexual apartheid”, she added.
by Uganda’s president, Yoweri criminalised consensual same- rights organisation, which was zens. These include, but are not Like the 2014 act, the new
Museveni, the law would also sex acts, which it referred to denied registration as the pro- limited to, the right to privacy,
make it a duty of a gay person’s as “unnatural offences” under posed name was deemed “un- freedom from inhuman and de- ❱❱ PAGE 17 Uganda’s new anti-

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16 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

How ‘Succession’ feeds the hidden fantasies
of its well-to-do viewers
BY ROBERT SAMUELS, appear to be good stewards of fake allows prestige TV shows by allowing for human fallibility ushered in a political strategy
University of California, Santa the environment. Or they might like “Succession” to present and reconciling the seemingly called the “third way.” In order
Barbara fork over an extra buck or two themselves as both a mirror of irreconcilable human needs for to maintain power, the Demo-
The Conversation to buy fair trade coffee. the world and a fictional paint- order and pleasure.” cratic president often pushed
Art also plays a role in status ing full of stylistic flourishes. One of the main ways that through Republican policies like
signaling. In his book “Distinc- This distance and duality the opposing forces of social or- welfare reform, financial dereg-
“Succession” has returned tion,” sociologist Pierre Bour- allow the audience to feel like der and individual pleasure are ulationand the war on drugs.
for its fourth and final season, dieu explained how class status it’s a part of this world, while mediated is through humor and Underpinning this ideology is
giving the show’s fans one last and an appreciation of the arts giving viewers the space to sev- irony. The key to comedy, then, the desire to be both conserva-
opportunity to watch the kids are often intertwined. Wealthy er themselves from any sort of is that it allows people to both tive and liberal at the same time.
of the wealthy Roy family des- people, he points out, have the complicity and identification say and unsay the same thing – Over time, the Democratic
perately try to gain the approval time and resources to spend on with the worst excesses of the to transgress but be protected Party became representative
of their media mogul father by activities that serve no direct show’s characters. by the guise of humor. of upper-middle class elites
any means necessary. practical function. Having it both ways In “Succession,” characters, who still wanted to be seen as
I’ve watched every episode. The working classes, how- Just as upper-middle class like Tom, will state something progressives. The Republican
But at one point, I started to won- ever, have to constantly think professionals may seek to and then immediately take it party, meanwhile, hid its focus
der: Where’s the appeal in watch- about necessity and their limit- hide their crass materialism back and qualify it. Through- on policies catering to the super
ing a group of obnoxious, pam- ed time and money. through virtue signaling and out the series, he is constantly wealthy by pretending to care
pered, backstabbing siblings? Bourdieu ultimately argues status-based consumption, the threatening his younger col- about the plight of the aban-
Inspired by the family of Fox that the masses tend to avoid show uses its own irony to reveal league, Greg, before backtrack- doned white working class.
Corp. chairman Rupert Mur- engaging with art and watching that it knows what it is doing, so ing and telling him that he is In both of these cases, cable
doch, with themes and a premise films and movies that place form that it can keep on catering to only kidding – only to repeat news and fictional media have
pulled from Shakespeare’s “King over function because they do viewers’ anti-social desires. the same threat again. played a big role in concealing
Lear,” “Succession” tells the sto- not have the luxury to spend time The show’s well-to-do view- The power of cable news the tensions of class conflict be-
ry of an aging patriarch who must and money on these experiences. ers may wish they could curse The contradictions of the hind the wall of a culture war.
decide which of his four children It’s HBO – not mass TV out their co-workers and under- show’s characters – and the lib- In “Succession,” Waystar
will replace him at the top. Like so many other acclaimed lings or indulge in wildly expen- eral class, more broadly – are RoyCo, the right-wing news
It’s easy to assume that much premium cable TV shows, “Suc- sive luxuries, but they know that mirrored in the past few de- conglomerate owned by Logan
of the show’s appeal lies in its cession” targets the very viewers they have to restrain themselves cades of American politics. Roy, often fans the flames of
playful critiques of right-wing – middle class and upper-middle – the rules of their social worlds One example of this is former
media and the billionaire class. class professionals – who can af- demand it – and so they turn to U.S. president Bill Clinton, who ❱❱ PAGE 21 How ‘Succession’ feeds
But in my view, the show ac- ford to pay for monthly stream- fantasy and popular media to
tually caters to an audience that ing subscriptions. live out their repressed desires.
wants to condemn the main To draw in these viewers, HBO Like the politicians who say
characters – while secretly needs to differentiate itself from one thing but act in another con-
identifying with their pursuit of TV networks and other stream- tradictory way, the series itself
power and pleasure. ing services. It does this, in part, sends two opposing messages
The contradictions of the by including nudity, violence simultaneously. One message is
liberal class and profanity that wouldn’t be that people should all be free to
As New York Times columnist permitted on network TV. It also say and do what they want. The
David Brooks argued in his book seeks to highlight its series’ high other message is that this type of
“Bobos in Paradise” – “bobo” a production value. selfish behavior must be reject-
portmanteau of “bohemian” and In “Succession,” the series’ ed because it undermines soci-
“bourgeois” – contemporary uncensored speech and be- ety and personal relationships.
America is full of upper-middle havior gives it a sense of gritty New Yorker writer Janet
class professionals who long to realism. But the show is also Malcolm, who died in 2021, of-
be seen as virtuous artists, even eager to flaunt its cinematic ten explored the ways in which
as they engage in the relentless flair: strange camera angles and these contradictions were in-
pursuit of money and success saturated colorssuffuse each grained in American culture.
that allow them to ascend the scene. These aesthetic tech- As she writes in her book “The
ranks of the bourgeois class. niques create a distancing ef- Journalist and the Murderer,”
To hide the guilt they may fect on the audience; it is hard “Society mediates between the
feel for their capitalistic ca- to escape a sense that this is a extremes of, on the one hand, in-
reerism, they look to signal carefully crafted, fake world. tolerably strict morality and, on
their virtue and style through As I argue in my book “Po- the other, dangerously anarchic
their consumption habits. They litical Pathologies from The permissiveness … Hypocrisy is
might pay more money to pur- Sopranos to Succession,” this the grease that keeps society
chase a hybrid car so they can combination of the real and the functioning in an agreeable way, Production on Succession Season 4 has begun. (@SUCCESSION/INSTAGRAM)
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Entertainment 17

Netflix Celebrates Diverse Anime Slate

at AnimeJapan 2023
NETFLIX The broad lineup across announced Onmyoji (Coming in much more in store — this year, zuki (Macross Delta), as well as
genres like sci-fi, action and 2023), an animated series based there’s a show for every anime title supervisor Macoto Tezka
more includes newly announced on the world of Baku Yumemak- fan. We’re humbled the glob- to the stage, who shared their
Tokyo, March 25 -- Returning titles Ōoku: The Inner Chambers ura’s well-known tales about the al interest in anime has been enthusiasm for the highly-an-
to AnimeJapan 2023, Netflix (Coming in 2023), the first anime ancient yin-yang diviner Abe Sei- strong and growing, with over ticipated anime adaptation of
showcased their diverse slate adaptation of the hit manga by mei, which is set for release later 100M members watching an- PLUTO (coming 2023) with
of current and upcoming an- Fumi Yoshinaga, or Yakitori: Sol- this year. ime every year,” says Yuji Yama- the audience. During their ap-
ime including fan-favorites like diers of Misfortune (May 2023), “Over the years, we’ve no, Director, Content, Netflix. pearance, Netflix also gave an-
PLUTO or newly announced an anime series adapted from learned that fans love the During the AnimeJapan other glimpse at the ambitious
series Ōoku: The Inner Cham- a brand-new military science breadth of our lineup. From ti- event, Netflix also welcomed project, revealing a new teaser
bers, delighting fans both in fiction novel by Carlo Zen, who tles like PLUTO and Ooku: The the author of PLUTO (Coming art by original creator Naoki
and outside Japan during mul- made his debut with The Saga of Inner Chambers by top story- in 2023), Naoki Urasawa, Jap- Urasawa himself, that gave an-
tiple booth presentations and a Tanya the Evil. These and more tellers, to buzzy fan-favorites anese voice talent Yoko Hikasa other glimpse at the characters
star-studded stage event. titles are joining the previously like Onmyoji, Yakitori and so (Shaman King, ) and Minori Su- and the world of PLUTO. ■

Janine drops unrequited Justin Trudeau and..

❰❰ 9

love song “bagay nga

lead people to make That’s because they haven’t
all kinds of decisions examined the bigger picture
about their lives, in- or addressed any root causes.
cluding the decision to move. So the question remains: What

tayo pero” After all, in announcing the

amended Safe Third Country
agreement, both Trudeau and
happens next? ■

This article is republished

Biden were careful not to spec- from The Conversation under a
ABS-CBN ative director Jonathan Manalo ented artists that are part of the ulate about how people will mi- Creative Commons license.
and Eugene Yaptangco. It is cur- ABS-CBN Music roster. Last grate now.
rently part of Spotify Philippines’ year, she released her EP “WTF
Janine Berdin has released New Music Friday playlist. I actually wrote these songs”
a song about unrequited love For the first time, Janine was under Star Music featuring the Uganda’s new anti-..
dubbed “bagay nga tayo pero,” able to showcase her visual arts tracks “The Side Character,”
her passion project where she skills and made the cover art for “Pagod Na Ako,” “SHE WAS ❰❰ 15 bill has been met with Museveni not to sign it. He said:
became hands-on from the song- “bagay nga tayo pero.” She also ONLY 16,” and more. international con- If signed into law by the Pres-
writing to casting for its soon-to- personally created its lyric vid- For more information on her demnation. Uganda ident, it will render lesbian, gay
be-launched music video. eo with the help of friends who music, follow Star Music on is a signatory to international and bisexual people in Uganda
“I’m so so proud of this one, are into animation. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, human rights instruments such criminals simply for existing,
wrote and did some arranging The singer-songwriter like- Tiktok, and YouTube. as the international covenant for being who they are. It could
and producing overall,” shared wise conceptualized the plot of For updates, follow @abscb- on civil and political rights (IC- provide carte blanche for the sys-
the “Tawag Ng Tanghalan” sea- its upcoming music video and npr on Facebook, Twitter, In- CPR) which enshrines the right tematic violation of nearly all of
son 2 grand champion. even handpicked the stars who stagram, Tiktok or visit www. to non-discrimination, includ- their human rights and serve to
She co-produced the song to- will be part of it. ■ ing in private sexual relations. incite people against each other.
gether with ABS-CBN Music cre- Janine is one of the multi-tal- While the ICCPR does not But, after passing the 2014
specify sexual orientation as a law, Museveni described ho-
protected ground, the United Na- mosexuals as “disgusting” and
tions Human Rights Committee it is thought likely that he will
has found that the treaty includes sign the bill into law. This will
an obligation to prevent discrim- legitimise anti-LGBTQ+ ha-
ination on the basis of sexual ori- tred and open up the possibility
entation. These obligations are that people could even face the
not legally binding on Uganda as death penalty for committing a
the constitution is the country’s private, consensual sexual act.
supreme legal instrument. The threat of losing inter-
Everything hinges on wheth- national aid was not sufficient
er Museveni signs the bill into to dissuade Museveni from as-
law. The UN High Commission- senting to the 2014 act and it
er for Human Rights, Volker is doubtful whether it will dis-
Türk, said: “The passing of this suade him now. ■
discriminatory bill – probably
among the worst of its kind in This article is republished
the world – is a deeply troubling from The Conversation under a
Janine Berdin sings about unrequited in her new single “bagay nga tayo pero.” (ABS-CBN) development,” and he urged Creative Commons license.
18 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

The Power of
Dressing in Black
BY MATTE LAUREL-ZALKO often seen wearing elegant black from head to toe but perk it up
clothes. Think of the quintessen- with a variety of textures. For
tial British dandy Beau Brum- example, you can wear black
The colours that we choose to mell from the late 18th century jeans and pair it with a nice
wear in our daily lives evoke our who popularised the tailored black cotton camisole; and if the
feelings and convey our charac- three-piece suit in colour black weather is cold, put on a leather
ters. For example, wearing the co- as the dress of the modern man. jacket, and don’t forget to wear
lour red conveys confidence and Imagine Coco Chanel dressed suede shoes or boots. Yes, you
passion; it also attracts attention in her signature black suit with can rock an all-black outfit by
towards you. In fact, scientific ex- her ropes of pearls. Incidentally, choosing different textures and
periments have been made and it was Coco Chanel who insti- pairing them together: leather,
proven that food attendants who gated black as a fashion colour cotton, suede, sequins, velvet,
wear red tend to receive more tips! and she literally invented the silk, cashmere, satin, linen, with
On the other hand, the colour blue “little black dress.” How can we appliqués, cable knit and metal-
could convey contrasting emo- not add to this list, the silent lic. The variety is endless!
tions: it could convey sadness and film actress Louise Brooks with 2. Wear black in classic
calmness at the same time. Howev- her classic and sleek black bob styles and cuts. When one is
er, the colour blue is the most pop- hairstyle which matched her all- younger, one can get away with
ular colour for both men and wom- black wardrobes? How can we the gothic style whereas when
en. The colour brown is the most forget Steve Jobs and his classic one is older, we must stick with
unpopular colour for men and the black turtleneck sweater which the classic style and cuts. But
colour orange is the most unpop- he usually paired with jeans? that doesn’t mean one has to be
ular for women. White clothing Perhaps, the woman who wore frumpy — no, not at all! Go for
symbolises purity and peace hence black the best was none other the tailored look such as a black (PHOTO COURTESY OF THE AUTHOR)
most brides wear white. than Givenchy’s muse, Audrey suit, pencil skirt, perfectly cut
How about the colour black? Hepburn. Black has always been blazer, silk blouse, trench coats, kly crystals. These embellish- er bags, black leather patent
Well, my dear, wearing the colour a versatile and a most acceptable black pumps and tote bags. For ments not only add texture but shoes, black pearls jewellery,
black indicates power and pres- choice of colour for women’s and men, go for the classic black suit. also provide a glamorous look! black scarves, black shades and
tige according to colour psychol- men’s evening and daytime wear. 3. Add a pop of colour to 6. Add structures to the the list goes on!
ogy. Wearing only black clothing You know, there’s power when it your all-black ensemble. By black outfit that you choose. 10. Don’t wear black too
signifies that you’re a powerful, comes to dressing in black! adding a punch of colour to your In simpler terms, it means paying close to your face. While the
classy, and a success-driven in- While living and studying all-black outfit, you are creating closer attention to your silhou- colour black conveys sophisti-
dividual. Wearing black clothing in London at the age of 15, I a bold statement to your overall ette or body shape. For example, cation, still, one mustn’t wear
often sends a subconscious mes- learned to embrace wearing all- look. Choose a bright colour for if you have narrow hips, choose it too close to your face as it will
sage to others and to yourself — black by scouring through the your bag, shoes, scarves, wraps a black outfit with a peplum cut. make you look either washed
you are relaying this message to pages of Vogue, Tatler, Harper’s or coats. You’d be surprised at If you have fuller hips, you might out or dull. The best thing to
the world: you’re both an achiev- Bazaar, and by watching the how a pop of colour can actu- want to opt for dresses that show combat this is to wear a bright
er and a sophisticated individual classic Audrey Hepburn mov- ally go a long way! For exam- off your hourglass figure or alter- necklace with bright earrings
and yet, you’re sensitive towards ies such as Funny Face, Sabrina, ple, pair your black outfit with natively, go for looser style. or a scarf. Personally, I get past
others. People who wear black Roman Holiday and of course, a bright red-orange crossbody 7. Add a sheer element to this challenge by wearing my
are often seen as trustworthy my all-time favourite, Break- bag. Don’t hesitate to pair black your black wardrobe. By go- classic white pearls!
and extremely reliable. People fast at Tiffany’s. Throughout with vibrant colours — deep ing for a sheer black outfit, it Now that we’ve established
who wear black are often per- the years, my wardrobe consist- red, shimmering gold, sparkling adds and easily transforms a how to wear black, let’s choose
ceived as people who take good ed of 99% black outfits, black silver, vivid green, royal purple most basic look to an elegant the black essentials that we must
care of themselves and the way shoes and black accessories! and cerulean blue! and upscale look. But keep it have in our closet. These are
they look; they’re also regarded At present, I’m still head over 4. Wear your black outfit simple though. A sheer look is timeless and classic black cloth-
as elegant and high-end. In fact, a heels in love with black out- with patterns, stripes, polka more than enough, you don’t ings and accessories that never
study even says, “those who wear fits and my love for dressing in dots, chequered and prints. need to add over the top em- go out of style. Below are a list of
all-black find a sense of together- black played a minor, but piv- You can spice up your all-black bellishments when wearing a our 9 must-have black essentials:
ness and certainty.” Wearing all- otal part in choosing the love of outfit by choosing to wear it sheer black piece. Your 9 Black Essentials
black conveys an air of credibili- my life: I ended up with a gen- with prints, patterns, polka 8. Opt for a black and Little black dress. A wom-
ty. Black is so much more than a tleman who only wears black dots, stripes or/and chequered. white combination. Going an should always invest in the
colour. Black is, in fact, a lifestyle. on a daily basis. We are always By doing so, it breaks out the for the classic monochromatic much-loved LBD. This should
Moreover, black is classic, ele- twinning with our all-black all monotonous black look and look has to be the ultimate and already be a staple in your closet.
gant and timeless. Black is total- outfits when we go to work on gives you a fun, engaging and perfect combination! I couldn’t A stylish LBD is always on point
ly immune to passing trends. It weekdays or during our week- interesting visual! think of anything that’s trés and no matter the occasion, it
is eternal and gives one an air of end date nights! 5. Embellish your black chic and stylish than a simple will always hold you down. You
mystery. Also, the colour black How to Wear Black. Here outfit with zippers, buttons, black skirt and a white silk or can choose the classic A-line
is complementary to everyone’s are a few tips on how to wear an crystals and pearls. Wear a cotton long sleeved shirt. LBD, the fit and flare LBD, off-
body shape irrespective of age all-black outfit without looking black outfit with beautiful em- 9. Invest in great quality the-shoulder minis, LBD with
and skin tone. To give you an ex- spooky and instead looking chic bellishments such as gold but- black accessories. Pair your ruffled hemlines, or intricate lace
ample, think of Angelina Jolie and stylish. tons, silver or metallic zippers, black outfits with high qual- detailed LBDs. I tend to wear an
who is famous for wearing most- 1. Wear black with a variety overlay it with lace, hand-sewn ity black accessories such as
ly black. Supermodel Iman is also of textures. You can go black and embroidered pearls or spar- the classic black quilted leath- ❱❱ PAGE 25 The Power of
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 19

What are auroras, and why do they
come in different shapes and colours?
Two experts explain
BY BRETT CARTER, RMIT named Jean-Jacques d’Ortous
University, ELIZABETH A. de Mairan noted a coincidence
MACDONALD, NASA between the number of sun-
The Conversation spots and aurora. He proposed
that the aurora was connected
with the Sun’s atmosphere.
Over millennia, humans have It was here that the connec-
observed and been inspired by tion between activity on the Sun
beautiful displays of light bands was linked with auroras here on
dancing across dark night skies. Earth, giving rise to the areas of
Today, we call these lights the science now called “heliophys-
aurora: the aurora borealis in ics” and “space weather”.
the northern hemisphere, and Earth’s magnetic field as a
the aurora australis in the south. particle trap
Nowadays, we understand The most common source
auroras are caused by charged of aurora is particles travelling
particles from Earth’s magne- within Earth’s magnetosphere,
tosphere and the solar wind the region of space occupied by
colliding with other particles Earth’s natural magnetic field.
in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Images of Earth’s magneto- they came, in a process called rora dancing across the sky are Where and when?
Those collisions excite the at- sphere typically show how the “magnetic mirroring”. the result of the complex inter- Even under quiet space
mospheric particles, which then magnetic field “bubble” pro- Earth’s magnetosphere in actions between the solar wind weather conditions, aurora can
release light as they “relax” back tects Earth from space radiation a turbulent solar wind and the magnetosphere. be very prominent at high lati-
to their unexcited state. and repels most disturbances in During quiet and stable con- Aurora appearing, disap- tudes, such as in Alaska, Cana-
The colour of the light corre- the solar wind. However, what ditions, most particles in the pearing, brightening and form- da, Scandinavia and Antarctica.
sponds to the release of discrete is not normally highlighted is magnetosphere stay trapped, ing structures like curtains, When a space weather distur-
chunks of energy by the atmo- the fact that Earth’s magnetic happily bouncing between swirls, picket fences and trav- bance takes place, auroras can
spheric particles, and is also an in- field contains its own popula- the south and north magnetic elling waves are all visual rep- migrate to much lower lati-
dicator of how much energy was tion of electrically charged par- poles out in space. However, if resentations of the invisible, tudes to become visible across
absorbed in the initial collision. ticles (or “plasma”). a disturbance in the solar wind ever-changing dynamics in the continental United States,
The frequency and intensity of The magnetosphere is com- (such as a coronal mass ejec- Earth’s magnetosphere as it in- central Europe and even south-
auroral displays is related to ac- posed of charged particles that tion) gives the magnetosphere a teracts with the solar wind. ern and mainland Australia.
tivity on the Sun, which follows have escaped from Earth’s up- “whack”, it becomes disturbed. As these videos show, aurora The severity of the space
an 11-year cycle. Currently, we per atmosphere and charged The trapped particles are ac- comes in all sorts of colours. weather event typically controls
are approaching the next maxi- particles that have entered celerated and the magnetic field The most common are the the range of locations where the
mum, which is expected in 2025. from the solar wind. Both types “pipelines” suddenly change. greens and reds, which are both aurora is visible. The strongest
Connections to the Sun of particles are trapped in Particles that were happily emitted by oxygen in the upper events are the most rare.
Such displays have long Earth’s magnetic field. bouncing between north and atmosphere. Green auroras cor- So, if you’re interested in
been documented by peoples The motions of electrical- south now have their bounc- respond to altitudes close to 100 hunting auroras, keep an eye on
throughout North America, Eu- ly charged particles are con- ing location moved to lower km, whereas the red auroras are your local space weather fore-
rope, Asia and Australia. trolled by electric and mag- altitudes, where Earth’s atmo- higher up, above 200 km. casts (US, Australia, UK, South
In the 17th century, scientific netic fields. Charged particles sphere becomes more dense. Blue colours are emitted by Africa and Europe). There are
explanations for what caused the gyrate around magnetic field As a result, the charged parti- nitrogen – which can also emit also numerous space weather
aurora began to surface. Possible lines, so when viewed at large cles are now likely to collide with some reds. A range of pinks, experts on social media and even
explanations included air from scales magnetic field lines act atmospheric particles as they purples and even white light are aurora-hunting citizen science
Earth’s atmosphere rising out of as “pipelines” for charged parti- reach the polar regions. This is also possible due to a mixture of projects (such as Aurorasaurus)
Earth’s shadow to become sunlit cles in a plasma. called “particle precipitation”. these emissions. that you can contribute towards!
(Galileo in 1619) and light reflec- The Earth’s magnetic field is Then, when each collision oc- The aurora is more brilliant Get outside and witness one
tions from high-altitude ice crys- similar to a standard “dipole” curs, energy is transferred to the in photographs because camera of nature’s true natural beau-
tals (Rene Descartes and others). magnetic field, with field lines atmospheric particles, exciting sensors are more sensitive than ties – aurora, Earth’s gateway to
In 1716, English astronomer bunching together near the them. Once they relax, they emit the human eye. Specifically, our the heavens. ■
Edmund Halley was the first to poles. This bunching up of field the light that forms the beautiful eyes are less sensitive to colour
suggest a possible connection lines actually alters the particle aurora we see. at night. However, if the aurora This article is republished
with Earth’s magnetic field. trajectories, effectively turning Curtains, colours and cameras is bright enough it can be quite from The Conversation under a
In 1731, a French philosopher them around to go back the way The amazing displays of au- a sight for the naked eye. Creative Commons license.
20 Lifestyle MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Students’ mental health is a big issue

for schools – but teachers should only
be part of the solution
BY BRIAN MOORE, Charles There is little consistency in on mental health for existing almost 50% of teachers report- practitioners feel this way, our
Sturt University, SARAH the types of mental health ser- teachers. But again, these are ed they had received inade- expectations of teachers in the
REDSHAW, Charles Sturt vices provided by schools or not consistently applied. quate mental health training, mental health space should be
University who actually performs this role. Teachers are not confident and 85% indicated they would carefully considered.
The Conversation Many schools have coun- Given inconsistent and po- like further training in mental What can teachers do?
sellors or psychologists, while tentially inadequate training, health issues. Teachers do of course have
others may have access to De- it is unsurprising that while Even experienced mental a valuable role in supporting
Schools are an obvious place partment of Health and non-gov- teachers take mental health se- health professionals report student mental health. But this
to do mental health work with ernment staff who might come riously, many report low confi- feelings of incompetence when needs to occur in the context of
young people. This is import- into schools to deliver a specif- dence about supporting their addressing their clients’ mental teaching.
ant, as about one in seven young ic program or provide targeted students’ mental health. In one health needs. They can do this by develop-
Australians are diagnosed with a support to at-risk students. But 2017 study in the United States, So, if qualified mental health ing a positive, supportive learn-
mental illness. This includes is- availability is a huge issue. ing environment that supports
sues like psychological distress, Meanwhile, there is no con- students’ individual needs and
anxiety, depression, school re- sistent mental health training strengths. Teachers can provide
fusal, and complex trauma. for new teachers. Many teacher opportunities to build positive
However, the ratio of school education programs do not ex- student identity and self-es-
counsellors and psychologists to plicitly address mental health. teem by providing genuine op-
students means they can be very If it is included, it often occurs portunities for students to suc-
difficult for students to access. as a single day of training, or ceed in the classroom. Teachers
For example, there is about one sometimes features as part can have positive relationships
counsellor for every 750 stu- of other subjects. The level of with their students and foster
dents in NSW public schools. training a student receives is healthy peer interactions.
Consequently, teachers are often up to a lecturer’s interest It is important teachers
often seen as front-line mental in mental health rather than know how to identify students
health providers by default. This identified needs. with possible mental health
has particularly been the case Even then, the focus is also problems as well as being aware
since the start of the pandemic. often around supporting stu- of potential referral options
But what is reasonable to ex- dent wellbeing, rather than ad- (noting lack of availability is
pect of teachers when it comes dressing mental illness. an issue). It is also important
to students’ mental health? There are professional devel-
Training is patchy opment training and resources ❱❱ PAGE 21 Students’ mental health

‘Life of party’ Pangasinan vlogger turns

antics into viral videos
BY HILDA AUSTRIA earning just enough for the needs gossipers),” Ponsyana said. She recalled initially earning they are uplifted whenever they
Philippine News Agency of her small family with Mark Soon, her funny and relatable PHP6,000 a month but now watch my videos. I also feel hap-
Anthony Reyes, her partner, and videos became viral on social racks up a five-digit income, py for them),” she said.
their daughter Akea Jaine. media, particularly on Facebook, apart from promotions and She said her journey as a vlog-
CALASIAO, Pangasinan – But at the onset of the pan- and eventually launched her ca- deals with businesses and mo- ger also allowed her to meet oth-
What started as funny antics demic, she managed to produce reer as a Pangasinense vlogger. bile application developers. er vloggers, some of whom ended
with her friends captured on quite a few online videos. She used her newfound fame to Ponsyana said aside from the up being her mentors. She said
video during birthday parties “Wala ak labat abong diman tackle gossiping, boasting, and monetary reward of vlogging, she considers Banong TV, also a
eventually became the bread ak la nangaway contents. Ira even loud motorcycles yet in a being able to make other people well-known vlogger, one of them
and butter for a 24-year-old may ten tips panunto man- fun and entertaining way. laugh and uplift their spirits, es- and who has always encouraged
lady from this town. balkot tan top ten na kargaan Ponsyana said she delivers pecially overseas Filipino work- her to improve her craft.
Apol Claveria, popularly na take-out. Pati aray tsismosa her lines in the Pangasinan ers, is what also makes her happy. “Mantulong tulungan kami.
known in social media among indamay ko la (I stayed in the language with all its diction to “Makakapaliket no wala ray Wala ray suggestion no antoy
Pangasinenses as Ponsyana, house during the pandemic, give her videos a homey vibe for manmessage misasalamat ira makakabuti san aray nayari na
which means a woman who is hence I was able to make a lot of Pangasinenses. ta nanaekal so problema da no gawaen (We help each other.
always present at gatherings content. Among those are the 10 And it worked. manbabantay ira ed videos ko We offer each other suggestions
with food, started vlogging in tips on how to take home food From 15,000 followers last anggad siyak met makakaliket that would improve our con-
2019 at a friend’s party. from a party and the top 10 con- year, she now has more than ak met na maong no umman (It tent),” she said.
Claveria at that time worked tainers for take-home foods. I 56,000 followers and she finally gives me joy when they send me
as an online sales representative also included in my content the earns from her videos. messages thanking me for how ❱❱ PAGE 23 ‘Life of party’
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Lifestyle 21

What causes hiccups and how can you

get rid of them?
BY VINCENT HO, Western muscles), causing them to twitch. associated with hiccups. How- your ear, nose and throat, as ir- for hiccups.
Sydney University The twitching of these mus- ever, rebreathing carries a small ritation of the ear by a foreign What treatments might we
The Conversation cles draws air into the lungs and but serious risk of heart attack body or infection of the throat see in future?
this sudden inhalation makes so should only be performed un- can be triggers for hiccups. Researchers have recent-
the opening between the vocal der medical supervision. Imaging of the brain may be ly developed a rigid drinking
We all get hiccups from time cords, or glottis, close tightly However there is very limited necessary, especially if there tube with an inlet valve that
to time, and sometimes they shut. This rapid closure makes evidence to show these manoeu- are concerning signs such as requires active suction effort
just won’t seem to go away. the “hic” sound. vres and interventions work. changes in speech and weak- to draw water from a cup into
Hiccups are involuntary con- Anything that affects the arc When should we get wor- ness of facial and limb muscles. the mouth. This tube has been
tractions of the diaphragm – the can lead to hiccups. The most ried about hiccups? How are chronic hiccups called forced inspiratory suc-
muscle separating your chest common is stretching the stom- If hiccups last longer than treated? tion and swallow tool, or FISST.
from your abdomen, which ach from eating a large meal or two days, they are called per- After a thorough investigation, FISST is thought to stop the hic-
plays a key role in breathing – drinking soft drinks. This means sistent hiccups. If they last the underlying cause should be cup reflex arc by stimulating the
followed by a sudden closure of sensation signals from the stom- beyond two months they are treated, where possible. sensory nerves to cause contrac-
the vocal cords. ach can trigger off the reflex arc. known as intractable hiccups. People suffering from hic- tion of the diaphragm and glottis.
The medical term for hiccups Consuming hot chilli pepper, Persistent and intractable hic- cups often have problems with In one study, of the 249 par-
is singultus. This derives from alcohol, smoking, and over-ex- cups, known collectively as gastric reflux, so treatment may ticipants who trialled FISST,
the Latin word singult which citement can also trigger the chronic hiccups, can be quite include a short course anti-re- just over 90% reported results
means “to catch ones breath reflex arc, leading to hiccups. distressing and may signify a flux medication. better than home remedies.
while sobbing”. Hiccups have even been ob- serious underlying cause, so it’s Other medications with a However, the FISST research
For most of us, hiccups are served in healthy fetuses during important to see your doctor. strong evidence base that are so far hasn’t compared it to a
annoying and don’t last that prenatal ultrasound checks. People with chronic hiccups used to treat hiccups include control group who didn’t receive
long. But for some people, they In fact, some researchers be- will undergo a comprehensive the anti-nausea drug metoclo- the treatment, so it’s unclear how
can be persistent, lasting more lieve hiccups are a mechanism investigation. Their medical pramide and baclofen, which is much more effective it is than a
than two days. to help prepare the lungs for history will often give valuable used to treat muscle spasticity placebo, or dummy version. ■
The good news is, there are breathing shortly after birth. clues to triggers. Certain med- (excessive tightness or tone).
simple ways to alleviate regular How long will they last? And ications such as anti-epileptic There is emerging evidence This article is republished
hiccups – and treatments for what can you do about them? drugs, alcohol, smoking and that gabapentin, used to treat from The Conversation under a
when they persist. An attack of hiccups that recreational drug use are all as- seizures, may also be effective Creative Commons license.
What causes hiccups? lasts less than 48 hours is gen- sociated with hiccups.
Hiccups are caused by a reflex erally unconcerning. Such an As organs in the chest and
arc: a neuromotor pathway that attack usually ends by itself. abdomen are involved in the re-
translates a sensation into a phys- Where it doesn’t resolve by it- flex arc, investigations of these
ical response. The sensations in self, there are ways to suppress the organs such as lung imaging or
this arc come from the brain, ear, reflex arc. The Valsava manoeu- upper endoscopy (where a tube
nose and throat, diaphragm and vre, consuming ice-cold drinks with a tiny camera is inserted
organs in the chest and abdomen. and gentle eyeball pressure are into the throat to view the upper
The sensation signals travel to thought to increase the activity of digestive tract), may be required.
a part of the brain which, along a long nerve (vagus) to the brain. One study from France found
with the top of the spinal cord, Manoeuvres such as re- 80% of patients with chronic
is known as the “hiccup centre”. breathing into a paper or plas- hiccups had abnormalities in
From the hiccup centre, the tic bag work by increasing the their oesophagus and stomach,
signals travel back out to the dia- carbon dioxide concentration in with reflux disease being the
phragm and the muscles that lay the blood. This helps to suppress most common finding.
between your ribs (intercostal the movements of the muscles Your clinician will also inspect

Students’ mental health.. How ‘Succession’ feeds ..

❰❰ 20 teachers develop and cruitment difficulties these are to provide assistance with ❰❰ 16 the culture war. For power, or does it use humor and
maintain open and not straight forward solutions. learning that can take mental his part, Logan often metafiction to free itself from
honest communica- A consistent national ap- health into account. claims that he con- any responsibility?
tion with caregivers. proach to the mental health However, policy makers and trols the president, and it is up The answer to these questions
What more can be done? curriculum in teacher training school communities need to to him to pick the nation’s next has to be both yes and no: The
Clearly, much more needs to is urgently needed. remember, teachers are not leader. Logan’s power, then, series reflects the country’s polit-
be done around mental health in Critically, the role of teachers trained as mental health practi- does not come primarily from ical reality – but it also feeds the
schools. It makes sense to make in school based mental health ser- tioners. ■ his money but from his media underlying fantasies that shape
greater provision for funding and vices needs to be clearly defined to influence. viewers’ political beliefs. ■
training of school counsellors manage expectations and support If this article has raised issues Since the media is positioned
and psychologists. We should students more effectively. for you or someone you know, you as the show’s most powerful po- This article is republished
also examine ways of better in- Teachers belong to the help- can call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or litical entity, I sometimes won- from The Conversation under a
tegrating mental health services ing category of professionals Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. der what “Succession” is saying Creative Commons license.
like the Department of Health and are inclined to support This article is republished about its own status as a popu-
and Headspace in schools. their students in every way they from The Conversation under a lar TV show. Is the series claim-
However, with supply and re- can. They need to be equipped Creative Commons license. ing that it has immense social
22 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Marcos lauds PH ice hockey team’s
‘outstanding’ performance
BY AZER PARROCHA tions go out to the Philippine pines Men’s Ice Hockey Team On its website, the IIHF said said on its official Facebook page.
Philippine News Agency Men’s Ice Hockey Team and for winning the gold medal at the Philippines’ victory sees the The team’s forwards are
Hockey Philippines for their the 2023 IIHF World Cham- team move up to next season’s Patrick Daniel Abis, Mikel
outstanding performance in pionship Division IV in Ulaan- Division IIIB competition. Sean Miller, Manvil Billones,
MANILA – President Ferdi- the International Ice Hockey baatar, Mongolia!” the PSC “There, it will renew ac- Carl Michael Montano, Jorell
nand R. Marcos Jr. on Monday Federation Divisional World said. quaintance with the Singapore Crisostomo, Jan Aro Regencia,
praised the Philippine Men’s Ice Championship,” Marcos said on “The Men’s Ice Hockey Team team that inflicted a semi-final John Steven Füglister, Miguel
Hockey Team for winning the gold his official Facebook page and went undefeated the entire defeat at the 2019 Southeast Alfonso Relampagos, John
medal in the 2023 International Twitter account. tournament winning against Asian Games,” the IIHF said. Glenn Lagleva, Kenwrick Sze,
Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) “This triumph is a testament Indonesia, host Mongolia, and “That game was played at the Lenard Rigel Lancero II and
World Championship Division IV to their skill and perseverance, Kuwait,” it added. SM Mall of Asia rink in Pasay, Carlo Angelo Tigaronita.
in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. and we are honored to celebrate The Philippine team finished just south of Manila, which be- On defense are Einzenn Ham,
The national team beat IIHF their success!” he added. with eight points in the tourna- came the main hub for the Fil- Carlo Pastrana, Julius Freder-
World Championship Division In a separate post, the Philip- ment with three wins. All other ipino hockey community this ick Santiago, Eishner Jigsmac
hosts Mongolia with a score of pine Sports Commission (PSC) teams in the division already week as it gathered to watch the Sibug, Jann Gerey So Tiong and
7-6 in overtime on Saturday at also congratulated the national have at least one loss. action from Mongolia,” it added. Carlo Martin Tenedero.
the Steppe Arena in the Mongo- team for sweeping their way to It dominated the competi- The national team was han- The goaltenders are Gianpet-
lian capital. the crown. tion, scoring 35 goals and main- dled by Finnish head coach Ju- ro Iseppi and Paolo Spafford. ■
“Our warmest congratula- “Congratulations Philip- taining a goal difference of +29. hani Ijäs, Hockey Philippines

PH athletes in SEA Games Training facility

down to 840 in Argentina
Philippine News Agency
renamed after
TAGAYTAY – The Philippine
team to the Southeast Asian
Games has been reduced in Anadolu carry a new name: ‘Lionel An-
number in terms of the partic- Philippine News Agency drés Messi,’” said President
ipating athletes. Claudio Tapia in a speech for
Philippine Olympic Commit- the event.
tee (POC) president Abraham ANKARA – The Argentine After the president, Messi
“Bambol” Tolentino confirmed Football Federation (AFA) an- took the stage and said: “Thank
on Monday that the Filipino nounced Saturday that it re- you all very much for being
athletes going to Phnom Penh TORCH RELAY. Philippine Olympic Committee President Mayor Abraham named its training facility after here. I am grateful to ‘Chiqui’
for the biennial meet are now “Bambol” Tolentino (second from left) leads the Torch Relay in Tagaytay City superstar Lionel Messi. (Tapia) for this recognition, it
down to 840. on Monday (March 27, 2023). (L-R) Chef de mission Chito Loyzaga, Cambodia “A new recognition was con- is very important to me. I have
“From the previously an- Ambassador to the Philippines Phan Peuv and Tourism Minister Hor Sarun also summated for our captain, who been coming to this property
nounced 905, it was reduced to joined the event. (PHILIPPINE OLYMPIC COMMITTEE VIA PNA) has already immortalized his for 20 years and since I entered,
840,” Tolentino said right after the figure based on goals, dribbling, I felt a very special energy. Until
SEA Games torch rally here, add- cannot make it to the Cambo- finish in the overall standings assists, emotions, but now also today, every, every time I enter,
ing that this will be the final count. dian capital as their passports during last year’s edition in Hanoi, with his name carved on the I feel a very particular energy in
He said various reasons behind have already expired and their the first time the SEA Games were foundation stone of the new this property.”
the reduction of numbers like ty- renewal process might not held in an even-numbered year building that stands next to the Messi, 35, led the nation-
pographical errors, for example, make it in time. due to a one-year postponement entrance of the recognized first al football team to their third
dual entry and wrong entry. Having to let go of such athletes caused by the coronavirus disease level property,” AFA said in a World Cup title at the 2022
Tolentino, however, said the could possibly hamper the Philip- 2019 pandemic. statement. FIFA World Cup in Qatar in De-
POC also had to let go of some pine team’s bid to match or even “This Sports Housing Com- cember. ■
reserve athletes and those who go higher than its fourth-place ❱❱ PAGE 29 PH athletes in plex in Ezeiza from today will
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Sports 23

Why elite athletes should develop

mindfulness to up their game
BY JENNIFER MEGGS, ual from the potential negative moment, and to access optimal
Heriot-Watt University effect of stressors” – my work states of mind such as confi-
The Conversation looks at understanding this im- dence and self-belief.
portant quality and examining It can also help regulate the
ways to improve it in athletes. emotions by monitoring and
Athletes at the very high- Performing under pressure channelling them in a way that
est level of their sport face the This focus and resilience was enhances performance. And it
challenge of performing con- embodied by the 2023 Austra- can help athletes reach a state
sistently under pressure amid lian Open women’s champion of “flow”, which I describe in
many potential distractions, Aryna Sabalenka, who won her my research“ – meaning being
including performance anxiety, first grand slam despite losing completely in the moment and
crowd behaviour, their own and the first set of the match. More performing with clarity, fluency
others’ expectations, and the recently, however, she appeared and ease.
responses of their opponents. to buckle under pressure at the Focus and intense emo-
The performance of players Indian Wells Open champion- tions
in the 2023 Australian Open, ship, against the composed and These psychological factors
for example, demonstrated the focused Elena Rybakina. Sa- are crucial in sports like tennis
psychological factors needed to balenka seemed to dwell on her which require players to fo- Novak Djokovic (CARINE06/FLICKR, CC BY-SA 2.0)
succeed at elite-level tennis. double-fault errors, which led cus on performing at their best
It had plenty of exciting mo- to her attempting more risky during each point, while “let- mindfulness can improve an test their resilience.
ments that are the hallmarks of a and inaccurate ball strikes. ting go” of previous mistakes. athlete’s “action awareness” – The use of VR simulations
great tournament. Andy Murray Two of the men’s game’s This ability to accept intense their self-awareness of physi- are particularly useful to mon-
made an astonishing comeback greatest players in recent times, positive and negative emotions, cal movements or actions, and itor and assist athletes to prac-
from two sets down against Tha- Nadal and Djokovic, have been and to avoid worrying about their ability to be in the mo- tise mindfulness under “con-
nasi Kokkinakis, following his described as having the ability to past mistakes or future perfor- ment and possess clear goals. trolled” conditions, while sport
long recovery after major injury. “play every point like it’s a match mance, can allow athletes to These factors are likely to lead psychologists monitor their re-
Rafael Nadal exited in the point”. This ability to perform experience mental clarity and to thinking clearly, performing sponses and improvements.
second round of his first major consistently at the highest level focus on their performance in consistently, and being tech- Recent research from
slam after the birth of his child, can be underpinned by a psy- the current moment. nically and tactically aware in Queen’s University Belfast and
due to ongoing injury – reports chological state, ability and skill Research has found that mind- each tennis point, for example. the University of Limerick has
described him as being mentally called mindfulness. fulness training is a promising With the development of ever shown that VR methods can
destroyed. And Novak Djokovic Mindfulness is understood intervention that can improve more sophisticated technology, simulate or replicate real-world
became the only male player to by researchers and sport psy- confidence, self-belief and flow. sport psychology is entering performance anxiety and pres-
win three consecutive Austra- chologists as “paying attention I work as part of team that a particularly exciting period sure in a controlled way, allow-
lian Open championships. The in a particular way: on purpose, seeks to evaluate the effect of that will see further opportu- ing progressive and managed
Serbian recently shared that he in the present moment, and both “traditional” mindfulness, nities to help athletes develop exposure to stress.
has “learned the strength and non-judgmentally”. The notion such as sitting meditations, and their resilience and improve This can help the athletes get
resilience to bounce back from is rooted in meditative practic- “active” or “applied” practices, performance under pressure. used to states of anxiety that
adversity”. es in Buddhism, and has drawn such as engaging in mindfulness For example, the growing ac- are typical in high-performance
One of the key characteristics the attention of sport psycholo- while playing sport. We have cessibility and sophistication of sport – and to practise sport
of resilient athletes is their abil- gists in western society over the been researching this in swim- virtual reality (VR) adds anoth- psychology techniques like
ity to focus on the moment. As a last decade. mers, with promising findings in er useful tool. Tennis players mindfulness to manage them,
researcher in high performance Recent research has shown pre-elite athletes, and we plan to and other athletes can be im- in a way that ups their game. ■
and resilience – defined as the that mindfulness training – do the same with elite athletes mersed in virtual performance
“role of mental processes and both sitting and active med- who compete in other sports in- environments where audito- This article is republished
behaviour in promoting personal itation practices – can allow cluding tennis and cricket. ry and visual distractions and from The Conversation under a
assets and protecting an individ- athletes to be present in the Our research has found that pressures can be introduced to Creative Commons license.

‘Life of party’ ..
❰❰ 20 Ponsyana said vlog- tize nun (I stopped vlogging be- loy tuloy la (In September last first, I sounded like an old wom- ay yong mga solid followers ko
ging also allowed her cause I have no steady income year, I did another vlog because I an until I finally found the voice (More bashers, more income
to fulfill her dream of as I could not yet monetize my really missed vlogging. I did not I would use. It was difficult as because they increase my views
becoming an actress. “Pangarap content at that time),” she said. expect that it would be a hit and it took me three years before I and my solid followers are there
ko talaga mag-artista (It was She looked for another job it would continue),” she said. was monetized).” to defend me),” she added.
truly my dream to become an and got one as an office secre- “Adiscover koy voice over And though people already So, what’s next for the funny
actress),” she said. tary. Her passion for creating nen kyen la. Panunto na kwela recognize her on the street and vlogger of Pangasinan?
It was not an easy journey, online content and acting, how- so voice over unaan singa aku- ask for a photo with her, Pon- “Anggad natan panaaralan ko
though, as she disclosed having ever, was just too strong. law anggad inanap kon inanap. sayana said she also has her ni. Say goal ko maka-100,000
to stop making content in 2021. “Last year, September Mairap talaga three years san own share of bashers. followers ayan taon (I am learn-
“Nanstop ak kasi ed saman anunutan ko manvlog ak lalamet aka monetize (I discovered “More bashers, more income ing the craft. My goal this year is
kasi singa anggapoy consistent ta singa makapamiss manvlog. voice-over later on. I also ex- since sila nagpapataas views to have 100,000 followers),” she
income hindi pa kasi ako mone- Agko inaasahan na unpatok tu- perimented with my voice, at and ang nagdidefend na sa akin added. ■
24 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Rising inflation will continue to cause
political headaches for the government,
but also for the Bank of England
BY PAUL WHITELEY, where a monetary phenomenon England is responsible for de- port from economist Claudio Bo- Until then, rising inflation and
University of Essex in the sense that it is and can be termining the Bank’s base rate rio and his colleagues at the Bank interest rates could cause more
The Conversation produced only by a more rapid of interest. This is the most im- of International Settlements, a bankruptcies among financial
increase in the quantity of money portant mechanism for chang- global organisation for central institutions – such as we have
than in output. ing the money supply because banks that aims to promote fi- seen with Silicon Valley Bank and
The Bank of England raised its Monetarism was in vogue it is the basis for so many other nancial stability. They found, for Credit Suisse recently. This is also
main interest rate for the elev- after Margaret Thatcher be- interest rates – savings, mort- example, that the money sup- likely to harm the many business-
enth time in a row to 4.25% at its came UK prime minister in gages and other loans – that ply in the UK started to increase es that rely on banks, not to men-
March meeting. At its previous 1979. But it subsequently went affect how much money people quite rapidly from the beginning tion increasing mortgage costs for
meeting in February the Bank out of fashion, largely because have access to. For example, of 2020 and by the middle of 2021 millions of homeowners.
was optimistic about the pros- the predictable relationship if the committee reduces the inflation took off. They also found Inflation and government
pects for inflation in the coming between money and inflation bank rate, this lowers the cost a similar relationship exists in the popularity
year, saying: “We expect inflation disappeared. An increase in the of credit which has the effect of US and in the Eurozone. Broadly This is bad news for the gov-
to fall quickly this year.” money supply no longer ap- boosting the money supply. speaking, this increase in money ernment because history shows
But in-between times, infla- peared to increase inflation. The recent return of the rela- supply happened when central that the party in power loses votes
tion hit 10.4%, with price in- In the UK, the Monetary Pol- tionship between money supply banks tried to counter the slow- when inflation is high. Low infla-
creases for food and other es- icy Committee of the Bank of and inflation is explained in a re- down in spending caused by the tion appears to have no effect on
sentials rising well above that pandemic. government support, as opposed
rate. This is close to the highest The research also showed that to unemployment, which always
levels for 40 years. The Bank’s the link between money and seems to have an effect.
main tool for tackling this ris- inflation only appears to work The effect of inflation can
ing cost of living is to raise in- when inflation is high. This ex- be seen in the graph below. It
terest rates, but this is starting plains why it disappeared after shows monthly voting inten-
to become harder to do. Thatcher’s time in government tions for the government and
One of the main reasons con- and after the financial crash of the inflation rate from the time
trolling inflation has become 2008 – the rate of inflation was of the 2010 election up to the
more difficult recently could be low at these times. end of 2022.
due to the return of monetar- In the current environment, The chart also shows that in-
ism. This is a theory promoted the Borio report shows that the flation only took off from the
by the economist Milton Fried- Bank of England will have to middle of 2021. In July of that
man in the 1970s. He believed continue raising interest rates year, it was running at 2% per
there was a stable relationship if it is to effectively fight infla- year, but by July 2022 it was
between the supply of money tion. But the relatively long lag over 10%. The link between vot-
and inflation. He explained this over a year before the policy ing intentions and inflation up
in the following terms: Bank of England in Threadneedle Street, London begins to work will take us into
Inflation is always and every- (IT’S NO GAME/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY 2.0) 2024, which is an election year. ❱❱ PAGE 29 Rising inflation will

IMF: China will account for one-third of

global growth in 2023
ANADOLU director of the International Forum in the capital Beijing. the world economy is not all bad economies,” she added.
Philippine News Agency Monetary Fund said on Sunday. According to the IMF analy- as there are some “green shoots,” IMF research also shows
“The robust rebound means sis, a 1 percent point increase in including in China. that productivity-enhancing
China is set to account for GDP growth in China will lead “With such a solid recovery, reforms in China could lift real
ANKARA – China is project- around one third of global to a 0.3 percent point increase China can now build on posi- GDP by as much as 2.5 percent
ed to give a significant boost to growth in 2023 – giving a wel- in growth in other Asian econo- tive momentum and -- through by 2027, and by around 18 per-
the world economy, account- come lift to the world econo- mies, she said. comprehensive policies -- stay cent by 2037 -- growth that
ing for about a third of global my,” Kristalina Georgieva said Although uncertainties are ex- on the growth path towards would be both higher quality
growth in 2023, the managing at the 2023 China Development ceptionally high, she said news of convergence with advanced and more inclusive. ■
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Business 25

Seven likely consequences from the banking

crisis that most people haven’t realised yet
BY KONSTANTINOS LAGOS, medium term that are barely there are hefty bills to pay. would potentially increase the again, there are limits to how
Sheffield Hallam University being discussed yet. For instance the ageing of the money supply and make infla- much assistance can be pro-
The Conversation 1. Weaker bank lending huge baby boomer generation is tion worse than it is already. vided without jeopardising the
When someone borrows putting significant pressure on Inflation has tailed down a fight against inflation.
money, they normally have to healthcare, requiring heavy gov- little in countries such as the 4. Fewer jobs
With four banks down in the pay extra to borrow for a lon- ernment investment into med- US and UK since the peaks of So far, the jobs market in the
US and Europe and at least sev- ger duration than a shorter ical research, healthcare infra- 2022, but is still well above US and also the UK has been
eral more wobbling, we’re cur- duration, because it’s general- structure and extra workers. The the 2% target. If central banks fairly resilient. But if credit be-
rently in the throes of the worst ly riskier to lend further into green industrial policy agenda have to directly support more comes more scarce and there is
banking strife since 2007-08. Ag- the future. But this flips when entails enormous costs too. government borrowing, expect a recession, that situation could
gressive interest rate hikes have investors get nervous about If banks are not willing to buy more upward pressure on pric- change quite quickly.
meant that banks are sitting on the immediate future, which is long-term bonds are readily as es. This in turn will put more 5. Lower house prices
hefty losses on their portfolios of what has happened right now before, the cost of borrowing pressure on central banks to The housing market in the US
government bonds – some US$2 (we say the yield curve has in- will rise at a time when most keep interest rates higher. and UK has also held up quite
trillion (£1.6 trillion) or 15% loss- verted). This points to a reces- governments are already strug- So far, the Federal Reserve well, despite higher interest rates.
es on US banks alone. sion in the coming months. gling with high levels of debt. (the US central bank), has tried But in an environment of pro-
This makes many banks vul- Banks are already reluctant 3. More inflation to minimise the damage by set- longed high interest rates and re-
nerable to the same kind of fund- to lend because they are having Central banks could step ting up a facility to allow banks duced bank lending, house prices
ing problems that brought down to pay more to borrow from one in and buy more government to borrow against their govern- could start falling more sharply:
Silicon Valley Bank – one in ten another at today’s interest rates. bonds directly to provide their ment bonds at book value. In after the 2007-09 crisis, US house
banks are sitting on even greater Therefore the broader economic governments with the neces- just a couple of weeks, US banks prices fell by almost 20%.
losses and tighter funding, put- uncertainty is likely to make it sary funds. Unfortunately this have already borrowed nearly 6. Less consumer spending
ting the lie to any idea that SVB even harder for consumers and is tricky, since such purchases half a trillion US dollars. But With households already
was unusual. There may well be businesses to get credit. In the af- having to find more to cover
potential for further bank runs termath of the 2007-09 crisis, US higher mortgage payments,
as anxious customers withdraw bank lending fell by almost 11% . consumer spending is strug-
their money: US banks alone 2. Government borrowing gling. A fall in house prices and
have over US$1 trillion in un- difficulties a rise in unemployment will
insured customer deposits. All Banks have got into trouble further affect how wealthy peo-
eyes will be on Deutsche Bank from investing in long-term ple think they are, which could
and First Republic to see if they government bonds, supposedly further reduce how much they
can overcome the market jitters one of the safest assets in the are willing to spend.
of the past few days. market, which raises questions 7. The demise of smaller
The Federal Reserve and oth- about to what extent they will banks
er central banks are reassuring be willing to do so in future. To prevent bank runs, gov-
everyone that the financial sys- Governments typically issue ernments could also step in and
tem is sound and bears little bonds of upwards of a year to potentially insure all customer
comparison to 2008. Nonethe- finance longer term or larg- deposits: in the US, for exam-
less, there are a number of fore- er-scale investments, but may
seeable consequences for the find this harder at a time when ❱❱ PAGE 30 Seven likely consequences

The Power of..

❰❰ 18 LBD skater dress and staple in your closet! Personal- dress your t-shirt up by wearing I would go for a quilted leather pair this piece with anything and
pair this with a small ly, I go for the black tailored cig- a blazer over it or wearing it as boy bag or a black crocodile tote. everything under the sun!
black bolero. arette pants which I normally is for a more casual look. And for shades, I’d personally go In conclusion, one definite-
The traditional black blaz- pair with a turtleneck. Black Coat. If, like me, you for the big and bold black shades ly agrees with Karl Lagerfeld
er. Do what the Parisian women Black Turtlenecks. This live in a cold climate, then a channelling Jackie O! Of course, when he once said, “One is nev-
do best: wearing the tradition- classic staple has a deeper black wool coat is a must in- you needn’t go for designer la- er really underdressed or over-
al black blazers! From classic meaning. In the Western world, vestment. Complete your closet bels, but I highly recommend dressed when wearing black.”
tweed to on-trend oversized it symbolises subverting the with classic or edgy coats from sticking with the classic styles Also, always remember this:
styles, a black blazer is definite- norm or being anti-standard. real leather, to wool, to cash- when choosing your shoes, black is not a sad colour. On
ly a wardrobe must-have. For me, I just love the cosiness of mere or even glam it up with handbags and shades. the contrary, it is exciting, poet-
Classic black suit. A sharp- it and one can’t help but channel faux fur! Black leggings. Even when ic, graceful and grown-up! Hap-
ly tailored black suit is the epit- Audrey Hepburn’s character, Jo Black shoes, handbags, you hit the gym or do some py shopping in black! ■
ome of formal elegance. You Stockton in Funny Face! shades. Complete your black sports, you must have the classic
can’t go wrong on this! Both Black T-Shirts. Never un- essentials by having black shoes, black leggings. American Joseph Matte Laurel-Zalko is a former
women and men can choose derestimate the true power of handbags and shades. For shoes, Shivers deserves a round of ap- restaurateur and hotelier, a moth-
from Classic Fit, Executive Fit, a black t-shirt. There’s strength I tend to favour the tall riding plause for inventing the Lycra er, a wife, a health and wellness
Slim Fit, Modern Fit & Skinny in simplicity. You can go for ei- boots, a classic pair of black bal- fabric that is used to making aficionado, food and wine enthu-
Fit. I say go for all of it! ther the crew neck or the V-neck let flats, and the elegant leather these slim, stretchy activewear siast, a dog-lover, and lifestyle col-
Black trousers for men and style (which is most flattering stiletto for evening or daytime pants! Leggings are so comfort- umnist exclusively for Philippine
women. Another must-have for all body types) and you can wear. With regard to handbags, able to wear and you can even Canadian Inquirer (PCI).
26 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

We’ve been connecting brains to
computers longer than you’d expect.
These 3 companies are leading the way
BY SAM JOHN, The and other animals to devel- were considered “serious”. 2019, it became the first compa- The benefits must outweigh
University of Melbourne op communication pathways. Apart from communication ny to be approved for clinical tri- the risks
The Conversation The first device implanted in a applications, BrainGate has als in Australia. Then in 2020 it The history of BCIs reveals
human was developed by Jon- also achieved robotic control became the first company to re- the immense challenges in-
athan Wolpaw in 1991, and al- for self-feeding. ceive FDA approval to run clin- volved in developing this tech-
Since it was founded in 2016, lowed its user to control a cur- 2. UMC Utrecht ical trials using a permanently nology. These are compound-
Elon Musk’s brain-computer sor with their brain signals. The University Medical Cen- implanted BCI – and finally did ed by the fact that experts still
interface (BCI) company Neu- Advances in machine learn- tre in Utrecht, Netherlands, was this with a US patient this year. don’t fully understand the links
ralink has had its moments in ing through the years paved the first to achieve fully wireless Synchron’s approach is to by- between our neural circuitry
biotech news. the way for more sophisticated implanted BCI technology that pass full brain surgery by using and thoughts.
Whether it was the time Musk BCIs. These could control com- patients could take home. blood vessels to implant elec- It’s also unclear which BCI
promised his “link” would let plex devices, including robotic Its device uses electrocorti- trodes in the brain. This mini- features consumers will prior-
people communicate telepathi- limbs, wheelchairs and exoskel- cography-based BCI (ECoG). mally invasive approach is simi- itise moving forward, or what
cally, or when the whole compa- etons. We’ve also seen devices Electrodes in the form of metal lar to other stenting procedures they’d be willing to sign up for.
ny was under investigation for get progressively smaller and discs are placed directly on the routinely performed in clinics. Not everyone will happily opt
potentially violating the Animal easier to use thanks to wireless surface of the brain to receive Synchron’s device is placed in for an invasive brain procedure
Welfare Act, the hype around connectivity. signals. They connect wireless- the brain near the area that con- – yet the systems that don’t re-
Neuralink means it’s often the Like many newer BCI devices, ly to a receiver, which in turn trols movement, and a wireless quire this collect “noisy” data
first mental reference people Neuralink has yet to receive ap- connects to a computer. transmitter is placed in the chest. that aren’t as efficient.
have for BCI technology. proval for clinical trials of its in- Participants in a clinical tri- This transmitter then conveys Answers will emerge as more
But BCIs have been kicking vasive implant. Its latest appli- al that ran from 2020 to 2022 brain signals to a computer. devices gain approval for clini-
around for much longer than cation to the US Food and Drug were able to take the device Initial clinical results have cal trials and research is pub-
you’d expect. Musk’s is just one in Administration was rejected. home and use it every day for shown no adverse effects and a lished on the results.
a growing list of companies dedi- There are, however, three no- about a year. It allowed them to functionality of 14 characters Importantly, developers of
cated to advancing this technolo- table groups conducting clini- control a computer screen and per minute using both the BCI these technologies must not
gy. Let’s take a look back at some cal trials that are worth keeping type at a speed of two charac- and eye tracking. Results were rush through trials. They have a
BCI milestones over the past de- an eye on. ters per minute. not reported for BCI use alone. responsibility to be transparent
cades, and forward to where they 1. BrainGate While this typing speed is Although its device efficiency about the safety and efficacy of
might lead us. Founded in 1998 in Massa- slow, future versions with more could be improved, Synchron’s their devices, and to report on
An expanding sector chusetts, the BrainGate system electrodes are expected to per- approach means it leads the them openly so consumers can
Brain-computer interfaces are has been around since the late form better. way in achieving a low barrier make informed decisions. ■
devices that connect the brain 1990s. This makes it one of the 3. Synchron (originally for entry. By avoiding the need
with a computer to allow the user oldest advanced BCI implant SmartStent) for full brain surgery, it’s help- This article is republished
to complete some kind of action systems. Its device is placed in Synchron was founded in ing to bring BCI implantation from The Conversation under a
using their brain signals. the brain using microneedles, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. In closer to being a day procedure. Creative Commons license.
Many high-profile companies similar to the technology Neu-
entered the BCI field in the 2010s, ralink uses.
backed by millions of dollars in BrainGate’s devices are prob-
investment. Founded in 2016, the ably the most advanced when
American company Kernel be- it comes to BCI functionality.
gan by researching implantable One of its wired devices offers
devices, before switching to focus a typing speed of 90 characters
on non-invasive techniques that per minute, or 1.5 characters
don’t require surgery. per second. A study published
Even Facebook gave BCIs a in January released results
go, with an ambitious plan to from data collected over 17
create a headset that would let years from 14 participants.
users type 100 words per min- During this time there were
ute. But it stopped this research 68 instances of “adverse events”
in 2021 to focus on other types including infection, seizures,
of human-computer interfaces. surgical complications, irrita-
First contact tion around the implant, and
Developed in the 1970s, the brain damage. However, the
earliest BCIs were relatively most common event was irrita-
straightforward, used on cats tion. Only six of the 68 incidents
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Technology 27

Should the US ban TikTok? Can it?

A cybersecurity expert explains the risks the
app poses and the challenges to blocking it
BY DOUG JACOBSON, Iowa I’ve noted that every few years account information and pro- The second issue that the U.S. Amendment concerns. The bot-
State University a new mobile app that becomes file image – that are concern- government has raised is algo- tom line is that an absolute ban
The Conversation popular raises issues of security, ing. This information includes rithm bias or algorithm manip- will be tough to enforce.
privacy and data access. location data, data from your ulation. TikTok and most social There are also questions
Apps collect data for several clipboard, contact information, media apps have algorithms de- about how effective a ban would
TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew reasons. Sometimes the data is website tracking, plus all data signed to learn a user’s interests be even if it were possible. By
testified before the House En- used to improve the app for us- you post and messages you send and then try to adjust the content some estimates, the Chinese
ergy and Commerce Commit- ers. However, most apps collect through the app. The company so the user will continue to use government has already col-
tee on March 23, 2023, amid a data that the companies use in claims that current versions of the app. TikTok has not shared lected personal information on
chorus of calls from members part to fund their operations. the app do not collect GPS infor- its algorithm, so it’s not clear how at least 80% of the U.S. popula-
of Congress for the federal This revenue typically comes mation from U.S. users. There the app chooses a user’s content. tion via various means. So a ban
government to ban the Chi- from targeting users with ads has been speculation might limit the dam-
nese-owned video social media based on the data they collect. that TikTok is col- age going forward
app and reports that the Biden The questions this use of data lecting other infor- to some degree, but
administration is pushing for raises are: Does the app need all mation, but that is the Chinese govern-
the company’s sale. this data? What does it do with hard to prove. ment has already
The federal government, the data? And how does it pro- If most apps col- collected a signifi-
along with many state and for- tect the data from others? lect data, why is the
What data privacy risk cant amount of data.
eign governments and some So what makes TikTok differ- U.S. government does TikTok pose? The Chinese govern-
companies, has banned TikTok ent from the likes of Pokemon- worried about Tik- ment also has access
on work-provided phones. This GO, Facebook or even your Tok? First, they wor- – along with anyone
type of ban can be effective for phone itself? TikTok’s privacy ry about the Chinese else with money – to
protecting data related to gov- policy, which few people read, government access- the large market for
ernment work. is a good place to start. Overall, ing data from its 150 personal data, which
But a full ban of the app is the company is not particularly million users in the fuels calls for stron-
another matter, which raises transparent about its practic- U.S. There is also a concern about The algorithm could be bi- ger data privacy rules.
a number of questions: What es. The document is too long to the algorithms used by TikTok to ased in a way that influences a Are you at risk?
data privacy risk does TikTok list here all the data it collects, show content. population to believe certain So as an average user, should
pose? What could the Chinese which should be a warning. Data in the Chinese gov- things. There are numerous you worry? Again, it is unclear
government do with data col- There are a few items of in- ernment’s hands allegations that TiKTok’s algo- what data ByteDance is col-
lected by the app? Is its content terest in TikTok’s privacy poli- If the data does end up in the rithm is biased and can rein- lecting and if it can harm an
recommendation algorithm cy besides the information you hands of the Chinese govern- force negative thoughts among individual. I believe the most
dangerous? And is it even pos- give them when you create an ment, the question is how could younger users, and be used to significant risks are to people
sible to ban an app? account – name, age, username, it use the data to its benefit. affect public opinion. It could in power, whether it is politi-
Vacuuming up data password, language, email, The government could share it be that the algorithm’s manipu- cal power or within a compa-
As a cybersecurity researcher, phone number, social media with other companies in China lative behavior is unintention- ny. Their data and information
to help them profit, which is no al, but there is concern that the could be used to gain access to
different than U.S. companies Chinese government has been other data or potentially com-
sharing marketing data. The using or could use the algo- promise the organizations they
Chinese government is known rithm to influence people. are associated with.
for playing the long game, and Can the government ban The aspect of TikTok I find
data is power, so if it is collect- an app? most concerning is the algo-
ing data, it could take years to If the federal government rithm that decides what videos
learn how it benefits China. comes to the conclusion that users see and how it can affect
One potential threat is the TikTok should be banned, is it vulnerable groups, particularly
Chinese government using the even possible to ban it for all of young people. Independent of
data to spy on people, partic- its 150 million existing users? a ban, families should have con-
ularly people who have access Any such ban would likely start versions about TikTok and oth-
to valuable information. The with blocking the distribution of er social media platforms and
Justice Department is inves- the app through Apple’s and Goo- how they can be detrimental to
tigating TikTok’s parent com- gle’s app stores. This might keep mental health. These conver-
pany, ByteDance, for using the many users off the platform, but sations should focus on how to
app to monitor U.S. journalists. there are other ways to download determine if the app is leading
The Chinese government has and install apps for people who you down an unhealthy path. ■
an extensive history of hacking are determined to use them.
U.S. government agencies and A more drastic method would This article has been updat-
corporations, and much of that be to force Apple and Google to ed to indicate that TikTok CEO
hacking has been facilitated by change their phones to prevent Shou Zi Chew testified before
social engineering – the prac- TikTok from running. While Congress on March 23, 2023.
tice of using data about people I’m not a lawyer, I think this This article is republished
to trick them into revealing effort would fail due to legal from The Conversation under a
more information. challenges, which include First Creative Commons license.
28 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

DOT: Bicol ready to welcome
visitors this summer
BY CONNIE CALIPAY to make sure that they are in guides of DOT are now ready to
Philippine News Agency compliance with the DOT stan- serve local and foreign visitors.
dards and guidelines. I issued I think the tourism industry in
a memorandum to different Bicol Region is ready for this
LEGAZPI CITY – The Depart- tourism offices in the region to summer season,” Aguas said.
ment of Tourism in Bicol (DOT-5) monitor their respective areas He also encouraged tourists
has assured local and foreign tour- with regard to compliance,” to check and validate whether
ists that summer destinations and Aguas said. the services offered to them are
different establishments in the He also said the agency is co- accredited by DOT.
region are now ready to welcome ordinating with different local “We want our travelers and
and serve visitors. government units (LGUs) to visitors to be safe and enjoy
In a phone interview on Mon- ensure their preparedness, par- their stay in the region, just
day, DOT-5 Regional Director ticularly with regard to the Lent in case something happened,
Herbie Aguas said they have observance next week and the although we hope not, we can Vinzons, Camarines Norte, Philippines
evaluated accredited hotels, re- summer season. help them to pursue charges
sorts, restaurants, and tourism “We want the LGUs to have and liabilities from the estab- of whales already started, the tourists,” he added.
farms to ensure that the tour- Disaster Risk Reduction Man- lishment,” he added. white beach of Caramoan in Ca- Meanwhile, the Sorsogon
ists will have a comfortable and agement (DRRM) ready for the Aguas said he expected the marines Sur, surfing beaches of Tourism Office will launch the
safe stay in Bicol. summer events. Resorts and number of tourist arrivals in Bicol Bagasbas in Camarines Norte “Beautiful Sorosgon” branding
“As the restrictions for beaches must have lifeguards, to double this summer season. and in Baras, Catanduanes, the on March 31, featuring tourist
Covid-19 are lifted, we are al- farm tourism owners must “We are already monitoring upcoming Rodeo festival of destinations that will be uti-
ways reminding the owners of have safety measures particu- numbers of visitors in Donsol, Masbate, the black beaches and lized for marketing and pro-
different establishments, ho- larly terrains and signages in Sorosgon for the whale shark farm tourism in Albay. Also, the motion initiatives locally and
tels, and resorts in the region their areas. Accredited tourist interactions since sightings Mayon Skyline for pilgrims and internationally. ■

Marathon promotes potential of highest

mountain in Panay
BY ANNABEL CONSUELO ral resources that we could be mountain marathon recog- The lone district represen- Larry Apolinario who won the
PETINGLAY proud of,” Lomugdang said in nized and funded by the Philip- tative said the marathon was first Philippine Trail Running
Philippine News Agency an interview on Monday. pine Sports Commission. inspired by Iraynon-Bukidnon Association (PHILTRA) Na-
The mountain marathon has tional Championship on Feb. 26
three categories to include the in Bontoc, Mountain Province.
SAN JOSE DE BUENAVIS- 15-kilometer, 25-kilometer and Also present in the event was
TA, Antique – The first Moun- 42-kilometer events. local ultramarathoner John
tain Marathon sporting event While traversing the trail, the Ray “Stingray” Onifa who light-
has promoted the tourism po- participants saw the preserved ed the urn that signaled the offi-
tential of Culasi town, particu- and protected greeneries, Lo- cial start of the competition.
larly its Mt. Madja-as, the high- mugdang added. Rogen Aguirre won the 15-ki-
est peak in Panay island. From the foot of Mt. Mad- lometer category and bagged the
The marathon event on ja-as one could already see the PHP6,000 prize; Randolf Gon-
March 25-26 gathered 389 islands of Mararison and Bat- zales won the 25-kilometer with
sports enthusiasts who con- batan of Culasi that boast of PHP8,000; while Onifa won the
quered Mt. Madja-as, also the their white sands. PHP15,000 prize for winning
second highest mountain in Antique Representative An- the 42-kilometer category.
the Visayas with an elevation of tonio Agapito Legarda, in his The event was organized by
2,113 meters above sea level. message during the March 25 the Iraya Adventure Group, a
“Through the mountain mar- opening, said he intends to hold group of mountaineers in Pan-
athon, we were able to show the event annually as part of his ay island, while prizes were
that Culasi has many unex- sports tourism advocacy. provided by the office of Sena-
plored tourism sites and natu- He also planned to have the Mt. Madja-as as seen from Aklan. (GIBOUGH/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY-SA 4.0) tor Loren Legarda. ■
FRIDAY MARCH 31, 2023 Travel 29

Visa reforms to accommodate more

Chinese, Indian tourists
BY JOYCE ANN L. agreed that this is a “very oppor- “Chinese outbound tourism to students from Japan, South would study the recommenda-
ROCAMORA tune” time for Manila to ease will surpass 2019 levels by 2024 Korea, Taiwan, China, as well tion and come out with an im-
Philippine News Agency visa processes for its nations as and therefore, time is of the as emerging markets Mongolia, mediate feedback.
Indian travelers visiting South- essence for the Philippines to Thailand, West Asia, and Russia. A cap was imposed on visa
east Asia “could potentially be ensure that the ease with which The country is anticipating issuance for Chinese tourists
MANILA – The Department looking at a new destination.” Chinese citizens can come 139 ports of call for cruise tour- due to the previous surge of
of Tourism (DOT) is working China, meanwhile, remains into the Philippines can be ap- ism with over 117,000 passen- Covid-19 cases in China.
with other government agen- a coveted market for the Phil- proved,” she said. gers pegged for 2023 alone. The meeting was also attended
cies to ease entry for tourist ippines, which recorded more Frasco said revenue losses Support for reforms by Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin
source markets, particularly than 1.7 million Chinese visi- could reach USD2.51 billion “if The agencies, for their part, Remulla, Undersecretaries Brigi-
India and China. tors prior to the pandemic. the difficulties in obtaining visas vowed to look into the matter do Dulay and Jose Cadiz Jr., and
At a high-level convergence Citing reports from airlines, is not immediately addressed.” and expressed their support for Assistant Secretary Jose Dominic
meeting on Friday, Tourism Frasco said Philippine consular “Airlines and charter opera- the proposed reforms on the Clavano IV; DICT Undersecre-
Secretary Christina Frasco dis- posts in China have issued advi- tors have already approached us country’s special markets, cit- tary David Almirol Jr.; Presiden-
cussed with the heads of the sories “limiting the acceptance expressing grave concern of the ing, at the same time, the need to tial Management Staff Assistant
Bureau of Immigration, and of visa applications per day present limitations. According “balance legal requirements,” in Secretary Montano Nazario Jr.;
Departments of Foreign Affairs, from only around 60 to 100.” to them, they may not be able accordance with the law. BI Commissioner Norman Tans-
Justice, and Information and This is compared to the av- to increase the flight frequen- “The DICT (Department of ingco; DFA Executive Director
Communications Technology erage of 508 to as high as 2,704 cies that they are very much Information and Communica- Christian De Jesus and Director
the need for “visa reforms” to Philippine visas issued per day prepared to resume due to low tions Technology) will definite- Leilano Feliciano; DOT Under-
address tourism bottlenecks. in China prior to the pandemic. passenger numbers and airfares ly put it as one of our priorities secretary Shahlimar Hofer Tama-
Citing China and India’s po- “Of our low target of half a and travel packages may become to support the Department of no, OIC-Undersecretary Verna
tential to bring in more travel- million Chinese coming into the too expensive and therefore, not Tourism and the Department Buensuceso, Assistant Secretary
ers, she said government agen- Philippines, we would need to is- competitive,” she added. of Foreign Affairs,” DICT Secre- Maria Rica Bueno, and OIC-As-
cies must explore the provision sue 1,704 visas per day. If we are Education, cruise tourism tary Ivan John Uy said. sistant Secretary Warner An-
of electronic visa (eVisa) to to target the medium scenario of The DOT also recommended DFA Assistant Secretary drada; and Tourism Attaché for
their nationals. a million Chinese into the coun- the simplification of process Henry Bensurto Jr. said they Shanghai China Rene Reyes. ■
Based on DOT data, at least 58 try then we would need to issue requirements for Waiver of Ex-
percent of the total Indian visi- 3, 409 visas per day,” Frasco said. clusion Ground and exemption
tors were repeat travelers, hence “If we are to target two mil- of qualified students to apply
the necessity to exert effort to lion Chinese coming to the for Special Study Permit for the
sustain and increase their entry. Philippines and which is the de- English as a Second Language
India, the DOT noted, has ris- sired target of the Department (ESL) industry.
en from being an opportunity of Tourism, then we would Further, it asked concerned
market for the Philippines to an need to issue 6,818 visas per day agencies to revisit the draft and
important market source, rank- for a total of 1.8 million visas in make final inputs for finaliza-
ing eighth among top foreign a year, which is not too far off tion, as well as the digitaliza-
visitors in 2022 with 51,542. from the 1.5 million issued in tion of the platform and making
“We are the only country 2019,” she added. it an e-Landing Permit amid the
that presently does not provide The DOT stressed that Chi- resurgence of cruise tourism.
the convenient electronic visa na’s sizable population trans- In 2019, Austria-based re-
for Indian nationals. This is a lates to massive opportunity for search market specialist Bonard
huge market that the Philip- the Philippines, considering the has identified the Philippines as
pines has yet to explore,” Frasco 2019 data that it has the largest the fifth largest ESL provider in
said during the meeting held at number of outbound tourists the world, with around 70 per-
a hotel in Makati City. all over the world at 160 million cent of the whole ESL industry in
Indian Ambassador to the Chinese citizens traveling to the country based on the island
Philippines Shambhu Kumaran various countries. province of Cebu, which caters

Rising inflation will.. PH athletes in..

❰❰ 24 to July 2021 – before course, following Liz Truss’s di- could be facing a politically toxic ❰❰ 23 “That’s the big chal- at saka nadagdagan (It’s some-
this increase started – sastrous tenure in 10 Downing combination of high inflation and lenge: how can we at- how tough, but because of our
was nonexistent. After Street, Conservative voting inten- high unemployment, known as tain the fourth-place athletes’ fighting spirit and the
that, it became a problem for tions crashed, as the chart shows. “stagflation”. While the Bank of standing or better than that?” increase in number) from 600
the government (this point is This period contributed to the fall England makes interest rate de- Tolentino said. to 800, we might [still finish in
marked on the graph above with in Conservative voting intentions, cisions independently of the gov- Despite losing some slots, it fourth],” Tolentino said.
a vertical red line). along with rising inflation. ernment, whatever it does is likely is still considered a blessing as The POC earlier said 257
Just as the money supply only This also puts the Bank of En- to influence the next election. ■ the POC was initially targeting sports officials and coaches
affects inflation when the latter gland in a tricky position. If it only around 600 athletes going would join the Philippine team.
is high, it is also true that infla- overdoes interest rate rises, it This article is republished to Phnom Penh. The SEA Games will formally
tion only affects support for the could create a recession. On the from The Conversation under a “Medyo mahirap, but dahil begin on May 5, but some events
government when it is high. Of other hand, if it does nothing, we Creative Commons license. sa fighting spirit ng atleta natin will start as early as April 29. ■
30 MARCH 31, 2023 FRIDAY

Frozen and tinned foods can be just as
nutritious as fresh produce – here’s how
BY GUNTER KUHNLE, peas lose about half of their vita- foods prior to freezing. This ly after being degraded by heat. frozen produce, such as peas,
University of Reading, min C within the first two days also inactivates the natural en- In contrast, vitamin A loss sweetcorn and broccoli, which
KESHAVAN NIRANJAN, after harvest. Similar losses are zymes in the foods, preventing is much lower during canning keep many of their nutrients
University of Reading observed in broccoli and beans. further nutrient loss. since it’s more stable against even after a year in storage.
The Conversation There are many reasons why Thermal processes (such as heat. In fact, more vitamin A is The same applies to other
these nutrients are lost after canning and blanching) can lost during the freezing process. compounds present in foods.
harvest. First, exposure to light themselves lead to some inevita- Important nutrients For example, polyphenols – nat-
The ongoing cost of living and air can initiate a chemical ble nutrient loss. But the extent Though some nutrients can be ural compounds found in most
crisis and fruit and vegetable process called photo-oxidation, of this loss depends on the foods lost during the blanching, freez- fruits and vegetables, some of
shortages have left many people which causes nutrients to break and the nutrients they contain. ing and canning processes, in which have been linked to better
worrying about how they’re go- down. In addition, natural en- Canning generally leads to many cases the foods still retain heart health – can be preserved
ing to get these important foods zymes present in foods can also a much higher loss of some more important nutrients than for longer through freezing.
in their diet. Yet in spite of this, break down the nutrients. Mi- nutrients than blanching and they would if picked just before Ultimately, while there may be
many people may still avoid fro- croorganisms from soil, air and freezing. This is because it em- peak ripeness and shipped to some differences in the nutrients
zen and tinned produce in the water can also find their way into ploys higher temperatures and their destination supermarket. available in fresh versus frozen
belief that fresh produce from foods and feed on the nutrients. harsher processing conditions, For example, research shows or tinned produce, no one type of
the supermarket is better. But the methods used to with most fruits and vegetables that the vitamin content of fro- food is significantly better than
However, not only can fro- freeze and can foods both pre- needing to be boiled in water zen blueberries is comparable the other. Well, in most cases.
zen and tinned produce be just vent spoilage and lower the before being sealed. – and sometimes even higher – The exceptions include lyco-
as nutritious as fresh fruits and amount of nutrients lost from Carrots, for example, lose than that of fresh blueberries. pene in tomatoes, the compound
vegetables, in some cases they the product, as they stop these very little vitamin C during And while tinned peaches that gives tomatoes their red co-
may actually be more nutritious. processes in their tracks. freezing. But they can lose a may lose some nutrients during lour, which is actually higher in
Some people shy away from Canning involves adding significant proportion of their the canning process, there’s canned tomatoes than fresh to-
frozen and tinned foods because heat into foods – typically us- vitamin C during canning be- then virtually no change in their matoes. There are several reasons
they’re technically classified as ing temperatures between 120- cause it’s a water-soluble vita- nutrient levels even after three for this – such as the high tem-
“processed foods”. While these 140℃ to preserve them. Even min – meaning that it’s easily months in storage. The same is peratures used during canning
foods may include preservatives, though foods are only subject- broken down in water, especial- true of many other canned and helping release more lycopene.
these ingredients are tightly ed to these temperatures for a And since it is linked with a low-
regulated and have no adverse few minutes at a time, this in- er risk of cardiovascular disease,
effect on health. Not to mention activates certain enzymes and you may want to consider buying
that the preservation processes destroys most microorganisms, canned tomatoes instead – or can-
used to prevent these foods from preventing the food from spoil- ning fresh tomatoes yourself.
spoiling are actually the reason ing while ensuring many im- Frozen and canned fruits and
they’re able to maintain so many portant nutrients aren’t lost. vegetables are a great way of
important nutrients. Freezing, on the other hand, getting the nutritional benefits
Nutrient quality removes heat from the food. of fresh produce without break-
Fruits and vegetables begin to By lowering its temperature ing the bank. And in the midst
lose nutrients as soon as they’re enough that the water in the of our current food shortages,
picked. They can lose up to half food freezes (around -20℃), they can be a more accessible
of some nutrients within a cou- this slows down the chemical and longer-lasting option. ■
ple of days of being harvested. reactions that occur in food –
Vitamins such as vitamin C again, preventing important This article is republished
are especially susceptible to be- nutrients from being lost. It’s from The Conversation under a
ing lost after being picked. Green also common practice to blanch Creative Commons license.

Seven likely consequences..

❰❰ 25 ple, customers’ mon- This is why US treasury sec- you make them safer than the sumers would then have fewer will need to come down to help
ey is only safe up to retary, Janet Yellen, recently smaller banks – indeed, they banks to choose from and could protect banks, which may mean
US$250,000, while in said this wasn’t an option, ex- already have tougher funding end up paying higher prices for that we have to live with higher
the UK it’s £85,000. The prob- cept maybe for big banks whose requirements in the US. financial services or have less inflation for longer than most
lem with extending this pro- collapse could pose a systemic The danger is that more and access to financial products. people were expecting. ■
tection is that it would be both risk – meaning it could threaten more customers move their This all points to tough choic-
expensive and difficult to get the entire global banking sys- money to the bigger banks, es ahead for governments and This article is republished
past politicians since it means tem. Yet if you give greater de- making it more likely that the central banks. At the very least from The Conversation under a
rescuing wealthy people. posit protection to these banks, smaller banks collapse. Con- it looks likely that interest rates Creative Commons license.
MARCH 31, 2020
JULY 17, 2023 cx328



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